Frozen Flame (Male Child Read...

By ChrisReiniger

260K 3.6K 3.6K

Good or evil. Life or death. Light or dark. Living or dying. None of those mattered to (y/n). For as long as... More

Prologue: Meeting her
Chapter 1: New home
Chapter 2: Mother's gambol
Chapter 3: Setbacks
Chapter 4: Changes
Chapter 5: The vacation
Chapter 6: Transfer
Chapter 7: Mine
Chapter 8: Ice cold
Chapter 9: Liar liar slutty dress on fire
Chapter 10: The festival begins
Chapter 12: Moving on
Chapter 13: Armed and ready
Chapter 14: My kitties
Chapter 15: Haven
Chapter 16: I like trains
Chapter 17: Advent of death
Chapter 18: Welcome to Argus
Chapter 19: The misadventure of (y/n)
Chapter 20: Atlas
Chapter 21: Choices
Chapter 22: Mommy
Chapter 23: Home
Chapter 24: Broken
Chapter 25: Is it bad to be good?
Chapter 26: Is it good to be bad?
Chapter 27: Mommy part 1
Chapter 28: Mommy part 2
Chapter 29: Blake's big day
Chapter 30: Cinder's day part 1
Chapter 31: Cinder's day part 2
Chapter 32: The end
Chapter 33: Extra

Chapter 11: The fall

6.2K 103 65
By ChrisReiniger

(y/n) POV

"Please don't dangle me over the edge again." I said, "Just don't get in my way." Adam said, "He wont cause he's going to be by my side." Mommy said, "I wanna help Mommy!" I said, "Aww honey that's sweet and all, but it's dangerous." She said, "But Mommy it's dangerous to go alone!" I said, "The worst part is he doesn't know how right he is." Emerald said, "Then I'll go with Mommy and everyone else can go with Adam." I said as I started to walk off, "Oh no you don't!" Adam said as he picked me up, "PUT ME DOWN!" I yelled as I flailed around, "You'll be coming with me." He said as he jumped off the roof with me.

"LET ME GO! I WANT TO GO WITH MOMMY!" I yelled, "You're going to learn what it means to be a real man (y/n). I doubt your mother can or ever will teach you what I will." Adam said, "TAKE THIS!" I shouted as I punched him with everything I had and upon impact there was a squeak, "What was that?" He asked, "I don't wanna talk about it." I said. "(y/n) watch this." He said as he tossed me a scroll playing the one on one fight. "Hey that's Penny and Pyrrha." I said, suddenly Penny was ripped into quarters, "PYRRHA'S A MAGICIAN!" I shouted, "How so?" He asked, "She turned Penny into quarters." I said, "Good thing this isn't real." I said, "Hey bud see the thing that says live in the corner?" He said, "Yeah?" I said, "That means it's happening right now." He said, (glass shattering), "WHAT!" I shouted, "And three, two, one." He said, "This was not an accident." mommy said as a black bishop appeared on the scroll, "Ok that's the signal let's go." He said as he tossed me a sword.

"What am I supposed to do with this?" I asked, "Isn't it obvious?" He asked, "Kill anyone who gets in your way." He said, "N...No that's wrong." I said, "Wrong." He laughed, "Kid your mom is the one who put this plan together." He said, "SHUT UP!" I yelled, "MY MOMMY WOULD NEVER HURT ANYONE!" I cried, "Oh really? then who are they?" He said as he pointed at people being chased by grimm, "She let them in. All these deaths are on her." He said, "STOP IT!" I cried as I slashed at him, "MOMMY WOULDN'T DO THAT! YOU'RE LYING TO ME!" I yelled as black flames shot from my eyes, "Oh now I get why she keeps acting like a mother. It's all just to keep you under her thumb and appease you." He laughed, "There's nothing more dangerous than a child with your power." He said, suddenly the sword he gave me melted and a blade made of black fire formed in it's place.

"Die!" I said as I slashed at him, he dodged and once he did I threw the blade into the ground and ran as a wall of flames rose behind me.

'I have to find Mommy!' I thought as I ran, "(y/n)?" A woman said, "LUCY!" I shouted as I ran to her, "Sweetie wheres your mother?" She asked, "I...I don't know." I cried, "Ok sweetie, let's go to the docks." She said as she sheathed her sword and picked me up.

"Lucy I'm scared." I said, "I know sweetie. I know." She said as she ran.

Cinder POV

"Today is a good day. I found Amber, I killed Amber. I run into Ozpin, I killed Ozpin. Now to finish up here and go go spend time with my baby boy." I said as I flew up the elevator shaft. Suddenly a sword came flying at me. "Oh good another victim." I said as I blocked the sword.

(y/n) POV

"LUCY!" I shouted as I tried to pick up a gun that was too big for me to shoot a member of the white fang who was about to stab her.

I decided to give up on the gun and decided to freeze him and hung hm upside down, "Thank you sweetie, but how did you do that?" Lucy asked, "Magic." I said, "Ok whatever. We're under a lot of stress right now so I'll let you have this one." She said as she picked me up and ran off. 

Lucy POV

"Lucy I want Mommy." (y/n) said, "I know you do sweetheart." I said, 'I'm positive the woman on that message was Cinder, and when I find her she better have a damn good explanation for all this!' I thought, "Lucy is Mommy going to die?" He asked, "No, no of coarse not honey! Why would you think that?" I asked, "Because she caused this." A man said from behind us, "Adam." (y/n) said coldly.

Cinder POV

"You know Pyrrha I actually liked you...up until you lost my son." I said, "Wait your son?" Pyrrha said, "Yes (y/n) isn't my brother he's my son, and like any mother I was prepared to kill you right then and there when I found out that you lost him. YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW BADLY I WANTED TO DO IT TOO, but I didn't." I said as she attacked, "Just give up hun you cant beat me. Just give up and go back to that looser boyfriend of yours." I said as I blocked her attacks.

"Honestly honey this is pathetic at this point." I said as I swatted away her shield, I then noticed that all the gears from the destroyed room were floating. Suddenly her shield came back and knocked me down allowing her to cover me in the gears. "OK! Now I'm mad!" I said as I blew away all the gears one of which hitting her into a remnant of a wall. "She's gonna get back up." I said as I made a glass bow and drew an arrow, and just as predicted she got back up and threw her shield at me. I shot the arrow at the shield and made it shatter and reform around it hitting her in the achilles tendon, "It's a shame you were offered a power that never truly yours, but take comfort in knowing that I will use it in was you could never imagine." I said, Do you believe in destiny?" Pyrrha asked, "Yes." I said as I drew an arrow and shot her in the heart.

(y/n) POV

"I WONT LET YOU HURT LUCY!" I shouted, "And who will stop me?" Adam asked, "I will." I said coldly causing him to laugh, "Ok kid then you're going to have to kill me." He said as he kicked me into a building, "(Y/N)!" Blake shouted as she grabbed me and pulled me away from Adam before he could stab me, suddenly he kicked her into a wall causing me to hit my head knocking me out.

"I'm sorry." Blake cried as I slowly regained consciousness, "Blake?" I said groggily as she picked me up and ran off. 

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