A Star is Born - Elias Samson

By ThatWriterGirlWWE

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Elias has always been a solo act but an unexpected call-up from NXT was about to change that. Neither of them... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1: Lady Marmalade
Chapter 2: Stay
Chapter 3: Crazy
Chapter 4: A Whole New World
Chapter 5: Nutshell
Chapter 6: Sex on Fire
Chapter 7: The Beautiful Ones
Chapter 8: Acapella
Chapter 9: Like a Star
Chapter 10: Don't Know Why
Chapter 11: La Vie en rose
Chapter 12: Hello, I am Elias
Chapter 13: Secret Lovers
Chapter 14: Summer Nights
Chapter 15: Shallow
Chapter 16: Until The End of Time
Chapter 17: Reunited
Chapter 18: Million Reasons
Chapter 19: 7 Rings
Chapter 20: Change the World
Chapter 21: Acapella (The Remix)
Chapter 22: We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together
Chapter 24: Love Shack
Chapter 25: Happy Birthday
Chapter 26: Killing Me Softly
Chapter 27: Don't Stop
Chapter 27.5: Heart of Gold
Chapter 28: I Will Always Love You
Chapter 29: Island in the Sun
Chapter 30: Beat This Heart
Epilouge: Thinking Out Loud
Bonus Chapter: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

Chapter 23: She Will Be Loved

776 29 1
By ThatWriterGirlWWE

Alaina was bent over doing seesaw rows with kettlebells. The swell of her cheeks under the leggings was tempting. I whistled as I approached her from behind. "Damn, what a view!"

"Do I look like Liv to you?" she snapped, trying to play hard to get while doing a very bad job of it by bending lower than before.

"No, and I'm glad because you're prettier."

"Beauty is subjective. All three of us are ugly as fuck to someone out there," she strained out before dropping the kettlebells."I don't know about you but that's it for me."

"Yeah, I just wrapped up. Let's hit the showers," I followed her as she led the way.

"Where are you going?" she paused before pushing the door open.

I motioned to the sign on the wall. "It's a co-ed locker room."

"That explains a lot," she rolled her eyes. "I was wondering why you picked this random gym over Gold's or LA Fitness. And before you get any ideas, we're going to be in front of others so keep your eyes, hands or comments to yourself because in there I'll have female witnesses to back up my sexual harassment claims if I decide to take it to trial."

Despite everything that's occurred over the last week, we were getting along. I didn't want to ruin our friendship because it was better having her in my life as a friend than not at all but deep down it was killing me. Although I enjoyed our relationship I think I was in denial about how dysfunctional things were but still now, more than ever, I was determined to work my way back into her life and try to fix things. The last few days on the road proved that she still wanted me even through her glares, eye rolls and hair flipping.

After stopping at the hotel to check in, we arrived at the arena at around 3.

"Lay, I know that I've been an idiot and I know why you ended things. I can tell you all I want that things will be different next time but that's not going to be enough, at least not for someone like you. I have to show it. Show you that you can trust me and that I will bend over backwards for you if I have to."

She sighed and I could already tell that my plea fell on deaf ears. "Elias, I hear what you're saying but how is this going to work?"

"I don't know, but we'll figure it out. Just give me another chance and if I fuck this one up, you can kick me to the curb for good."

"I already kicked you to the curb for good," she leaned back against the headrest and closed her eyes. "I'm sorry but relationships are meant to be joyful and being with your other half should make you feel happy, secure, warm, fuzzy and all that other crap inside. I did feel that way when I was with you but there was also this emotional rollercoaster of intense ups and downs. I don't want to sit around wondering when the next time something's going to go wrong between us. I'm just kind of over it right now and you need to respect my decision."

"I'll try but I won't make any promises," I knew it wouldn't be easy this time and I have a lot of damage control to do. I'll have to grovel and appear contrite for a while which won't be hard because I am.

"You're going to keep trying, aren't you?"

"Yes," I admitted.

A tiny ghost of a smile, but a smile nonetheless tugged at her lips before quickly disappearing. "You're a dick, you know that, right?"

"I am well aware of this and I embrace it. It's a big one just in case you need a reminder," I wink.

"No, it's impossible for me to forget when Liv has been reminding everyone of it all damn weekend!" she got out of the car and slammed the door.

"So, Elias, I just left catering and the 'tea' in the women's locker room is that you and Liv have been messing around," Big E confronted me before I had both feet in the door. I'm honestly surprised it took this long to make it to our locker room. There was no point of denying it if Liv herself is the reason it spread.

"Messing around would imply that it's a regular occurrence," I replied.

"But what about you and Alaina?" Kevin asked. "What happened?"

"I'm sure someone in here's guess would be just as good as mine," I said pointedly, hoping the guilty party was present.

"So, how was it?" Dolph asked.

"I honestly don't remember and if I could, I don't care to talk about it," especially with a leak potentially sitting here in this very locker room. My relationship with the guys hasn't been the same since I found out about it. I constantly found myself looking around at everyone with a sense of deep paranoia, not knowing who to trust. Everyone was a suspect so I'd rather say nothing at all. Why take the risk of saying something, no matter how innocuous and having it misconstrued and carried back to Alaina.

"Liv's a babe so if you can't remember, my best advice is to try it again and again until you do," was Dolph's reply.

"Eh, I think I'm good," I unzipped my bag to start getting dressed. All talent had to be on stage for the town hall to kick off the show.


"You were great out there," I complimented Liv when she made it back to the locker room. No, I wasn't being shady or fake. Even though she lost (it was Charlotte, who expected her to win) she had a great showing. She seemed emotional and I knew the feeling after my own solo debut a few weeks ago.

"Thank you!" she beamed. "We have to go out after the show to celebrate with our boy."

This is where the fakeness reared its ugly head as I smiled and nodded. "I don't know but we'll see. Speaking of our boy, I have to go find him."

It was time to play valet again. Elias went out to challenge Kofi followed by Randy. Those two as well as Samoa Joe were going to take on the New Day in a tag match. Randy took the win for the heel team.

"You actually looked really decent tonight..."

"Wow, I must have because you didn't even compliment me when we were together," he chuckled.

"Don't let that go to your head, 'kay?"

"It already has..." he smirked. "In other news, the Liv situation has made it to the men's locker room now."

"Great! They know that you had me and now her. Good job, guitar playing pimp," I sarcastically replied.

"I didn't really entertain it. The only thing I'm focused on right now is getting you back," he hugged me from behind, resting his chin on top of my skull. I noticed right away that he was erect so when he said it went to his head, he definitely wasn't referring to the one on his shoulders. It felt great being back in his arms and I found myself leaning back into him. "I'm crazy about you and you know I am. I would not be groveling the way I have the last few days if I wasn't."

"Elias, get off! What if someone sees us, especially with this Liv situation on our, no, your hands."

"I don't give a fuck..."

"Clearly, but I do," I said, shrugging him off. "It's over between us and the sooner you accept this, the better off you'll be. You're only making this harder for both of us!"

Being addicted to someone is no different than any other addiction: cigarettes, drugs, alcohol or sex. Breaking ties with the person sends you into a period of withdrawal and agony. The thought of being without Elias was scary and over the last few days I've tossed and turned restlessly at night missing him like crazy. No wonder so many weaken during recovery and fall back into the same trap over and over...and over again. Not this time.

I handed Elias my bags as he loaded them into the trunk. We heard rapid footsteps, running and coming closer.

"Wait!" Liv called.

I could see the exhausted, annoyed expression on his face and I'm sure mine mirrored it. I hated how nice she was. It would've been so much easier for both of us to get rid of her if she was a bitch. If we tried at this point, we'd look like the bad guys despite her being the one who forced herself onto us.

"Are you guys hitting up the bar that everyone's talking about?" she asked.

"Uh...how about some other time. I'm kind of tired from my match and I just want to lay it down," he answered.

"You can lay it down on me anytime," she giggled. Even though we weren't going to the bar, she still opened the passenger door.

I climbed into the backseat and listened to her and Elias discuss her big moment tonight.

"My adrenaline was pumping so hard when I made it backstage and now that energy has converted itself to horniness. If Alaina wasn't back there I'd lean over this armrest and suck your dick..."

"Oh, don't mind me, Liv. Don't mind me at all," I snickered.

It was dark but I could see the shadow of her hand slowly creeping across. Apparently, Elias saw it too as he abruptly turned a hard left without turning his signal on. We cut someone off and they violently blew at us. I wasn't wearing a seatbelt so I was thrown against the window.

"What the hell was that?!" I exclaimed.

"Where are we going?" Liv inquired.

"We're hitting up that bar that everyone was talking about," he replied.

"I'm the one who told you about it and you said that you were tired and just wanted to lie down. What's changed?"

"I need a drink, now."

"Count me out. Just drop me off and the hotel and you two can come back," I said.

"Come on, Alaina. You never want to do anything fun," Liv said. "Geez, Elias, how did you ever get along with Madame Buzz Kill back there?"

"Alaina and I get along better than most actually," he defended.

"Just a few minutes ago Elias didn't want to go but I guess you don't want to fuck me so I get the boring label."

"Ohh, you're a lesbian. That makes so much sense," Liv replied.

"What? No, I'm probably straighter than you but I was making a point...that went over your head just like everything else," I mumbled the last bit under my breath.

Immediately, I separated myself from them and found a stool at the bar to sit on before ordering a drink.

"Hey!" Finn approached on my left side.

"I'm not speaking to you right now," I mumbled.

"What did I do?"

"No, it's what you didn't do and that's warn me about Elias."

"Warn you? About what?"

"That he had a plan set in motion in the locker room to use me for his own selfish gratification," I replied.

"Oh, that," he cringed.

"Yeah, that," nodding, I snorted. "Explain yourself."

"I know Jeff and he's not really like that. In my honest opinion, he was just talking crap. If he was serious about it, the way you two were at each other's throats, I didn't think it was possible for you to have anything going on besides a restraining order. Then, when it became obvious that it happened, you both seemed happy, so what was the point? If it makes you feel any better, he never did a follow up to that moment or bragged about sleeping with you. Even when asked, he'd change the subject," Finn explained. "Look, I don't know what this thing is with Liv but he's in love with you. No, he's never told me this but I can tell because he has this look in his eyes whenever you're around...you have the same look in relation to him as well. He's attractive so he gets attention from other women inside and outside of WWE but it's like no one exists besides you."

"If all of that were true there wouldn't be a thing with Liv but thanks for trying to save him," I sighed.

Finn tilted his head. "Wait, who told you about what went down in the locker room?"

"That's not really important, now, is it?"

"Wow," Elias appeared behind us, glaring at Finn. "I should've known."

"What are you talking about?" I was confused and Finn seemed to be as well.

"I'm talking about Fergal here pulling a snake move behind my back. The only reason a man would fuck over a colleague on a personal level like that is if he's trying to plot on his girl...and look what we have here."

"Stop! I'm pretty sure Finn is engaged."

"If he's so engaged, what's he doing huddled close over here with you damn near whispering in your ear?" Elias asked in an accusatory tone.

"Maybe because we're in a bar with loud music and that's the only way I'd hear him unless of course, he yelled like you're doing right now! You were really going to beat up the nicest guy in the locker room because he was simply talking to me? I'm sure that would've gone over well with the boys in the back. He was actually trying to vouch for you literally seconds before you walked up."

"How do you even know he can beat me up?" Finn asked, offended. "Just because he's jacked doesn't mean he can fight."

"I'm not sure how a level-headed Elias can defend himself but do you not see that rage in his eyes? If I had to bet, I'd put my money on him," I replied, before addressing Elias. "You need to calm down because what's done is done and it's not that serious."

"Oh but it is. I know you can't relate because most of you in the women's locker room secretly hate each other and won't hesitate to spread gossip on one another but in the men's locker room, even if we don't all get along, there's this sense of brotherhood and an unspoken rule that what happens there, stays there. Whoever he was broke the guy code and deserves to be kicked out of the locker room."

"He's right," Finn agreed with a nod of affirmation.

"You too, Finn? Really?" scoffing, I shook my head. "The guy code is a myth made up by men for men to protect men from being held accountable for their bullshit."

"And that's my cue to leave," Finn said, excusing himself.

"Your turn," I told Elias. "I need some alone time with my thoughts and please don't embarrass yourself again the next time you see a guy talking to me. If it was anyone other than Finn, you could've ended up with major heat in the locker room for coming at him the way you did."

"I'll give you your alone time but please try not to give yourself alcohol poisoning while I'm away," he grumbled.

I turned around on my stool so I could face the floor. Surprise, surprise, Elias was leaning against the wall on the other side of the bar, staring. That's when I noticed the song, Maroon 5's She Will Be Loved.

'Tap on my window, knock on my door, I want to make you feel beautiful. I know I tend to get so insecure, it doesn't matter anymore. It's not always rainbows and butterflies it's compromise that moves us along. My heart is full, and my door's always open you can come anytime you want. I don't mind spending everyday out on your corner in the pourin' rain. Look for the girl with the broken smile, ask her if she wants to stay awhile. And she will be loved, and she will be loved. And she will be loved, and she will be loved.'

Our eyes were glued to each other as we shared this moment. Even without words and separated on either side of the room, we understood each other. Our thoughts were entwined as we longed for each other, our hearts beat as one, our souls were joined together.

Suddenly, he broke eye contact and that's when two arms slid around his neck with Liv swaying in front of him. Reluctantly, his hands clamped around her waist. I could tell he didn't want to dance with her but with so many people around watching it would be rude to reject her. This was being done in my face so he moved them out of my line of vision.

"Yikes," the voice next to me commented. When I turned it was Dolph on the stool next to me.

"Leave me alone before I report you for cyber stalking," I threatened.

"You can't prove anything. My identity was never revealed in the exchanges," he replied.

"No, but I'm sure the proper authorities can trace it back to your device," I shot back.

"Do you actually think I used my own phone? I'm smarter than that," he retorted.

"You think so, huh? Dude, you're pushing 60 years old and seem very proud of yourself for trolling online like a teenager. Get a life," I snorted.

"Wow, you seem more upset with me than your joke of a boyfriend. Oh, sorry, ex-boyfriend who has gone so far down the drain that he'll never be taken seriously. He's trash inside and out of the ring," Dolph ranted. No one, I repeat, no one talks shit about Elias...except me.

"Let's not shade the career of someone who's just getting started. You on the other hand have been in WWE for 40 years and even had a preshow match at the very first Wrestlemania back in 1985 but I can't think of one memorable thing you've ever done besides a cash in and that was more because of the post-Mania crowd's rowdiness than you. You occasionally put on an above average match but nothing spectacular. Wasn't stealing the show one of your catchphrases at one point? Well, I can't name a classic Dolph Ziggler match, not one. You moonlight as a standup comedian, yet your comedy and snarky comments still suck. You're like the abortion of Shawn Michaels and Billy Gunn. You disappear for months at a time, and no one cares or thinks 'hmm, where's Dolph.' You can't even tan properly, orangy!" I hissed venomously in response, my gaze murderous.

"You're really mean...I like it," he smirked. "I read worse than that on Twitter each day."

God, I should just let Elias have this asshole but even if the locker room was okay with a rat being sniffed out, management still existed and there were backstage rules and etiquette that had to be followed. I couldn't risk him getting in trouble especially over Dolph who wasn't worth it.

"Once again, get a life and fuck off forever," I jumped down from my stool and walked away.

Wading through the crowd of bodies, I tried to find Elias. It wasn't hard when I saw flashes of pink hair flying around in the mix. Liv was practically humping him as she bent over grinding her ass into his crotch as he stood there like a lifeless statue.

When he spotted me standing there, he quickly backed away.

"Are you ready to go?" he asked.

"Are you?" I tried to muster a smile through the pain.

There were two rooms that separated us on our floor. We glanced at each other as we fumbled around for our keys. Finding mine, I waved it over the sensor until it unlocked.

Holding the handle of the door, I hesitated, looking over at him. "Well, goodnight."

Elias did the same, pushing his door open. "Good..."

He was interrupted by Liv ducking under his arm to enter the room. His chest rose and fell with a heavy sigh as he looked at me. "...night."

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