Letters to authors

By ally46

8 1 1

This is an idea that I've been think of for a while now. I am an avid read and enjoy the process of dreaming... More

Dear Ned,

8 1 1
By ally46

Hello, I hope your doing well wherever you are. It really does suck that you couldn't find anymore reasons to hang around this old plant. I do get it thought, this world can be a real shitty place sometimes.

I wonder if having fans and admirers mattered to you. Was that something you wanted out of life but never thought you'd get? Or did you not want to be bothered by crazy strangers. If that was what you wanted then you have at least one solid, hardcore fan on your side. And if that wasn't what you had in mind than I apologize. I don't think fame is for everyone. Personally I think it would be extremely hard and tiring.

Did these thoughts come into your head when you throw yourself off that building? If not these thoughts then what? I guess I'm going to have to do a little more research to see if there's anymore information on your suicide. I read somewhere that you had a new baby son not short before you offed yourself. Does that mean that family wasn't enough to make you stay. What if it isn't enough to make us all stay.

I was very shocked when I found out that you were no longer alive. I had learned a lot from Craig. I thought you did too. I suppose those life lessens can only carry you through so much until they lose their drive and motivation.

Anyways back to me becoming aware of your death. Right after I finished It's Kind of a Funny Story I Googled the rest of your books because I thought you were a pure genius and I wanted more. I saw that you had semi-recently published a book last year. I thought that this was good news and the placed all your books in my virtual shopping cart. Of course I didn't purchase them then because I'm broke. (and only 15 with no job) Then I went about my day. It want until later then I went to find and follow you on Instagram that I realize you might actually be dead. I saw a few R.I.Ps on your Instagram so I then again hopped onto the trusty Goggle and look to see what the deal was. There is was - Ned Vizzini commits suicide.- I really wish you didn't die. I saw a couple post claiming that you were to be the next big thing.

Anyways, bye for now

- Ally

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