By Jujulicious555

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✨️Diamond is in an Abusive relationship with Jacques. She feels like her life is over but there's always a li... More

5😇Lunch Date😇
6😈unexpected sex😈
7🤔M.I.A🤔(missing in action)
10😁New Member😁
11😱Unexpected visitor😱
12😎The title😎
13😋The penthouse😋
14😁The surprise😁
15😓Did you miss me😓
16🫡Shooting Range🫡
17🍔The cookout🍔
18🫣The Stop🫣
19🫢Gut Feeling🫢
23😟Mommy's Girl😟
26😞Goodbye sex😞
27😣The betrayal😣
32🤩Phone Call🤩
33🥸Home sweet home🥸
34😭Wrong timing, baby😭
35😪Face to Face😪
36😖Make up and Break up😖
38😢The Burial😢
39 🔥Hookup🔥
💥BOOK 2💥


130 3 5
By Jujulicious555

Diamond's POV

"Jacques, I'm sorry!" I cried out in pain as he continued delivering a storm of punches to my face.

"When I'm done with you, you won't dare refuse giving me that pussy ever again!" He stood up and grabbed a thick leather belt from the bed, lashing it across my body.

My screams echoed in the room, and desperation filled the air, realizing that no one could come to my rescue.

He began whipping me with it. My body was literally on fire, I was screaming for dear life but I knew no one could come and save me. The pounding on the door and the cruel sound of the belt against my flesh drowned out everything else.

"Ahh!" I screamed, attempting to escape but, he yanked me down by my hair.

Kicks to my ribcage followed, and my vision blurred as pain consumed me. I couldn't really see much from my left eye cause it was swollen but what I could see from my right eye were stars.

I felt breathless, slowly slipping into unconsciousness until a punch on my lip jolted me back.

That was the most painful shit I've ever felt!

How did I not see this side of him before?

"Jacques! You better open this fucking door now!" Deontei's voice cut through the chaos.

Deontei is Jacques' older brother and he's the only one Jacques respects other than their mom. Jacques stood up and walked out of the room, and I curled my half naked body into a ball, helpless against the searing pain.

It hurts so bad.

Jacques really wasn't like this the time we met. He automatically changed when I turned 20, the aggression, temper, jealousy and possessiveness consuming him. I couldn't leave the house, he stopped me from seeing my friends and family.

Let me tell y'all about my family!!

I don't know my dad cause he left us when I was very young. My mom disowned me cause I started dating Jacques so I started living with my best friend/sister Janelle.

Janelle is my best friend, she was friends with Deontei so one day she threw a party and Jacques came along with Deontei.

Jacques was the one that approached me, he was the one that made the first move. Jacques entered my life through Deontei at a party, and everything changed.

I don't deserve this at all! I don't deserve this torment, I chose Jacques over my mom, but the love i offered turned into brutality.

"Diamond!" I heard a panicked person say. "Diamond look at me!"

I slightly opened my eyes and saw Deontei. I also saw Aunt Mary crying from the corner of the room which caused me to start crying myself.

"Please stop crying Diamond." Deontei said.

"Look what he did to you." Aunt Mary cried out.

"Mom would you please stop crying cause you're making everything worst." Deontei angrily said.

"Deontei." Aunt Mary said with a shaky voice. "She is somebodys daughter.......what will you do if Jacques kills her?"

I couldn't even focus on the conversation cause the pain was excruciating.

"I will not let this happen ever again." Deontei said to his mother but all she did was whip.

"You said that the last time but it happened again." She sniffled. "She doesn't deserve this."

"Diamond." Deontei softly said. "Diamond don't close your eyes ma, you need to stay awake."

I felt so weak but I tried my best not to let the darkness consume me. "Mom, help me take her to the bathroom." Deontei said.

From the corner of my eyes I saw Aunt Mary walking out of the bathroom. Deontei tried helping me get up, I let out a piercing scream from the pain that went through my body.

"You can't expect her to walk Deontei, carry her." Aunt Mary commanded.

I really love this woman. She has loved me as a daughter from the very first time she met me.

She said she had a good feeling that I would help Jacques change from his bad ways but I guess her feeling was wrong.

I shuddered in Deontei's arms as he walked me into the bathroom. He slowly placed me in the bathtub and I let out a painful wail when the water touched my body.

"It's okay Diamond." Deontei tried comforting me. "I'm calling Doctor Banjeri right now."

He then walked out.

I feel so humiliated and ashamed. This is like the 5th or 6th time Deontei is seeing me half naked and I can tell it's killing him cause I'm his brothers girlfriend, it's not right for him to see my boobs are private areas all the time and he mostly sees it cause he is always the first to rush in when Jacques is done.

I quietly sobbed with my head laying on my arm which was resting on the edge of the bathtub.

"Please stop crying my daughter." Aunt Mary said on the floor leaning on the bathtub.

"I'm just trying to figure out what I ever did to Jacques." I cried. "Am I wrong for loving him."

"It's okay baby." She cried along with me. "It breaks my heart to know that I'm the one that birthed this monster which is basically ruining your life."

"I want to hate him Aunt, I really want to hate him and kill him but I can't." I sobbed. "My heart is disappointing me cause I can't help but continue loving him."

"It's okay." She tried comforting me but that didn't stop me from crying.

"Why do I still love him Aunt." I cried out.

After my mom disowned me Jacques became my only family and I think that's what got to his head.

The fact that he is the only one that I have made him feel like he had power over me and me not having a family made me more vulnerable.

He knows I have no one and nowhere to go, that's why he's treating me this way.

"I would advice you to run away but I don't want you to go through that situation ever again." Aunt Mary sighed.

When things started getting unbearable with Jacques I tried running away. One of my friends Kimberly who is part of Jacques's gang tried helping me escape.

She distracted the guards as I climbed out the window and ran into the woods.
I ran for an hour straight until I reached a road which led to some patrol station.

The man working there was so kind to give me a place to rest inside but when night time came, Jacques and his guys found me.

On our way out of the station I saw the man's lifeless body laying in his own pool of blood with multiple gunshot wounds.

I knew that was all Jacques. He always told me that if I ever try to run away he will find me and kill the person that tried to help me.

When we got back to his house he beat me black and blue. I woke up after 5 days with a concussion, broken leg, busted eardrum and lots more.

It took years to completely recover and during those years the beatings never stopped.

If someone owed him money or stole his drugs all that anger finished on my body, I was his personal punching bag.

I feel like he enjoys seeing me cry, he enjoys seeing me in pain and after every beating we won't speak for weeks or days, it depends on how bad the beating is.

Everytime he hits me he gets a lecture from his mom and the silent treatment from Deontei and me which kills him so he tries making it up to me with sex or gifts.

But ever since he raped me I lost all desire for him. He forcefully took my virginity but I forgave him but when he continued forcefully having sex with me which is rape, I lost all desire for him.

And stupid me never stopped loving him cause I continuously thought of who he was when we first started dating. "Can I please have a mirror." I spoke, taking deep breathes to stop the tears.

Aunt Mary handed me the mirror, I took a good look at my face and I couldn't help but cry.

"You all always tell me how beautiful I am but all the beauty will vanish if he continues ruining my face like this." I sobbed.

My heart is completely shattered, I just want to feel numb. I don't want to feel at all but I can't go numb. "Please stop doing this to me Janelle." Aunt Mary cried. "Please stop torturing yourself."

"Look at what your son has done to me." I cried. "Look at my face, look at my body."

Never in a million years did I ever imagine myself getting abused. If only I could've listened to my mom.

She never liked Jacques but I never listened, she always told me that Jacques reminds her of my dad.

My mom always told me stories about my dad, she said she never wanted me to end up with a guy like him that's why she always told me about him.

Once he beat my mom to a pulp she was in coma for 3 months. Mom said she finally mastered up the courage to file a report against him.

The worst night of my moms life was when she was 5 moths pregnant, my dad beat her up and stabbed her in her stomach and that was when he ran away.

Thank God the neighbors heard the ruckus or else mom would've died. Mom told me that she lost 3 kids all because of the beatings and rapings.

If only I listened to her.

I was so caught up with the thug life and the way most thugs I knew treated their ladies. They would treat their ladies like the Queens they really are and that just got to me so when I met Jacques and he treated me well, I fell for him.

My mom said it's better for her to disown me than to worry about my well being in the arms of my boyfriend. "I should've listened to my mom." I hiccupped. "I wish she can forgive me."

I looked at myself in the mirror again. I had a busted lip, a black eye, my left cheek was swollen, my nose looked broken, I had a cut on my eyebrow, my neck was cut open on the side.

All in all I looked like a monster.

About 10 minutes later Aunt Mary finished cleaning me up but that did not stop the bleeding from certain parts of my body.

I slowly got up which sent shock waves through my body. The pain was real that it brought tears to my eyes.

Aunt Mary helped me step out of the bathtub. I slowly limped back into the room, refusing to look at the full body length mirror.

I limped to my closet and pulled out a black gown cause black hides blood stains better.

I walked passed the dry blood which was on the floor exactly where Jacques was beating me up.

The room was a disaster. There was broken glass which was from the 2 lamps her used to smash on me, the new TV he bought cause the other one got ruined from the same situation was smashed too.

There is bloodspots literally everywhere, this room looks like a murder scene. My thoughts got interrupted by Dr Banjeri and Deontei quickly walking in.

"Oh God!" Dr Banjeri sighed. "Again."

"Please help her." Deontei begged.

"You are lucky you lied to me that she fainted cause if I knew it was about this crap, I wouldn't have come." He spoke with so much anger.

I understand his frustration. This is the 6th time he's coming here because of the same issue.

"What your brother is doing is doing to this young girl is not fair, he can kill her." He exclaimed. "This is the 6th fucking time I'm coming here all because of the same issue.''

"Banjeri keep your voice down cause if he overhears you, you'll be a dead man." Deontei whispered.

"If he wasn't working with the police I would have definitely reported him cause this is abuse." Banjeri spoke frantically.

"Oh my God!" Kimberly yelled from the door. "Look at what he did to you." She cried.

"Kimmy, stop." Deontei sternly warned Kimberly.

Kimberly and Deontei low-key like each other but they're in denial. This has been going on for like 2 years now, I just hope Deontei treats her right if they do workout.

Dr Benjeri started applying some ointment on my skin, I flinched a couple of times and gave up when he continued cause he still has a long way to go.

Dr Benjeri soon finished and left without saying anything to anyone. I could see the hurt and disappointment in his eyes as he applied the ointment on my body.

"Do you want me to get you anything darling?" Aunt Mary asked.

"No." I answered as tears escaped my eyes.

I was laying on the bed with my stomach flat on the bed cause my back was swollen from the belt marks.

"I think we should let her rest cause Dr Benjeri gave her some strong painkillers which will make her sleepy." Deontei spoke up.

They later left me to a dark room, it wasn't completely dark cause the bathroom lights were on.

A knock sounded on my door but I didn't bother saying anything. "Sorry to disturb you ma'am, Ms Kimberly sent us to clean up the room." The maid said.

I didn't say anything instead I closed my eyes and let sleep consume me.

"Diamond." I heard Kimberly call out to me.

I opened my one eye which wasn't shut from the beating. "Jacques said I should bring you something to eat." She smiled pointing at the food she was holding.

I shook my head. "I'm not hungry." I closed my eye.

"Please Diamond." She begged. "Just eat a little bit."

I sighed. "I think he broke my jaw Kimberly cause when I tried fake chewing before I slept, the amount of pain I felt wasn't normal so how do you expect me to eat?"

She looked at me with sad eyes.

"While the whole gang was eating and enjoying, he didn't eat anything cause he wanted to make sure that you ate." She said. "He loves you you know?"

Hearing her say that completely pissed me off. "He doesn't love me Kimberly, don't ever say that again." I eyed her. "Look at me right now, I can barely see you, I can barely sit up cause my whole body is in pain, I can barely breathe cause it's painful, i could feel my head pounding while I was asleep, do you call that love?"

I saw a tear run down her face. Kimberly hates the way Jacques treats me but she tends to act nonchalant cause she knows I'm already suffering and I don't need more sadness in my life.

"And you know what the worse part is?" I sniffled. "He'll come in during bedtime and apologise to me then life goes on or maybe apologise and have sex with me while I'm in pain."

Hearing myself say that made me break down. What has my life turned into? Is this really who I've become?

I had a whole life ahead of me, i planned to do great things in my life but look at me now.......I'm on a bed crying like a baby.

"I'm sorry." Kimberly whispered then got up and left with the food as tears ran down her face.

I'm tired! I'm tired of being abused, I'm really tired!

It finally got late cause Jacques walked into the room. I've legit been crying for like an hour now, my heart is just in shambles right now.

I could hear him taking a shower. Thank God I'm facing the other way or else I would've been obliged to turn with my aching body.

Snot was running down my nose so I took the cloth Kimberly left for me and wiped my nose. He finally got out in a matter of minutes.

I was expecting him to get into bed and start apologising as usual but he didn't. I could hear him pacing up and down but not saying anything until he left.

What the fuck is going on?

What happened?

He didn't try apologising, he didn't try making small talk, he didn't try having sex, what the actual hell is going on?

I sighed closing my eyes and falling asleep again.



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