Alex Wayne

By Bateve

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My name is Alexandra Martha Crest Wayne. I hate how long my name is. I prefer to be called just Alex. For som... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Author's Note
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Author's Note
Author's Note
Chapter 21
Author's Note
Final Update

Chapter 18

105 2 0
By Bateve

After I left Cade's place, I had the brilliant idea to go to the dojo. I think instincts just kicked in and told me to go here. I always felt safe here even if this is literally the most unsafe area to live in. It's weird how Gotham can make you feel safe one place and scared to death the next.

I take my time to look around the familiar surroundings. I could tell you every memory of this place that I have. The dummy in the back corner without it's head is the first time I ever tried a round house kick. It's also the first time I ever destroyed a dummy before. I really shouldn't be using this time for reminiscing. I should be using it to find Mara and end this.


I found Jenna's laptop. I would've thought she'd taken it with her to Japan. It's ironic isn't it. Our physco aunt is from Japan and Jenna went there as an exchange student. I starting to wish that she didn't go. I don't have have anyone else to talk to about this. I can't talk to Uncle Ted because he's being held against his will with Mara. My so called "family" wouldn't even understand my feelings at all. I can't talk to JJ or Cade because they also wouldn't get it. The only person who would is Jenna and Mom. And one of them is six feet under the ground and the other is miles away.

I open the laptop and type in the password. It's a simple password. It's the name of Jenna's girlfriend. The password really doesn't matter. What does matter is that I find Mara.

I know at some point Bruce would have put a tracker on her. But I doubt that Mara wouldn't notice it. Unless she wants me to find her. Which I know she does so she can get what she came for. So she would have kept the tracker hoping that I would try to follow Batman to find her. What she doesn't know is about the fight and that Batman would probably care to find me more than her. Which gives me an advantage. That's kinda messed up if you think to long about it.

I get to work on tracker Mara. It shouldn't be too hard to hack into the Batcave. Which is ultimately going to reveal my location. At this point I don't care if I reveal myself. I just have to end this before Mara gets what she wants. Cause sooner or later she will. I doubt she wants to be waiting anymore.

Outside POV

The only thing Bruce needs is to see the location. It doesn't matter that Alex is hacking into the Bat computer. All that matters is that he finds her.

It doesn't take long for him to be in the Bat mobile. It doesn't take long for Nightwing, Robin, and Red Hood to join in. They all know what Alex is planning. What they don't know is that Alex has inticapaited it all.

Alex's POV

I'm right. I know I'm right. As soon as I found her it went dead. She finally decided to take off the tracker. She most likely crushed it. No matter to me. I know where she is and I intend to find her. She's at Uncle Ted's place. I never would've expected her to be there. I bet Bruce didn't either. Hiding in plain sight. She's smart I'll give her that.

It pains me to do so, though. But I don't have to time for to dwell on it. I have to get out of here. No doubt that he's on his way. I have fifteen minutes to get out of here. I would have longer but there's no way the Bat mobile obeys traffic laws.

I have to move fast. I grab the closest weapon to me. Well technically I break the glass to get to the closest weapon to me. It's a katana. Perfect, the one weapon that makes me want to throw up every time I look at it. It was supposed to passed down in Grandma Karen's family. That's really the only thing I knew about Grandma Karen. Aside from the fact that she died when Mom was pregnant with me after being M. I. A. for a long time. Apparently it brought together all of the siblings. I bet that's how Mom got the list.

I look back at the laptop. I have ten minutes left. Already wasted five minutes, can't afford to waste any more. I shut the laptop even though I know it won't help. I doubt it will keep him from finding me. He's going to find and try to stop me no matter what.

I take one last look around the dojo before leaving the way I came in.  Which was through a window. I forgot the keys back at the manor. I shut the window trying to make it seem like I was never even here. I look at the katana in hand and run off to Uncle Ted's place.

Outside POV

Late. Bruce knew he was late. She was already gone. If Bruce didn't know any better it would look like she was never even here. Except for the fact of the broken case and the missing sword. Bruce could only assume it was.

Soon a low whistle could be heard.

"If I didn't know any better I would assume that we were trying to track Batman," Jason says.

"Yeah. She reminds me of you, Bruce. She's definitely smart and has the skill to make it seem like she wasn't even here," Dick says.

"All the more reason she should be able to catch Mara herself," Damian chimes.

Bruce turns to Damian and says,"You know we can't let her do that."

"And why not? I still don't understand the reason she shouldn't be able to catch her mother's killer. I doubt she will actually kill Mara. She's not a killer. And it's pretty obvious that she will never have a "normal" life," Damian retorts.

"Again we still have to try. I have no doubt that she won't kill Mara. I don't deny that she has skills. I just want to fulfill her mother's last wishes."

"Is that really all there is? You just trying to fulfill a last wish? Or is it that you want to protect her at all cost?" Jason asks.

"I do want to protect her just as I want to protect all of you," Bruce says.

"And yet we all prance around in costumes beating up the bad guys. And some of us have died. I'm not saying that your not protective. I'm just saying that your not that good at it. Do you not want her to turn out to be one of your failures like us?" Jason asks.

"None of you are failures. The only failure is me for not protecting you all," Bruce says.

"Bruce you did your best. We all know that you did. We don't hold our deaths against you. Well most of us. We all knew what we were getting into. I think that Alex knows as well yet she still wants too. She wants to get justice. She has the skills and the drive for it. We shouldn't be stopping her. We should be helping her and training her to do it. If anything that has happened has taught us it's that she wants this. And I think we just have to accept the decision. I know your not thrilled to hear this but it's the truth," Dick says.

"Grayson is right. Crest...Alex chose to go after Mara. I think we don't stand a chance if we get in her way. She is an adequate fighter who could more or less beat Todd and Grayson up," Damian says.

"That was the nicest thing that you probably have ever said about Alex. I'm so proud of you," Dick coos.

"Shut up, Grayson. I was merely stating facts. That doesn't mean that I like her. As far as I'm concerned I'm still an only child," Damian says.

"How?!" Jason asks.

"You are all lost children that father has collected. I, on the other hand, am his blood child. Alex is just a person who unfortunately shares DNA with me," Damian says.

"So you mean that she's your sister. Cause that's how it works. You share DNA with someone I makes them your relative. You, Damian are not a only child," Jason says.

Before Damian could say anymore Dick says,"I found something."

"What is it?" Bruce asks.

"I know where Alex is," Dick says.

He shows the laptop to Bruce. It shows that Alex is at Ted's place. Meaning that Mara is there as well. They all know where they are headed next. Bruce hopes he makes it in time.

The whole way there he thinks about what they said. Everything they said made sense. He couldn't dispute any of it. Alex really won't have a normal life no matter what. She already knows the truth of everything. He has nothing else he can hide or protect her from. So the question on his mind is. Should he let her become a vigilante?

Alex's POV

I hear slow clapping as I enter the living room. Mara's mocking smile widens as she sees me. I see Uncle Ted bloodied and tied to a chair. As soon as he sees me he goes pale. He mouths the words "run away" at me. I ignore the words and look him in the eyes. Telling him that I will not run away.

"Really? Slow clapping? How cliche are you going to get?" I ask.

Mara's grin falls off her face. I smirk a bit. Only Uncle Ted can see that I am. I turn to face Mara fully. I look her in her cold gray eyes. She seems tense. Even though her body language doesn't convey that. Well you know what they say. The eyes are the windows to the soul and your discomfort. I made that last part up.

"I'm not cliche in the least bit. I doubt any of your "cliche" "villains" could master any of what I have," Mara says.

"Your right. I don't think they could master the level of narcissism that you have," I say.

I see Mara snarl. It feels nice to know that what I say can get to her. It shows that I can hurt the monster. That two can play her mind manipulating games.

"Enough of your snark child. I assume your here to rescue Ted? To try and beat me? Perhaps even kill me? I doubt your father would be too fond of that. You know his rule don't you? Or do you just not care?" Mara asks.

"For the record I could care less about my father at this point. I don't care about his rules. We're playing by mine now. I intend to beat you and kill you so you can't hurt anyone ever again," I say.

"Put your money where your mouth is, child."

"Oh I intend too," I say.

I pull Grandma Karen's sword out in front of me. I get into a defensive position. Mara watches me without interest. Finally she lets out a dry laugh. I'm unsettled at the thought of Mara laughing.

"You sure that's a good idea, child?" Mara asks.

"You do remember the last time you challenged me? I do believe that it didn't go quite in your favor," Mara says.

"Yeah well it will this time. By the end of this one of us will be dead. Spoiler alert it's going to be you," I say.

"You must be a fool to be rushing towards your death," Mara snaps.

"I'm many things but a fool isn't one of them. Don't think that I didn't prepare myself for this fight. I spent plenty of time honing my skills," I say.

I'm not lying. I really did spend the time I wasn't talking to anyone training. I didn't expect that I would be fighting Mara today but I was prepared for this fight. There was no way that I wasn't going to get my rematch.

"I'll be the judge of that. Say your prayers child. Cause your going to need them. I'm going to send you to the world of the dead. Say hello to your mother while your down there," Mara says.

I want to slice her head off right now. How dare she even mention my mother? The bitch is going to get it. No matter what happens, I will kill her. Batman, God, or whoever will not be able to stop me.

"Well? Get on with it. I don't exactly have all day, do I?" Mara asks.

"You want me? Come and get me," Mara says.

"Gladly!" I shout.

I jump at Mara. I swing the katana nearly missing her throat. Damn, I was so close to her jugular. I could've ended this whole thing in a mere matter of seconds. Unfortunately for me I'm not that lucky.

Unfortunately for me again that Mara is. Her blade cuts me deep and swiftly. How she managed to swing her sword so fast will always be unknown to me. But I don't intend for her to get me again.

Swinging my katana down, I lock swords with Mara. It's a battle of will. Who'll give in. Me or her. And I sure as hell hope it's her. Though I guess it's just impossible for me to ever get what I want. I end up having to give in as Mara pushed me to my limit. We break away and I make it unscathed.

Well mostly. I think I bruised my tailbone. Oh and guess where I landed? Right in front of Uncle Ted. Also close to the ropes holding his legs to the chair. So I guess falling on my butt had some advantages. I take a knife using my left hand and cut the rope. I hand it to Uncle Ted with a wink. I see Uncle Ted roll his eyes at me. It almost makes me want to laugh.

I get up and face Mara. Instead of me charging her, she charges me. I block the strike coming at me. I counter with my own strike. She easily blocks it. In fact she blocks all my strikes.

In all honesty that frustrates me. It makes me feel that all that training did nothing. Mara is good, no great, but I have to be better than great. Even though I'm not so sure that I can be. She has more experience than I ever will. Me holding my own must be a bit of a fluke.

Or maybe it's just eleven years of training kicking in. Don't sell yourself short. Last time you managed to cut her. I'm pretty sure you can do it again.

Thank God for pep talks. Even if I had to give myself one. But that's better than nothing. I'm going to need all the courage I can to beat her let alone kill her.


I'm on my butt again. And again my tailbone is most likely bruised. Which I'm getting tired of ending up on my butt. Makes me feel like some amateur. But then while brooding a bit I notice something. A perfect opening to sweep out her leg. In one fluid motion I leap to a crouch and knock Mara's keg out from under her. I leap up to standing and block the hit coming from Mara's sword.

In a blink of a eye Mara is back up on her feet.

"That was a dirty trick, child," Mara says.

"I doubt you ever play fair," I say.

"You're right," Mara says.

"Really?" I ask.

"No. Everyone of my opponents get the chance to fight me fairly," Mara.

"Sure didn't look that way when you killed my mother. If I remember correctly, which I do, she was unarmed," I snap.

"That was her choice. Something about not fighting family. Honestly she might still be alive if not for her weakness of family," Mara says.

"Family isn't a weakness. Family makes you stronger. It gives you something to fight for. I wouldn't be fighting you if it weren't for my mother; my family," I say.

"To each their own," Mara replies.

This pisses me off more than anything. Her blatant disregard of family. She's able to kill someone who raised her without batting an eye. She able to cast her family aside for her demented dreams. I could never understand how she's able to. Family is important and I may sound like a bit of a hypocrite. Well that's because I am. I pushed away my new family for my own desires. And I do feel bad about that. Seeing Mara reminds me that I have to be better. I don't want to be like her. So I'm going to make it right.

I feel a surge of strength go through me. Mara's attacks become easier to dodge. I become faster in my swings. To the point where I land a cut on Mara. Her forehead is now bleeding. 

I'm triumphant for about a minute. Then a volley of strikes come at me. The cool blade manages to graze me a couple times. No serious cuts as the one on my leg.

I expect another barrage of attacks from Mara but none comes. I see Uncle Ted restraining Mara. Uncle Ted's intervention kept me from having a severed head. The blade was an inch away from my neck.

I have trouble getting air back to me. I was so close to having everything end here and now. To never being able to talk to my friends or family. Or being able to do anything.

"Run, Alex. Run."

Uncle Ted's voice snaps me out of my thoughts. I don't have time to be distracted. I have to have my head in the game so to speak. I look at Uncle Ted. The expression on his face is pleading. He obviously isn't going to be able to hold Mara much longer.

"Run," Uncle Ted says.

"I can't. I can't leave you. I have to end this," I say.

"I have to make sure she can't hurt anyone else ever again," I say.

Uncle Ted doesn't respond to me. He only grunts as he's knocked back. His grip on Mara is gone. In a swift, fluid motion Mara thrusts her blade into Uncle Ted's abdomen. I watch in horror as blood spills from his mouth. I can't hear the scream but I can feel the shape of it.

Mara turns to me and says,"Your next."

Anger swells in me. Anger for Uncle Ted and my mother. Basically all of my dormant anger is unleashed. I lunge towards Mara. I move my blade at a speed that I didn't even realize I could. I knock her katana out of her hand. I then kick her to the ground. I place my foot on her stomach keeping her down. I then point the tip of my sword at her neck.

I have a choice. I can kill or I can not. I'm pretty sure the choice is obvious. I always said that I was going to end this. And this might as well end with her death. I lower my sword dangerously close to her jugular.

"Alex stop!"

I turn to see them all. Bruce, Dick, Jason, and Damian. I guess they finally caught up to me. I was expecting that they would. I just didn't think that it would be at such a cliche moment. Like in a movie where the hero tries to kill the villain but is talked out of it. But this isn't a movie. This is my life. I can't afford to let my mother's murderer live.

"You shouldn't be stopping me. Instead you should be helping Uncle Ted," I say.

I see them look at Uncle Ted. He's losing more and more blood. I can't bare to look. To see the person who has been my father figure my whole life die in front of me. The anger swells again as I look at the person who put him in this state. Mara.

All she has done is make my life hell. She took my mother away and she might as well have taken my uncle too. It looks bad. His chance of survival is low. I look at the sword and lower it even farther. Crimson starts to bloom at Mara's neck.

I want to throw up at the sight. It reminds me of how my mother died. A cut across her jugular that left her dead. But it would be a fitting end for Mara. Yet there's something that's stopping me from finishing this. It the fact that if I kill Mara like this than I'm no better than her.

I'm confused now. If I kill her I get my revenge. But I also become a killer like Mara. Is this what Bruce was talking about? Becoming like the monsters if we act like them. I don't want to be a monster like Mara.

"Why don't you kill me already?" Mara asks.

Blood gurgles up when she talks. I feel like I'm going to throw up again.

"Because I don't know whether it's the right thing to do or not," I say.

It was more an admittance to me than anyone else.

"How can you not be sure? I killed your mother. You want revenge. It's quite simple. Killing me would mean you get your revenge. Not killing me only shows how weak you are," Mara says.

"You kill your enemies no matter what. If they get in your way you make them get out of it. It's simple. I'm the enemy and I'm in your way. So kill me," Mara says.

It's cemented there and then. I really would be just like Mara if I killed her. I would be no better than her. Bruce was right. I would become the monster.

My grip on the sword weakens. Suddenly it feels heavy in my hands. I pull the sword away from Mara's neck. I then let it fall to the ground next to me.

"I'm not going to kill you. Not because of weakness but because I if I did I would be like you. A monster with no regard for human life. And I'd rather not be a monster," I say.

"Foolish girl. You should've killed me when you had the chance," Mara says.

Before she can do anything I punch her in the face. Just like deck her. I make sure it's one of the hardest punches that I can throw. I effectively knock her unconscious.

"Again, I'm many things but not a fool," I say.

I get my foot of Mara's stomach and go over to Uncle Ted. Damian and Jason seem to have stopped the bleeding as best as they could.

"Is he going to be okay?" I ask my voice a whisper.

"He should be," Jason says.

"The ambulance is on its way," Damian says.

I let out a breath of relief. In fact I let out all the air I was holding in. Once I've calmed down I look over to Bruce. I muster the courage to go over to him.

"I'm sorry."

Bruce and I say at the same time.

"You go ahead," I say before he can.

"I'm sorry, Alex. I should've seen the signs that you weren't happy. I should have helped you get your justice instead of denying it. I should've told you the truth. Your mother's final wish was for me to give you a normal life. I know that seems impossible now that you know the truth. But I was desperate to try because I didn't want you to get hurt. Doing things like this is dangerous and I wanted to protect you from it. Which caused more harm than good. I know you want to help people Alex. It's fairly obvious. I'm willing to help train you to do that so no one ever has to go through what you did. Would that help you forgive me?" Bruce asks.

"Well I'm sorry too. You were right. Killing Mara would've made me just like the monster I was trying to end. I'm also sorry for lashing out at all of you. I may not have been happy at the manor but that doesn't mean that I won't be. I'm also want you to know that you are my family. I know you guys care about me otherwise you wouldn't have tracked me down. And yes I forgive you and training me to help fight bad guys will definitely do it," I say.

Then something unexpected happens. Bruce pulls me in for a hug. At first it felt a little awkward but then I eased into it. This is my family. I need to start moving forward instead of stuck in the past. Hopefully I will be able to do that.

The end of part one.

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