⚡ Purple Lightning ⚡

By AlyssaArcuri

175 12 1

What if Skull was actually Spark from Pokemon Go! What could possibly go wrong? Also posted on Archive of our... More

Chapter 2: The Plan
Chapter 3: The Reunion of Partners!

Chapter 1: The Beginning

66 3 0
By AlyssaArcuri

Skull had always been one to listen to his instincts and it had never steered him wrong when he listened to what it said. Bad things happened whenever he ignored his instincts, case in point being turned into a baby for many years with the other Arcobaleno and not remembering anything about himself before he woke up in the hospital 35 years ago.

He had gotten into stunt riding because it made him feel free and It was a lot of fun to dye his hair from his natural blond to an eye popping purple but after only five years Checkerface had come and promised his memories back. He agreed even though his instincts were screaming at him not to, but he was desperate for answers at the time and look where that had gotten him cursed as an infant for 30 years.

That was in the past though and he should be focused on the here and now. He and the other Arcobaleno were getting ready for a mission that Yuni wanted all the Arcobaleno to go on as a way of getting are bodies used to being are proper ages again.

For some reason his instincts were telling him that this mission was both a good and bad thing and another thing that had come up were his strange dreams recently that featured lightning, fire, ice, and even more bizarrely a bunch of strange animal like creatures.

Well he would just have to get really prepared for this mission, so he could make sure he could protect the other Arcobaleno from whatever was going to go wrong on this supposedly easy mission.

"Hey Oodako, what do you think about this mission?" He asked his animal companion. Suddenly Skulls door was kicked open and in the doorway was reborn.

"Lackey what do you think you're doing just standing around when you should be getting ready for are mission tomorrow." Reborn said like he had not just kicked open poor Skulls bedroom door.

"Sorry Senpai!" Skull yelled and went to go do as reborn said while dodging bullets reborn was shooting at him with his Leon gun.

Meanwhile in another Dimension across space and time

It was another beautiful day in the world of Pokémon but not everyone was happy and cheerful as today is the anniversary of the day the leader of team instinct Spark mysteriously disappeared 3 years ago after an accident at a lab studying dimensions and traveling between them.

A storm had caused the dimensional portal machine that the scientists had built to overload and go crazy out of control. The only one close enough to help was the leader of team instincts Sparks so he told his team that he would be back soon and left his Pokemon to protect the team base in his absence only taking Zapdos.

~Flashback Start~

When Sparkes arrived, there was fire every ware and the scientist that had water Pokemon were trying to put out the flames.

"Is everyone out of the building and safe?!" Sparks asked the scientists as he landed and hopped off Zapdos.

"No some of our coworkers are trapped in the main lab" replied the scientist.

"Keep putting out the flames I will go in and rescue the remaining scientists that are trapped." So, Sparks went into the burning building and found the lab where the remaining scientists were trapped by some fallen debris that blocked the door.

"Zapdos use rain dance to put out the fire and then follow up with steel wing to knock the debris aside please" Sparks said to his faithful companion.

"Kraaawwww" Zapdos responded and did as Sparks had asked of him. Before going in Sparks asked Zapdos to go outside and help put out the fires with the other scientist.

"Cooow?" Zapdos asks Sparks in confusion.

"well this is a lab which means that there is electrical equipment in here and I don't want you accidentally setting it off like the last time we had to evacuate a lab okay buddy." Sparks replies and then adds "Don't worry I'll just get these people out of danger and be right out behind them, that okay with you buddy?" Zapdos nods and walks awkwardly back down the hall to the entrance of the building.

Now that that was done Sparks turned back to the problem at hand getting these people to safety. With the debris gone from the doorway Sparks was able to get everyone out of the room bar himself when the portal machine in the middle of the room activated and sucked him in after that it then exploded.

Leaving only the security cameras and the ones he saved to know of what had happened to the leader of team instinct. Meanwhile outside after the last of the trapped scientists got out of the building they heard an explosion, and everyone fell to the ground.

"Kkkkrrrrraaaaawwwww!!" Zapdos cries in shock and horror as they could no longer feel their friend and partner nearby.

Zapdos's bond felt like his friend was so far away that they could only go to him if he summoned him instead of being able to find him whenever Zapdos wanted and he did not like this one bit he wanted his partner back right now.

Once the scientists got over their shock and realized what had happened they called the leaders of team valor and mystic as well as the professor to explain what had happened while Zapdos circled the lab crying out in pain filled wails of despair.

Candela and Blanche rushed over to the lab as quickly as they could and when they arrived the first thing they see and hear is Zapdos flying over the lab making horribly mournful cries.

They feared the worst and rushed to land and summon Articuno and Moltres to go calm down Zapdos while they headed to the gathered people in front of the lab. The professor was already there and listening to the scientist's stories about what had happened in the lab as Candela and Blanche approached the group. Once they were done with their explanation to the professor they let Candela, Blanche and the professor watch the security feed in the security office.

"What dimension was Sparks sent to and when can you pull him back to this dimension?" questioned the professor after watching the tape.

"We need to fix the machine and then it will be simple to lock on to his unique signature due to his bond with Zapdos to pinpoint his location and then we can open a portal to bring him back." Replied the lead scientist.

So, Candela and Blanche with heavy hearts went to break the news to all the teams while the professor stayed to help the scientists fix the portal. The scientists with the help of the professor and all the teams were able to fix the machine in 6 months but when they made to bring Sparks back something was blocking them and preventing them from locking on to his location to bring him back.

Everyone fell into despair because Now the only way they could lock on to which dimension he was in was if he summoned Zapdos, so they could open a portal nearby and send in Candela with Moltres and Blanche with Articuno to retrieve him. And so, they waited and waited for the day Sparks would summon Zapdos for help so that they could go rescue him and bring him home.

No matter how many years passed they would not lose hope because they knew he was still alive because Zapdos would not choose a new trainer to bond with which would only happen if Sparks was dead and so they waited and plotted what they would do when they were reunited again.

~Flashback End~

Heaven help the ones who had prevented them from getting to their friend and leader because they would show NO MERCY to anyone who had laid a hand on his person in violence or the one who had blocked them from getting to him earlier.

Meanwhile back in the Katekyo Hitman Reborn Universe

A shudder of dread befalls a man in a ramen shop, the Arcobaleno, the Varia, a man with white hair eating a marshmallow, and the Vindice.

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