Make It Home

By MarDopee

6.7K 323 58

Sometimes people don't do what they should do but they do what they have to do. Living in the roughest part o... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 5

549 29 6
By MarDopee


I drive into one of the empty parking spots in the parking lot. I take the key out of the ignition and sigh. "I hope I find them in here." I said, referring to the shirts I was going to buy August, as I stepped out of the car. My purse was on my arm and my phone was in my hand, as I walked into the store.

My eyes scanned around the store until I saw the sign that said 'Men's'. I walked towards the section and began my search for shirts for August. As I look through a few shirts, I begin to hum Jhene Aiko's Blue Dream.

"Don't wake me up cause I'm in love with all that you are. You make me see the truth in things, I think you are. The remedy for everything seems that you are. The truth itself cause nothing else can take me so far." I hum as I continue search through a rack of shirts. I heard a voice behind me and turn around to see some man.

This man had be at least 5'11, dark chocolate skin and a nice shiny bald head. He was so handsome. I got caught up in his brown eyes then escaped that trance and saw he was staring at me. "You sounded pretty nice there." He said to me. "Excuse me?" I ask him. "Your humming, sounded pretty nice, almost like you have some vocals." I chuckle sarcastically. "Yeah thanks."

I turn my back to him and continue to search through the shirts. I was finish looking through this rack, so I moved to the next one. You know that feeling you get when someone is staring at? Well that's how I felt. I turned to my left and saw him looking at me. "May I help you? Why do you keep staring at me?" I ask with an attitude and raised eyebrow.

He smiles, showing his dimples and beautiful pearly whites. "I was just admiring you beauty." I roll my eyes. "Like I haven't heard that before. Sorry but I have a boyfriend, August is his name." I told him. When I tell me who my boufriend is, they usually back off because of August's reputation. He had a kind of an evil smile on his face, but that was gone as fast as it came and turned into a genuine smile.

"Baby girl chill out. I'm not trying to be your man or anything, well atleast not right now." He mumbled the last part to himself. I just rolled my eyes at him. "I'm Deandre." He extended his hand and I shook it. "Brittany." He smiled an even wider smile. "Well Brittany, what are you doing in the men's section?" He asked curiously.

"Looking for some shirts for my boyfriend." I say putting and emphasis on boyfriend. He chuckles again. "You are very funny, but maybe I can help you." I think about it for a while, but then agree to it. We search for shirts for ten minutes, until we finally found three shirts. I purchase the shirts and was walking to my car with Deandre right behind me. "Thanks for the help." I say about to get into my car.

Deandre stops me. "Do you want to get lunch with me?" He asks me, looking me in my eyes. I think really hard before I answer. August would kill me, if he knew I went out to lunch with another man. "We can go to the diner right there." He says pointing to the diner, not far from the clothing store we just exited.

I smile at him. "Yeah, sure." I sit the bag of shirts in the back seat and lock my car doors. I toss my keys in my bag and walk with Deandre to the diner. As we approach the diner, Deandre walks ahead of me and holds the door open for me. "Thank you." I say as I walk through the door.

"How many?" The waiter asks us. "Two please." I say with a smile. The waiter grabs two menus and starts to walk towards the tables. "Follow me." We follow her and Deandre was really close behind me. "Here you go. Your server will be here shortly to take your orders." She says as she sits the menus down on the table. Once she finishs talking, she leaves and goes back to the front.

I pick up my menu and search for something good to eat. "I already know what I'm getting." Deandre says. "What are you getting?" I scan through the menu one more time before making a decision. "I think I want the spicy gumbo." I say. "That's what I'm getting. Copy cat." He smiles and I laugh at him.

"Why do you keep smiling?" I ask him curiously. Ever since I met him in the store, he has had a smile plastered on his face. You would think his face would hurt from all the smiling he is doing. "I don't know." He shrugs. "You make me smile because of how beautiful you are." He compliments me and I slightly blush. "I see I got you blushing now."

I chuckle a little. "Don't flatter yourself." Just as I said that, out server approached the table. "Hi, I'm Amy and I will be your server today. Can I start you guys off with any drinks?" She asks. I look at Deandre to speak first. "Ladies first." He says. I tell her what I want to drink and he does the same after me. "Are you guys ready to order?" She asks.

"Yes. I'll have the spicy gumbo." She turns to Deandre. "How about you sir?" Deandre smiles. "I'll have the same." She wrote our orders down and collected out menus. "Your drinks will be here shortly." We both thank her and she walks away.

Deandre and I shared small talk and got to know each other. Well most of the conversation consisted of me telling him about myself. I found it quite strange that he barely spoke about himself, but wanted to know so much about me. I brushed that off though and enjoyed his company.

We ate our food. The food was absolutely delicious. Just as I was about to open my mouth to speak, my phone began to ring in my bag. I fetch my phone out of my bag and see August calling me. I answer the phone. "Yes August?" I ask him. "Where ya at ma?" I roll my eyes. "At lunch with a friend, I'll be home soon." I say into the phone. "Rd hurry up. I need dem shirts." He tells me and hangs up.

I sigh as I put my phone into my bag. I close my bag and put it on my arm. "I have to go." I tell Deandre as I slid out of the booth. He put a fifty dollar bill on the table and gets up as well. "Thanks for lunch." I say with a small smile. "Any time." I begin to walk away, but he stops me. "How will I keep in contact with you?" He asks. I smile and pull a pen out of my bag and write my number on his hand. "Here." I say as I walk to my car and head home.

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