Abandoned (book 1)

Av JustAFanOfSasha

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Promises promises Jane Rizzoli is a very hurt soul, her only saving grace came in the form of Dr Maura Isles... Mer

Book 2...


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Av JustAFanOfSasha

Jane's PoV

"No dude i had no idea seriously surprised man..." I whisper to frost trying not to piss off the teacher

"Seriously how does she afford those cars!" Frost hisses

"Long story.. sad one at that so.. yeah took me ages to get my head around it.. just kinda getting used to it.. it does no good arguing with her about it.."

"RIZZOLI FROST STOP TALKING!" Mr Turner yells making me jump I clench my fists taking a deep breath I'm not gonna let this shit ruin my day.

I get on and finish my work even going through the work that I had missed last week catching up. By the end of the class I hand everything in leaving with Frost heading for English

"Urgh is he in today?"

"Probably just ignore him though Jane you don't wanna get in trouble.." Frost warns as we enter the room everyone's heads snap up in my direction more muttering commences that it was in fact me driving a Spyder

"Well look who it is..." Eddie gives me an evil look as he takes his seat I just busy myself looking at the work Mrs Scragg left on my desk from last week reading the note on the bottom.

Welcome back Jane, you have this week to complete the missed assignments ask if you need help or more time. Don't worry about him, I am sorry for what happened.

"Wow" I mutter to myself lifting my head I meet her gaze and she smiles apologetically

"So how'd you land it then?" Eddie says looking at me

"What?" I snap feeling my temper raising already

"The doc.. how's you the sorry state of a per.."

"EDDIE. That is enough. Get on with your work!" Mrs Scragg sternly shouts Eddie turns back around and carries on with his work

I give a small smile of thanks to her and get on with my work, finding once again I won't need extra time to finish my assignments.

"Yes! Harris is sick! Free period before 4th wanna go out?" I ask Frost

"Your driving" he laughs

"Well yeah obviously! Coffee? I just gotta go tell M I'm leaving and I'll be back" I say as we head towards the labs Frost waits by the stairs for me I gently knock on the lab door, smiling when I hear Maura's heels giving her approach away

"Sorry to interrupt Dr Isles" I smirk at her

"Two minutes don't mess around you two I'm serious!" She calls into the class before pulling the door shut

"What can I do for you Miss Rizzoli I presume your not using you lesson pass so why are you not in your lesson?" She asks raising her eyebrows and crossing her arms which in fact pushes her already naturally large cleavage higher I can't help but let my eyes fall onto her chest

"Errr" I loose my train of thought she quietly chuckles at me "oh er no Harris is sick so a free period, I wanted to make sure I could nip out?

"Where are you planning on going.."

"Just gonna go grab a coffee with Frosty.. and of course bring you one back" I grin at her

"Yes Jane that's fine, here leave your bag.. that way I know you have to come back" she smiles at me adorably "you too Frost" she calls a little louder making Frost make his way to us

"Give me your bag dude gotta leave them here" I say taking it off him

"Put them in the office Jane" Maura says opening the door to the lab I slip in behind her going into the office to place them down hanging around for a minuet

"I have warned you two too many times Shaun move over there now!" Maura sternly says as she comes into the office

"Rough morning babe?" I say quietly

"You have no idea.. drive safe sweetie" she smiles at me I quickly make sure she's not in line with the door so I can steal a quick kiss before following her out as she opens the lab door for me to slip back out of "always am" I whisper behind her.

"Damn dude look at them all hanging around your cars..." Frost says as we get closer

"Move..." I growl to a load of fourth years making them all jump backing up quickly away from the cars as I put my aviators back on zapping the car allowing us to get in.

Flicking through my phone I find Azealia Banks as I start the car Frost grins at me as it growls to life,

"You haven't heard anything yet dude" pressing play on 212 the bass springs to life as I turn it up backing out of the space, glancing up to the school I see most of the students looking out of the windows along with an amused looking Maura.

"Give them something to look at Riz" Frost laughs

I put my foot down forcing the car to growl louder before peeling out of the lot.

Catching Maura shaking her head in the mirror.

"Well damn.. certainly a head turner" Frost says as we get out of the car parking directly outside the coffee shop

"Well yeah dude it is brand new probably the only one in this city on the streets never mind the fact it's a custom" I laugh standing in the line

"Custom?" He asks

"Yeah the don't do matte black, nor is that it's normal sound system, never mind the full tint it has" I explain

"Fuck... that's..."

"I know right" I laugh "how long we got?"

"Err about ten seems as we didn't come straight here" he says

"Cool cool, yeah can I get two large low fat flat lattes, and...." I look at Frost

"Oh Sorry Large latte take out"

"Names for the cups please" the girl asks holding three take out cups and a sharpie up I write on Frost, Riz and on Maur's I write xo - BA laughing I hand them back to her "Frost is the large latte" she nods turning to fix the drinks

"What did you put?" He asks amused

"Xo you know kisses and hugs and BA"

"What the..."

"Inside joke" I wink at him

"Can we get a holder too please"

"Sure thing" the girl smiles at me handing me the drinks and a piece of paper looking down at it I see it has her number on it

"Sorry doll but I'm taken..." I smile at her leaving her number on the counter not missing the look of hurt pass over her face as Frost laughs at me

"Not mixing your words are you"

"What's the point I have everything I could ever ask for" I grin at him passing him the drinks before I get in "spill those and your fucking dead dude!" I warn

"Damn! This sounds sick through this system" Frost says as I turn it up he sits there grinning.

Pulling into the lot at school I can't help but rap along to Iggy Azalea's Fancy Frost laughs away at me until I notice Maura stood in the window pointing to her wrist.

"Shit" I shut the car off getting out "dude hurry the fuck up we have five minuets till that lab is full" I laugh as we run down the halls kids moving straight out of our way, grabbing the coffees off Frost I come to a skidding halt as Maura stands with an amused look on her face I hand her the coffee with a grin making my way to my seat at the back of the lab seeing our bags are already there.

Maura laughs when she reads the cup pulling out a pen and my note book I look at her

"you've already done it.. just do what's on the desk.." she says knowing exactly what I was going to ask I nod looking over the advanced work on my desk grinning at how challenging it is.

My concentration is broken when I hear the dulcet tones of Eddie

"It's great to have you back Doc I've certainly missed you..." as I look up I see he has his head tilted to one side checking her out as she walks passed

"That's enough Eddie" she snaps taking a seat at her desk not looking at me

"Calm it Riz" I hear Frost hiss at me Eddie turns in his seat and winks at me making my stomach churn.

Standing Frost looks at me "watch him.." I warn him making my way to the front of the class

"Can I be excused?" I ask through clenched teeth Maura who looks up with a puzzled look before noticing my fist is clenched tight I mutter bathroom

"Don't be long" she warns as I exit the lab door walking slightly down the corridor I lean against the lockers calming myself knowing that all I want to do is knock him out but unless he gives me good reason to I'm stuck.

Sighing I take a breath and head back into the lab. Seeing Maura making her way back around the lab but staying away from Eddie I on the other hand walk past him, ready for him this time as he sticks his foot out I lean down to him and growl

"Not again.." stepping over his foot I continue to my seat leaning back in it swinging on two legs

"Chairs have four legs last time I checked" Maura snaps making her way over to Frost rolling my eyes I lean forward pushing my finished work to the side of the desk seeing Maura is looking straight towards me as she walks across the lab I purposely stretch my arms up causing my top to rise higher up my body keeping a straight face I relax them back down when she sits next to Frost checking his work.

Loosing myself in thought over last night I can feel myself getting wet remembering Maura screaming at me to fuck her harder. Harder than I ever have before.


Still being lost in thought it's only when she skims her hand over mine reaching over me do I snap back to it

"Oh errrr" I say caught off guard picking my work up I hand it to her

"How have you already finished this?!" She asks quietly

I shrug sitting back in my chair lifting my arm up seeing her eyes flick to my stomach I let out a small laugh covering it with a cough hooking my own arm down behind my head still allowing my top to ride up.

I can see Maura's eyes flicking across from my work to my stomach. Leaning forward I lean against the desk forcing her to look over my work once more, as the bell shrieks out over head

"Don't forget to finish your assessments I want them back by Thursday." She calls over the noise of the chairs scraping back across the floor.

Lifting my bag up from floor placing it in my lap as I pick my pen up Maura stands taking my work with her back to her desk before going into her office only when she doesn't come back out I walk over sticking my head into see if she's ok,

"Dr Isles are you ok?" I ask professionally quirking an eyebrow when I see her leaning into a filing cabinet

"Hmmm yes I am thank you... but you might not be..." she playfully replies

"Is that a promise?" I laugh

"Ohh you'll find out.."

"Want some lunch?" I ask as she smiles finding what she's looking for

"Are you going to the cafeteria?" Maura asks

"Yeah.. do you want me to bring you something up?"

"That's ok sweetie I'll walk with you" She replies heading over to me pulling her door shut and locking the lab door behind us

Entering the cafeteria was a little weird to say the least the whole room seemed to stop and look up at us as the chatter started

"Told you it was her in the car"
"How does she have that kinda money"
"More to it than that"
"Fucking lucky bitch"
"Still nail the doc though"

I feel myself tensing up "let it go Jane" Maura quietly says, heading off to cut the line grabbing a salad and a water before heading for the table where the faculty is seated. My eyes find Sam as Maura walks across the room with her head held high, he gives me a small smile. I just turn on my heel walking out of the cafeteria not realising how hard I had slammed the door open.

I would like nothing more than to be able to get in my car and take off, there's no way I'm gonna be able to walk across the cafeteria to get the keys from Sam, so I go to my only other place I can think I will be left alone.

"Hey Jane, you alright for today?" Tim asks as I walk across the gym

"Not like I have much choice." I snap shrugging my jacket off heading for the locker room. Making quick work of changing I head back out into the gym placing a head phone in my ear.

"Bad day?" Time asks

"Nope.. it's a great day... just need to work some shit out, but I'm fine before you go running off and telling her." I say defensively

He lifts his hands and heads back to his office that's off the gym.

As much as I want to go hell to leather on the bag I know that he's keeping an eye on me. So I start a work out instead, I've gotta say it feels good, sweat slowly starts to form across my skin making my back feel uncomfortable but I work through it.

"Jane if you don't go shower you'll be late for 5th" Tim calls across the gym

"Just stretching out" I shout back to him standing up I grab a quick shower and get changed as I'm exiting the locker room I'm surprised to find Maura stood talking to Tim.

Really thought he wouldn't of ratted me out.

"There you are I've been looking for you" she says softly

"Well you found me" I reply getting closer

"Here.. you'll need this you'll need your energy for tonight" she smirks slightly at me handing me a sandwich

"At the bus by 330pm" Tim shouts sticking his head out of the office door as we leave I laugh and raise my hand in acknowledgment.

"What are you laughing at?" Maura asks

"Like I'm getting the bus.... thanks for this Maur" I say taking a bite of the sandwich "before you ask I was working out not on the bag.. I'm ok just needed somewhere quiet"

"I think you made the right choice" she mutters

"What do you mean?" I ask but she shakes her head

"I'll see you when you get home, good luck with the game sweetie" she says turning to go to her lab leaving me stood there a little confused as the warning bell rings ahhh shit I speed up just managing to get to the class before the tardy bell

"Where have you you been" Frost asks as I take a seat in history

"Gym... did you stay in the cafeteria at lunch?"

"Err yeah.."

"So you wanna tell me why I made the right choice to not stay?" I ask

He stays quiet I follow his gaze finding him focusing on the teacher I sigh and dig my phone out of my pocket

What happened in the Cafeteria? - J

It's fine Jane xx - M

Sam will you tell me what happened in the cafeteria after I left?!? - J

It's ok Kid don't worry - Sam

Clearly something happened, if you Sam or Frost won't tell me. - J

Honey it's fine Honestly don't get upset today xx - M

I shove my phone back into my pocket throwing myself into my work which is by the way dull and boring it's not challenging. When I've finished I stand picking my bag and work up placing it down on the teachers desk

"Can I be excused I've finished it all" I whisper he looks up at me and nods allowing me to leave. Wandering the corridors I didn't really process exactly where I was until I heard him laugh

"Earth to Jane" Sam laughs

"Oh er"

"It's open kid help yourself" he says walking away

I enter the music room closing the door dropping my bag to the floor lean against the door and slide down it not really knowing why I came here. I don't feel the need to play, I'm feeling happy other than not knowing what happened at lunch but I'll just make Maura tell me later. My phone draws me out of my daydream

Sweetie is everything ok? Sam said you've been there for ten minutes and your not even playing... xx - M

Huh.. yeah I'm fine... I actually don't know why I'm here.. xx - J

Come up me to me sweetie I don't have a class xx - M

Lifting myself up off the floor I scoop my bag up opening the door Sam makes me jump seeing him leaning on the wall opposite the door. Shrugging I walk off towards the labs. Feeling Maura's eyes on me I look up to find her leaning on the doorframe, turning going into her office i follow her in closing the doors behind me. Falling down on to her couch.

"What's wrong?" She breaks the silence

"Nothing babe.."

"Clearly there's something sweetie what's bothering you?"

"I'm fine Maur, I just finished my work and didn't wanna be in that class anymore"

"And you ended up in the music department? Why didn't you want to be in there anymore?" She asks

"I honestly didn't know where i walked to until I heard Sam laughing at me... I didn't want to be there because I had competed my work and it's boring"

"Not challenging enough?"

"Nothing is other than the work you set me" I shrug looking up at her "do you want some help with all of that grading?" I ask seeing the amount she has to catch up with I stand taking a stack of papers placing them down on the small coffee table holding my hand out for the answer sheets and a red pen

"Honey you don't need to I'll catch up" Maura says placing her hand in mind

"Babe, please it will give me something to do plus it takes the load off you and I don't want you here all night marking" I grin squeezing her hand

Reluctantly she gives up passing me what I need and I get down to getting the grading done. I found that I fly through the grading because I don't care who's papers they are, I'm fair and just work off the sheet.

"Janie" Maura places her hand on my shoulder a small chuckle ringing in my ears "sweetie you'll be late if you don't leave now... thank you for doing all of this I can't believe how much you have done you've just freed my afternoon up" she smiles at me

"Any time babe you know that" I smile standing up "I'll see you in a few hours" i grin planting a kiss on her lips as I head out to the locker room.

Making my way out of the school I can see Riley leaning on the bus leaning over Carlie, and she looks uncomfortable "Ok ladies let's go!" Tim shouts when he sees me, Riley still hasn't moved

"Carlie you wanna ride with me?" I shout getting closer she sheepishly smiles a thanks as Riley moves snapping her head around to me

"I'll meet you there coach, come on Carlie!" I laugh

Tim nods his head at me when Carlie reaches my side I can feel Riley glaring at me I press the button on my fob

"It's you!!?" Riley shouts

"And?!" I yell bringing the car to life my phone buzzes as I'm scrolling through my music

Who's that? Xx - M

Carlie.. don't worry just saving her from Riley, will she ever learn to leave people alone? Xx - J

She will do one day, I hope you plan on taking me out in your car ;) xx - M

Ohh I plan on doing much more than that Dr Isles xx - J

Maura's car growling to life makes me jump I look over to her she laughs then reads her message a smile tugs at the corners of her mouth as I reverse out of my space turning her head to look at me I wink at her before driving off.

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