Life in Search ✔️

By Honey_Money_

2.8M 133K 80.6K

Book 1.5 in the "Life in-" series Ashton McClain is lost. After two years of spiraling out of control he has... More

Master Reading List
1 ~ Lost
2 ~ Feisty
3 ~ Interesting
4 ~ Fine
5 ~ Boo
6 ~ Weak
7 ~ Bored
8 ~ Changed
9 ~ Annoyed
10 ~ Jealous
11 ~ Hothead
12 ~ Space
13 ~ Friends
14 ~ Pretty
15 ~ Reading
16 ~ Blessed
17 ~ Nerve
18 ~ Listen
19 ~ Date
20 ~ Flirt
21 ~ Smoothie
22 ~ Party
23 ~ Beautiful
24 ~ Friends
25 ~ Fighting
26 ~ Present
27 ~ Wrong
28 ~ Love
29 ~ Selfish
30 ~ Miserable
31 ~ Secret
32 ~ Dream
33 ~ Trap
34 ~ Tamales
35 ~ Win
36 ~ Lover Boy
37 ~ Thanks
39 ~ Shame
40 ~ Gay
4 1 ~ Alabama
42 ~ Bliss
43 ~ Hooky
44 ~ Potter
45 ~ Finally
46 ~ Dating
47 ~ Kiss
48 ~ Monster
49 ~ Gift
50 ~ Free
51 ~ Oh
52 ~ Hospital
53 ~ Waiting
54 ~ All of it
55 ~ Happy
56 ~ You
57 ~ Children
58 ~ Weird
59 ~ Light
Epilogue ~ Ashlett
Sequels and Spinoffs
Bonus ~ Birthday
Bonus ~ Hufflepuff
Bonus ~ Cuddles
Bonus ~ Always

38 ~ Leave

37.1K 1.9K 978
By Honey_Money_

I'm in Atlanta.

That's the first thing I realize as I scan the area, the yard behind the mall where I used to hang out.

Sammy Vasquez nudges me, glancing up I find Ethan Jones charging at me. His ego clearly wounded.

"McClain, we need to fucking talk."

I laugh, throwing a can of beer on the ground. "There's not much to say, Golden Boy."

He stops in front of me, trying his best to be intimidating while staring up at me. "You screwed my girlfriend."

My friends all laugh, a few slapping me on the back as I can't help but join in. "So what, you cheat on her all the time. She wanted to get even and who was I to say no?"

Everyone knows he cheats on her, I'm a pretty shitty person but even I wouldn't cheat on someone.

"She's still my girlfriend, you no good piece of white trash."

My smile falls, "I'm going to give you three seconds to walk away."

Turning my back, I try to calm myself down, that's the one name I won't let slide. Just as I begin to find a better thought other than watching my mom's face crumble as she was called the same thing I jolt forward.

That little shit just pushed me, without thinking I turn around. My fist connects with his face the, only problem is that this time I don't stop hitting him. I punch him over, and over, and over again. Even after he crumbles to the ground.

In a panic I sit up, gasping as I take in my surroundings. It's difficult to focus as my chest heaves up and down, air barely filling my lungs before it's gone again.

It was just a dream, Ashton. Ethan is okay, probably still an asshole but okay. I go to run my fingers through my hair, but my arm gets caught. Looking down, my heart stops as I remember where I am.

I'm in Scarlett's room, her hands wrapped around my arm like a lifeline as she sleeps. Great, to make things even worse I just had to have a nightmare here. It's a miracle she didn't wake up. But she's still out cold and I'm okay.

Closing my eyes I focus on her breathing, matching mine to hers. Once I'm finally calmed down I fall into another realization, I can't fall back asleep. It's not just that I'm wired up, the sun is starting to rise. My automatic alarm clock has gone off and sleep is no longer an option.

Letting out a groan, I lay back down, agitated with myself for waking up. In the middle of scolding myself a noise interrupts my thoughts, I jump trying figure out where it's coming from. My initial thought is that someone is home but as the sound repeats I learn that it's coming from Scarlett.

She's snoring.

A soft laugh escapes as I pull the blankets back over us, it's a miracle I didn't wake up earlier. She's so loud. Blinking the remaining sleep out of my eyes I listen to her, resting my head near her shoulder.


I'm not sure how much time passes before the snores stop, it's undoubtedly later, probably nine. I've spent hours just laying here and I've loved every second of it. As her hand pulls away from my arm I panic, she's awake. How do I explain that I've been awake for hours without seeming like a total creep?

I don't, instead I close my eyes seconds before she rolls over. Counting to five, I prepare my fake wake up when cold fingers touch my face. Instinctively, I stop breathing as she delicately traces my features.

I manage to keep my act up until she goes over my eyelids, a laugh bubbling inside of me that I manage to keep down. However, her hand pulls away. Shit.

"That tickles." Well no crap. "Why'd you stop?" I continue, halfway opening my eyes to stare at her. Pulling her hand back, I place it on my cheek, eager to feel her touch again.

Rather than continuing what she started she keeps her hand still, bleary brown eyes staring back at me.

God, she's gorgeous. I've never noticed the freckle underneath her right eye, it's adorable.

Well, if she's not going to get up, I'm going to get comfortable. I could stay like this forever, "You snore." I offer, ready to see if she'll admit to it or not.

"You seem excited." She teases, popping my cheek.

Oh, no. Oh that's not good. I'm out of her bed and into the bathroom in record time.


Staring at myself in the mirror I splash cold water on my face, I can't go back out there. There's really no way to face her after that fiasco. Although now it's clear I'm attracted to her.

God, when have I ever worried about that before? Wait, how long have I been in here? I stare at myself again, barely recognizing the sorry loser staring back at me. I bounce from foot to foot, adrenaline rushing through my body.

I'm not really about to do this again, am I? Well, seconds later I'm on the floor doing push-ups in attempt to dull the buzz. I've stooped to a whole new level of pathetic but at least I feel better.

After a few more seconds of panic as I use some mouthwash, I walk back out to her room, finding her propped up in bed with her face buried in a sketchbook. I watch her work for a moment, all my stupid fears vanishing.

"Sorry." It sounds stupid but I really don't know what else to say. Yo, I think you're hot. I'd like to do the other type of sleeping with you. We should cuddle, naked. Now I just sound like Gabe.

Resting the charcoal on her nightstand she shrugs, "I've been around guys my entire life, don't mention it."

Oh, okay.

She evaluates her fingers as she tosses her sketchbook to the corner of the bed. Feeling risky, I reach for it. We know who inspired me on this fine morning but what about her? Faster than I thought possible she smacks the book off the bed, in return I pin her down. "We know I'm ticklish, but the real question is, are you?"

Her eyes go wide as I tickle her, somehow managing to keep her in place as she squirms. "Stop... I... can't... breathe."

She tries to shove me off of her but by now I've learned, instead of falling I lean down closer. My hands stop tickling as her squeals end, we watch each other. Her eyes frantically searching my face as her chest heaves up and down.

I should move but instead I find myself moving towards her face. Before I can change my mind, I kiss her. Ringing fills my ears as I process what I'm doing. She lets out a gasp and I'm about to pull away when she kisses me back. A trail burns into my skin where she runs her fingers up my body and into my hair.

I can describe every kiss I've shared with Scarlett. The first one was brash. The second one was soft. The third was a ghost, promising something more. This is... indescribable, urgent yet needed.

Forgetting the consequences, I move down her neck, desperate to explore as much of her as I can. A giggle plants me on her collarbone, eager to hear that noise again. And again. And again.

Our lips meet again, my hands reaching up under her shirt to rest on her hips. Before I can even debate doing anything else, she follows my lead. Her lips stray from mine and silence any thoughts in my mind. If I was baffled by the feeling of her fingers brushing across my skin nothing beats the feeling of her lips on my skin.

I'm able to somewhat keep my cool till she hits the side of my neck, a place that's always been sensitive. A moan escapes, fighting the urge to tighten my grip as she stays there. Who would've thought payback could be so sweet? 

Too soon, she pulls away. I rest my forehead in hers so I can take in the flush of her cheeks. She reaches up and I'm prepared for her to push me off when she begins to trace my face again. My thumb moves across her hips, my eyes afraid to blink.

Softly, she cups my face and my lungs stop working as her thumb brushes across my lips. The gesture so intimate, nothing like the urgent kiss we just shared. Just when I think the moment couldn't get any better, she kisses me and I'm able to label my fifth kiss with Scarlett.

Bittersweet. There's nothing more I want in the world but eventually it will end. As if the universe heard my thoughts, the door flings open and I'm thrown to the ground as she screams bloody murder. 

Why is it always the floor? The bed is big and so much more comfier. Gathering the strength to stand back up I almost fall over again when I hear John's voice instead of Sage's.

"What the hell is going on here?" This is bad. So very, very bad.

"Nothing." She insists, still gasping for air.

Rushing to my feet, I take in the scowling adult who looks like he's seconds away from killing me and sending Scarlett to a nunnery. Which is ironic since I'm Catholic.

Not the time, Ashton. "We were having a tickle fight, sir." I explain, trying to lean against a stack of books that topple over.

Well shit, at least it made her laugh.

"Why are you here? Better yet, why aren't you wearing a shirt?" He demands, taking an intimidating step towards me.

Would he listen if I said none of them fit me? Probably not.

Scarlett beats me to the explanation, although after my last attempt I think that's a good thing. She throws a pillow at him, which pulls his attention away from me. "I would explain if you would just listen."

He focuses back on me, freezing my attempt to fix the mess I just made. "He can go, then you and I can talk."


"I'll walk you out." She declares, glaring at her uncle as she gets up.

"Walk him out, you're not even wearing pants." He protests and I decide it's not a good idea to chime in and say that she actually is.

Scarlett doesn't listen to him, snagging a sweatshirt of mine from her drawer before dragging me downstairs. I offer her uncle a wave but the glare he sends me has me eager to follow her.

Once outside I take the opportunity to put my sweatshirt on, now realizing that my clothes from last night are still upstairs. I'll gladly get those later. She kicks the snow. "Well that was mortifying."

"He's just doing his job." I assure her, although I think his job is now to officially hate me.

She meets my eyes and it pains me to see the uncertainty in her face. "We're okay, right?"

"We're completely fine, Sweetheart." I wrap her in a hug, preparing myself for her walls to build back up again.

I love Scarlett and what we just did was fucking fantastic, but I can't rush her into anything. Pressing a kiss to her forehead, I let go, "We'll talk later."

Because I'd be willing to do this a thousand times if it meant one day there will be no more walls.


"Ashy, you're home!" Ronnie cries as I open the front door.

She runs up and tackles me, Saffron following suit. I fall to the floor, letting them waller all over me. "Where's Scar?"

I freeze, "She's with your uncle." Probably getting the lecture of her life right now.

"Yay, that means we can have enchiladas tonight!" She cries, jumping up and down.

"What makes tonight so special, Squirt?" I ask, amused by her joy.

"Scarlett doesn't like to make certain foods because they make her sad, but she doesn't know I know that. She thinks I still believe that Uncle John makes them better. But I've also been told this with asopao, which isn't true." 

Oh. It makes sense, ethnic foods are probably something she did with her dad. But she makes arroz con dulce all the time.

I get up and wander into the kitchen, completely starving after the morning I've had. My phone buzzes and I pull it out, no longer worried of being bothered. Gabe wants to grab lunch; I'm not surprised since school is canceled.

"You're home later than I thought." Mom offers.

I drop my phone, my heart threatening to beat out of my chest. "Yeah, it was a slow morning."

She eyes me skeptically, "I'm sure. Did you sleep okay?"

Taking a swig of orange juice, I shrug, "I had another nightmare." Her face pales so I continue, "I'm okay, it was the same one I always get."

Reaching up she pats my cheek, "What about after you woke up?"

I put the juice up as an excuse to escape her concern, "It was fine, I didn't fall back asleep, but I calmed down pretty quickly."

She doesn't argue, rubbing her fingers together as she tries to inspect my face again. "What's all over you?"

Oh shit, I forgot Scar's fingers were coved with charcoal when our little session happened.

"Charcoal, we did an experiment with Sage. Speaking of which I'm going to go grab lunch with the guys. Don't worry, I'll take Saff home first. Love you." I offer hurriedly as I run out of the kitchen. It's not a technical lie, Sage just won't be there.

Saffron rambles the entire drive to her house, distracting me from my own thoughts. The twins open the door, both eager to see me. I chat with them as I grab my clothes, taking the opportunity while John is out of the house.

"Be careful what you say in front of your sister." I warn.

"What do you mean?" Silver was innocently.

Giving him a blank stare, I make sure Saff isn't around. "Weren't you the one who said Scarlett needed to get laid."

They laugh, "Yeah, and you're just the guy for the job."

Oh my God, they have no filter. It's concerning.

"No comment." I snap, my mind flashing back to this morning. "Your little sister repeats everything you say, don't fully corrupt her just yet."

They shrug, "But come on, it's funny." Sterling nudges me.

"Dude, what's on your skin?" Silver asks, nudging Sterling.

Groaning, I wipe my face again, "It's nothing."

I should've taken a shower.

"Do you want to play video games?" Sterling asks.

Yes, I honestly do but I don't want to be here too long. I value my life, "I've got to meet Gabe for lunch, maybe later, guys." I offer before fleeing from the house.


Thirty minutes later I'm sitting at a booth in Chick- Fil-A, nursing a strawberry shake while I listen to Gabe and Zev compare dates. James shuffles in halfway through a way too in-depth description of Gabe's consolation of Maria Vincent, saving me from stabbing my eyes out.

However, by the looks of his disheveled hair and lidded eyes, he's about to join in on their conversation.

"How was your night?" Gabe asks James as he sits down.

He smirks smugly, "Pretty good if I do say so myself. Stella seemed pretty inclined to agree."

So we know what they did last night was definitely rated R.

"What about you, lover boy?" Zev asks, making kissing noises.

I shrug, shoving a fistful of fries into my mouth. "You mean after Gabe interrupted us?" I counter, still bitter about last night. "It was fine. We slept and had an awkward encounter with Uncle John then I left."

"Bullshit." Gabe coughs.

"What?" I ask, upset that I'm out of ketchup.

"We're not stupid." James says.

"Plus, there's the hickey on the side of your neck." Zev points out.

Choking on my fries I try to rub my skin, it's just charcoal. That stuffs difficult to get rid of. Switching to my camera, I almost drop my phone as I take in the dark purple mark on my neck, exactly where she kissed me.

Oh my God.

"Someone took my advice." Gabe smiles, extending his hand for a high five.

I ignore him. This is not good. The twins saw this. My mom saw this. How am I still living?

"We might have had a more eventful morning than I let on." I admit, still staring at my screen. "And no, before you make a smart comment, we didn't have sex. We just kissed."

"Yeah, body parts." Zev mutters.

Setting my phone down, I find the three of them watching me. "What?"

"Details or it didn't happen." Gabe says.

Hell no, but I know he won't give up, so I talk about what led up to our encounter. Then I explain how her uncle truly found us before eating my sandwich.

"That's it?" Zev mutters.

I nod, not wanting to continue this conversation.

"You have to give us something."

"No can do, boys, I keep details to myself." The last thing I need is someone getting this gossip spread around school.

They all groan but the sight of a familiar car sets me on edge. "Why is Sage here?"

"Because I invited him. I want to know what happened last night because I'm positive his night was more eventful than yours." Gabe says.

I shove the rest of my sandwich down my throat. "I need to leave, like now."

I love Sage but I don't want to find out how he'll react to this. My life has already been threatened too many times and it's not even noon.

Before I can leave, James pulls me back down into my seat. "It's a good thing this is a Christian establishment because you need Jesus for this."

II rest my head on the table as Sage sits down beside me, his hair a wild mess. "What's up, guys?"

No one says a thing, only making my situation even more obvious. He shifts, trying to make conversation, deciding to start with me. How kind. 

"Are you feeling okay?" Why is he so nice?

"Oh, our man Ashton is doing just fine."

Thanks Gabe. Slowly I sit back up, trying my best to smile but before I can say anything Sage gasps. "Holy shit."

Well he's seen it. "Look, man-"

"Scarlett's going to kill you then probably herself." He says between laughs.

I slam my head back onto the table, I didn't even think about that.


Hi, I'm at the lake and my people tolerance has dwindled. I'm ready for a nap and to go home.

However, I find it so strange that ash is such an emotional guy because I tired so hard for Scarlett to be that way and it never worked. She holds back on everything. Ash does too but with Scarlett it's physically impossible for him to not be emotionally inclined.

It's interesting.

Love a very tired and introverted Mo

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