Rest In Peace, BFF

By dramatic_king

169 51 0

They say the best things in life come in threes but who would've known that a friendship could perhaps be an... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Chapter 2

37 9 0
By dramatic_king

Gemini. That's what I am, in case you hadn't noticed that I left my zodiac sign out. First thing most people tend to say once they hear the word Gemini is "two-faced", and to that I say, thank you. Thank you for thinking we're such talented actors and capable of pulling off multiple "faces". Whenever we'd get into an argument, Kevin would always remind me of the 'two-faced' person I am to get on my nerves and the argument would usually end with me tickling him until he'd nearly pass out from laughter.

A couple of months back in the cafeteria, at the exact same table, we talked about what was going on in our lives at the time. Kevin brought up how he was falling for this new girl at school – Zoe. At this point, Zoe had been at our school for about three months and Kevin couldn't keep talking about her which would annoy both Kendall and me. He'd talk about her long brown curls, her hazel eyes that would remind him of honey and her sweet and soft voice which is what he would imagine 'an angel speaking to him'. This guy just needs to find a hobby, right?

Kendall, on the other hand, was in a dark place. Her ex-boyfriend had cheated on her nearly half a year ago but she had just found out recently and she was d e s t r o y e d. Though she didn't cry once at the table with us, I knew that deep down, she was aching. She kept on going about how easy friends or lovers can just break your heart because you don't want to think that they're capable of hurting you. Later on, we had a debate on whether people change.

People change, they say. Do they, really? Or is it just some sort of myth that people still believe till this day? Personally, I don't think people change. Do their views and opinions change? Possibly. However, as a person, no. They do not change. You may or may not choose to believe that. In fact, it's very likely that you believe it's true because sometimes our minds tend to see the better side of people because you hope to not find something you dislike in a person you think highly of. That's when 'change' happens. You think it's a 'change' but in fact, you're just witnessing them portray a different side that is brand new in your eyes. But enough of that.

Despite the fact that Kevin went on and on about Zoe, he would stop to comfort Kendall, too. Buying Galaxy bars which were Kendall's favourites and spoiling her with art products like paint brushes and black markers was our when we'd notice Kendall in bad moods or you know, that time of the month...

That weekend, I decided to call Kendall and ask her if she was down to have a movie night altogether and stuff our faces with all kinds of salty snacks, sweets and perhaps a few glasses of booze. I called her and asked her but her response was the opposite of what I had expected. She had told me how weak and sleep deprived she felt and asked if we can take a rain check for another time.

I couldn't give up, I wanted to cheer her up. I decided that I would simply head to the supermarket nearby and get at least a huge bowl of Nutella and maybe a few packs of her favourite prawn cocktail Pringles which I, personally, find super disgusting. Heading to the cashier, I glanced away for a minute staring at this super sale of 70% off on all Galaxy Products (and you know who loves Galaxy) but then accidentally bumped into Zoe. Literally bumped into her.

"Ouch! Can't you see where you're going? Oh, hey Kyle," she shouted but then smiled once she saw me.

"I'm so sorry, this Galaxy sale made me lose focus," I said and noticed her sweet laugh.

"What are you doing here anyways?" she interrogated whilst taking a look in my cart filled with chocolates and salty savouries. "Excited to have diabetes this weekend I see?"

I then chuckled. I finally understood what Kevin saw in her. Not only was she beautiful, her humour and her charisma made a huge impression on me. Was I also falling for her? I had to leave straight away before I'd begin to think of her differently or before I'd say something I would probably regret. "Anyways, it was nice seeing you but I'm in a rush so I'll see you around soon," I smiled and waved.

"Yeah, hopefully I'll see you around," she responded and then headed the other direction.

Hopefully? Did she say hopefully or was my mind just messing with me? Then again, I wouldn't blame her - I'm frickin handsome.

After leaving the store, I headed to Kendall's to surprise her even though I was certain she'd be in bed sleeping for the sole reason of trying to escape her reality. Driving through her neighbourhood was always so pleasant; it was peaceful and honestly, breath-taking too. Tall palm trees and many fields filled with all kinds of flowers; sunflowers, tulips and even roses – it was mesmerising. Approaching her house and trying to locate a place to park, I noticed a slim figure on the front porch but couldn't tell who it was from this distance. As I went closer, I understood that the slim figure was in fact, Kendall and she was hugging someone holding a large bag from the supermarket I had just came from, she was most probably welcoming the person inside her house... who was that? It was Kevin. What? I stopped driving further. I waited to see what would happen next.

Both Kevin and Kendall entered her house together and closed the door. I was in shock. I didn't know how to react. I grabbed my phone in anger and opened the Messenger app. I sent a message which I thought I would regret but it didn't matter to me at that moment.

"Hey, Zoe. Wanna hang out?"

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