Shadowhunters Imagines & Pref...

By cutey123456

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Cute preferences about Shadowhunters. Includes : Alec, Jace, Magnus, Simon and Raphael... (maybe I'll add mor... More

ALEC IMAGINE *you have a nightmare*
JACE IMAGINE *you have a nightmare*
*6* The necklace he gives you
*7* Your wedding dress
*8* Wedding venues
*9* His favorite lingerie on you
*10* Your favorite bands
*11* Your favorite TV shows
*12* Your favorite lipstick
*13* Your everyday outfit
*14* Favorite Disney cartoon to watch together
HOROSCOPE - Who is your boyfriend
*15* The stuffed toy he gets you
HOROSCOPE - Your best friend
*16* Your tattoo
*17* Nail art
*18* Your date outfit
*20* Your favorite lip gloss
Dating Raphael would include...
*21* Cute datesā¤
*22* Engagement ring
Dating Jace would include...
*23* Your everyday outfit 2
*24* Your wedding bouquet
*25* Your evening dress
*26* Playlists
Dating Alec would include...
JACE IMAGINE - He finds out you're a virgin

SIMON IMAGINE *you have a nightmare*

233 5 0
By cutey123456

Alright... Whose bright idea was it to piss off a Warlock? Well actually it was probably your fault anyway...

The Shadowhunter gang (the Lightwoods, Clary and your boyfriend, Simon) needed help finding some demon.

Magnus failed to help for whatever reason. Probably something to do with Camille Drama - you honestly weren't sure. So Simon asked you for help on finding another Warlock. One that is strong enough to help.

He said something about your "downworlder conections". But honestly asking me probably wasn't the smartest choice. And you tried telling him that, you really did. But he just kept going on and on about how you should have "more faith in yourself" and bla bla bla. So if anything it's Simon's fault.

The thing is, most of the time your brother handled any offical buisness - including any interactions with other important Downworlders (he also made sure to keep you away from them - vise choice apparently...). In short - you probably shouldn't have agreed considering your lack of experince in that arena.

Well long story short : you (apparently) didn't do your research thoroughly enough and picked the wrong guy. His record seemed clean enough - impressive even. But he was a well-known fraud. Ooooppss... (Again - Simon's fault!)

When you finally figured that out it was already too late. You all tried to catch him to give him over to the Clave, but while doing so you were hit by some kind of spell.

You collapsed to the floor, seemingly asleep. The hunt on the scheming Warlock was forgotten as everybody rushed to your side. Simon was the first to reach you, paniced and wishing you wouldn't have gotten involved. The panic only rose when you wouldn't wake up.

Alec quickly phoned Magnus and not long after you were lying on the comfortable couch in Magnus' apartment.


You woke up in a bed, lying face up. The room you were in was illuminated only by the moon. You slowly sat upright and looked around at your surroundings.

The room, the bed, the noise of cars outside your window - you'd recognize it anywhere. It was your old room in New York from when you just moved from Mexico. But that's impossible. It's been decades since the building has existed... And even longer since you stepped a foot into the building.

"Hello?" you called out into the small room.

You weren't sure why - it's not like you expected a response. Maybe you couldn't stand the silence. Your mind was racing and the silence was deafening. It made you even more uneasy so you kept talking.

"Simon? Si?"

You were slowly making your way around the room and towards the window.

"Raphael? Clary? Anybody? Is this some kind of joke?... Jace?..."

You stopped when you saw a glimpse of your reflection in the mirror. The girl looking back at you - you haven't seen her in ages. It was your own reflection, but your hair looked different. It hasn't looked like that in years. And your face looked different as well. More innocent. Not yet hardened by the cruel world.

You stared for a few more moments, mesmerized by the sight, before tearing your gaze away and back on your room.

You were half expecting to see your friends there, laughing and saying it's all a joke. But the only thing there was the darkness and the light glow of the moonlight.

"This isn't funny!" you called out again, louder.

You were starting to panic.

'How did I get here? Where is everybody?... Where's Simon?'

You quickly chased the thoughts away. Panicing did you no good.

"Magnus? Are you doing this?"

You heard footsteps in the hall but before you could even think about who it might be, the door opened.

In the doorway stood your brother. Well, a version of your brother you haven't known in half of a century.

"Y/n? Hey, what's wrong? I heard you shouting from my room" he said, looking around the room to see what might've caused you to panic.

"Raphael!" you shrieked and hugged him.

Once he recovered from the shock of your reaction, he hugged you back.

"What's going on?" he asked.

"I have no idea, you tell me. I mean one minute I'm at some Warlock's flat and the next I'm in my old room from 50 years ago. How did you get here? Is  anybody else here? Is Simon here?"

He just looked at you puzzled for a few moments before answering.

"What are you talking about, Y/n? Warlock? And who's Simon? Did you have a nightmare?"

Well that's definitily not the response you were expecting.

"I'm-I'm confused... Okay just-just... You're not making any sense right now. Give me a moment" you answered. After composing your thoughts you continued "What year is it?"

"You're asking me what year is it? And somehow I'm not making any sense? You were just going on about a Warlock... And-and a Simon? Y/n we don't even know any Simon!"

"Just answer the question... Please..." you said, now pleading as you grew more scared and confused.

"It's 1955" he answered.

1955... That's two years after you both became vampires.

"So we're already vampires? But we moved to Hotel Dumort in 1953... Why are we here?" you weren't even really talking to him, just thinking out loud.

Raphael rested his hand on your forehead to check if you had a fever.

"Vampires? Are you feeling okay? Are you coming down with something? Should I wake Mother?"

You didn't answer. You were still processing and trying to figure out what the hell is going on. He really didn't know what you're talking about.

You maybe had no idea what's happening but you knew one thing - you had to get out of here. Wherever you were...

"There has to be a way out of here... Is this some kind of demension? What if everything was just a dream? No... It couldn't have been... It felt real... Too real... And Simon... I have to get back to Si..." you just kept rambling on while making your way downstairs and outside.

"Y/n wait! You're scaring me! Just come here. I'll wake Mother and we'll call a doctor" Raphael chased after you. 


Meanwhile at Magnus' apartment:

˝A sleeping spell?˝ asked Jace.

˝That is what I said, yes˝ came a response from Magnus.

˝What is this? Sleeping beauty?˝replied Jace, annoyed.

˝Well maybe that's where he got his inspiration, but other that that I don't think there are any similarities ˝

˝So we should try waking her with true love's kiss˝

˝That's not gonna work, blondie˝

˝Well I say we give it a shot. C'mon pucker up Sim-˝

˝-Jace! Shut up. This is serious... Stop turning everything into a joke˝ Simon interrupted. He's been uncharacteristically quiet since you've been hit by the spell. ˝Just tell us how we can fix this, Magnus˝

Magnus knew about your relationship – he didn't understand it (he always thought you were too good for the newborn vampire), but he knew about it. The warlock always predicted it wouldn't last long as he never knew how deeply you truly felt about each other. You suppose he saw it merely as a one night stand kind of thing.

˝I'm not sure yet. It's a working progress. Do you have any idea how many different types of sleeping spells exist? This will probably take some time so I suggest you take a seat and relax. Make yourself at home˝ the High Warlock answered.

˝I can't just sit and relax! Tell me how I can help˝

˝There's nothing you can do to help, vampire... The only thing you're doing right now is distracting me. I'm gonna make a few calls and ask for help from people who can actually provide it. So, as I said before : sit down and stay out of my way˝

˝Can't you just suck the spell out of her or something?˝ asked Alec, probably to break the tension.

˝That's not how it works, Alexander. Like I said : there are many types of sleeping spell. I can't be sure if that's going to work and the consequences could be dangerous˝

˝Do you at least know if it's permanent?˝ spoke Simon.

˝No, I don't. It could wear off in a couple of hours, but I highly doubt a Warlock on his level would use an amateur spell like that˝

˝What if she never wakes up?˝ Simon asked desperately, but it sounded more like he was thinking out loud than actually asking a question.

˝Don't be so pessimistic, vampire. You're not the only one who cares about Y/N˝

˝I know that... I'm sorry, it's just that I'm worried. Worried doesn't even begin to cover it... I can't loose her Magnus˝

˝And you're not going to. I'm going to do everything in my power to help her. She's like a little sister to me. I promise she's going to be okay... I'll make sure of it. Now let me do my work˝

˝Fine... But if you find anyth-˝

˝C'mon Simon. Just sit here and try to calm down. You being nurves isn't doing anyone any good. Especially not Y/N˝ Clary said from her spot on the couch as she made a come here gesture.

Simon finally obliged and sat next to her.

Magnus was already in the hallway when he called out ˝Oh, and please somebody call Raphael! Preferably somebody who can't get murdered easily˝


Hours past as you lay there unconscious, surrounded by your friends and family. Magnus and his fellow warlock friends were still working on a solution. The sky has long ago turned dark and instead of the sun, the sky was illuminated by the moon. Simon lost track of time hours ago. Minutes felt like days to him as he waited for you to wake up.

Clary was already asleep and the other Shadowhunters didn't look like they were going to stay awake much longer either. Raphael arrived immediately after he got the call and was now silently sitting next to your unmoving body.

Nobody spoke in hours. Not since they stopped trying to convince Simon to at least eat something. The only sound in the room was one of Magnus' antique clocks and the distant chattering coming from somewhere down the hall. Every once in a while Magnus or some other Warlock would come and test something.

Magnus' voice finally broke the silence as he entered the room ˝I think we figured it out. It took some time... The spell is quite rare and it takes a lot of power to perform˝

The sleeping Shadowhunters shot awake on the couch, all of them intently waiting for Magnus to continue.

˝So you know exactly what happened to her?˝ your brother asked.

˝Yes. The spell trapped her into her worse nightmare. The bad news is that a spell that powerful can't wear off˝

˝So she's just gonna stay asleep forever?˝ Simon replied.

˝That's not what I said. The spell can't wear off but there is a way to wake her up˝


˝Well... You'll probably think I'm joking but I swear I'm telling the truth... The only way to wake Y/N is with a true love's kiss˝

˝I knew it!˝ Jace exclaimed ˝We would've saved a lot of time if you people would've listened to me˝

˝So that's it? A powerful spell like that can be broken by a kiss?˝ Raphael asked, completely ignoring Jace's remark.

˝Not just any kiss. It has to be true love's  kiss otherwise it's not gonna work... I know it all sounds too fairytale-y but it's the only way˝

˝So what are you waiting for Simon? Go wake your princess˝ Isabelle said with a knowing smile.

˝Me? Wh-What if it doesn't work? We've only been together for a short time... What if it's not true love?˝

˝Well I guess we'll find out˝ answered Alec.

Simon looked around the room. He could feel all eyes on him as he lowered himself towards your body laying unmoving on the couch. It felt wrong – kissing you when you were unconscious. Especially when everyone was looking.

Simon closed his eyes and slowly lowered his lips to your soft ones. In his mind he prayed that it would work. Not only because it would save you, but also because that would mean that your love was true.

He lifted his head, separating your lips and looked at your sleeping face. Your eyes remained closed and there was no sign of movement. Simon rose back on his feet and turned towards your friends.

˝Either Magnus was wrong about the spell or our love just isn't strong enough. Oh God I knew this won't work I-˝

˝Si, wait! Look! I think Y/N's opening her eyes!˝

Everybody's gaze snapped towards you as your eyes fluttered open.

˝S-Simon?˝ you called out in a weak voice.

˝Y/N! Hey hey I'm here˝ Simon said as he wrapped you in his strong arms, tucking your head under his chin. ˝Are you okay? How are you feeling, Sweetheart?˝

˝I'm okay, just a bit dizzy. What happened?˝

Before Simon could answer Magnus cut in. ˝You were hit by a sleeping spell. It trapped you into your worse nightmare. Do you remember anything? What did you see?˝

˝I woke up in 1955, but I wasn't a vampire. It was like nothing ever happened. Vampires, Werewolves, Warlocks, Shadowhunters – none of them were real. It was like everything that happened to me after I turned was just a dream... I never met any of you... I never met you, Simon˝... You-You weren't real...˝ you answered.

˝Hey I'm here now, Sweetheart. It wasn't real, any of it˝

You just nodded and buried yourself deeper into his embrace. After you calmed down everybody just sat on Magnus' couch (some people on the floor) and talked for a bit. It was nearly morning when you asked ˝Hey, how did you even wake me up anyway?˝

Simon blushed and you could see Clary giggle a bit.

˝Well... In order to wake you, you had to be kissed by your true love˝ Magnus replied, glancing at Simon.

It was now your turn to blush as you turned to Simon. ˝Thank you for waking me, my prince Charming˝ you said with a smile and pecked his cheek.

˝My pleasure, my beautiful princess˝

You could see Raphael roll his eyes.

˝You guys are really making me sick˝ Alec said (something all of them were thinking probably).

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