Restart.... Saturn meets Nept...

By Saturn_CPU

144 1 0

This is a complete overhaul of my last story. It deals with Saturn, a character from the planet Saturn & he i... More

Planning is hard.
Heavy Behemoth just plain Sucks
Darkness vs Enlightenment
Past of Forgiveness
Restoring Love
Behemoth's Last Meal

New Friend or Enemy?

26 0 0
By Saturn_CPU

Narrator: Welcome Back, now we see what's going on in Gamindustry, Planeptune is waking up.
Histoire: Neptune! Time to wake up! The alarm clock has gone off!

Neptune: *Snoring & making cute talk while asleep*. N-no, no... m-more sleep... I-I, I can't eat anymore...

Histoire: If you don't get up, I will really pour some hot water on your face! 

Neptune: *continues to sleep*.

Histoire: Fine... *goes to the kitchen sink, gets a coffee mug & fills it with hot water, flies back to Neptune & pours ho my water on her face*.

Neptune: *Wakes Up, coughs & shakes her head*. H-Histoire!? What the hell? That woke me up from the best food dream ever! That also was painful.

Histoire: Maybe now, you'll wake up to your alarm clock from now on. Now get dressed & go meet Noire in the virtue forest. 

Neptune: Okay...
Narrator: Neptune takes a shower & goes to the virtue forest, to meet up with Noire. Nepgear is busy with repairs from the night before. Let's take a peek.
Neptune: Ohayo! Noire, I have arrived!

Noire: About time Neptune, how long were you expecting me to wait here?!

Neptune: Not long, although I wanted to sleep more.

Noire: Typical of you.. *sighs*. Now let's do some quests that I picked out & I'm pretty sure that Histoire gave you some too?

Neptune: Yeah, she did.... defeat 10 dogoo's, such for a very rare metallic piece & defeat 4 giant dragons. 

Noire: Mine is similar, but I have to slay 8 flower monsters & kupokitties. 

Neptune: This ought to be easy then.

Noire: D-Don't underestimate the enemy like that or else they'll take us down easily.
*They hear someone making sword noises & dragons screaming*.

Noire: You hear that?!

Neptune: Yepperoni! Let's go!

Noire: W-Wait! Don't rush in! You trying to get yourself killed!?
Narrator: When they rush in to aid the person, it's the one who crashed in Planeptune last night. How did he hold up? Read for yourself.
Saturn: *Slices the first dragons neck & stuns it one more time in its skull. The dragon disappears*. This dragon was not a challenge.. though, I should not be asking for too much of a fight for now.

Noire: Freeze!

Saturn: *Jumps up in the air & lands right behind Noire*. Hello there?

Noire: *Screams*. How'd you?

Saturn: I'm highly trained & experienced. 

Neptune: Hey! It's you from last night?

Noire: Y-you know this man?

Neptune: Kind of... his name was Saturn or something, from a different planet, his friends are 40 light-years away. Anyway, the meteor he kind of crashed into the planetpune basilicom. Literally destroying my place of gaming and relaxation.

Noire: That helps Histoire with one problem at the least.

Saturn: Most correct. *draws back sword into his side*.

Noire: What were you doing out here anyway on your own? 

Saturn: Not even a greeting of your name first?

Noire: Oh! Umm? S-sorry, accept my apologies... you can call me Noire, I'm the CPU of Lastation & you know Neptune since you apparently met her last night. Now I will ask again, what were you doing out here on your own?

Saturn: I was settling in & made a well underground house for the time being, until suddenly I was attacked by some would blue dog looking creatures & giant dragons. I was about to get swarmed, I had to take on a total of 30 blue dog things & 4 giant dragons. None stood a chance. 

Noire: WOW! Neptune, Maybe you should take notes of this guy.

Neptune: N-no way! Besides, he obviously just got lucky, I'm the main protagonist here.

Noire: Yea & you just sleep, eat & play games on your daily basis when you should be working.

Neptune: That's just little old me ya should know that. And besides, I work when I want to.

Noire: Only When Histoire kicks you out of the Basilicom & locks you out.

Noire: I'm going to have to bring you in, just to confirm what you say you are. 

Saturn: Only if battles me, shall I go with you.

Noire: Are you asking to be hurt or killed? Should I show you the power of a goddess?

Saturn: Only if you wish to see my power & have me go with you. Win or lose, I will go with you to your land if you battle me.

Neptune: Whoa! Hold up, can't we just go there & settle it peacefully?

Saturn: Very noble of you to make a positive suggestion... however I cannot go without a proper battle. 

Noire: *Transforms into Black Heart*.

Black Heart: *Swings sword into defense*, now let's see.

Saturn: Your power level looks adorable, but not one to force me to loosen up my guard. Let's duel!

Black Heart: *Flies quickly to Saturn, lashes sword at him*.

Saturn: *Dodges like a bullet, kicks Black Heart in the back, as well as throwing a tree down falling towards her*.

Black Heart: *Evades the tree, uses tricolor order*.

Saturn: *Grabs Black Heart's sword, he stops her tricolor order & swings her around like she was a toy by her toward*.

Black Heart: N-not even a wound on him..... is? Is he cheating?

Neptune: *Transforms into Purple Heart*.

Purple Heart: Need a hand?

Black Heart: You always pick the worst time to help out. 

Purple Heart: At least, I'm not late.

Saturn: You wish to join? Very well, you may see my power is unstopped.

Purple Heart: We shall see about that. *Lunges forward, uses her sword to slice Saturn*.

Saturn: *Quickly evades & is immediately behind Purple Heart* you see, I can overcome any god or goddess, *hits Purple Heart on her head & she gets thrown into the ground*.

Black Heart: *Throws her sword & uses lace ribbon attack*. This is it!

Saturn: *Gets attacked & flown into the air, gets smashed into the ground by Black Heart's feet*. 

Black Heart: Is that it?

Purple Heart: I hope so.

Saturn: *Easily gets up from the ground, scrapes the dirt off of his shoulder cape & shrugs the injuries off*, felt good... for my armor, I'll say that for sure. I can still go, I don't even have a single scratch. 

Black Heart: Dammit! I thought that would do the trick. How is he more powerful than us? We're CPU's, Goddesses... are our shares not strong enough?

Purple Heart: I don't know, but.

Saturn: My powers can translate through many worlds, so I have nonstop growth in my strength. I only am able to do so is within my armor. My armor produces it. I'd still have my powers even without my armor. However, my armor is precious to me... This fight is over, I declare it over.

Black Heart & Purple Heart: *Both go back to human forms*. 

Noire: I-I'm exhausted.

Neptune: You could say that again for me, I am beaten.

Saturn: May I escort you ladies to your Lastation basilicom? 

Noire: I'll lead the way. 

Neptune: Break time? Yippee!
Narrator: the three had gone back to the Lastation basilicom where they were greeted by Kei & Uni. Saturn now talks of his goal or a part of it here.
Inside Saturn's Head: *Heres his people screaming, explosions going off. An old friend whispers in Saturn's ear saying*.

An old friend in Saturn's Head: ??? ??? ??? ???? One... to be ????? To wield & activate the great weapon to finish him. Now go! Retrieve the ????????? ????? & kill him. Avenge us. *dies*.

Inside Saturn's Head: If he is not stopped, all life shall & will be eradicated. *Remembers the planet of Saturn going into darkness, walks near corpses of his people. Sees his daughter who was only 8 years old dead. Picks her body up, hugs her & says* Only if I was stronger, I'm sorry... I'm so sorry, Sadako. *His enemy takes control of his daughter's corpse*.

???????: Nothing you could've done to stop the pain. Pain is everywhere, even death knows it's feeling. There is no ending. I, Auberon have risen again. You too shall see death.

Saturn's Head: Not today.

Auberon: We shall see about that. *laughs evilly of a deep voice*.
Noire: Hey, Saturn? Hey Saturn! We're here!

Saturn: *Takes his hand off of his right eye*, oh umm. Then let's get my reasons for being in Gamindustry out of the way. 

Neptune: Yep.

*They enter the Lastation basilicom & go up to Noires housing quarters*.
Noire: So, uh? How did you land in Gamindustry?

Saturn: By teleporting from 40 light-years away & onto a meteor from one that was in your meteor shower last night.

Noire: That's Impossible.

Saturn: Not with my great powers, I have powers that are on the same level as the gods/goddesses. I trained most of my life learning how to use them & get powerful to outmatch any hostile. 

Noire: Well... you, umm? Certainly proved your training facing me in the forest. 

Neptune: Noire, He has powers that allow him to Umm? What was it again? I didn't pay much attention to you last night, because you crashed right onto my game console & tv.

Noire: *chuckles, a little*.

Neptune: What's so funny?! 

Noire: He... *can't stop laughing*. That got you up & working today, huh? Least we know how to make you work now.

Neptune: N-not funny! Histoire could use that as a weapon on me...

Noire: You made my point. 

Saturn: Back to business.

Noire: Huh? Oh, right... *stops laughing*, so before that, explain what your powers do?

Saturn: Alright... Neptune, listen to me this time, I won't cover it again. My light powers allow me to either teleport or fly at ridiculous speeds. I used the teleport power of it & I ended up in one of the meteors that were in the meteor shower. Not only that, but it also allows to be able to sense when danger is about to hit me & it increases my strength, speed & defenses. 

Noire: Sounds like some novel.

Neptune: Well, we are in a Wattpad story fanfic after all. Oops? I wasn't supposed to break the fourth wall was I?

Noire: I-It's fine as long as it's not going too far. 

Neptune: My rear is saved.

Noire: And your reason for being here Saturn?

Saturn: I am tasked to put a stop to someone called Auberon.

Noire: Auberon?

Saturn: Yes... he killed everyone on my homeworld, including... *takes a picture of his 8-year-old daughter.. she was cute with blonde hair with blue eyes like her mother*, my own daughter who I swore to protect & ended up. 

Noire: No need to talk anymore.

Saturn: N-no, I must. If I don't, then I can't move on. 

*Uni Walks in giving Noire some work papers that she has to sign & fill out*.

Uni: Here you go big sis.

Noire: Oh, Uni? Thanks... now off you go. 

Uni: Who is this loser?

Saturn: The name is Saturn. A pleasure to meet you.

Uni: Uh-huh. Don't try anything to my big sis Saturn. 

Saturn: I won't, after our little battle back in the forest, she wouldn't.

Uni: You two fought?! I could've helped Noire?

Noire: It's fine, he just wanted someone to duel with. He didn't mean harm, he was just bored, I-I think.

Saturn: Well, That & also I have to make sure you're not going to be killing me when we got here. 

Uni: I'll be on my way. *Leaves the basilicom*. 

Noire: S-sorry about that, Uni can get a little protective of me. She does it to be just like me which sometimes worries me. 

Saturn: I've noticed... can't say I blame her.

Neptune: And what about this Auberon guy?

Saturn: My intel suggests that he is planning to arrive. In my last battle with him, I weakened him back to his first stage. He can only fight you by using your fear. My friends held him off 40 light-years away to make sure that he got weakened for us to train & come up with a plan to finish him off. Although his powers increase by the minute. His power... at first I thought he needed people to fear him to make his powers get stronger, but that's not the case. 

Noire: Have you found out?

Saturn: Not exactly. In my last battle, I almost found out, but I couldn't use my intel power anymore, it was either that or die there. I used it to escape. Live to fight another day. 

Noire: We have to warn Gamindustry.

Saturn: If you warn your continent, you're only putting fear into all of the citizens & other creatures which equals Auberon getting stronger. 

Noire: Dam. If we can't alert, what are we suppose to do?

Kei: How about we rally everyone & come up with a solution. Besides, we haven't had a group rally meeting since "Neptunia Mk2" right before when we were all about to rescue you. Well, the CPU candidates at least with Compa, Iffy, & the rest. 

Noire: Sounds like a soft plan, but okay.

Saturn: So y'all want to help?

Noire: Yes! 

Neptune: More work? 

Noire: It's a Definitive Yes Neptune, and you are not sleeping out on this. 

Kei: Then I shall set up the preparation.

Saturn: I have no idea to call y'all friends or enemies that have a new common enemy.

Neptune: Just call us by our names.

Saturn: *smiles. Also locks & loads his K3758-g1 pistol*, let's get to planning.
Narrator: Saturn lost his daughter to Auberon & is in desperation to avenge her death as well as his people. Neptune & Noire now know his backstory. But more lays deep within his mind, his past can overrun his mind if he's not careful.
We shall see in the next chapter.

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