The Atlantean Chronicles: Cal...

By KessandraRenee

627 86 7

A mythical underwater kingdom; handsome, mysterious brothers with a hero complex, and a girl with a surprisin... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty

Chapter Nine

17 3 0
By KessandraRenee

Diana hadn't even realized she had gotten to her feet until she heard her chair clatter to the floor behind her. "Diana?" Arielle asked in a small voice; Diana's blood roared in her ears and Arielle's voice sounded far away.

She looked around the room, unsure of what to do, her heart pounded and everything she looked at was framed in a cloud of haze. Her muscles felt numb as she backed away from the table. Thunder barked in concern somewhere beside her, but she ignored him.

"Diana are you--" Reith began, but she put a hand up to stop him, closing her eyes and shaking her head.

It was too much, too much at once. She didn't even realize she was hyperventilating until her throat closed up and her breath came out in quick rasps. She staggered back a couple of steps until she bumped into the glass doors. "I- I just need some air," she gasped, turning and sliding the door open.

Diana walked briskly across the yard until the hill sloped down and the lush grass slowly gave way to rocks and sand. As soon as she was sure she was out of sight of the house, she took off running down the beach, taking in huge gulps of air as she tried to calm herself and clear her mind.

They hadn't said it, only suggested it. Could it be possible? Were she and Arielle really the rightful heirs to the throne of Atlantis? It seemed foolish considering up until two days ago, Atlantis had been nothing more than a myth to her. How could they possibly expect her to be Atlantis' last hope? And unifying Atlantis with the surface world? That would be revealing a long forgotten country to a land full of ignorance and greed, while acting as a diplomat as well...

Diana stopped running, bending over and bracing her hands against her thighs. She shook her head. What the hell was happening? A week ago she was nothing more than a cafe waitress and college student. The biggest thing she'd had to worry about was making sure her interview went well for an internship. Now her mentor was dead, her aunt missing, and she and her sister were apparently long lost royalty of an undersea kingdom. Could she even breath under water?

Her head spun and she fell on her back in the sand, staring up at the sky. The sun hung high overhead and warmed her skin. She closed her eyes, the bright sunlight turning her eyelids red as slowly, her breathing returned to a steady pace.

"Did you pass out or are you awake?"

Diana's eyes flicked open as a shadow fell over her. She blinked in surprise as she saw Jacin standing over her. The sunlight struck the back of his head, turning his blonde hair a brilliant golden color.

Diana propped herself up on her elbows and looked questioningly and hesitantly at him as he sat down beside her, gazing out at the ocean.

"You were the last person I expected to run after me," she admitted, sitting up and pulling her knees to her chest. She rested her arms on her knees and watched the waves gently lap at the shore, the foam nearly tickling her toes, but not quite reaching.

"Technically, I didn't run after you. But I know you didn't want to be alone," he said simply, still looking out at the ocean.

Diana pressed her lips together. "What makes you think I don't want to be alone?"

Jacin tilted his head just enough to look at her from the corner of his eye. "Believe me, the times when you think you want to be alone, are the times you need someone there for you more than ever."

Diana studied him, there was an emotion in his voice that she had never heard from him, though she couldn't quite place it. He was staring back out at the ocean and she saw the same longing in his ocean blue eyes that she felt every time she stood on the shore. He clenched his jaw and looked down at his chest. Diana tilted her head, she had never really looked at him, she realized. Most of the time they were avoiding each other's gaze, too irritated with one another.

He was actually quite handsome. His jawline was defined, his nose was sharp but no too big or pointy. His golden hair fell in smooth waves ending just below his ears. He was lean but she could see the defined muscles in his arms as he held himself up. "I'm sorry I've been such an ass," he said suddenly.

Diana pulled her head back and stared at him. She certainly hadn't expected that; she had been prepared to defend an argument that hadn't even started. She looked away. "It's not like I've made it easy for you to be nice to me," she pointed out.

Jacin chuckled and looked up at her. "I'm not gonna lie, that is very true," he said.

Diana glared at him and his eyes brightened. "Regardless of my behavior, why were you being such an ass?" she asked, keeping her voice light.

Jacin didn't look offended but he looked back out at the sea. "I didn't understand why Reith and I were risking our lives for some girls we'd never even met," he admitted.

Diana shrugged. "That's a fair point."

Jacin smiled and looked down. "I want my uncle dethroned too and the things your father and Kotak were working on were supposed to help us be at peace with the surface world..." he trailed away.

Diana lowered head and looked at him. "But..." she prompted.

Jacin sighed. "I'm still a young, arrogant prince who didn't think of the bigger picture. I saw me and my brother, the heirs to the throne, sticking our necks out for two land-dwellers. I knew who your father was as far as being an Atlantean scientist, but as you saw we didn't even know who you really were. It felt stupid to me, I thought Reith and I were Atlantis' only chance; but Meison knows us and knows how to get to us. You," he looked up at her. "You're not like any girl I've ever met, Meison either and I think you scare him."

Diana sucked in her breath, that explained Jacin, but nothing else. "But why me? Why are Arielle and I Atlantis' only hope? We know nothing about our heritage, not to mention the fact that I would have drowned the other night if you hadn't found me. Clearly you and Reith are more qualified," she said, sounding as hopeless as she felt.

Jacin was looking at her, his eyes glittering in amusement. "That may all be true," he began.

Diana rolled her eyes. "But," he went on. "You and Arielle are the only people to be born of both worlds. You grew up on the surface, you can show them that not everyone on land is terrible. And you can be an advocate for Atlantis on land. The reason Reith and I were sent to get you is because we can understand you... to a degree, and we can train you, prepare you for life in Atlantis."

Diana flopped back in the sand with a huff. "So your uncle is trying to kill me and my sister because he's thinking the same things as you but sees them as a threat rather than a new beginning for his people?" she said, still trying to wrap her head around everything.

Jacin lay back, propping himself on his elbows. "I guess that's the short version, yeah."

Diana rolled her head to the side to look at him and frowned. He looked down at her and raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean by training?" she asked skeptically.

A smile slowly spread across Jacin's face and his eyes glittered with mischief. Diana sat upright and looked back at him. "I think we've told you enough for one day," he said, leaning forward.

Diana rolled her eyes again and got to her feet. "You and your brother are the masters of avoiding questions," she said, brushing sand off her back.

Jacin rose as well and smiled. Diana stiffened as an image popped into her head. Her dream the other night, when he had woken up beside her, he had smiled just like that, yet she had never seen him smile since she'd met him.

"Are you okay?" Jacin asked, snapping her back to reality.

Diana rolled her shoulders back, letting out a deep breath and smiled up at him. "Actually, yes. I was just thinking..." she said, her voice teasing as she began to walk ahead of him.

He caught up easily with his long legs and looked at her, his face serious. She looked mischievously up at him from the corner of her eye. "You should smile more, it looks good on you."

When they got back to the house, Thunder was there to greet them. Kaftor was in the kitchen washing dishes, humming an unusual tune. It sounded both haunting and beautiful in his deep voice.

He looked up as he noticed them step inside and raised a bushy eyebrow at Jacin. Jacin looked up at him and Kaftor bounced his eyebrows up and down looking quickly at Diana then back at Jacin.

Diana turned her face away, stifling a laugh but pretended not to have noticed. Jacin ignored Kaftor. "Where's Reith?"

"Always business with you ay?" Kaftor said, turning the sink off and tossing a dishcloth over his broad shoulder.

Jacin crossed his arms. Kaftor sighed. "Fine, he's in the living room," he resigned. "The girls are upstairs," he added as Diana followed Jacin out of the kitchen.

Reith was sitting on the couch, a concerned look on his face as he stared at a book sitting on the coffee table. "You might enjoy it more if you open it," Diana teased, leaning in the doorway as Jacin walked in.

Reith jumped as if he hadn't seen them enter. He recovered quickly and straightened his shoulders. "Ha ha," he said dryly, pushing the book back to the center of the coffee table and looking between Jacin and Diana.

"We said we'd take her and Arielle to get some new clothes," Jacin reminded him.

Reith rose with a sigh. "Right, yeah, sorry we couldn't grab any of your belongings," he said, looking sincerely apologetic as he looked at Diana.

She shook her head. "People were trying to kill us, I get it," she said, trying to keep the mood light.

The air around Reith was morose and it was unnerving to see the usually charming, charismatic prince in such a state. Jacin seemed to notice too, he was looking at his brother through narrowed eyes. Jacin met Diana's gaze. "Why don't you let Callista and Arielle know we're leaving, we'll meet you in the car," he suggested.

Diana looked between him and Reith, then back at him. She got the message. She nodded before turning and heading up the stairs. When she reached the second floor she heard giggles coming from the room on the far left of the house.

Frowning, she made her way towards the noise. The door was slightly ajar and she peered inside. Arielle and Callista were sitting on the bed. Callista's eyes glowed a pale blue and Diana watched in surprise as a stream of water lifted out of a glass on the window sill and drifted towards her open palm.

"Here, put your hand out," Callista said in a soft voice.

Arielle smiled and did as she said. Callista's hands angled towards Arielle, guiding the water towards her. She twirled her fingers and the water slowly spiraled into a perfect sphere, hovering just over Arielle's palms. "Wow," Arielle breathed, looking at the orb in awe. "And you think I can do that?" she asked doubtfully.

Diana straightened and knocked on the door, pretending not to have been eavesdropping. Someone gasped, followed by the sound of water splashing. She pushed the door open to see Callista and Arielle both on their feet, looking down at Arielle's soaking shirt. "I'm so sorry--" Callista began, she paused as she saw Diana and she quickly backed away from Arielle, as if Diana would wallop her for even standing near her sister.

Arielle threw her head back and laughed. "It's fine it's just water..." she straightened and looked at Diana. "Hi," she said awkwardly.

Diana looked between the two of them in bewilderment. Arielle was taking the news much better than she'd expected. She blinked up at her sister. "Hey. Jacin and Reith promised us some new clothes, we're leaving in a couple of minutes," she said, surprised by how formal her voice sounded.

Arielle looked over at Callista. "Okay, but I think I should change first," she giggled.

"Here, you can borrow one of my shirts," Callista offered, walking to a dresser and digging through the drawers.

Diana stood awkwardly just inside the doorway. "I'll meet you in the car then," she offered, pointing over her shoulder.

Arielle threw her shirt on the bed and slipped into the new one. Diana raised her eyebrows and narrowed her eyes, surprised by her sister's confidence. She couldn't help but notice Callista blush before quickly looking away.

"I'll go down with you," Arielle said, pulling her long hair out of the back of her shirt.

"Callista, you're invited too," Diana said as she and Arielle stepped out into the hall.

Callista looked up. "O-okay, I'll be right there," she said in her timid voice.

"So you and Callista are... close," Diana said uncomfortably as they walked down the stairs.

Arielle shrugged. "Yeah, I didn't realize how much I missed the girls at school. Not that I was close with any of them but it was refreshing to feel..." she searched for the right word. "Normal."

Diana nodded. "I can't blame you, after the week we've had."

Arielle snorted. "Yeah, what the hell happened?"

Diana looked at her as they walked to the front door. "You're taking this a lot better than I thought you would," she admitted.

Arielle looked at her with twinkling eyes. "Funny, I was just thinking you were taking this really hard. I think the difference is, you've accepted it and let it sink in; you're the one that had the crazy dream about their uncle killing you. It hasn't really sunk in for me, even back there that water trick Callista did; it was cool but I think compared to everything else we're about to experience, that was nothing. I don't think it will really hit me until we're actually in Atlantis."

Diana was surprised by how open her sister was being, she was impressed with how honest Arielle was being with herself. Growing up Arielle had always hidden her feelings behind a mask, hanging out with the popular girls, dating the jocks, never actually connecting with people. Maybe that was why, because she had never felt she belonged on land and just never knew there was another option.

Jacin and Reith were already in the car. Arielle offered to sit in the middle and Callista quietly hopped in.

Kaftor didn't live as far away from civilization as Diana had initially thought. Now that it was daylight, she realized he was only about ten minutes from the center of town. They drove inland to get there and when they got out of the car at a massive mall, Diana found herself dismayed when the only air she breathed in smelled of fast food and stale cigarettes- not salt and sea.

Jacin walked up beside her as she stared up at the large entrance to the mall. Miami had plenty of malls but they were all inland and not at all Diana's cup of tea. She preferred going to her spot by the lighthouse to read, over hanging out with a bunch of people, blowing money. Her sister, on the other hand, felt right at home. She would go to the mall almost every day after school.

Arielle excitedly led Callista to the mall entrance. Callista looked up in uncertainty, but Arielle's excitement was infectious and it was impossible for the timid Atlantean girl not to smile.

Reith followed slowly behind them. "You alright?" Jacin asked.

"Did I mention I hate malls? There's a reason online shopping exists and it's for people like me," Diana said, only half joking.

Jacin smiled. When they entered, Arielle had already rushed into a boutique with Callista. Reith stood outside and lifted his head up to stare at the ceiling. "Is he alright?" Diana asked as they approached.

Jacin shook his head. "Please don't get mad when I say this," he began. "But it's..."

"Complicated?" Diana guessed, she felt herself flare in irritation but it quickly simmered down. She looked at Reith and sighed. "I get it, sibling stuff, I'm going through it too."

Jacin smirked as he watched Arielle through the store window, showing Callista a bunch of garments she wanted her to try on. "It's nice to see Callista have a friend," he admitted.

"What happened, why is she with Kaftor?" Diana asked.

"I didn't really know her before... when our mother was helping us escape the palace, we heard a little girl cry for help. I'm guessing her family worked in the palace and her parents were killed. She was too young at the time to have remembered much about them now. But our mother brought her with me and Reith, and escaped to the surface with us. We were all brought to Kaftor together. She's like a sister to me and Reith. When we were still young, Kotak came to visit a couple of times, mostly to share information with Kaftor, but he saw promise in Callista as a scientist and promised her that someday he would come back for her to take on as his apprentice," he explained.

Diana looked into the store window and felt her heart ache for the girl. They had all lost so much, because of the same person. She didn't what it would entail, but Diana suddenly found herself eager to begin training. Regardless of the outcome, Meison needed to be stopped.

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