
By the_impssible_girl

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Victoria Stilinski never knew that her long time crush would even look at her let alone hook up with her. Jus... More

New Version
Unexpected Cast
Part 2 Aesthetic
Short Q&A
Cover Contest
Cover Contest Results
Part 3 Aesthetic
Bonus Chapter 1
Bonus Chapter 2
Bonus Chapter 3


9.8K 217 9
By the_impssible_girl

Chapter Fourteen

Figuring Things Out

I crossed my arms over my chest angrily. Stiles insisted that he cut mine and Scott's date night short in order to watch over Melissa. Something about a sacrifice and that it seems to be connected with healers?

"I'm a seer and I know Melissa isn't a sacrifice...she can't be." I comforted at the two boys. Scott frowned slightly. "I-I know what you saw, but it's my mom Tori."

I let my eyes fall to the ground. I guess he's got a point. I would do the same even if it went against what I saw. Scott just wants to protect his mom, and I understand that completely.

"Fine." I point a finger at Scott. "But you owe me a date, don't think you're off the hook wolf boy." Stiles stifled a laugh at my left. "Wolf boy?" Scott's cheeks turned red and I felt myself smirk slightly.

"Stiles go wait in the Jeep." I sighed, giving my brother a look. He just returned mine with a confused glance. "What? No. Why should I have to leave-oh, okay...ew."

I rolled my eyes and turned to my boyfriend. I love calling him that, it just makes it all that more official that he's mine and I'm his. I wrap my arms around his neck and rise onto my toes before planting a kiss on his lips.

A familiar feeling of warmth fills me as his arms wrap around my waist and pull me a little closer. "See you tomorrow?" I ask, sad that our date got cut short. A smile broke onto his face. "Definitely."

The car ride home was quiet. Not an awkward quiet but, the kind of quiet that told me Stiles didn't have anything to say. Not that I had anything to say either. Not much was happening in our lives, well besides for the boys' supernatural drama and my being pregnant.

They try to keep me out of what's going on with them and the alpha pack, but I don't know what good it'll do. I've seen it all happen, well parts of it in my visions. I just wish they'd share with me some of what's happening. I deserve answers.

"I want to help." I turned on my brother, who looked to be very deep in thought. About the alpha pack I'd guess. It's now falling into the middle of November and they're still at it—and now with the random sacrifices that they can't explain. It's a lot to deal with.

Stiles spared me a sideways glance. "With?" He prompted, playing dumb clearly. I swear, these two boys are going to get on my last nerve. "The alpha pack, the detective work you're doing, just—something. I'm tired of feeling sidelined, Stiles. I can help just as much as the rest of you."

I watched as he let out a sigh, his knuckles turned white as he gripped onto the steering wheel. Great, I've made him mad...or frustrated. Good. Now he knows how I feel.

"You're pregnant Victoria. We can't let you get hurt-" I cut him off, instant feeling my anger raise slightly. "I won't get hurt! I just want to help, Stiles!"

Silence blanketed over the car. The only sound being our breathing and the road beneath the tires. It only lasted a couple heart beats though, before Stiles pulled the car off to the side of the road. He turned to me quickly, I could see the fear and anger in his eyes. It scared me, to see him that way. It made me feel regretful for asking to help. He just worries. Same as I.

"Dad would kill me if anything happened to you, Victoria. Scott would kill me. Hell, I'd kill me!" He huffed, annoyance clear in his voice and on his face. A groan left his lips. "I can't stop you from helping though, I know that. So, I suppose you could help us by telling us your visions. Use your seer senses or something. But that's all you get to do, okay? If anything goes wrong, if anything gets dangerous...you run the other way. Understood?"

I nodded, content with those ground rules. I mean, they're simple enough. I get to help without getting hurt. It's a win-win. Now if only I could control my visions. It has to be possible, right? If Scott and the others can control when they change and use their abilities, I should be able to do the same with mine.

After the talk with Stiles, I decided to spend the next day working on my ability. I did some research about seers as well, trying to figure out more about what I am and how my ability works.

From the moment I woke up I was in Stiles' room at his desk. The computer is in his room, so no matter how much it annoyed him that's where I stayed put. 

I read article upon article about seers and the myths behind them. There really isn't much to it, I can make predictions. It didn't say anything about controlling it or focusing it, so I'm kind of on my own in that department. 

I let out a huff before leaving Stiles' room, Scott and him were talking to loudly for me to think. I headed to my own room in order to brainstorm. I paced the length of my room, one hand rubbing circles on my small bump absentmindedly. How do I focus it, instead of having random visions? There has to be a way.

I continued pacing, looking around my slightly messy room, hoping for an idea--any idea really--to pop into my mind. My whole being stopped suddenly, only able to focus on one idea. Focus. Maybe that's all I need to do. 

I grabbed candles from around my room, along with a lighter. I also grabbed a comfy meditation pillow that I bought last year, and turned out my lights and shut my door. I lit the candles, setting them in a circle around me while I sat cross legged on the pillow. 

"Okay," I let my eyes fall closed. "Focus." I sat in silence, trying to focus on having a vision, or seeing something at least. An itch disrupted my focus. I tried hard to ignore it, trying to focus more on a vision, on seeing. Unfortunately I couldn't.

I scratched the bridge of my nose quickly and let myself try to relax once more. "Focus." The word 'focus' bounced around my head, unfortunately a song took it's place and I involuntarily began to hear the song in my head.

I let out a frustrated groan, taking another deep breath and trying again. I felt butterfly kicks in my tummy and a smirk found its way onto my lips. Really, the babies have to kick now? 

My eyes flew open and down to my bump. They're kicking! I jumped up from the floor and ran into Stiles room, yelling his name over and over. The two boys looked freaked out as I burst through the door, calming down only when they saw the wide grin on my face.

"Guys! They're kicking!" I pressed my hand against my stomach, I couldn't feel it against my hand but, I could feel it inside of me. I looked up at the two, a bored expression was on Stiles' face but, a smile was on Scott's as he walked over to me. 

"They are?" I nodded wildly. He placed his hand against my stomach for a moment, waiting, before a frown found its way onto his face. "I can't feel it." 

I giggled lightly. "No, I don't think they're big enough yet. It kind of feels like butterflies, in my stomach." Scott nodded, a smile returning to his face. 

"Okay, Scott and I have things to discuss so...Tori, go back to...whatever it was that you were doing, please?" I gave my brother a nod. And turned to leave. "I'll come see you in a bit." Scott called after me. 

I sat on my meditation pillow again, allowing my eyes to fall close once more. I'll give this one more try, I told myself. This time I tried to clear my head, instead leaving it open rather than focusing on the word focus. I think it worked. 

I saw my dad, Melissa, and Mr. Argent. They were all tied up in some sort of cellar or basement. I could see the panic in their faces as the ceiling began to cave in. I reached forward to yell to them but, I couldn't the image disappeared and I was in my room again. 

A breath I didn't know I was holding left my lips, my eyes went wide open and a smile found its way onto my lips. I did it. I really really did it. I figured it out!


A/N: Sorry it's been awhile, I was on vacation and then I got really sick so I couldn't write. I'm finally getting back to my inspiration and motivation to write. This is a really short chapter, I know! I wanted to give you guys something to read as soon as I could so, I made a quick filler chapter. I hope it's not too bad. 

I'll post another chapter within a week, and it will be longer! Thank you so much for your patience and understanding. I'm also starting to work on another book, it's a supernatural fanfiction that's going to take place during season 1 of the show. I'm not sure when it will be posted but, it might take longer to post updates for this book due to my other works (no longer than once a week though, most likely.) 

Anyways, comment, vote, share! I hope you all are having a great day, night, mid-day! Until next time--XO

Edit: 4/3/2020

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