Joshler Weight Gain One Shots

By weirdfetishbutok

7.8K 43 11

One Shots involving Tyler and or Josh gaining weight. More

Tired of Being Skinny (Tyler WG)

Worth Taking the Compliment // Tyler WG

3.4K 22 10
By weirdfetishbutok

*Warning: this chapter is really long lol*


"Tyler, Tyler Joseph?" I ask questioningly, looking into the face of the kid I once knew. He looks surprised, like he wasn't prepared.

"Yeah, uh, hi." Tyler says, breaking the eye contact we had, smiling embarrassedly.

"Sorry, I don't even know if you remember me, I'm Josh, we want to high school together." I say, feeling bad about springing myself on him.

"Yeah, I know." He says, grabbing his elbows awkwardly. It's sorta cute though, he's wearing an orange sweatshirt and black jeans and boots.

"You look great." I say, actually really into the weight he's put on since high school. He always used to be really skinny and quiet. But I guess the quiet part hasn't changed to much.

He gives me an expression like he's saying "yeah fucking right." But smiles courteously at me afterwards, like he realized he shouldn't do that.

"So do you." He says, but I can tell he doesn't wanna be here talking to me.

"Thanks, thanks, uh so how've you been?" I ask, giving him a warm smile. God, he does look really good.

"Um, okay... I'm not trying to be rude or anything but why are you talking to me? We hardly talked in high school, the group you hung out with used to beat the shit out of me." Tyler says, kinda frustrated but he hides it the best he can. I think I'm making him uncomfortable.

"Look, I like you Tyler, I've always liked you. High school was stupid. We're adults now." I say, feeling bad but I don't want him to leave. I don't really know what to say.

"You're right, I'm sorry." Tyler says, rubbing his knuckles.

"It's okay, but I get it, high school was pretty shitty for you wasn't it?" I ask him, understanding that he went through a lot. I remember seeing the cuts on Tyler's arms when his sleeve failed to stay down once. He used to go to the school consular a lot.

"Yeah." He says, quickly, swallowing and looking up as if he was trying to contain himself before looking back at me. His lips curl up into a smile but his eyes aren't smiling. "It's okay."

"Are you free by any chance? Would you want to get coffee with me?" I ask him, stuffing a lose strand of hair into my snap back.

"Well- yeah, sure, why not."

And with that we got coffee at a little coffee shop near by.

"So what do you do these days?" I ask Tyler, as we sit down. I watch him as he sighs, thinking and he adjusts his jeans and shirt.

"Well, I have an office job, which is really boring but I'm also trying to pursue music." Tyler says, resting his cheek on his hand.

"Oh, you do music? Are you in a band?" I ask him, genuinely interested.

"No, not really, I mainly just write and play music by myself. I play with two friends of mine once in awhile." Tyler says, tapping his fingers on the table softly and looking at the other people at tables.

"Oh, cool, I'd like to hear it sometime." I say, but I notice how much that made Tyler cringe.

"Ah, I dunno, I never really show anyone my music because I don't think it's that great." Tyler says, laughing softly at his comment. I frown at his negativity toward his music.

"It's probably really good." I say, looking at Tyler and I want him to look at me but when he finally does he glances away quickly like he's unsure.

"It's not." He says, looking at his lap.

"I bet whoever is lucky enough to be dating you loves it." I say, wanting to know if he's in a relationship without actually asking.

"No, I went through a shitty breakup about a year ago." He says, playing with the hem of his sleeves.

"Oh, I'm sorry." I say sympathetically, Tyler Looks up at me and opens his mouth to respond. Before he can, our coffee is ready. He gets up to get it and I watch him as he goes.

He gives me my latte and I thank him.

"So what about you? I feel like I haven't asked you anything." Tyler says, doing the same adjustments of his clothes when he sits down again.

"What do you want to know?" I ask him, smirking at him, he smiles at me for the first time in awhile.

"Are you in a relationship?" He asks me, I laugh lightly and shake my head.

"No, I'm not." I smile, wondering if this means I have a chance.

"Just haven't found the right guy or what?" He asks, teasing me.

"How'd you know I like guys?" I ask him, smiling in amusement at his correct assumption.

"I have really good gaydar, but also because you have a pride sticker in your wallet." He says, smiling at me very cutely like he's a detective or something.

"Oh yeah." I say, pulling out my wallet and looking at it. "You haven't found the right guy yet either huh?"

"I thought I did... but he wanted me to be a certain way and it just wasn't who I am." He says staring at his hands which are tapping the table again.

"I'm sorry, that sucks." I tell him, thinking about how'd I treat him like a prince.

"Yeah, but it was for the best, I think." He says, looking in thought.

"Do you think you'd want to start dating someone again?" I ask him, obviously hinting. He smile and laughs softly.

"Yeah, I'd like to." He says, looking at me before looking at his coffee which he is cradling with both of his hands.

"Would you be willing to go out with me?" I ask him hopefully. I'd fucking love to start something with him, there's just something about him. Like a bond or something.

"Okay." He says smiling shyly and nodding his head.

"Okay, cool." I say, staring at him, he looks up at me then back at his coffee, still smiling.


We're on our third date and we decide to go back to my place and watch some movies.

"Do you wanna watch a horror movie?" I ask him, looking through my DVD's. If I don't have anything we want to watch then I'll switch to Netflix.

"Sure." He says, sitting on my couch and watching me. I put on The Shining and turn off the lights. I made popcorn, disregarding that we just came from dinner.

I sit next to him and start the movie. Tyler rests his head on my shoulder and I rest my head on his. It's nice, we hold hands. I'm not sure when or why we stop looking at the screen and started looking at each other, but I'm not complaining. We stare at each other for a little while before I kiss him. He kisses me back, he's a very good kisser. I turn to face him better and he does the same. I put my hand on his thigh and put his hand on my neck.

I wonder where this is going, it's turning me on but I don't know if he is. I'd like to sleep with him but I don't know if he wants that.

I turn a bit more and he does the same so we are facing each other. I put one of my hand on his shoulder and the other on his love handle.

His hand is on my lower back and the other is on my shoulder but falls to my chest.

I put my hand under his shirt on his back, he does the same with his hand going up to my bare chest. I start to bring my hand to his belly but he breaks the kiss. I don't move my hand though until he put his hand over my arm, he does it gently but it moves my hand.

"I'm sorry, did I do something wrong?" I ask him, although, I know exactly what I did wrong.

"I'm just... not used to someone touching me there." He says, very embarrassed and shyly.

"Do you not want me to then?" I ask, wanting to respect him but it's just so damn sexy.

"I guess you can but I don't see why you'd want to." He says, shifting.

"Personally, I think it's attractive." I say, outing myself but there's no point in lying.

"Attractive? Just in case you didn't notice Josh, I'm fat." He says, sounding utterly stunned that I said attractive.

"What's wrong with being fat?" I ask him, challenging the idea.

"It's not attractive." He says, trying to challenge my idea.

"Its really attractive, Tyler, weight looks really good on you." I tell him, finding my eyes trail his body. He grabs his elbow in attempt to hide his gut. I look back up at his face and he looks so embarrassed.

"You actually think it looks good?" He says quietly, he puts his hand on his thigh and squeezes it.

"Yeah, you're sexy Tyler." I tell him, putting my hand on his thigh, wanting to give him confidence.

"I've never heard of someone calling a fat person sexy." He says.

"You've never heard of someone having a fat kink?" I ask him, actually pretty surprised.

"No? A fat kink? Wait, so you're turned on by fat?" He asks, confused, pausing in between each question.

"Something like that." I say laughing. "I'm turned on by cute fat guys just like normal men are turned on by muscular skinny guys." I tell him, thinking that's a pretty good way to but it.

"Oh, but you're a cute muscular, skinny guy." He says, mimicking my wording.

"I know, I'm a feeder, it's hot on other guys." I say, realizing how much I'm outing myself now.

"What does being a feeder mean?" He asks me, seemingly interested.

"Means, ah fuck, this is weird... um, I've never really told anyone that I have this fetish." I say, feeling really weird and embarrassed.

"It's okay, I want to know." He says, sweetly. If it wasn't for that I probably wouldn't have told him.

"It means I like when guys gain weight, or specifically when I help them gain the weight." I say, looking down, I'm kinda to nervous to look at him.

"Oh, I didn't know that existed... so you would feed, hypothetically your boyfriend, so he can gain weight?" Tyler asks, I look at him and he seems to be in thought.

"Hypothetically, yes." I say, wondering what he's getting at.

"Okay, hypothetically if you and your boyfriend, ended up engaging in sexual activity, how does this fetish play into that?" He asks, I think it's super cute how he's asking these questions.

"I would just have to show my hypothetical boyfriend because it's a bit strange to explain it all verbally.

"Okay, well, hypothetically what exactly would you feed your boyfriend?" He asks.

"Hypothetically, anything he would want, but keep in mind he's gaining weight so a lot of whatever it happens to be." I say, trying not to be turned on by the idea of stuffing Tyler and him gaining more weight.

"Sounds nice, hypothetically what would it mean if your boyfriend wanted to gain weight... and maybe even liked the idea of it a lot... hypothetically." He says, looking down, his cheeks pink.

"Then that would be fucking great." I tell him, really hoping it's not "hypothetically"

"But how much weight do you like on guys? Because I already- I mean your hypothetical boyfriend is already hypothetically fat." He says, knowing that I know what he means.

"Goddamn if you gained more weight that would be so damn hot." I rave over it out loud even though in my head I'm dying even more so.

"Really? I always sorta, in a weird way, liked the idea of being big. When I was in high school, I was always a skinny kid, I thought it was weird and shouldn't be thinking about it." He confessed, the way he says 'being big' is really hot.

"Oh yeah? Is that why you gained weight?" I ask, knowing the topic might be touchy for him.

"No, I gained weight unintentionally at first and my ex boyfriend, which was my boyfriend at the time, was a dick about it. He'd always tell me I'm fat and he won't be attracted to me if I don't lose weight. So, after a few months of taking his shit, I broke it off. Which was really hard, so after the breakup I gained a lot more weight... If I'm completely honest I don't even know how much I gained, I haven't stepped on a scale since my ex would make me do it in front of. He'd um, do some fucked up shit to me... trying to humiliate me so I'd want to lose weight or stop eating." He says, I nod and listen to his story.

"Damn, I'm sorry, that's really fucked up." I say, grabbing his hand.

"It's okay, I'm over it now... I just needed to get away from him." He expresses. "He made me really insecure about myself and my weight. I know people knew I got fat, and I just, felt really shitty about myself... so I guess when you complimented me it was weird. You were the first person since I gained weight that complemented my appearance." He confesses.

"I'm so sorry Tyler, I'd never do that to you." I tell him, knowing nothing I can say can fix it.

"It's okay, and I know, you're so much fucking better than him." He tells me, grabbing my hand.


Tyler and I have started spending a lot of time together... a lot. Like every moment that we aren't at work. I'll go to his sometimes, but we're usually at my apartment. We've kissed a lot but we haven't gone to third base yet. Or... the last base? The sex base.

I'm pretty sure Tyler has gained a few pounds since we talked about it, but he hasn't asked me about it since. And I don't want to be the one to bring it up but he seems a lot more comfortable ever since I told him I thought he was attractive and sexy. When our kisses heat up and I grab his fat, he doesn't mind. However, I dont go overboard, I'd be more aggressive with someone who I know is actually really into it, like I am.

We start kissing while we were laying on my bed. Things escalated and my shirt was pulled off but there seemed to be a bit of an issue with taking Tyler's off. He pulls away.

"It's okay, Tyler." I tell him, the handfuls of fabric and are loosely in my hands.

"I just, it's a lot... and I have stretch marks..." he tells me, I've never seen him so embarrassed. He looks like he could cry.

"Tyler, baby, you have nothing to worry about. I love stretch marks, I love your body, and I really love you." I say, kissing his cheek. While Tyler was talking I let go of his shirt and put my hands loosely on his hips.

"Are you sure?" He asks, very unsure himself.

"Completely, now let me see your beautiful body, I want to kiss every inch of you." I say, really wanting to love on him.

"Okay." He says, looking down but he has a small smile on his face because of my comment. He puts his arms up like a little kid so I can take off his shirt. I smile at him before lifting up his shirt and taking it off.

His belly is so fucking sexy, it sits on his thighs and his love handles complete it all by muffin topping over his shorts. His chest is soft and round and his arms are chubby. He has pink stretch marks poking up along the bottom of his belly and love handles. I think they are pretty, I hate thinking about how much they probably bother Tyler though.
He looks at me and see's me staring so he looks away. I put my hand gently on his cheek and turn it to face me. He looks embarrassed and ashamed.

"Tyler, you have the most beautiful body I've ever seen." I tell him, smiling at him, Tyler gives me an embarrassing smile before I kiss him. He moves closer to me before I pull him onto my lap. His legs wrapping around me as we make out.

I pull him close to me so his belly is pressed against mine. I also feel his chest on mine. I drop from his lips and begin to kiss him neck and moving down to his chest. Tyler softly moans as I lick and kiss his nipples.

We then proceeded to fuck.


I press my fingers into Tyler's big soft belly. I begin Rubbing and Tyler says something.

"Damn, this is really fucking nice." Tyler says, enjoying our closeness and my touch.

"Yeah, when you gain weight you get rewarded." I say, just assuming he has gained.

"I don't even know if I put on weight, I was kinda trying to but I don't know how much I weighed before hand." He tells me, relaxing into me, his head against mine as he lays on me, sits between my open legs.

"If you're trying to gain weight, I can help you with that, baby. But why don't you know how much you weigh?" I say, loving the idea of stuffing Tyler until he can't stand up. All the weight he'll gain, going to his belly and thighs.

"I don't know, I would get depressed when looking because I'd be ten pounds heavier then the last time before. On to of that, my ex boyfriend would... would be a dick." He says, hesitating at the end.

"With me, getting heavier is a good thing, if I call you fat I'm not insulting you. I think fat men are really hot." I tell him, not wanting him to get the wrong idea.

"Okay." He says, shyly but he's smiling. "How would uh, how would you help me gain weight?" Tyler asks me, very cutely.

"Well, we can do this thing that a lot of feeder/ feedee couples do. Where I feed you food until you're completely stuffed. It's called a stuffing. It's really sexy for the feeder to watch but I guess a lot of feedees like the feeling of being so full." I explain to him, really wanted to stuff him, his belly full of fatty food and bloated so big would be so sexy.

"Really? I like the feeling of being full. Like if I binge it would be the same idea right?" He asks me, the thought of Tyler binging by himself is so hot. Tyler stuffing himself, hoping no one will know but they can tell by the pounds he puts on.

"Yeah exactly, except I'm the one feeding it to you. And you can have anything you want, no matter what it is." Tyler's eyes light up at the sound of that. He bites his lip.

"Can we do it today?" He asks me sounding excited.

"I'm a bad boyfriend, is my baby hungry?" I ask, teasing him, I rub is fat thigh.

"You're a great boyfriend, but yes, I am hungry. I'm almost always hungry. It also doesn't help that I eat a lot, which is probably why I'm as big as I am. " Tyler explains, grabbing a handful of fat on his belly before dropping it. It bounces and jiggles before coming to a stop.

"Here's my phone, order as much as you want." I say, handing it to him. He takes it hesitantly but I reassure him.

After Tyler orders he asks me a question.

"How fat do you want me, Josh?" Tyler asks, not seeming to mind, he mainly just seems curious.

"Well that depends on how mush you already weigh." I tell him, nudging him to stand up.

"It's going to be a lot." He tells me, getting up, I follow and notice as his shirt is still tucked up, exposing his fat white belly. His belly hangs over his waistline and it's so hot. He toys with his shirt a bit to try and pull it down but I stop him.

"Just take it off, I like looking at you."' I tell him, referring to his shirt. Tyler blushes and smiles. I help him by pulling his shirt off. His nipples are hard and his love handles are spilling off the sides of his far to tight jeans. I'm surprised his jeans haven't torn it two yet. " that's better, now let's see how much you weigh."

I pull out the digital scale and place it on the tile. Tyler looks at it nervously before stepping on it.


I love that, but I do want him bigger than that.

"Fuck, that's so good." I tell him, hugging him after he steps off from behind. My arms wrapped around his middle.

"Shit, that's more than I was expecting, wow." Tyler says, his voice small. I can tell he's feeling bad about himself.

"You look fucking amazing, Baby boy."

"Thank you." He replies and I can't help but smile. He wouldn't have said that unless he's starting to believe that he's worth taking the compliment.


WOW, this one was a fucking whopper holy shit! Sorry for how outrageously long this chapter is. I definitely should've made this a two parter but I didn't oops. I actually really like this one. Also, sorry for not adding the stuffing into the story, this chapter is already really long. If someone cares enough I could write it and make a part 2.

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