Forbidden Friendships

By TheKittenWhisperer

128K 5.6K 6.6K

When protector of the Multiverse, Ink, and destroyer of the Multiverse, Error, get tricked into taking part i... More

Author's Note
The Invitation
Candle Light
Pots and Pans
Flames in Shadow
One Big Mistake
First Night
We're not friends
A Sappy Apology
Soul Beat
Soul Testing
Night Terrors
Famous Words: I'm Fine
Playing Doctor
When did THIS Happen
To Tell One Everything
I Love Him Too
Bone Saw
A Game of Chase
Sea You On The Other Side
Tell Them
What's The Difference?
Day Dreaming
Executing Plans
Sweater Weather
How To Confess To A Multiverse
The Dangers of Shopping
The Sequel is Out!
New Book Cover!

Forced Introductions

3.1K 123 270
By TheKittenWhisperer

"It's been three hours... So far, not much has happened, but, I haven't really done much yet."

Were the first few words typed onto a computer. The clicking continued as they continued to type.

"After what seemed an emotional breakdown, or the receiving of sudden pain, all that occurred was what seemed a comforting session... Now though, since I last checked, they seemed to be sitting against the wall, far apart from each other. One of them seemed somewhat terrified... Fascinating..."

The clicking of keys on the keyboard then stopped. The typist stopped and sighed. They then continued to type, recording any observations they've had thus far. They continued as the sound of the keys being used filled the room.


How long as it even been? There's nothing to this place... Thought the destroyer. There's nothing to explore, it's small and plain. Almost reminds me of the anti void.

He smiled a little at this realization. He then glanced over at the creator who a foot or two from him, to his right. He seemed to have his eyes closed, disliking the mostly empty white space in front of him.

This room is so empty... There's no other colors but white. White floor tiles, white walls... The super bright lights are even white! Thought the artist. I'm starting to get sick of looking at it... But it could be worse, it's not completely empty since we're both trapped in it... And there's a stain of ink on the floor from earlier... Oops.

The creator opened his eyes and moved a bit closer to the other. The destroyer noticed the other's movement, but ignored it. He then felt the other grab his hand. The destroyer froze, a nervous expression coming to his face as he glanced over a the other who had pleading eyes. Error felt his hand glitch slightly. The destroyer heaved a sigh and calmed his nerves, looking away from the other, allowing the other to hold his hand for reassurance. Their fingers slowly intertwined.

The destroyer knew of the artist's fear and knew the room they were in wasn't helping. He couldn't lie, he was nervous and shook from all the events as well. The destroyer was surprising himself at finding comfort in holding the other's hand, he usually hated physical contact. It was a fear of his. He had never once imagined he would hold anyone's hand, especially his enemy's.

Ink closed his eyes and tightened his grip on Error's hand.

Error noticed the other's grip tighten. He felt himself smile a little. The destroyer glanced down at their intertwined hands and he tightened his grip in response.

His eyes then went to glance back up at the room they were trapped in. Though his vision wasn't so great, he could tell there was no door and no other windows to escape from. He also theorized that they weren't in the same location anymore, nor in a location linked to it. His evidence? First, the room didn't fit the spooky and dark atmosphere that the other place did. The color scheme wasn't even the same. Second, the room had an odd doctor office like scent unlike the last place that had the scent of dust and rotting wood. Third, this place didn't look a thing like Sci's laboratory. It wasn't really that scientist's style.

He had mentioned this to Ink before and he agreed. This place was extremely different, and strange.

Sudden a large blurt of what sounded like a buzzer sound for entering a hospital singled and echoed around the silent room. This caught both of their attention. The artist's eyes shot open and he glanced around. Meanwhile, the destroyer slowly tightened his grip on the smaller's hand.

The sound continued to single.

"What even is that?" Ink whispered to Error.

"I don't know..." The destroyer replied. "But I don't like it."

Error slowly started to get up to his feet. As he was was doing so, he lightly tugged and Ink's hand, signaling him to also stand. The creator nodded in response and they both got to their feet. They still felt sore and a little week, but taking it easy for a while really helped. Both now stood up straight, cautiously eyeing the room, waiting.

The buzzing and chiming of sound soon came to an end. A female robotic voice then spoke.

"Test 0.1 ready for launch."

With that, both heard machinery click on and start. It sounding like it started from below their feet and went to the wall in front of them. Suddenly, steam appeared in the middle of the wall and the wall parted into two, as if it were a double sliding door.

Both tensed up, gripping the other's hand tighter, nervous and not trusting what was next to come.

Suddenly, from the clearing steam, stepped forth two body guards covered in dark shiny armor. They seemed to be armed with tasers. The body guards cleared the newly formed doorway, checking to its sides, as a young scientist stepped out. The scientist was a lean young man that seemed to be a cat monster. He adjusted his glasses that rested on his face and let out a low chuckle.

"So your the new experiment as our royal scientist says." The young scientist who stood informs of them stated. "Fascinating!"

"And what the hell do you want?" Error replied, trying to sound threatening, but failing to do so since his voice still sounded like a kid's.

The scientist then eyed the body guards before turning back to Error and Ink.

"Take them." The scientist commanded.

Before they could do much, the lean guards held them both like inmates, their hands being held forcibly behind their backs.

The creator and destroyer went to fight back, but the guards' hold was too strong while they were still in a weakened state.

The scientist chuckled again.

"I wouldn't resist if I was you~!" He chimed as he watched Error and Ink glare back at the guard who held them, trying to shake them off.

"They have all rights to electrocute you with their tasers." The scientist continued. "Now! Let's move men. Chop! Chop!"

He said while clapping his hands twice at the end of what he had said.

The guards forcibly pushed both of them forwards, following the cat scientist as they exited the room and walked down the white halls.

The creator and destroyer made eye contact as they were forced to walk forwards, worry on both of their faces. Neither felt at ease.

They continued to glance around their surroundings, seeing only white walls, tiles, and what seemed to be hand scanners by where hidden cell doors must have been. Once in a while they were forced to walk past another scientist in the somewhat narrow hallway. They soon turned down another hallway and came to a iron and well sealed door. The scientist with them put his hand on a nearby hand scanner and unlocked the room. The door slowly slid open, steam coming from the door, and the two skeletons were once again forced into the room.

"Sir, we have brought your new experiment." The cat scientist announced, stepping into the room as the creator and destroyer were forced in behind him.

"Well done." A voice replied. "Come on in now, don't be shy."

Once further inside, the creator and destroyer got a better glance at the room. It was painted multiple shades of gray and shared the classic white tiled floor. Meanwhile, what looked like three surgery tables from sci-fi horror movies were spread across the sides of the room, leaning against the walls, folded up. The room had a small wooden desk near the back and what appeared to be about four large filing cabinets were around it. Giant test tubes were also in the high roofed, large, circular room. It all gave off a mysterious and ominous atmosphere.

Now they all stood in the middle of the room.

"LeT mE gO!" Error yelled, struggling against the guards, his haphophobia kicking in.

He squirmed in the guards clutch but got no where, so he gave up, hoping to not crash as error symbols clouded his vision.

A man in a cloak soon came into view and went to examine the skeletons that had been brought to him.

"Hmm... Fascinating. Very, very, fascinating!" He replied.

Ink glared at the cloaked figure, unsure if the cloaked figure even notice. The figure's true identity was well hidden by his dark and bland, black cloak and matching face mask.

Meanwhile, Error's vision slowly returned as the error symbols cleared from his eyes. He now too glared at the cloaked scientist, growling a little under his breath.

The cloaked figure continued to look at them and saw something interesting in Ink. The scientist took his hand and placed it under Ink's chin, forcing the creator to look up at him.

The artist's eye lights turned to red targets as the scientist did so.

"Interesting... Very, very, interesting! Perhaps some tests or even some surgery-"

"LeAvE HiM aLoNE!" Error yelled, jolting towards the cloaked scientist, but hardily getting any closer than he already was.

"Hm?" Hummed the scientist and he backed away from Ink, turning towards the destroyer instead. "You seem... Different?"

The scientist bent down to Error's eye level, returning his glare.

The scientist then broke into laughter.

"Ohohoho! cute, isn't it?" The scientist mocked.

Error felt himself freeze up momentarily and blush from embarrassment, error symbols once again clouding his vision as he continued to hatefully glare.

"I'M nOt cUtE!" He shouted back, glitching out more than usual due to being irritated by the statement.

"Aww... Now he's throwing a little fit~!" Cooed the scientist mockingly.

"I'm ImItAtInG!" Error yelled back. "AnD I'm NOt tHroWinG a FiT!"

This caused the head scientist and his comrade to laugh.

Once again Error's vision cleared up and he continued to glare hatefully. If looks could kill, the scientists would be dead where they stand. The destroyer continued to be more glitchy than usual and the creator took notice of this. He blinked his eyes and his eye lights returned to their usual oval and star.

"Now," The head scientist started, putting his hands together after taking a few steps back. "I'd like to get to better know both of you! Besides, scientists need all the facts. Aren't I right?"

The head scientist soon began to pace slowly in front of them. The creator and destroyer's eyes never left the head scientist as he did so.

"First off, introductions!" He exclaimed. "You May call me professor or doctor WG. Now, what should I call you two young ones by?"

Ink and Error continued to both glare, not wishing to accidentally play into the sick scientist's hands.

By now it seemed clear, these people weren't with Sci.

"Well now, don't be shy. Nobody here bites..." Dr. WG replied, grinning ear to ear, his mask showing his mouth but not his eyes.

"Yet you threaten to taser people." Ink spoke up, not impressed by the scientist's response to their silence.

"Well," The scientist replied, throwing his arms out wide. "How are we suppose to know how sane you are or how likely you are to attack us? We never wish to harm you, just to help you. A little shove in the right direction."

Error rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"Now, introductions!" The head scientist once again stated. "So, what are your lovely names?"

Ink and Error quickly stole a glance at each other in the moment. Both wondering if sharing their names would do any good. Ink quickly glanced back at the scientist then back at the destroyer who gave Ink a slow and reluctant nod as he stared towards the ground.

With that, the artist took a deep breath and then replied to the scientist.

"Y-you can call me Ink." He reluctantly replied.

"And your friend?" Dr. WG asked, nodding at Error.

Ink glanced at the destroyer who quickly replied.

"Error." He stated somewhat quietly.

"What?" The head scientist asked. "Sorry, you'll need to speak up."

"I said: my name is Error." The destroyer replied louder than the last time, hatred in his tone.

The head scientist nodded thoughtfully as his fellow scientist in the room wrote the information down on a piece of paper on a clipboard.

Error noticed and nodded towards Ink, catching the other's direction. He then gave a small sideways nod in the direction of the other scientist. Ink looked over to notice him taking notes as they all spoke.

We need to be careful of what we say... That guy is writing everything we say down on paper. The artist mentally noted.

Suddenly the guards holding them yanked on them, forcing them to straightened themselves and look back towards the head scientist, who cleared his throat before continuing.

"Like I was saying, we wish to get to better know each other, right?"

No one else moved as the scientist continued to pace as he talked.

"The silent game, huh? Very well! very well... I'd like to let you know though, you'll for one; be staying here for quite some time, and two; will give answers when I ask or we will be forced to take more extreme measures." The cloaked figure explained, lifting up a taser that he held, hitting the fire button.

It's buzzing filled the room as some extra electricity sparked off it.

Ink gulped nervously while the destroyer remained silent. Error's face showed how on edge he had become throughout being in the room.

Suddenly the guards quickly switch from how they were holding the creator and destroyer back with both hands to only one, as their free hand grabbed their tasers and they mimicked what the head scientist had just done. The feline scientist in the room chuckled darkly as he looked from his clip board to Ink and Error's sickened facial expressions. Both were clearly on edge and disturbed as they cautiously eyed the tasers of the guards, the tasers' buzzing filling the room.

They then slowly moved their vision back to the head scientist.

"Now, from what I've learned while experimenting with what I know about the Multiverse, I've learned that there's a kind of balance provided by two god like creatures." Dr. WG started. "Would you happen to know or be those creatures, by chance?"

Both remained silent for a moment.

The guards then suddenly went to electrify both the creator and destroyer, but stopped, only centimeters away from their captive's neck.

Both Ink and Error noticeably tensed, trying to lean away from the teasers, as they heard the buzzing only centimeters away from their throats.

Oh god! God, oh god, oh god! Who knows how high the frequency is!!! The artist mentally panicked. Considering how neither of us could stand earlier, this may knock us out for at least a day...

Ink slowly tried to eye the taser. He then glanced at Error who was trying the same. The destroyer had part of the taser in his vision.

Are they crazy!!! Why the hell would they want to kill us so soon?! What kind of scientist does that? Error thought. They're fricken mad.

"I'll repeat the question." The head scientist stated plainly. "Would you happen to know or be those creatures, by chance?"

Before thinking, Error shouted out.

"Why the hell would we tell you!!!" He yelled as loud as he could.

A split second later the buzzing taser was forced to his neck.

His glitched screams echoed through the room as he was shocked, the guard letting go of him as they electrified the destroyer.

"Error!?" Ink exclaimed as he watched the destroyer drop to the floor, hardily half conscious.

The guard holding the creator quickly yanked him back, forcing him to remain where he was and look at the head scientist.

Ink felt tears building up in his eyes, but he refused to appear weak. His eye lights quickly changed to red targets.

"Why in the world would you do that?!" Ink shouted, anger like dripping like venom in his voice. "Leave him alone! It won't help you in the long run!"

Ink struggled to break free from the guards grip and almost did, but the guard stood their ground and kept the creator from escaping as he glared at the scientist.

"I want an answer!" The artist shouted.

The guard holding the creator once again held the taser to Ink's neck as the guard tightened his grip on his captive.

"Now, unless you wish to suffer the same fate, tell me." The head scientist replied. "Or better yet, tell me, or we shock the other again, but this time, to death..."

Ink froze at this, his eye lights changing to plain white spheres. Fear showed on the artist's face.

What should I do? They'll kill him, and there's no way I'd even get away even if I was that selfish... Could I lie? No, if they found out the truth, we'd be murdered wouldn't we..? Ink thought, considering his options.

"So, would you happen to know or be those creatures, by chance?" The scientist asked with a sickening smirk on his face.

Ink looked like he wanted to say something, but he didn't. He then looked down at Error who appeared to be trying to fight back all the pain he felt, trying to remain conscious.

"I-" Ink froze.

His thoughts suddenly seemed to zap out of existence and his inspiration ran dry. He glanced down at the floor in front of himself, looking defeated.

"I- We are those monsters... Those creatures you speak about..."

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