Just Friends ; Chaelisa

By yujamseulgi

7.9K 360 74

When two professors who are madly in love with each other are too scared to confess their true feelings. More



3.1K 103 39
By yujamseulgi

The shrill sound of a bell sounds throughout Professor Manoban's lecture hall and students immediately start to pack up their belongings.

"Oh fuck, that's the bell, alright, um, read chapters 14 & 15 and tomorrow we'll come back and discuss!"

"Bye Professor Manoban." one of her students waves before walking out the door.

"Bye, see you tomorrow!"

She skims over her schedule for the rest of the day, seeing that she has a meeting at 12, and another class at 2, but for now, she's on her lunch break.

Walking across the hall to the next lecture hall, she opens the door quietly, and tiptoes to a stool behind the teacher's desk where she listens attentively to the speaker for the next half-hour.

When the bell finally rings, Professor Manoban makes her way up to the podium where Professor Park is standing.  Both professors teach in the communications department, and often collaborate on projects, however the two have developed a friendship over the past few years.

"Why hello Lisa, how can I help you?  I basically just gave you a free class on a subject that you already know." Professor Park asks with a smile.

"I have half an hour left on my lunch break and know that you have a free hour right about now.  So I was wondering if you'd join me for lunch."

"Sure, let me just clean up here and I'll be right out."

"Great." Lisa smiles brightly and walks out of the room.

In the back rows of the lecture hall, two students talk quietly amongst themselves watching the two teachers interact.

"I don't see it, I really don't."

"Just look at them!  They're perfect for each other.  Every Thursday Professor Manoban comes in 30 minutes before we're excused, sits through a lecture on a subject she already teaches, and then they disappear together.  Speaking of which, we need to get out of here before Professor Park leaves."

"Gowon, I just don't see what you do.  Maybe if you cared more about your grades than the lives of our teachers, you wouldn't be failing." Olivia says pointedly as she stuffs two spiral notebooks into her bag.

"They're gonna get married and I know it.  Just watch."

The pair descend the rows of seats and wave goodbye to their professor before walking out into the hallway, passing Professor Manoban who's waiting outside the door of the lecture hall.

"Come with me." Gowon says quietly as she pulls Olivia around a corner.

"Why are we hiding behind a wall, I need to get to my next class!" Olivia whispers through clenched teeth.

"Oh relax, you can get to your class a little late at least once in your life, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity!"

Gowon holds her index finger up to her mouth when she hears the footsteps of the two professors start to echo down the hall, and watches with wide eyes and ears as they walk past.

"I really think that if we implement that into the curriculum it could be beneficial to the students, but-"

Professor Park is cut off as she and Professor Manoban walk out of the building together, talking about nothing but school.

"How's that for ya matchmaker?" Olivia smirks.  "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to get to class."  She pushes past Gowon and heads for the exit, leaving the smaller girl to pout before running after her.

"Olivia wait!  We have our next class together!  I'll walk with you!"


The two professors sit across from each other in the campus cafe like they always do every Thursday, the only day that their lunch breaks line up.

"Have you watched Endgame yet?  It's really, really, insane." Lisa gushes.

"Oh, I'm not much of a Marvel fan."

"What?!  How could you not like the Marvel movies?"

"I guess I never got around to watching it.  I'm pretty sure we had this same conversation last year when Infinity War came out." Chaeyoung chuckles.

"We're going to have to watch the entire movie series someday."

"How many of them are there? Like, four?"

"22." Lisa answers flatly.

Chaeyoung's eyes nearly bug out of her head when she hears the number.

"We could be using that time to set up lesson plans, don't you think?"

"I reuse the same lessons every year, I think my time could be better spent watching those movies."

"Lisa." Chaeyoung tuts disapprovingly.  "No wonder you can't let a class out on time."

"Chaeyoung." Lisa responds in the same tone.  "We've been colleagues for the past five years, you should know that's one of my trademarks by now."

"I'll never understand you, will I?"

"Most likely not, I'm a very complex person.  So many layers.  Like an onion." Lisa chuckles to herself.  "That's a line from Shrek."

Chaeyoung playfully rolls her eyes in response, earning her a light slap on the arm from Lisa.

"Lisa, didn't your lunch break end at 12?" Chaeyoung asks, looking over at the clock behind her.

"Yeah, why?" Lisa asks as she slurps down some soup.

"Well, it's currently 12:10."

"Crap!  I have a meeting with the dean!"

"I'll walk you to her office, I don't have class for another 20 minutes."

The two clean up the table they were sitting at as quickly as they can and start their trek across campus.

"Hi Professor Park!" one of Chaeyoung's students greets as they walk by.

"Hello Yeri." Chaeyoung smiles back.

"Popular, are we?" Lisa laughs at her own lame joke.

"You're an idiot."

They arrive at the dean's office quicker than both of them want to but soon Lisa's bounding up the steps, her long legs taking them two at a time as she makes her way to the dean.

Chaeyoung takes a leisurely walk back to her own lecture hall and sits in her own office until it's time to teach another class.


[lalalalisa_m] hey chaeyoung

[roses_are_rosie] Yes, Lisa?

[lalalalisa_m] what are you doing right now?

[roses_are_rosie] I just got back from a run, why?

[lalalalisa_m] come to my lecture hall right now

[roses_are_rosie] Why?  It's a Saturday... And I'm at home...

[lalalalisa_m] just trust me, it'll be fun

[roses_are_rosie] I hope you're not doing anything against the rules Lalisa

[lalalalisa_m] i swear i'm not, just come down

[roses_are_rosie] Fine, I'll be there in 30


Lisa lays sprawled out on a picnic blanket on the floor of her lecture hall, next to stacks of all the Marvel movies, ready to play on a projector.

She sits up abruptly, and very ungracefully, one might add when she hears the door open.  Chaeyoung walks into the dimly lit room, and her face breaks into a large smile when she sees Lisa stand up.

"So, whattya think?  I figure we can have a picnic, and start watching all of the Marvel movies that you so heinously haven't watched yet." Lisa asks with a proud smile on her face as she stands with her hands on her hips.

"This is so cute." Chaeyoung smiles when she sees the DVDS piled on the ground, as well as the projector beam splaying onto the large screen at the front of the room.

"Come sit." Lisa pats the ground next to her, and Chaeyoung takes a seat.

This isn't their first time hanging out, they often hang out at each others apartments, and over breaks they still get together every Thursday.

"I brought some snacks that we can put together before watching the movie."

Lisa pulls out multiple boxes of pepero, a large bag of honey butter chips, banana milk, golaebab, a box of choco pies, and instant ramen as well as hot water in a thermos.

"That's a lot of snacks." Chaeyoung's mouth waters at the food.

"Yeah, well, I figure, 22 movies, y'know."

Lisa pops the disc into the projector and the opening scene rolls onto the wall in vibrant colors.  Chaeyoung leans back on her elbows, and about five minutes later Lisa follows suit placing the bag of chips in between the two of them.

"How long are the movies?" Chaeyoung asks.

"I read online that if you were to watch all of it with no breaks, it'd take a little over two days."

"You know we have classes to teach Lisa."

"This can become our thing.  Every day we can get together and watch a movie."

"Only if you bring the snacks."

"Chaeyoung, I know you too well to not bring the snacks."

"Shut up." Chaeyoung giggles as she stuffs a chip into her mouth.

"Watch the movie or else you'll be confused." Lisa says, redirecting Chaeyoung's face to the screen.

Chaeyoung turns back to watch the screen and Lisa looks over at the girl laying next to her.  Her eyes are so clear, and vibrant as the movie plays.


"Olivia I swear it was on Saturday and I saw them walking together!"

"So?  They were probably just working at the same time." Olivia says as she swallows a bite of cereal.

The two are sitting in the dining hall together eating breakfast and Gowon is recounting her weekend's events.  And seeing the two professors walk around together was apparently the highlight.

"Trust me, they're dating.  There's no way that they can't be I mean, all the evidence is there."

"If you're so sure, why don't you just ask them?"

"No way, are you kidding me?"

"I'll be honest with you, I wasn't too invested in this when you first brought it up but now I kind of want to know too.  I have next period with Manoban, so if you ask Park I'll ask Professor Manoban."

"Let's shake on it." Gowon says, sticking her hand over the table.

Olivia meets her in the middle, giving it a firm grasp and shaking her hand.


"Professor Park?" Gowon calls out as she walks down to the podium.

"How may I help you?"

"Are you and Professor Manoban dating?"

"Well I hardly think that's an appropriate question Ms. Park, but no, we are not.  Professor Manoban and I are just friends."

"Oh." Gowon says looking a little dejected.  "Alright, sorry to bother you, see you tomorrow."

Gowon walks out of the classroom with a frown on her face, and shoulders slumped.


"Hey Manoban, can I ask you a question?" Olivia asks, as she saunters up to the podium.


"Are you and Professor Park a thing?"

Lisa's face immediately turns all shades of red.

"W-what?  Who told you that?  No, we're not a thing, we're nothing, really if that's what you're asking, I mean, sure she's pretty and all and she's so, so, kind, but no, we're not a thing.  I think that she's very nice though, I mean-"

"Alright, I got it.  Thanks." Olivia smiles before walking out of the classroom.


Chaeyoung walks into Lisa's classroom for their daily movie and sits down on the blanket that's already laying on the ground.

"You'll never guess what happened today." Chaeyoung says, opening up a box of pepero.

"What?" Lisa asks as she fiddles with the projector.

"One of my students asked if we were dating."

Lisa's hands freeze.  "Huh.  Well what did you tell them?"

"That we aren't."

Lisa nods her head and goes back to fiddling with the projector.

"All set up." Lisa says as she walks over to the light switch, making the room dark.  She sits down when she gets back to the blanket and lays down, as she switches on the projector to watch their 3rd Marvel movie.

"Imagine what would happen if the dean walked in on us."

"I'd probably get fired." Lisa says.  "Apparently I'm on thin ice for forgetting to make a final last semester and showing up to her meetings hungover one too many times."

"What would you do if you got fired?  I mean, not that I want you to."

Lisa turns to look into Chaeyoung's bright brown eyes, wide with an emotion she can't read.

"Probably move." Lisa shrugs.  "I've been thinking about it for a while now, and there's nothing really keeping me here.  I have a close friend in New York who said she'd take me in, and Daegu is just too small for me now.  Why?"

"No reason.  Let's just watch the movie."

Lisa sighs.  She knows the kind of response she wanted from Chaeyoung and she didn't get it.  As if she would've gotten it, they're not romantically involved with one another, they're just friends.


[lalalalisa_m] hey, i think i'm gonna move when this semester is over

[sooyaa__] really ? that's great !  i'll tell jen, she's gonna be so happy

[lalalalisa_m] yeah, i'm really excited too

[sooyaa__] you can use our guest room until you settle down

[lalalalisa_m] thanks chu, it means a lot

[sooyaa__] no problem, what made you change your mind ?

[lalalalisa_m] there's nothing holding me here anymore. and i guess i just want a new start

[sooyaa__] well i'm happy for you, and we're happy that you'll be joining us !

[lalalalisa_m] thanks jisoo, it means a lot.


Gowon and Olivia are sitting in a small campus cafe on a Thursday afternoon recounting their teacher encounters a few days ago.

"She didn't seem phased.  At all.  It was frustrating." Gowon pouts.

"Really?" Olivia asks as she dips her spoon into pudding.  "Manoban had the exact opposite reaction.  She got all red, and sweaty, and started rambling.  I thought she was hiding something."

"God, it's so obvious that they like each other." Gowon says, lips pressed together.  "Do you think they'll ever figure it out?"

The door chimes and the two professors walk in, a very distressed looking Chaeyoung, with a calm Lisa.

"I can't believe it, you're actually moving." Chaeyoung says, eyes scanning the menu.

"Mhmm." Lisa says from behind her.

"When you told me that the other day I thought you were joking.  You're not joking."


"Well, congrats I guess."

"Yeah, I'm looking forward to a new start.  Maybe when I get to New York I'll settle down, find a job, a wife, start a family.  I'm looking forward to it.  This move will be my passage into true adulthood."

"When are you moving?"

"End of the school year."

"But that's in about a month.  You'll be able to move that quickly?"



There's an awkward beat of silence.

"What do you want to eat?  On me.  To celebrate my move."

"I'm not that hungry, but you can get something, I'll find us a table."


[roses_are_rosie] Jen, I need your help

[jennierubyjane] What's up?

[roses_are_rosie] Lisa's moving

[jennierubyjane] Who's Lisa?

[roses_are_rosie] Lisa, the cute professor across the hall

[jennierubyjane] Oh yeah, I remember you talking about her.  Why's she moving?

[roses_are_rosie] She says that she wants a new start, and there's nothing here for her in Daegu anymore

[jennierubyjane] That sucks, sorry to hear that

[roses_are_rosie] What do I do?

[jennierubyjane] Idk, I'm sure you'll figure it out, you always do

"Sorry that took so long, who knew a salad was so hard to prepare." Lisa chuckles as she sits down.

Chaeyoung places her phone on the table face-down and gives a small smile to the woman sitting across from her.

"How was your day?" Lisa asks.

"Good, I had a good day."

"Is something wrong?"

"Why would anything be wrong?"

"Well typically, you have more lengthy answers.  What's wrong?"

"Actually, I just remembered that I have to go do something with Professor Son.  I'm gonna have to leave.  Sorry Lisa." Chaeyoung says quickly.


Lisa slumps back in her seat with a puzzled look on her face.  Something isn't right.


Something definitely isn't right.  Chaeyoung didn't show up for their movie later in the day, and when Lisa got worried and looked for her, all of the lights in her classroom and office were off.  She just assumed that Chaeyoung forgot.

The next morning when she saw Chaeyoung walking down the hallway she tried to start a conversation, but Chaeyoung just brushed it off and walked into her classroom.

That afternoon, Chaeyoung didn't show up to watch a movie.  Again.

Lisa tried calling her, but got no response except for a text apologizing, saying that she was "busy."

Over the weekend, Lisa tried calling and texting the girl, but got little to no response whatsoever.

On Monday, Lisa bought coffee from the campus cafe for the two of them, planning to pop into Chaeyoung's office to say hello, but when she got there Chaeyoung just seemed distant, and their conversation was short lived and brief.

Chaeyoung doesn't show up to watch a movie.

On Tuesday, Lisa finally comes to the conclusion that something is definitely wrong, but she doesn't want to push it, for Chaeyoung's sake.

Chaeyoung doesn't show up for a movie.

Lisa goes home at around 5, after finally accepting that Chaeyoung wasn't going to show up that day and that she shouldn't stay any longer.

When she gets home, she starts packing up boxes of stuff.  She doesn't have much, so packing up is relatively easy, and she has all of her miscellaneous knick knacks packed by the time she gets hungry.  She lists her apartment for sale online.  After dinner, she packs a few more boxes and heads to bed.

On Wednesday, it's pretty clear that Chaeyoung's avoiding Lisa because after she uses the bathroom and walks out of her stall, she makes eye contact with Chaeyoung who's just walking into the bathroom.  To this, Chaeyoung mumbles a quick "hi" and turns the other way.

Lisa wants to stop her, but washes her hands first of course, and then goes back towards their classrooms, looking for Chaeyoung.  When she looks into Chaeyoung's office, she sees that it's empty, and lets out a disappointed sigh.

She doesn't know where she went wrong.  One day they were cuddling under blankets as they watched a movie together and the next, Chaeyoung wouldn't even look at her.

The next day, Lisa doesn't wait in Chaeyoung's classroom for half an hour so that they can have lunch together.

Lisa goes to the campus cafe alone, and orders her usual salad.  After a quick stop at the dean's office, she goes back to her classroom and eats lunch at her desk.  Feeling lonelier than ever.


"Hey Olivia, what time is it?" Gowon nudges the dark haired girl next to her.


"Professor Manoban should be here by now."

"Maybe she had a meeting." Olivia shrugs.  "I'm sure there's some sort of explanation, I mean, Manoban wouldn't just dip on Professor Park like that.  She likes her too much."

"You're right."

The two girls face their attention back on Professor Park, who's droning on about some concept that the girls don't even care to understand.

They're majoring in communications, it really shouldn't be that hard of a class.

"When this class is over I wanna pass Professor Manoban's classroom." Gowon whispers.

"Alright, why?"

"Just to make sure that you're right."


Chaeyoung notices a lack of Lisa's presence at the end of her lecture and frowns.  She has been avoiding the girl for the past week, so it shouldn't be that much of a surprise that Lisa didn't show up, but a part of her wished that the girl would make some last ditch effort and show up.

She looks through the small rectangular window on her door into Lisa's room to see the girl sitting alone at her desk eating lunch.

Ever since finding out that Lisa was moving to New York, she started avoiding her so that it'd hurt less when she leaves.

However, the only thing that's been coming of it now is that she longs to talk to Lisa, to sit next to her, to be in her presence.  Maybe this hurt will save her from more when Lisa does leave.  She hopes it does.  All she wants to do is watch those lame action movies with her as they cuddle on a blanket in her classroom.

She doesn't know when she started developing a crush on Lisa, she figures it was the day Lisa stayed late after school to help her grade essays.  She remembers that night so vividly.  She remembers stealing glances at her coworker who had her eyebrows scrunched together and the tip of her tongue peeking out from the corner of her lips.  She remembers the sound of Lisa's laughter as they exchanged jokes while slaving over those papers.

She remembers walking home that night, happier than ever, and the next day, Lisa started waiting for her at lunch. Thus, starting their tradition that's lasted three school years, up until today.


After the school day is over, Lisa pulls out all of the snacks from her drawers with a disappointed sigh.  She figures that if it's already been a week, Chaeyoung isn't planning on visiting her after school anymore.

She still doesn't know what went wrong, after Chaeyoung's meeting with Professor Son, she's been avoiding Lisa like the plague.

So Lisa decides to talk to Professor Son.


"Hey Chaeyoung." Lisa says as she walks into Professor Son's office.

"Hey Lisa, what can I do for you?"

"Um, do you remember what you talked about with Professor Park last week?

"I didn't talk to her at all last week, why?"

"She's been a little off, wanted to see if you noticed anything."

"Ah, well sorry about that.  I hope she's back to her normal self soon."

"Me too.  Thanks."

And with that, Lisa is out of Professor Son's office, more confused than she could ever be.


Three more weeks pass by and the school year is almost over.  Chaeyoung hasn't talked to Lisa at all, and Lisa's come to the conclusion that Chaeyoung just doesn't want to be her friend anymore.

It hurts, yeah, because Lisa knows at some point she wanted more than just a friendship with her fellow professor.  She wanted to be able to walk around together with a proud smirk on her face as she shows off her girlfriend to everyone.  But if it hasn't happened in the last five years, it's not going to happen anytime soon.

So Lisa packs more boxes, sells her apartment, and lives out of a hotel now.  She surprisingly was able finish up her moving process quite quickly, while still completing her work.  She found a new job at NYU, and is happy that she won't have to scramble when she touches down in New York, that she'll already have a life to fall into.  Her students are disappointed that she won't be there next year, but the student that's probably the most disappointed is Gowon.

It's the second to last day of finals, and her students are glad that she didn't make one for their class.  The dean can't really get mad about a final-less class if Lisa's not even going to be here next year.

"Good job this year everyone." Lisa says, standing at the podium.  "I hope you all have a restful summer break."

Tomorrow her last two periods have their finals, and she's out.  Her desk and office is all cleaned out, the only thing left is a framed picture of her and Chaeyoung from last summer when they went to the beach together sitting on her desk, but she ought to pack that away as well soon.

The bell rings and all of the students start to file out, many of them saying bye to their professor.  Lisa packs up her bag, and slings it over her shoulder, prepared to leave once the rest of her students do.

She looks back at her empty classroom, and with a huff picks the picture off her desk and stuffs it into her bag.

After the last of her students file out, she flips out the light switch and walks into the hallway.

Standing in the hallway waiting outside her door is none other than Professor Park, and Lisa's shocked, to say the least.

"Hey." Chaeyoung breathes out.

"Hey.  What are you doing?  Don't you have a class?"

"They're taking a final, and I wanted to say goodbye.  You know, before you leave."

"You don't even know when I'm leaving."

"Well, I knew end of the school year."

There's an awkward silence hanging in the air.  Both girls know that this is extremely uncomfortable.

"Do you wanna hang out?  Or, get dinner or something?" Lisa asks.

"Sure.  Once my class lets out."

"Okay, I'll wait out here."

"No, come in."

Lisa follows Chaeyoung into her classroom and sits on the stool behind her desk, next to Chaeyoung who sits in the swivel chair.

They sit in silence, because Chaeyoung's students are taking a test, and Lisa just watches.  Watches how Chaeyoung grades the tests, watches how she quietly chuckles at a few of the free response answers, watches how she tucks a few strands of hair behind her ear after they fall into her face.  It's nice, sitting next to Chaeyoung again, Lisa thinks.  She's not sure why Chaeyoung chose now, of all times to finally talk to her again.  She's leaving in three days, for god sakes.

"Time." Chaeyoung calls out.

A few students groan, but most of them set their pencils down calmly and pass their papers to the front where Chaeyoung collects them.

"Alright there's a few minutes before the bell rings but you guys can pack up and leave already.  It's your last day of class so feel free to do whatever.  Thank you for being a great set of students, and I wish you all the best over summer break.  Class dismissed."

Chaeyoung's students zip out of her classroom quickly, some of them saying bye to her, but most of them walking out with their earbuds in.

"So, where do you wanna go for dinner?" Lisa asks.

"You can choose."

"There's a small kimbap shop near my hotel, wanna go there?"

"Why are you staying at a hotel?"

"Well I leave in a couple of days, and I already sold my apartment."

"Oh.  Sure, we can go there."


"So how have you been?" Lisa asks once Chaeyoung is all packed up and they're walking through campus towards their cars.

"Good, how are you?"

"Well I'm moving in three days.  I leave Sunday night."

"Wow.  I didn't realize it was that soon."

They get to the parking lot and stop in front of their two cars that are sitting next to each other.

"I'll drive." they both say at the same time and share a laugh.

"I'll drive, and bring you back here when we're done." Chaeyoung says.

"But that doesn't make sense, why would you drive if the place is right next to my hotel?"

"Well we'd be coming back here one way or another if we drove together."

"I guess." Lisa shrugs as she walks towards Chaeyoung's car.

Both of them sit side by side in an awkward silence as Chaeyoung drives, the only sounds coming from when Lisa gives brief directions of where to go.

The silence gets even weirder when they get to the restaurant and have to sit across from each other, both of them not really knowing what to say.

"So, I just wanted to say goodbye." Chaeyoung starts.  "And for being such a great friend these past few years.  And I know, I've been being a jerk not talking to you and everything, but I hope you find the life that you've always wanted out there in the big world."

"I'll miss you too.  And you better come visit me."

"I actually have another friend that lives up there, so I'll have to consider it."

By the time the food comes they've fallen into their old rhythm, sharing laughs and shy glances over the rims of their cups after stuffing their mouths with food.

After Chaeyoung demolishes three plates of kimbap, they call for the check and get into a little argument over who should pay the bill.

"No I'll pay it.  The waitress put the check in front of me so she obviously wants me to pay." Lisa states matter-of-factly.

"But you always pay.  Let me get it just this once, please."

"I always pay because the servers always put the check in front of me.  It's like the universe wants me to pay."

Chaeyoung looks at her unimpressed.  "Hand it over."

Lisa stares at her before giving in, handing over the check.

"When you come visit me in New York, I'm paying."

"Alright, alright."

Chaeyoung pays the bill and sets the check onto the table before the two walk out of the restaurant together.

"I had fun tonight, but I think I'm just gonna go back to my hotel.  Take the bus tomorrow morning."

"Are you sure?" Chaeyoung pouts.  "I could at least drop you off at your hotel." she tugs on Lisa's hand.

"Yes, I'm sure.  Thanks for hanging out with me tonight."

"No problem.  See you tomorrow?"

"Of course."

In a moment of pure adrenaline and recklessness, Lisa leans forward and plants a chaste kiss on Chaeyoung's cheek.

"Goodbye Chaeyoung." Lisa smiles before turning in the direction of her hotel and walking away.



The next morning Lisa wakes up with a smile on her face, knowing she's so close to getting to move out of this tiny city, and start a new life in New York.  She's excited, and even happier that she and Chaeyoung were able to come to amends.

She walks onto campus chipper as always, head high, and comes to a halt when she sees the note taped to her classroom window.

dinner at my place tonight?

xoxo chaeyoung

She pulls out her phone and shoots Chaeyoung a quick text

[lalalalisa_m] what time?

[roses_are_rosie] I was thinking after we finish up classes?  We can drive back to my place and have dinner

[lalalalisa_m] sounds great :)

Lisa sets down her bag next to her desk and walks throughout her lecture hall, finally sitting at a desk in the middle.  This is where she's been teaching for the last five years, and it feels weird knowing that she's not going to be here next year.  That she'll be starting anew in New York.  It's a surreal feeling, she's been thinking about moving for so long, and in a split second she made up her mind to go.

She can't wait to start a new life in a new country, and live with one of her closest childhood friends.

Lisa thinks that there's only one thing that could stop her from going, Chaeyoung.  If Chaeyoung asked her to stay, she'd do it in a heartbeat.  She knows it's stupid, but that woman has such a strong influence on her and she doesn't even know it.

She doesn't know how long she was sitting there because soon enough the bell is ringing and she can hear the voices of students start to echo in.  She gets out of the seat and walks to the front, ready to take roll.

A student comes up to meet her at the podium and hands her a small box wrapped with shiny white ribbon.

"This is from Professor Park.  She said not to open it until you move." the student says.

"Oh, thank you for delivering it."

The student shrugs.  "She gave me extra credit for it."

"Ah.  Well thanks anyways, for delivering it in one piece."

The student grunts and walks towards his seat.

After quickly scanning the class she notices half of them are absent, but she marks them present anyways, knowing that she told her class they wouldn't be having a final and that they could take her class off.  She knows there are probably other classes that they could be studying for.  She practically encouraged them to ditch her class yet half of them still showed up.

"Well as you all should know, we don't have a final for this class, and today is a free period.  So if you have other classes to study for, I advise that you go to the library, and study for those.  I've marked everyone present, so really, you guys can leave."

The students stay in their seats and stare blankly at their professor.

"Alright, well, you're welcome to leave if you want.  Thanks for being great students this year."

Lisa goes to sit at her empty desk and pulls out her laptop from her bag, setting it on her desk.  She opens the cover and pulls open iMovie.  She's putting together a small slideshow for Chaeyoung, and she's been working on it for the past week.  When Chaeyoung was mad at her she figured that she'd just email a link to her after she got to New York, but now she figures she can show it to her tonight.

It's nothing special, just pictures that Lisa's collected of them over the years.  She sighs as she looks at the pictures from five years ago.  Chaeyoung used to have black hair back then, a stark difference from the dyed red that she sports now.

When Chaeyoung was debating as to whether or not she should dye her hair, Lisa told her to "Just go for it." so she did.  Sometimes, however, Chaeyoung doesn't keep up with her hair and the dark red will fade into a light pink color.  That's Lisa's favorite because she thinks it makes her look like a princess.

A smile breaks out onto her face when she gets to the clips of Chaeyoung walking around the park near campus last autumn, the leaves starting to fall around her.

She remembers that day, they had gotten cups of coffee to celebrate finishing the grading of mid-term papers, and Lisa insisted on filming Chaeyoung.

She remembers when Chaeyoung had stopped under a tree and grabbed her hand, pulling her close, telling her that "It's too cold to not hold hands."

Lisa doesn't know why she never made a move, and looking back, she's kicking herself for not pursuing anything.  Maybe things would've turned out different.  But it's too late now, and she's about to move to New York.  No looking back.


Lisa waits in the hallway outside of Chaeyoung's classroom.

The bell rings and her students start to file out, looking absolutely drained from a day of nothing but finals.

About five minutes after the last student comes out, Chaeyoung comes out with her bookbag slung over her shoulder.

"Why didn't you come in?" Chaeyoung asks.

Lisa just shrugs.

"Well, I figured we could order a few pizzas and have a night in." Chaeyoung suggests.

"Sounds good.  I actually have something to show you as well."


After taking their own separate cars to Chaeyoung's apartment, they head in together and call in delivery pizza.

Chaeyoung's apartment is small, but she doesn't have much furniture laying around so it seems more spacious.  There's a bookshelf tucked away in the corner of the living room next to a television set that sits opposite a white loveseat.  In between the tv and couch sits a glass coffee table with coasters scattered around.

Her small kitchen is filled with snacks, and her refrigerator is always stuffed.  There's a counter that separates the living room and kitchen, and she typically has a cup of coffee while reading the paper there in the morning.

Her living room is connected to a small hallway that leads into her bedroom that again, has little to no furniture.  The only things in there are her king sized bed and workdesk.

Lisa plops down on the loveseat and kicks her feet up onto the coffee table, switching on the tv.  The newest episode of "We Got Married" plays  and Lisa laughs at the antics portrayed on the screen.

Chaeyoung walks out of her bedroom in sweats, and plops down next to Lisa with a huff.

"Long day?" Lisa asks.

"I can't believe how many papers I need to grade."

"Why don't you bring them out, I can help."

"No.  I want tonight to be our night.  No work, no students, just time for us to hang out before you leave."

"It still doesn't feel real." Lisa starts.  "Like, I know I'm moving in a few days, but I thought that I'd feel more upset, or worried, or something.  But I don't.  Which is a good thing, I guess."

Lisa doesn't catch Chaeyoung's frown when she looks away, or the way she plays with the hem of her shirt.

"What was it that you wanted to show me?" Chaeyoung asks.

"Oh!  Well I started making a video slideshow last week, and figured we could watch it."

Lisa walks over to the bookbag she had set down by the door and pulls out her laptop.

"Here we go." Lisa says as she opens up her laptop, pulling up the iMovie tab.

She presses play on the video and Chaeyoung lets out a few 'aws' here and there.  It's a short video, lasting only about 10 minutes but by the end Chaeyoung is teary-eyed and looking around for the nearest box of tissues.

"That was so sweet." Chaeyoung says as she wipes the tears from her eyes.

"It was nothing.  Just something to give to you."

"Look at me." Chaeyoung speaks out quietly.

Lisa does as told and when she turns her head she's inches away from Chaeyoung's face.  Her breath catches in her throat when she looks into Chaeyoung's eyes, then they flicker down to her lips. Snap out of it.

Lisa looks back up at Chaeyoung's eyes for a split second before Chaeyoung is surging forward and pressing their lips together.  Their lips move slowly against each other and Lisa has to suppress the urge to take Chaeyoung right then and there.

After a few more seconds Lisa pulls away, a dazed look in her eyes when she stares back up at the girl sitting opposite her.

"I- wow." Lisa blinks.


"So, dinner?"

"Yeah, dinner sounds good."


After the pizza is delivered, they eat sitting next to each other on the couch and they're obviously trying to ignore the elephant in the room.

The air between them after their kiss is tense, with some kind of tension.  Lisa doesn't really know.

She's afraid that it's awkward energy, that Chaeyoung didn't enjoy their kiss, but she knows that she sure as hell did.

It was like all of her dreams had come true in that split second, it was as if Chaeyoung was actually her girlfriend.

"I'm gonna get something to drink, you want anything?" Lisa asks as she gets up from the couch.

"Mm, water's fine."

Lisa walks into the kitchen and pulls two glasses from above the sink, filling them both with water and ice from the dispenser connected to the fridge.

Walking back to the living room with glasses in hand, she watches Chaeyoung tuck a strand of hair behind her ear and decides that it's the most beautiful thing she's ever seen.

This is the thing that she's gonna miss most.  When Chaeyoung does something so simple yet so beautiful, it almost stops her from going.  But alas, she has her mind set on going to New York.

"Thanks." Chaeyoung says when Lisa sets the glass in front of her.




"Why are you leaving, really?"

"Well, you know, there's nothing here.  Nothing that's here for me."

"But, over here you have a job, an apartment, friends."

"I can find those things in New York."

Chaeyoung shifts on the couch and leans her side on the back.  "Aren't you afraid at all?"

"No, not really.  Sure, it'll be something new but I think I'm more excited than anything."

Lisa turns her head to look at the girl sitting next to her.  "I'll miss you though."

Chaeyoung takes her hand and laces their fingers together.  "I'll miss you too."

She can feel the air between them turning heavier and she wants to kiss Lisa so badly, but she knows she'll only hurt herself in the end.

They spend about half an hour more like that, holding hands and finishing up the pizza. After dinner Lisa helps to do the dishes and Chaeyoung knows their time together is coming to an end.

"I guess, I'll be going." Lisa says, walking out of the kitchen.

"You can stay if you want."

"I- no, I think I should go."

"Oh alright."

"Thanks for having me over Chaeyoung."

"No problem.  Are you doing anything tomorrow?"

"No, not really.  Everything's all packed."

"Well, would you like to hang out tomorrow?"


"Alright, cool.  I'll call you."

The two walk to the door and Chaeyoung leans against the door frame once Lisa's stepped out.

"Thanks for dinner."

Lisa gives her a bright smile and Chaeyoung just nods.  "You're welcome."

They stand in silence for a while until Chaeyoung leans forward and softly places her lips on Lisa's, their lips moving against each other's slowly, and tenderly.  There's love behind the kiss, a love that was never acted upon until now.

"Come back inside." Chaeyoung mumbles against the younger girl's lips.

Lisa nods and lets Chaeyoung lead her through the apartment into her bedroom, their lips still pressed together.

Once they're inside her room, Chaeyoung can feel the back of her knees press against the bed and she falls back onto it, her red hair splaying across the white sheets.

"You're beautiful." Lisa says with a small smile.

Chaeyoung just pulls on the collar of Lisa's shirt and presses their lips back together in a moment of sheer bliss.

"Is this okay?" Lisa asks in between kisses.

"God yes."


Lisa looks down at the girl sleeping in her arms, pressed into her torso.  It's like all of her dreams have come true.  This is what she's been daydreaming about since forever.

Chaeyoung's arm is slung over her waist, her cheek pressed onto the side of her chest.  It's perfect, surreal, insane, more adjectives that mean amazing.

They just spent the past two hours making love, until Chaeyoung finally fell asleep.  And Lisa's not sure if she's about to combust.  It sure feels like she is.

Lisa leans down to press a kiss onto the top of Chaeyoung's head and breaks out of her grasp slowly and carefully.  She has to hunt around the room for her clothes for a couple minutes, but finally finds her shirt hanging off of Chaeyoung's Mac from where it was flung.

She shuffles into the kitchen and fixes herself a glass of water, but turns around when she hears shuffling behind her.

"Hey, are you leaving?"

Chaeyoung's standing at the entrance of the hallway with an only oversized tshirt on.  Lisa's mouth goes dry at the sight.

"Yeah, I was gonna, um- head out, I guess."


"I'll see you tomorrow." Lisa walks over to Chaeyoung and plants a kiss at the corner of her mouth.


"Hey, you okay?"

Chaeyoung nods her head.  "Yeah, I'm fine.  I don't wanna hold you any longer."

"Okay.  Goodnight."

Lisa gives Chaeyoung a final kiss on the cheek before walking out of her apartment.

When the door closes Chaeyoung drops to her knees on the floor, and feels the tears start to slip out.  How could she have let herself go that far?  She gave in so quickly, and now she's paying the price for it.  Lisa leaves in a day.  A day, goddamnit.  Why couldn't she just have left it alone?  She could've avoided Lisa like she planned to until the very end and saved herself the heartbreak.  She didn't have to go out to dinner, and she definitely shouldn't have slept with her.

It's too much.  She can't face Lisa again, it'll be too painful.  Lisa didn't even make an effort to stay after she fell asleep.  How ironic.

Maybe Lisa's just a one night stand type of person.  She's never seemed that way, but now she does.

Chaeyoung thinks back to all the people she's never called back.  But that was mutual, she thinks.  In that case they both knew that it was a one time thing.  This feels worse.  Lisa was ready to leave just like that.

She leans her head against the wall and lets more tears fall, staining her shirt.  She's not sure if she can take anymore.


Lisa wakes up the next morning with a crick in her neck from sleeping funny, but she's pretty happy.  Last night she had the best time of her life, it almost makes her a little sad to leave.  But for now, she's on top of the world.  Because you know what?  Last night she slept with Park Chaeyoung.  Yep, that's right.  The hot co-worker she's had a crush on since forever.

Lisa dances around her hotel room as she gets ready, awaiting a call from Chaeyoung.  She can't believe it!  It's like her whole life had been leading up to that moment, it was magical.

And she gets to see Chaeyoung one more time today, before she leaves.  Speaking of which, she should be expecting a call soon but it still hasn't come.

Maybe I should text her.  Nah, I don't want to bother her if she's sleeping.  After all, we did have a pretty tiring night if you ask me.

Lisa chuckles to herself.

She goes downstairs to the lobby for breakfast, but leaves her phone upstairs.  It shouldn't be that long, anyway.

When she gets back to her room, she checks her phone but there's still no text from Chaeyoung.  It's already 9:30, she's normally up by now.

She decides to shoot her a text just in case.

[lalalalisa_m] i'm ready whenever you are, i miss you :)


Lisa frowns when she checks the time again.  3:47 pm.  She hasn't heard from Chaeyoung at all.  At this point she knows she's being avoided and it sucks.

"Agh, Park Chaeyoung, so frustrating." Lisa says as she pulls her keys out of the ignition.

Lisa walks up the flights of stairs to Chaeyoung's apartment and knocks on the door.  It opens quickly, but Chaeyoung closes it when she sees who it is.

"Wha- Chaeyoung, open the door!"

"No." comes the muffled reply.

"Well then why did you open the door in the first place?"

"I thought you were the delivery man."

"Open the damn door, I wanna talk to you."

Chaeyoung opens the door hesitantly, until Lisa gets impatient and pushes it open.

"Why didn't you call me all day?"


"Why are you avoiding me again?"


"Am I just that hard to be around?  Is that what it is?  You just don't like hanging out with me?"

"No, that's not it.  Of course that isn't it and you know it."

"Then what is it?  I thought we were friends."

"Of course we're friends."

"Then why Chaeyoung?"

"Lisa, you don't understand!  I tried to avoid you because I'm in love with you."

"You- you're what?"

"I'm in love with you.  And you're moving to another country tomorrow."

"W-what?  Why didn't you tell me this earlier?"

"I don't know!"

"Chaeyoung, I-"

"Just go."

"No, let me explain myself!"

"Lisa, go live your life.  Please, don't worry about me, alright?  I hope you have a good time in New York."


"Go Lisa."

Chaeyoung's voice is small, and she's on the verge of tears, but she won't cry in front of Lisa.

"Alright, I'll go." Lisa says.  There's tears welling up in both of their eyes now, and there are too many unspoken words hanging in the air.

"Bye Lisa."

The sound of the door closing echoes through the room and Chaeyoung falls to her knees once again, but this time no tears come out.  All that comes out are strangled sobs accompanied by nothing, and her throat is starting to go dry.


"Flight 4717 is now boarding."

Lisa stands up from her seat at the gate and pops her earbuds in as she stands in line to scan her ticket.

Once she gets through the gate and onto the plane she sits in her seat for about 20 minutes until the plane takes off, constantly replaying in her head what Chaeyoung had said.

I'm in love with you, I'm in love with you, I'm in love with you.

Does she love Chaeyoung back?  Has she been in love this whole time?  Whatever, it doesn't matter now.


Lisa's standing at the baggage claim when she hears someone call her name.


She turns at the sound of her friends voice calling her and sees all 5'2 of Kim Jisoo barreling towards her.

"Hey." Lisa chuckles as Jisoo gives her a bone-crushing hug.

"Oh my gosh I'm so happy that you're here!"

"Yeah, I'm glad too."

"This is my girlfriend Jennie." Jisoo says as she motions to a small girl standing next to her.

"Hi." the girl smiles.


"Anyways, lets get your bags and head out shall we?" Jisoo says with a wide smile on her face.

"Jisoo's really excited that you're here, she hasn't stopped talking about it for weeks." Jennie says as she watches her girlfriend prance over to the baggage carousel.

"I can see that." Lisa chuckles.  "Thanks for letting me stay with you guys, I promise I'll be out of your hair soon."

"Oh it's no problem, New York is pretty expensive so we don't expect you to find a place right away."

"Don't worry, I've already got a job lined up and everything."

"What do you do?"

"Well I'm a communications professor, so I'll be working at NYU but before I worked at a university in Daegu."

"Really?  My friend is a communications professor in Daegu as well.  Do you know a Park Chaeyoung?"

"Um, yeah, actually, she was one of my closest friends up there.  How do you two know each other?"

"We were best friends in high school, but then I moved out here.  We still keep in touch though."

"Um, well that's-"

Jisoo comes running over to the pair cutting Lisa off of her next sentence.

"Alright, so I'm pretty sure this is your bag, because it says Lisa Manoban on it." Jisoo says in between pants.  "It's so heavy, jesus christ what is in this suitcase?"

"Sorry Jisoo." Lisa chuckles.

"C'mon, let's head home, I'll get us a taxi."


In the taxi, Lisa and Jisoo are catching up while Jennie's furiously typing away at her phone.

[jennierubyjane] Chaeyoung, you'll never guess who my new roommate is

[roses_are_rosie] Oprah?

[jennierubyjane] Close. Lisa Manoban, the professor that you used to work with!

[roses_are_rosie] Oh. Don't mention me to her

[jennierubyjane] What?! But I thought you guys were best friends

[roses_are_rosie] We ended things badly, I'm not sure if she'd want to hear about me

[jennierubyjane] It's a little too late, I already asked about you

[roses_are_rosie] Well how did she react?

[jennierubyjane] She seemed indifferent about it, it didn't really seem to affect her

[roses_are_rosie] Oh

[jennierubyjane]  Why? What happened?

[roses_are_rosie] I confessed.  It was so dumb, we slept together and then the next day I confessed, and she didn't react well and so I told her to leave but I never got to properly say goodbye, it was a mess

[jennierubyjane] Woah, what?  Confess about what?  And you guys slept together?!  When?!

[roses_are_rosie] I told her that I love her

[roses_are_rosie] It was the night before she left, but it's not a big deal anymore

"We're here!"

Jennie looks up at the sound of Jisoo's voice and slips her phone away before stepping out of the taxi to get Lisa's bags from the trunk.

"Well, I hope you like it, this'll be your home for now." Jisoo says.

Lisa looks up at the tall high rise, next to a few other identical condo buildings.

"How did you afford this place?" she marvels.

"Jennie's mom paid for it."

"Jisoo!  Come get a damn bag!"

"Sorry babe!  I'm coming!"

Lisa looks back at the street and hears the honking of car horns, the chattering of people, and inhales the gross, gross, New York air.  This is what she wanted, so why does it feel so empty?


Jisoo wheels Lisa's suitcases into the guest room with Lisa trailing behind her.

"Well, this is it." Jisoo says with her hands on her hips.  "Jennie and I are gonna go to the store to pick up stuff for dinner, but feel free to make yourself at home."

"Thanks Jisoo." Lisa says as she opens her arms for a hug.

"No problem," Jisoo says hugging Lisa back "I can't let my best bud live on the streets."

"It means a lot."

Jisoo pulls back from the hug and cups Lisa's face in her hands.  "You've gotten so old while I've been away, you're not a baby anymore."

The younger girl laughs and cups Jisoo's face back.  "And you're becoming an elder."

"Be careful of what you say, I'm giving you a free house."

"Actually, I think Jennie's giving me a free house."

"Jisoo! Hurry up already!" the two hear Jennie scream from the living room.

"You're lucky that I do whatever she says." Jisoo says with a playful glare as she waggles a finger in Lisa's face.

"Go, before Jennie leaves without you."

"You're right.  Have fun unpacking, I'm gotta go." Jisoo says before darting out of the room.

Lisa opens the blinds and looks out onto the New York skyline.

"What a beautiful city." Lisa says quietly to herself.


"Hey.  Dinner's ready." Jisoo says as she pops her head into the guest bedroom.

Lisa drops the clothes hanger that she was hanging and happily skips over to the door.

"It smells good, what'd you guys make?"

"Kimchi fried rice." Jisoo says as she and Lisa walk into the dining room.

The condo that Jennie and Jisoo live in is enormous, especially considering New York's prices.  There's a dining room attached to a large kitchen with a clean white island in the middle.  Stainless steel appliances line the counters against the wall, and Lisa can't help her jaw from dropping in awe.

"Your kitchen is bigger than my apartment in Daegu."

"Yeah, well, Jennie's family is loaded.  I got lucky with this one."

Lisa and Jisoo sit opposite each other on the long glass dining room table and Jennie comes waltzing in carrying three plates, sitting at the head of the table.

"Here you go." Jennie says, setting the plates in front of Lisa and her girlfriend.

"Thanks babe." Jisoo says quickly before digging in.

"Thank you Jennie.  It really means a lot, especially with you letting me stay here and everything."

"Of course, it's no problem.  Now start eating before it gets cold."

All three of them laugh and talk over dinner, recalling Jisoo and Lisa's favorite high school memories.  The conversation is nice, and Lisa's glad that she gets to stay with her best friend for a little while.  Otherwise, she doesn't know where she would've ended up.

"So, Lisa, are you into girls or what?" Jennie asks bluntly.

Jisoo's chewing pauses as she glances with a puzzled look at her girlfriend.

"Babe, what are you-"

"Shht." Jennie shushes.

"Uh, yeah?  I guess?" Lisa says.

"You guess?"

"I mean, no, I am.  I'm a lesbian."

"Good to know." Jennie says before standing up and taking her dish back into the kitchen.

"I'm sorry about that, I don't know what that was." Jisoo apologizes.

"No, it's fine."

"She's really something else sometimes."

"Eh, I've seen worse."

"Maybe she's gonna try and set you up with one of her co-workers or something."

"Ah, I'm not so sure I'm ready to date yet."

"Why not?"

"Well, there's actually another girl that I'm trying to get over at the moment."

"Who?" Jisoo leans across the table, suddenly interested.

Jennie leans her ear against the wall separating the kitchen and dining room as she listens in on their conversation.  She tries to convince herself that as rude as eavesdropping is, she's doing this for Chaeyoung.

"Chaeyoung.  Remember, the co-worker I told you about?  I was in love with her.  Or I am, or- I don't know."

Jennie's eyes go wide at the new revelation.  She'll need to text Chaeyoung later.

"Well then why did you move out here?  I thought you said that there was nothing holding you in Daegu."

"I mean, yeah, but it hurt knowing that we weren't together.  Seeing her everyday, I'd always think about what it'd be like to date her.  We were never in a relationship, and it hurt.  I was running from that I guess."

"Did she like you back?"

"Yeah, but it was too late when she told me."

"Oh Lisa, you dumbass." Jisoo says as she smacks Lisa's head.


"I hope you don't treat your future girlfriends like that."

Jisoo picks up her plate and walks into the kitchen, surprised when she sees Jennie sitting on the island, typing away on her phone.

"I'm gonna go get ready for bed." Jisoo says.

"Mm." Jennie mumbles in acknowledgement.

[jennierubyjane] You gotta get down here and get your girl

[roses_are_rosie] What are you even talking about

[jennierubyjane] She's in love with you

[roses_are_rosie] Well then why did she move away?

[jennierubyjane] She said because it hurt too much to not date you

[roses_are_rosie] That doesn't make any sense

[jennierubyjane] I know, but get down here to win her back before she starts dating again

[roses_are_rosie] Today's her first day in New York, how do you know all of this already?

[jennierubyjane] I eavesdropped on her conversation with Jisoo

[roses_are_rosie] That's immoral

[jennierubyjane] I'll buy your plane ticket to New York

[roses_are_rosie] As much as I'd like to see you two again, I don't see what good it would do if I live in Daegu and she lives in New York

[jennierubyjane] We can figure it out when you get here, just do it.  Please?  I hate seeing you unhappy

[roses_are_rosie] I appreciate your support, but I think I'll just get over her the traditional way

Jennie looks up when the kitchen door swings open.

"Hey." Lisa says as she walks over to the sink to wash her plate.

"So about Chaeyoung, why would you say that you're friends with her?"

"W-wha, I- that's a little forward." Lisa laughs nervously.

"Not really." Jennie states, swinging her tiny legs.

"Well, she's so kind, I don't think I've ever seen her kill a bug in my life, no matter how much it bothers her, and she's so understanding as well.  Whenever a student would come up to her after class to explain why they couldn't turn an assignment in or whatever, she'd always nod, and listen to them, and tell them that they could turn it in the following week.  She's so entertaining to be around, because she has these little mannerisms as she eats, sometimes she'll wave her fists around when the food is good, and I swear, it's the cutest thing I've seen in my life. Sometimes, when we're talking about somet-"

"Hm.  That's cool." Jennie says before sliding off the island.  "I'm gonna get ready for bed.  'Night."

"Goodnight." Lisa waves as Jennie walks out of the kitchen.  "Jisoo really roped in a weird one."


A week has passed and Lisa is starting to settle into her new home.  Jennie's gotten more, normal, but sometimes Lisa gets weird questions that she just doesn't know how to answer.

Normally when that happens Jisoo laughs and Lisa has to pretend to laugh to avoid answering the question.

Today, Jennie is standing in the kitchen preparing breakfast while everyone else is fast asleep.

"What's on the agenda today mi amor?" Jisoo asks as she waltzes into the kitchen to kiss Jennie's cheek.

"I have to pick up a friend from the airport, remember?"

"Ah, right." Jisoo smirks.  "Take Lisa with you.  But film her reaction."

"Of course."

"How did you even get her to agree to this?"

"It doesn't take much to convince a woman in love, baby."

"Mm, you're right." Jisoo wraps her arms around Jennie's waist from behind.  "Is that why you're able to convince me to do anything?"

"One of the reasons.  The other being that you're not very smart."

"Rude." Jisoo scoffs removing her arms.

"No!  Hug me while I cook."

Jisoo hesitates for a moment.  "Fine."

She wraps her arms back around Jennie's waist and places kisses on her cheek.

"Ah!  Jisoo that tickles!"

Jisoo laughs as Jennie tries to pull away but is trapped between her and the counter.

"Who's the smart one now?"

"Still me."

"Hey- Jennie!"

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