Children of Prophecy (TEMP. H...

By KHS-Twins

21.9K 784 535

His time at Hogwarts is over, but the fight against Voldemort has just begun. Straight out of a barely comple... More

Percy I
Harry I
Athena I/Third-Percy II
Percy III
Percy IV
Percy V
Percy VI

Draco I

2.1K 79 47
By KHS-Twins

"Draco," and the voice sat next to me. I almost didn't want to look, to run out of here and just escape. Escape with who? The only person I found escape in was gone, not even a body to bury. But, I turned my head to meet Harry's eyes because he would've wanted me to. They were red and his lashes were wet, hair disheveled and tissues peeking out of his trouser pocket. Reaching into his shirt pocket, he pulled out a vial filled with ash, placing it in my lap.

"Is this..." He nodded, shrugging slightly.

"Hermione saved some and made a vial for me... I figured you'd need some of him too." Tears filled my vision and I blinked them back. It wasn't really him, he wasn't really here, but it was all I had of him now, and even though it wasn't enough, it had to be.

"Thank you, Potter." He nodded again, breathing a silent, 'yeah.' He turned to face the service, but he didn't leave to return to Granger and Weasley. Harry adjusted the lapels of his coat, brought a tissue up to his nose, and folded his hands in his lap. And we sat there, no more words, just silent tears we pretended not to see and silent comfort we shared in presence. When it came time for those to share about either of the deceased, we watched as classmates and teachers spoke their peace, but neither of us stood to speak. There were some things that couldn't be said, some things held too close to heart to share, and some things we couldn't bare to think about lest we fall apart. Sitting next to Harry during the service, I felt I knew more about him in that moment than I ever thought I knew through out all of my years schooling with him. I felt I understood him in a way I never would have if not for this moment. Even when gone, Percy was still working his magic.

So when the service ended and we both stood, I pulled Harry into a hug that startled me as much as it startled him. When we pulled apart, I nodded to him and walked to my coach. This was my last day as a free man and I learned more today than I ever did in all my years of living. Harry and I were more alike than I'd ever cared before to notice, and now that I had noticed it, it was too late. It was too late in so many important ways, ways I couldn't ever take back. In the ways of all of my tormenting, the ways of my ignorance, and the ways of my unwilling imprisonment.

Sliding into my seat, I pulled the door to my coach shut.

"To the Manor, Master Malfoy?" Nodding my head, my body lurched slightly as the coach pulled ahead. I scowled silently and refrained from saying anything. Father would be livid, as would Voldemort and his followers, I disn't need to add the coachman to the list of people who were angry with me. I wouldn't be surprised if I was executed on the spot. Turning my head to look out the window, I watched as Potter finally walked back to Weasley and Granger, his friends shooting the coach where I sat suspicious glances.

Their lips were moving, but I couldn't hear what they were saying. However, I could gather that they were talking about Potter sitting with me from the displeased looks on their faces and the numerous glances they threw my way. Potter's face reddened with anger and he pointed his fingers at them, speaking words I couldn't hear. But, from the guilty faces of his friends, it was clear he was scolding them, perhaps even defending me. Potter turned to my coach and hesitated upon seeing my gaze already on him. The red flush of his anger melted away and he smiled slightly, waving as my coach finally left the ground. I nodded my head and did a short wave back, turning to face forwards.

Harry and I were more alike than I'd ever cared before to notice, and now that I had noticed it, it was too late. It was just too late.


"Draco." I froze. "Turn around and look at me." I didn't move. I could hear the blood rushing in my ears, could feel my heart beating against my rib cage. My hands grew clammy and cold. "Boy, you are already in enough trouble as it is, so not disobey me!" My heart stuttered and I clenched my clammy fists. Slowly, I turned around and looked my father straight in the eye.

"What, father, what do you want? Is it to talk about how I fought against the Dark Lord, about my act of betrayal? Is it to talk about how I went to their funerals even though I wasn't supposed to. Is it to talk about how I should set my loyalties in the right place? Well, I don't want to here it! You forced me into this, I never chose this! I always knew where my loyalties really lie, and it's most certainly not with that bald-headed, snake-eyed, noseless idiot!"

"You will not talk to me like that, nor will you talk about the Dark Lord in such a manner! Do you know what we've done for you, boy?" He hissed, spit flying through his gritted teeth. "Severus and I had to wipe the minds of every Death Eater here, including the Dark Lord, making sure that stupid snake wasn't around! Can you even begin to comprehend how difficult that was? Of course you can't, not in your clear incompetence. While we were fixing your mistakes to try and prevent your untimely death, you were off being foolish, attending useless funerals! Boy, I just saved your life and the only reason why I'm not punishing you right now is because it would raise suspicion. You will not speak to me in this way, not now, not ever. You will be respectful, keep your filthy mouth shut, and keep your disgusting opinions to yourself if you know what is best for you and your state of living. Remember what bloodline you belong to." And he left, the back of him all I could see until he disappeared around the corner at the far end of the corridor.

I took a deep breath, clenched my fists, and continued to my chambers. Passing through the threshold of my bedchambers, I whispered a silent 'Muffliato,' and collapsed against the bed post. My shoulders shook and weak noises escaped me, and that's where I remained for the rest of the night.

. . .

I stared at my shaking hands, my wand thrown off to the side. And even though I wasn't in that room anymore, I could still hear their screams, see their terror, feel the sneer I forced my face into. I could still feel the blood thrumming through me, how fast my heart beat, the silent screams of my thoughts. I tried to remind myself that it wasn't me, I was forced to do so. But I held the wand, I cast the spell, I watched as the spell tortured them. And as they panted for breath, it was me they looked at for mercy. Into my eyes, into my soul, into a place I wanted no one to see. No one else.

Only one person, one person. I'd confided, sobbed, and revealed things I didn't dare think of even when alone in the dark. Where darkness was both friend and foe. But he was dead, and with him died all of the hope he'd given me.

I was trapped. Trapped in this family, trapped as a Death Easter, trapped in my head. I clenched my fists, but the shaking persisted. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, but all I saw was that poor woman's face. Her face was wet with tears, her whole body shook, and though her eyes were filled with fear, she looked to me, her torturer, for freedom. But all I did was raise my wand once more and whisper a clear 'Crucio.' And as she withered on the ground, her voice a horrifying echo of pain, my face was impassive. I betrayed nothing as they laughed and howled, their surrounding voices a cacophony of savages. And even now, I could hear them still, in my head but loud and clear.

My nails dug painfully into my palms as I could almost see Bellatrix approach me. She ran a sharp, black nail down my cheek,

"Draco," she'd cooed. "You're such a good little Death Eater."


Sorry it took so long, I actually wanted this to be longer. 😞

What do you guys think of the new cover?!

Much better, huh?

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