The Former Love Of My Life (S...

By johnny_bae

12.6K 472 551

It's been 10 years since Julia left Jump Street and quit being a cop. Things haven't always been easy for the... More

Coming soon
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapitre 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39

Chapter 6

566 16 19
By johnny_bae

Julia's POV

"And do you perform on stage ?", I curiously asked before taking the last gulp of my beer. 

"Yeah we do. I mean, we're not rockstars yet so we only play small pubs and clubs, but as long as it pays the bills it's fine by me", Tom replied.

"Well, next time you get a gig let me know 'cause I'd love to come. You know how much I loved hearing you play", I genuinely said, immediately regretting the very unnecessary last sentence though.

"I know", he smiled softly, almost sadly, "When you stayed with me after your accident, you reqested that I play for you every single day."

"I remember", the words left my mouth in barely a whisper and I averted my eyes as I felt them starting to water at the mere thought of what my life used to be back then. I had just gotten shot, I could've died or become a paraplegic as a result of it, yet it was most definitely one of the happiest time period of my 32 years of existence. Tragic I know.

"I've missed you Lia", he suddenly stated, completely out of the blue, his low voice snapping me out of my reverie. 

I was taken aback, I had no idea what to respond to that. I wasn't even sure whether I'd heard him correctly or just imagined the whole thing. 

Of course I'd missed him too, but I figured saying it wasn't necessary so I just kept quiet. 

Not wanting an awkward silence to settle between us, I absentmindedly and very stupidly let out the first small talk question that came to mind.

"Anyway, how's your love life going ?", I heard myself uttering. I wanted to slap myself so hard for being so dumb, and even harder for sounding so ridiculously enthusiastic. My face instantly heated up in embarrassment and all I wanted was disappear. 

" life ?", he repeated my words, his brow furrowed. He clearly hadn't seen it coming, but then again, even I hadn't seen it coming. 

"Yeah", I shrugged, trying to act as casual as possible to keep up appearances. "So, is there a special someone in your life ?"

"No", he let out a nervous laugh and started scratching at his scalp. "I haven't had anything serious in years, only flings."

I began feeling nauseous all off a sudden. The hair on both my arms had abruptly stood up, and I could feel all my muscles tightening and some sort of anger rising up inside me. Though I didn't fully comprehnd why, the simple thought of Tom Hanson with another woman was making me sick, so utterly sick that it was extremely difficult for me not to throw up right on the spot. 

"I'm assuming you're still not completely over this one girl you followed here", I blurted, sounding much bitter than I originally intended to. Fortunately, my forced smile was compensating for my tone.

"Nah, I didn't care that much about her. It's definitely not her I never really got over", he declared, looking so deeply into my eyes that for a moment I thought he was peering into my soul.  

We held each other's gaze for a while, until his eyes fell on my left hand that was resting on the bar. 

"You mentioned your engagement yesterday...", he ventured, his brown orbs glued to my only ringed finger. "Who is the lucky guy ?"

"Oh uh...his name is Ben. He's also a musician. We met about one year ago when I was in Germany because of work. I went to some club to have a drink and he happened to be singing in that club." I made a short pause before adding, "I really wasn't looking for anything serious but...yeah."

"I hope he knows your worth."

I would've reassured him on that point, however a  very kind-looking waitress came up to us before I had a chance to.

"Excusez-moi mais on va bientôt fermer."

"Oh désolé j'avais pas vu l'heure. On va y aller", Tom replied to whatever it was the waitress had just said. I didn't understand a single word they were saying, I could only sit there and watch them.

"Bonne fin de soirée messieurs-dames", she politely nodded to us both before walking away.

"What did she want ?", I asked, feeling slightly out of it.

"They're closing", Tom clarified before getting off his stool. 

I took a quick look at my watch. 


Time had gone so fast, I really hadn't realized it was already that late. A part of me wished the evening would have never ended.

"You wanna have one last drink at my place ? I only live a few blocks away from here", Tom kindly offered and I found myself shaking my head in agreement without even thinking the whole thing over. 

"Come on then", he grinned and I took the hand he had extended to help me get off the stool as well. Maybe I shouldn't have though, because once in a standing position, I found myself real close  to him, too close.

Our chests were barely touching, yet it was enough to send shivers down my spine. I suddenly became painfully aware of the strong effect hthat guy still had on me. His beautiful big brown eyes were so hypnotizing, and the warmth radiating from his body so inviting, that I had to bite my lip to prevent myself from moaning. I couldn't help but wonder what it would feel like to-

"Stop it Julia !", the voice in my head scolded, causing me to finally catch on how innapropriate my current train of thoughts was. 

"I need some fresh air, let's go", I murmured, squeezing my eyes shut as I attempted to pull myself together. 

When we made it outside, I breathed a sigh of relief as the cool night air filled my lungs and relieved my unexplained' yet apparent horniness. 

"Just give me a sec", Tom resquested, retrieving a pack of cigarettes along with a lighter from his jeans pocket.

"You smoke now ?", I raised both my eyebrows in surprise.

"Yep", he casually answered.

I watched him bring the cigarette to his lips, light it, take a drag off it, and exhale the smoke through is nose.

As a person who isn't usually very fond of smokers, quite frankly the things those common actions had done to me, mostly the throbbing sensation between my legs, got me seriously scared. I understood at that very instant that I couldn't go to his appartment and stay alone with him because I most likely wouldn't be able to control myself, and last thing I wanted was doing something I'd end up regretting. Really, going back to my room was a far better idea.

"You know what ?", I called, getting his attention, "I think I should get back to the hotel. I'm really tired and I don't want Aly to worry."

"Alright...", he halfheartedly retorted, disappointment written all over his handsome face. 

"Thanks for...the nice evening and all. Good night", I was about to leave but he spoke again.

"Wait ! I was...thinking maybe we could meet again tomorrow. I could show you around."

"Well, I'd love to but I can't just leave Aly on her own again."

"She could come too."

I took a moment to consider it. It actually sounded like a plan. It'd be so much easier for me to behave with Aly around.

"Okay", I accepted, stuffing my hands in my pockets.

"Great. I'll come get you around 12 okay ?"

"Okay. See you tomorrow then", I waved at him before disappearing into some dark alley.

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