Irrational Series: Imaginary...

By mzlan26

66 0 0

What if... there's a world that remain hidden, waiting to be uncovered? More


0. The Other World

33 0 0
By mzlan26

Let just say... the world is definitely limited. And boring.

If someone ask why, I'm afraid the list of the answers is become endless.

But, more than it, maybe it just because of the boredom I feel is totally remain unreasoned.

I mean, everyday, unconsciously we doing the same things again and again, creating some pattern that becoming template for the other human being to do. Like, waking up at 6, going to school or work, doing the same thing there but only with different subjects at different day, going home at evening, sleep, then doing the same thing next day.

Of course there's something unique may occur when someone doing that daily cycle. But it's really rare to make someone's life change. Just wait some days and that unique things we found, will be erased down in our memories.

I'm not offending some people. I know it's for living up the future. Eventually, everything we do is just oriented on money. We spent money for education, and then we need the education to earn money.

That's why I said the world is boring. You may seen everything unique by detail. But, if you see it more generally, it all just plain living cycle.

I'm not guarantee it, but I'm sure some of you may complaining under your breath unconsciously, complaining how you hate this routine that you have to do everyday. And maybe, some of you wondering when laying on bed, saying to yourself 'what if' over and over, ironically hope something magic to happen, and hopelessly laugh at yourself because of your own logical mind refuse to accept that idea.

The fact is, we all just bored and exhausted. The generic routine that we've done everyday makes our mind become dull and numb. Ever imagine why a child is always made something that adults usually can't? It because their imagination is still pure and they're not facing many problems in their life. Not like adults, their mind is free. Not trapped in boring life routine, social anxiety, and by others judgment about the way we are.

For some reason, we need to go away through the box that trapped us inside. Leaving the comfort zone. But eventually, the business inside the box is leading us to come over the same box everytime we want to leave.

There's so many factors, of course. With the paradigm that lead us to think that we live for study and work, translated with the narrow perspective of stereotypical environment we live in, we will never have a chance to let ourselves free from the box.

The box that designed to make us think of what all we do is for our future and the ambition to fulfill that dream. The dream that just a bias dream.

The true dream is waiting outside your box cage. And to leave the box forever, we need to do one revolutionary step in our live.

But, however, most of low-tier person like us, and on every low-tier generation before us, has been indoctrinated that the only way to success is going to school to learn everything. Neither we like nor dislike. At the end, everyone will ended up same. Some lucky people may observe their talent somehow, and then reach their 'bright future'. But what about the normal, or even the stupid one? Well, with the same kind of qualification method, they will be get rid of. More like, 'the only thing you can do to survive is give us money, the capitalist system'. NO! I'm not saying this is a communist party doctrine, and I know there's still good school out there. But, this is just a bitter truth that we knowingly observe that but we don't have power to do anything at them. And the most ironic thing here is we are the part of that.

Not like what our ancestors do. When they have their own excitement on studying what they want, and lead them to travel hundreds of kilometers by foot only to search their own teacher that fits them well and learn what they want. And that's why old world have many leading academics. They study what they like, and become what they want. Especially, they will be never be bored with their life. There's more mystery remain to be uncovered someday. Sailing all around the oceans and continents.

And now, not even the world secret. Even other people privacy is not that hard to gain. With current technology that we achieve after thousands of years of advancement, we all becoming practical human being. No need to sailing through oceans, just go to the classroom, and you will be forced to learn all of the world knowledge. Or just surfing through internet. Search what you need and done. Simple.

With that kind of pattern, we just become undeveloped human, but wants everything to be developed quickly.

And then, we forget. Forget what is feel to discover something new. What is feel to become the well-learned. What is feel to exploring the place that we haven't been there before.

And then we start to think, that everything we know about this world is everything. Nothing remain to be uncovered.

Even though, maybe there's a world that totally different than what world we already know. Waiting to be discovered. And that world maybe located very close to us. Even, walking side by side with us. But, because we've been already a practical human being, we maybe have neglected the hint that may lead us to that world.

Not excessive if I say... human civilization is walking in place. Where the development of knowledge and technology we depend on some small amount of people and time. And the rest, just like I said before, trapped inside the routine box that prevent innovation pop out from their brain.

But, the world that I mean, is not the type of world that can we reach by only knowledge and scientific method. That world... is the one that I believe dream and imaginary live side by side with human, not only inside their mind.

I believe that kind of world is exist around us. I'm not thinking that possibility only because I want to run away from reality. I may too childish because of that, but maybe, you're the one who have naïve mind, thought that was fake, and trying to think as rational as can be. Even the 'rational' here meant to be thinking for only what we know, that we thought it was everything.

And, we've been blocked for being able to see that world from a very different side, where we can trust that potential is really exist.

Unconsciously, we are maybe close to that world. Even, we can reach it by our arms. But we choose to keep not believe. Assuming that thing are only fiction, served by fantasy novel's word. When we see something, directly or not, at a phenomenon that seems impossible, we often react with 2 reaction. Not believing and frighten. Not believing because our mind are already have been rationalized, and frighten because we don't know why that thing is happen. But the more important is, there's curious feeling developed inside us. But, are we brave enough to discover it by our hand? No. We always hoping others will discover it someday for us, giving the explanation, not knowing if they're lying or not, because we are not knowing anything about that.

Then, if that phenomenon really occur, who will take the risk to discover that?

I thought, it's not that much. And I believe more few of them want to reveal what are they discovered if they really found something that lead to that world.

I know all of those thing are sounds like nonsense, coming from a depressed man with some mental disease that make him become to imaginative. But, we never know, right? As long as the door hasn't opened yet, as long as the curtain hasn't revealed yet, there's nothing wrong to believe and try.

At least it was I believe in.

Like some of you believe with something sounds mystic like animism, ghost, shaman, and other kind of paranormal activities. And I think its sounds not too different than what am I believe in.

And I still believe about the possibility of that world existence.

I don't know how the world will reveal itself, but I believe someday will be.

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