She's My Bodyguard

By StarkillerCaz

57.2K 1.9K 118

All Rights Reserved Leysa Romera, Codename, Firehawk. Former MARSOC Raider, First and Only female to ever mak... More

Twenty One
He's My Savior, NOW LIVE!


2K 74 7
By StarkillerCaz

"Pack up, I just got a confirmation from Prime Minister Netanyahu. We're going to Israel to confirm some business." I snapped up from my laptop.

"I haven't been since 2012.. I wonder is Yrena is still in the IDF." Yrena was my friend while I was stationed there to learn Hebrew, and train with them.

"Hurry it up! We leave in 45!" I ran to my room, packing my suits up, and my cards. I stuffed my laptop, phone, and chargers in my bags, and all my necessities, and was ready to go.

We had to go via his jet, which I had no complaints. His pilot was ready to go, and we were off in no time.

"You have your clearance card?" I pulled out my government issued card from Israel, recognizing me as a bodyguard. He nodded. "Prime Minister is giving you your weapon upon arrival. Remember, no-"

"No weapons in Jerusalem. Yes, I am aware. It's a DWZ." De-weaponized zone.

"We're going there for two days to discuss a hotel deal near the triangle." I nodded, relaxing back in my chair.

"Well, it's a sixteen hour flight. I think I'm going to go get a binge going." I turned the TV on, and kicked on Netflix.

"What are we binging?" He joined me on the loveseat, pulling me into his lap.

"Hmm, I don't know yet." I came across an anime, Aggretsuko, raising my eyebrow. A cute little red panda who has trouble adjusting to corporate life, and gets her frustrations out with death metal karaoke. "Oh god..."

"I'll pass, for now. What about..." He took the remote, and switched to his Amazon account. "A musical?" He had Little Shop of Horrors in his library, along with Chicago, Willy Wonka, and The Sound of Music. He also had the entire MCU collection, so far, all of the Step Up series, and-

"I haven't seen Blazing Saddles in forever!" He laughed, putting it on. It was definitely not politically correct, and you had to have a dark sense of humor to laugh at it. If it were released today, it'd never be allowed in theaters.

"Glad you're not overly sensitive with a stick up your ass."

"Careful what you say, and remember where my ass is right now." I narrowed my eyes playfully at him.

His response? Pulling me into a kiss and wrapping his arms around me, pulling me closer to his spear.

"I'll keep that in mind." I grinned cheekily, turning my attention back to the movie.

Four hours into the flight, we both began to feel tired, and we decided to go back to his cabin, where a full-sized bed sat, all neatly made. I took off my suit, hanging it up for later use, changing into my track shorts and USMC shirt.

He just opted for a pair of shorts, unafraid of his scars. It made my heart clench every time I thought about the few bullet wounds and especially my suicide attempt, and that if he can wear them proudly, and if he loves me, though very imperfect, I could be unashamed of showing myself.

"Something the matter, Firehawk?" I shook my head, crawling into bed with him.

"Not at all, Scorpio. Nothing at all." I murmured, resting my head on his warm chest. A few moments of breathing in the smell of his cologne, and I was out for the count.


And rudely awoken a couple hours later by a phone call.

"Hello?" I asked groggily.

"Allo, is this Ms. Romera?" The voice asked, in Russian. I sat up.

"Da, eto ana..." I rubbed my face.

"Ms. Romera, I regret to inform you that your mother has passed..." If I was standing, I'd of fallen over. "I know you are in the states, but she had returned home for care..." The words blurred together. I know I was adopted by an American man, and Russian woman, but my father had died sixteen years ago, and my mother had kept me. I had no idea she returned to Russia. "You are her next of kin... What would you like us to do?"

"Leysa?" I held my finger up.

"Call her sister... I'm sorry to do such a thing, but I won't be available to make arrangements... I'm in flight right now." Thanks, WiFi calling...

"Of course..."

"Spasibo." I hung up, covering my face.

"Leysa... what's wrong?" He sat beside me.

"My mother just passed away." I said quietly, squeezing my phone tightly between my hands.

"I'm so sorry..." He took my hands in his, making me release the death grip on my phone. "Is there anything I can do?" I shook my head.

"She went back to Russia to be with family, and I can't expect you to reroute for me. I'm just having my aunt deal with it." I wanted to scream and cry, but the medication restricted it.

"We can go after the deal-"

"No, Mason... It'll be fine." He seemed shocked I wanted to skip. My mother and I weren't as close after I told her I wanted to go in the military... She wanted me to be someone's housewife, but that wasn't my idea of life. "I wasn't close to her after I signed my life away."

"She's still your mother..."

"Was. She was my mother... and I don't think her family wants to see much of me, either." He brushed the inside of my wrists with his thumbs.

"Either way, whatever you want to do... I'll be with you." He kissed my head, and I closed my eyes, counting to ten.

"I'll be fine to miss it. If I have to go speak to someone about the will, I'll go by myself." He didn't argue.

"Come on, I think staying in here isn't the best idea." He dragged me out to the main cabin, and switched on a PS4.

"I don't play video games." I raised an eyebrow as he handed me a controller.

"It's nothing difficult. But it'll take your mind off everything." He opened some weird game called GangBeasts where the objective was to kill your opponent by throwing them out of the designated play area. (Video above) After getting my ass handed to me, even though he showed me how to play, I gave up, but the mood was lighter.

"Status check: We Are stopping for a quick refuel in England. You have an hour to go grab some lunch. We are landing in thirty minutes." The Copilot told us.

"Ah, I missed England... just Not English winters." I looked as we were coming over Ireland. "I really do want to visit Ireland and Scotland some day..."

"We can." He offered. "I'm always looking to touch base in more countries." He squeezed my hand.

When we landed, we got lunch at a tiny Parisian Café, and reboarded. By time the time zone changes caught up to me, I was slugging my way back to the private cabin to sleep.

I slept until we touched down in Israel.

A quick shower and change of clothes, while Mason was already dressed and ready to go, we stepped into the blazing heat of the Holy Lands.

Plot twists! I originally had written out the story as no-nonsense bullshit up until some ISIS members had chased Leysa and him off the road and were shooting at them, making him have to take care of her bullet wounds....

But I have a pretty big plot twist coming up again. 😉

No scheduled updates.

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