Perfect ~ Peter Parker x Read...


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"You're perfect." -- You move to Queens with your mom. You found out you were adopted, and you can't believe... More



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I smiled as I headed to my dad's lab. He wasn't in the room, it was only Pepper. "Hey Friday, is my dad in there?" I asked. "Yes, he's working right now. Would you like me to open the doors?" asked Friday. I nodded, and she opened the doors. "Oh, hey honey. Did you stop Thanos, and bring everyone back?" asked Tony. "Can I have a normal conversation without you asking about Thanos, or even saying his name?" I said. "Right. Sorry." said Tony. "How was your morning?" I said. "Pretty decent. At least, Thanos-" said Tony. "That's it. I'm done." I said, walking away. "I'm joking! Anyways, we're moving." said Tony. I stopped walking, and turned around. "Everyone? Or just You, me, and Pepper?" I said. "Just the four of us." said Tony. "Yeah, Pepper already told me." I said. "Damn it!" said Tony. "Did you guys bet on me?" I asked. "Maybe. It was only $500." said Tony. "You bet $500 bucks on me? Dad, you're a billionaire. You don't need $500!" I said. "You're right. I need 500 million dollars." said Tony. I rolled my eyes as he laughed. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket. I walked into the kitchen, and saw Nat, alone. "Hey, where's Clint?" I asked. "I have no clue. You want to check his house?" asked Nat. "That's about 2-3 hours away." I said. "We can take the ship." said Nat. "You want to bring a spaceship to Clint's house?" I said. "Why not?" said Nat. I rolled my eyes, and called him. No answer. "That's weird. He didn't pick up." I said. "Call again." said Nat. I called again. "Y/N?" said Clint, softly. "Hey Clint. Are you okay?" I asked. "I-I'm fine. You're alive?" said Clint. "Yeah. So is Pepper, my dad, Nat, Steve, Bruce, Thor, and me, of course." I said. Silence. "Clint?" I said. 

Clint hanged up. I take the phone off my ear.  "Oh shit." I said. "What?" asked Nat. "I'll be right back. If anyone is looking for me, tell them I'm in the bathroom." I said. I pressed the button on my bracelet, making my suit come on, and fly off. "Please don't be dusted." I said. I landed softly in front of Peter's apartment, and knocked on the door. "Aunt May?" I said. I turned the doorknob, and it was opened. "Aunt May, it's Y/N." I said. I looked in her room, and there was no dust. The bathroom didn't have any either. I sighed, and opened the door to Peter's room. "She dusted." I said. I sat on Peter's bed, and stared at his sweater. It was the one from our school. I grabbed a jacket of his, and wore the sweater on, and flew back home. "Where were you? Whose sweater is that?" asked Steve as I arrived. "It's Peter's." I said as my suit came off. I took in the scent, and wiped my tears as they fell. "You've got to get over it. It's the only way to move on." said Tony. We were sitting at the kitchen table as I rested my head on the table. "I miss him." I said. "I know, me too. Just try not to think about it too much." said Tony. I sighed, and sat up. "I'm gonna hang out with Bruce. You go enjoy eating the entire kitchen." I said, walking away. As I opened the door to his lab, a gust of green came out. I fanned it away. "Bruce, what are you doing?" I asked. "Hey Y/N! Wait, put this on." said Bruce, throwing me a mask. "It'll help you breathe." I nodded, and put it on. "What ARE you doing?" I said. "I've decided that since Hulk won't come out, mine as well put the bron, and the brains together. Eh?" he said. "That actually sounds pretty cool. Are you gonna be a mad scientist?" I said. "Y/N, no. I'm Hulk, but only his body, not the anger. It's pretty easy if you think about it." said Bruce.

"Easy? Sure, we'll go with 'easy'." I said. Bruce laughed. "Have you talked to Clint lately?" asked Bruce. "I called him earlier today, but he hung up." I said. "Huh." said Bruce. I took off the mask, and walked out. I laid in my bed, and sighed. I stared at the photo of Peter, and I. "You done packing?" asked Tony. "No." I said. I sat up, and grabbed giant boxes, placing clothes in them. "Everything's easier with magic." I said, leaning back as my magic did the work. "Where are we moving anyways?" I asked. "A cabin. In the woods." said Tony. "That's cute." I said. "You look like you had a bad day." said Tony. "You could say that." I said. "Your birthday's in 5 months." said Tony, trying to cheer me up. "I don't think that helped in any way." I said. Tony laughed. "Hold up." I said. I took out my phone, and called Ned. No answer. Dusted. I called MJ. No answer. Dusted as well. I called Liz. No answer. Even she was dusted. I even called Scott, the Ant-Man dude. No answer. "Did everyone dust away?" I said. My dad left my room, so I was stuck with myself. "God, I hope they come back." I said.


The baby came a few weeks early, but she was gorgeous. Her name was Morgan Stark. Even if she cried a lot, we still loved her. We moved into the cabin a weeks after, but no one has returned from the snap. It's been pretty quiet without Peter. I wore his jacket around everywhere, but that's all. I haven't watched the videos from the fight since.. 2 hours ago. I couldn't stop watching them. I've tried not to, but it was painful to not see Peter's smile everyday. As I was washing the dishes, I stared at my dad, and Morgan as he cradled her in his arms. I smiled at the sight, and looked to my right. It was a picture of Peter, and him. I smiled softly at it until my phone rang. I turned off the water, wiped my hands, and answer the call. "Hey Nat. What's up?" I said. "Come over right now. We have big news." said Nat. "Okay?" I said. She hung up. "I'm going out, Pep!" I shouted. "Be back before 5!' shouted Pepper. "I will!" I said. I walked out, and waved my dad goodbye. I flew to the headquarters, and let myself in. "I'm back! Wait, Scott?" I said. "Hi Y/N." said Scott. "I thought you dusted." I said. "No, but my partner was. Anyways, have you ever studied quantum physics?" asked Scott. "Yeah." I said. "Only to make conversation." said Nat. "So, 5 months ago. Right before, Thanos. I was in a place called the Quantum Realm." said Scott. "No shit, really?" I said, leaning against the table. "Yeah." said Scott. "What's that?" asked Steve. "The Quantum Realm is a microscopic universe, so you'd have to get really small to get into there." I said. "Hope, she's my, um. She was my- She was supposed to pull me out, and then Thanos happened, and I got stuck in there." said Scott.

"I'm sorry, that must've been a long 5 months." said Nat. "Yeah, but that's just it. It wasn't. For me, it was 50 minutes. See, the rules of the Quantum Realm aren't like they are up here. Everything is unpredictable. Is that anyone's sandwich? I'm starving." said Scott, walking to the sandwich. "Scott, what are you talking about?" asked Steve. Scott took a bite out of the sandwich. "So, what I'm saying is, time works differently in the Quantum Realm. The only problem is, right now, we don't have a way to navigate it. But what if we did? I can't stop thinking about it. What if we can somehow control the chaos, and we could navigate it? What if there was a way that we can enter the Quantum Realm at a certain point of time, and exit the Quantum Realm at another point of time? Like.. Like before Thanos?" said Scott. I stood up straight. "Wait, are you talking about a time machine?" asked Steve. "No, of course not. No, not like a time machine, it's more like a... yeah, like a time machine. I know, it's crazy. But, I can't stop thinking about it. There's gotta be someway. It's crazy." said Scott. "Scott. I get emails from a raccoon. Nothing sounds crazy anymore." said Nat. "I get calls from a woman in space, hugs from a god, friends with a 100 year old, and I can blast a mad titan in the face without a scratch. I think we've seen and heard crazy." I said. "Fine. You win. But can you help?" asked Scott. "Of course I can. Why wouldn't I? I haven't seen my friends, or my boyfriend for 5 months, and it's driving me insane." I said. "Great. Let's start." said Scott, walking away. "Slow down, Scott. Look, I can invent a lot of things, but I'm not that advanced in shit like that, so you might want to talk to my dad." I said. "Doesn't your dad need to take care of Morgan?" asked Steve. "Pepper, and I are there for a reason. Come on, let's go. Get the car keys." I said, walking to the garage. Once we pulled up to my house, my dad was walking back into the house with Morgan in his arms. "That's where you went? To grab those three?" asked Tony as I walked towards him. I took Morgan out of his arms. 

"Have fun, dad." I said, walking into the house. I went up the stairs, and placed sleeping Morgan into her bed. "Your home early. I see you brought some guests." said Pepper. "Yeah, they're probably gonna talk about a lot of big words." I said. Pepper chuckled, "Y/N, grab 4 cups, and get the coffee in the fridge." said Tony. "Got it." I said. I grabbed the coffee, and placed 4 cups onto a tray. I poured myself a cup, and went out side, placing it onto the small table. I walked back inside, and sat on the couch next to Pepper. "You feeling any better?" asked Pepper. "A little. I mean, not much progress in 5 months, but it's okay." I said. Pepper smiled. I hugged myself as I took in the scent of Peter's jacket. "You still wear those?" said Pepper. "What? It makes me feel better." I said. "Keep telling yourself that." said Pepper. "What do you mean?" I said. "Peter's been gone for almost 6 months, and you haven't been handling it too well. I mean, you look pretty happy today, but I think you're still hurting. I can tell." said Pepper. "Stop being right all the time." I said. She laughed. My dad walked back in, and headed to his room. "You going with them?" asked Pepper. "Yeah. I guess." I said, standing up. "Be home before dinner." said Pepper. "I will." I said, walking out. "Guys, wait up." I said. "I thought your dad said-" said Scott. "I don't care what my dad said. If he's not doing it, then he's not. Plus, I want to help." I said. "You do have a big brain." said Scott. "Not as big as my dad's." I said. "We're gonna need a really big brain." said Steve. "Bigger than his?" said Scott. "Yes! Finally! I've been wanting to see Big Brain Bruce, but Morgan's crying been a pain in ass." I said. The three of them looked at me. "What?" I said. 

"You just called your little sister a pain in the ass." said Scott. "I still love her. Whatever, I'm calling Bruce." I said. "Hey Y/N! We haven't talked in awhile. What's up?" asked Bruce. "Meet at the (Diner name)." I said. "Gotcha." said Bruce. I hung up, and opened the door to the car. "What are you looking at? Let's go!" I said. Once we arrived, we got a booth, and waited for Bruce. I sat next to Scott, and Steve sat next to Nat. "Hey guys!" said Bruce. I leaned my head out, and saw Bruce walking towards us. "Holy shit, what happened to you?" I said. "It was the experiment I told you 5 months ago." said Bruce. "Hey, can we get some food?" shouted Bruce. We explained everything to Bruce. Then, he chowed down on his food while we just watched. "Come on, I feel like I'm the only one eating here, try some eggs." said Bruce. "I'm so confused." said Scott. "Yeah, me too." I said. "These are confusing times." said Bruce, chuckling. "No, that's not what I meant. I meant-" said Scott. "No, I get it. I'm kidding! I know, it's crazy. I'm wearing shirts, now." said Bruce. "Yeah, I can see that." I said. "How, and why?" said Scott. "5 months ago, we got our asses beat. Except, it was worse for me. 'Cause I lost twice. First, Hulk lost, then Banner lost. Then, we all lost." said Bruce. "No one blamed you, Bruce." said Nat. "I do." said Bruce. "For years, I've been treating the hulk like he's some type of disease, something to get rid of. But then, I started looking at him as the cure. I put the brains, and the bron together. And now, look at me. Best of both worlds." said Hulk. "What are you, Hannah Montana now?" I said. "Who's that?" asked Bruce. "It's a show." I said. "Excuse me, Mr. Hulk. Can we have a picture with you, and Iron Phoenix?" asked a girl. "100% little person." said Bruce. I smiled, and stood next to Bruce. "You mind?" asked Bruce, handing the phone to Scott. "Say green." I said, smiling. "Green." said the kids, and Bruce. "That's good." said Scott, handing the phone back.

"You want a picture with me? I'm Ant-Man." asked Scott as I sat down. The kids looked at each other. The youngest one shook their head. "They don't know who Ant-Man is. Nobody does." said Scott. They started talking over each other, and Nat looked at me. I shrugged. "Take the goddamn phone." said Scott. They took the phone, and walked away. "Bruce. Bruce!" said Steve. Bruce turned around. "About what we were saying." said Steve. "Right. The whole time travel do-over, that guy's outside of my area of expertise." said Bruce. "Well, you pulled this off. I remembered a time when this seemed impossible, too." said Nat. I checked the time on my bracelet, and it was about 4 pm. "Okay, you guys have fun with the time travel stuff. I have to be home before dinner, so, bye." I said, walking away. "She's so grown up." said Bruce. I put on my suit, and the kids cheered. I smiled at there reactions, and flew away, leaving a gust of wind. I landed back home, and took off my suit. "I'm home." I said. "Where were you?" asked Tony. "I went out to see Bruce." I said. "And talk about time travel?" said Tony. "Dad, we have to do something. I can't live my entire life without half the world not here." I said. My dad sighed. "I'll think about it." said Tony. I smiled, and Pepper placed dinner on the table.

(a/n: i write my chapters w 2000+ words. sorry if you dont like the 5 months thing.)

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