Arthur's Warrior

By crystalvampyboy

13.6K 296 24

When the Knights and Merlin are captured by Morgana, a person from Merlin's past comes to their aid. The Wome... More

Elie and Merlin's past
The Order of the Black Rose
Urgent Matter
The Coffin
The Coffin part 2

Merlin has a sister?

3.5K 72 5
By crystalvampyboy

Elie in her Mercenary clothes  ^

Merlin groaned and tried to open his eyes. He immediately regretted trying and pinched his eyes closed. It was cold and he could hear someone moaning next to him. Someone grabbed his shoulder and his eyes shot open to see Arthur looking at him.

"Finally awake Merlin?" Arthur asked walking out of Merlin's line of sight.

"Five more minutes?" Merlin hissed.

"Now's not the time for jokes Merlin. Take a look around.." Leon says. Merlin sits up and see's that him and all the Knights are in a cell.

"What happened?" He wondered to himself.

"Morgana," Gwaine spat. The Knight tried to get up but stumbled and ended up falling right onto Merlin.  Merlin pushed the Knight off him and got up, walking over to the bars and trying to peak out to see where they were. Giving up he went and sat back down next to Gwaine.

"We need to figure out how to get out of here," Elian said from the corner. Arthur looked deep in thought.

All the sudden the sound of footsteps could be heard coming towards them. Everyone stood up and went on gaurd.

Morgana's snearing face came into view and she spoke with such hatred that Merlin shivered.

"I'm afraid you won't be escaping dear brother!"

"Morgana..." Arthur growled. She laughed and motioned to her gaurds to grab the prisoners in the cell.

"Bring them to my throne. I want to see them beg for life!" She screamed as she walked off.

The group was dragged down a few diffrent halls and into a room that was falling apart. Upon the rotting throne sat Morgana smirking. Arthur was forced to his knees with the rest of the group and Morgana smiled.

"Looks like I have finally won brother!" She declared.

"Camelot will never be yours Morgana."

"Of course it will. I'll start with cutting your head off," she says. Merlin felt someone else approching the throne room. They had magic. Merlin couldn't place why the presence felt so familiar.

All the sudden the doors burst open and a group dressed in balcks and browns came in. Leading the group was a hooded women. Merlin felt like he knew her but he couldn't see her face.

"Who are you to inturupt me!" Morgana yelled standing up and making her way towards the group of about eight people. The cloaked women left the group and met her halfway. The Knights watched curiously.

"Who are you?" Morgana must have sensed the magic coming from the women because she became intrested in her.

"That isn't for you to know Morgana. I'm only here for the bounty." The women said her voice sounded like honey to Arthur's ears.

"What bounty?" Morgana asked confused.

"The one that Camelot placed on your head!" The women's cloak came off and Morgana found herself going face to face with a sword. And from the looks of it she was having a hard time using magic to fend off the women's attacks.

Athur felt his breath hitch when the cloak came off. The women was gorgeous. Merlin on the other hand stared at her in shock.

The women seemed to have the upper hand when all the sudden Morgana blasted her back towards the group the women came with. One of the members grabbed her before she could fall and charged Morgana with the women. The two worked together flawlessly and Morgana turned to run. But not before making one last attempt to fend the two off.

Morgana sent a fire ball at the women and just as it was about to hit her Merlin used his magic and it was gone. So was Morgana and the men who had been holding the Knights.

The women started to bark orders and some of the group that was with her went after Morgana. This left the Women, the man who fought with her, and the group from Camelot.

She turned to look at the group when she froze. Merlin looked at her and took a step forward.

"Thank you for your help. May I get your name?" Arthur asked oblivious to what was happening. She stepped forward towards Merlin.

"...E..Elie?" Merlin whispered.

"Merlin," she said taking a step back. Merlin didn't notice as he ran up and hugged her. She froze and didn't hug him back. He pulled back and smiled at her. She smiled back and ruffled his hair like she did when he was little.

"Merlin you care to explain?" Arthur said with a hint of anyoance. Merlin turned to look at the group and blushed. The man with Elie pulled her away from Merlin and back by his side. This confused Merlin as he started to try and explain.

"Everyone this is Elie, my older sister."

"YOU HAVE AN OLDER SISTER!" All the knights yelled. Elie took a step forward and started to defend Merlin.

"Yes he does. If any of you lousy knights have a issue with it, I will gladly put you in your place. Wait Merls what are you doing with knights?" She asked turning to him.

"I kinda work for King Arthur over there..."

"Merlin..." Elie started to say something when one of the members of her group came up and whispred something in her ear. She smirked and looked back at the Camelot group. Than all the sudden her face dropped as she made eye contact with Arthur.

"I'm afraid that this is were we part ways. It was good to see you again Merlin," Elie turned to leave but was stopped when Merlin grabbed her hand. She reached for her sword and froze.

"Elie, Please... don't leave me again..." Merlin sounded broken as he spoke. Her face grew dark and she yanked her hand away and left. The man with her stayed behind for a moment. Looking at the group he removed his hood and started to speak.

Leo, Elie's right hand man^

"Merlin, she is glad to see you. It's just been hard for her latley. I promise I will try and get her to come see you in Camelot." He says.

"Thank you Leo," Merlin sighs in defeat.

"Promise me though, you won't look for us." He says as he disapears after Elie. Leaving Merlin and the knights alone.

After a few minutes of akward silence Gwaine spoke up.

"So, mate, you have a sister who's a bounty hunter? Why didn't you tell us?" He looked heart broken as he spoke. Merlin looked at the group and sighed.

"It's a long story. I'd prefer if we wait till we are back in Camelot to tell it..."

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