Dylan Meets World

By EarthSky07

58.4K 1K 385

"Dyl-" The brunette quickly whipped around. "How many times do I have to tell you? Stop calling me that!" She... More

Girl Meets World
Girl Meets Boy
Girl Meets Sneak Attack
Girl Meets Father
Girl Meets Truth
Girl Meets Popular
Girl Meets Hart's Mom
Girl Meets Smackle
Girl Meets 1961
Girl Meets Crazy Hat
Girl Meets The Forgotten
Girl Meets Flaws
Girl Meets Game Night
Girl Meets Master Plan
Girl Meets First Date

Girl Meets Home for the Holiday

2.6K 61 27
By EarthSky07

"Are we really not going to talk about this?" Maya asked me as we approached the Matthews's resident.

"Talk about what?" I questioned, even though I knew exactly what she wanted to talk about.

"About you and Farkle?"

"What about me and Farkle?" She grabbed my hand to force me to stop in my track and look at her.

"Dylan, please talk to me."

"I don't know, okay? I mean, how am I supposed to know whether I like or don't like someone when I never had the feelings in the first place."

"I know it's hard, but for now, let's just forget about it. It's Christmas, the perfect distraction," My sister told me as she went to push the intercom.

"Shawn!" Cory yelled through the speaker.

"Harts!" We loudly said.


"Oh what's the matter your boyfriend not here yet," Maya teased.

"He"s not my boyfriend!" We laughed before heading inside.

"We don't believe he thinks he exist," I say as we walk into the apartment.

"He's real, girls," Cory defended, "I known the guy my whole life and he's real."

"You're fun to play with," I told him as Maya and made our way over to Riley. "Riley, we got you a present."

"A donation's been made in your name to the Hart new winter coat fund," she read from the card as my sister and I modeled our clothes. "Thank you, it's beautiful."

"I'm glad you like it," Maya said, "We never know what to get people. So, what's the deal on the mysterious Uncle Shawn?"

"I don't see him a lot. I don't think he likes me."

"Riley," Cory stepped in, "How could someone not like you?"

"Ask him and let me know"

Intercom buzzed, causing Cory to shoot to the machine,"Shawn!"

"No, it's your parents," Alan Matthews told his son.


"Let me explain how a speaker box works."

"These holidays are important to me, Alan," Amy Matthews voiced popped up,"How much of a fiasco do you think it's gonna be?"

"Let me explain how a speaker box works."

"Hideous already."

"So, you going to tell me what's going with Farkle?" Riley asked me, trying to hide a smirk. I only groaned and fall face first into the couch.

"We decide we're not going to talk about it until after Christmas," Maya explained, patting my head in nurturing way.

"I just need a good distraction."

"Ah, wow! Look at all these kids. It wasn't that long ago I had kids around the house," Alan said, only now did I realizes the Matthews parents has entered the apartment.

"Yeah, it was just this morning, wasn't it, Dad?" Cory's little brother, Josh, told his father as he walked into the room.

"Found my distraction," I said, sitting up from the couch.

"Ha, that's my Uncle, Dylan," Riley told me.

"Sweet, I would be your aunt."

"Joshie!" Auggie called to his uncle before being picked up.

"Auggie! Come here."

"Ah. I love it up here!"

"My brotha'."

"My brotha'."

"How's it possible we're brothers?"

"Because... it's a surprise!"

"Stop doing that," Alan told his son.

"Aw, Dad, so proud of himself. He gets into movies for like a quarter."

"Uncle Josh," Riley said, hugging her uncle.


"Uncle Josh," Maya said, swooping in for a hug. She's seem to have the same idea as me.

"Uh... I'm not your Uncle, Maya."

"Even better." The pulled away from the hug as I stood in front of Josh.


"Uh, h-hi Dylan," he's cheek turned a slight red. "Um... It's... it's been awhile."

"Sure has."

"Well... Boy, you grew up gorgeous. You too, Maya," We turned towards Riley.

"Neither of you guys are going to be my aunt," she sternly told us.

"I can't hear you. Ba-da-da-da-da-da-da-duh," we sang, sitting down at the table. I turn around to the sound of door opening. Low and behold, Shawn Hunter enters the house. He sits down next to Auggie, who sat next to his father.

"Gee, Cor, I thought you'd be more excited to see me," he said, causing Cory to look up and cheer.

"Yay!" Cory tackled his friend in a hug, crushing his son in the process. "I told you he was real!"

"I'm okay, I'm alive," Auggie said as he was freed from the confinement of the best friends.

"So, that's us, huh?" Maya asked.

"So I've been told," Riley responded, "Hi, Uncle Shawn."

"Yeah... hey, kids."

"Yeah. Hey, kids," I repeated, confused.

"It's getting better. Last time it was just..."  Riley simply nodded his head.

"Maybe he's just not a big talker," Maya reasoned.

"Cor, time to talk. We got a lot to catch up on," Shawn, of course, said.

"So that's your Dad's us?" Maya asked Riley.


"We're them?" I asked.


"I don't see it." Maya finished. She looked towards the couch,"But someone is seeing us."

I follow her eyes to see Josh looking at our direction. As soon as we made eye contact, he looks away, the same red hue dawns his face. I look back to my sister and best friend to see them looking at me with a knowingly expression.

"What?" I asked, confused on the situation.

"Stuttering when he talks to you," Maya started.

"Blushes when he's near you," Riley continued.

"Steals glances when you're not looking."

"You're point?"

"Josh totally likes you," Maya concluded.

"You're joking, right?" I laughed, "I mean, Josh would be a perfect distraction from what's going with Farkle and he is really cute. Like really cute. I mean, he's like "big boy" cute."

"Big boy cute?" Riley questioned.

"You know how Auggie's cute in a little boy way? Josh is cute in a big boy way. You follow me?"

"No," my sister said, dragging out the vowel," but it doesn't matter. Go talk to him."

"And say what?"

"Words," Riley innocently said.

"Ok, sweetie," I told her as I pat her head, "Not now though, we got to handle some business."

The three of us walk over to the back of the living room where Cory and Shawn were sitting.

"We wanna talk to you," Maya and I told them.

"Did you not just hear our song?" Cory whined as we sat down on the window seat.

"What's that?" Shawn asked, pointing to my sister and I.

"That's Maya and Dylan," Cory answered, "They think they're tough."



"We've heard stories about you," my sister told the man.

"You're great in the stories," I jumped in, "We don't see it yet."

"Riley, Dylan, and I are the best friends on this planet."

"Well, that's cute," Shawn told us, "Cause Cory and I are the best friends in all of existence. Which includes your little crummy planet. Cory and I finish each other's..."


"Yeah? That all you do?"

"Because the girls..." Riley jumped in.

"And I..." I continued.

"Can read..." Maya added.

"Each other's..."

"Minds. Ready?What am I thinking of?"

"One, two, three! Pizza! One, two, three, clouds! One, two, three, Farkle" the three of us said in unison.

"That last one was from Dylan's mind."


"Yeah, right. Like we can't do that," Cory scoffed

"We can't," Shawn corrected.

"One, two, three!"

"Rainbows!" "Can't do it!"

"That's pretty impressive," Shawn confirmed. "You're still not me and Cory."

"Why do you make Riley feel bad?" Maya bluntly asked.

"I don't mean to."

"Well, you do. And that's not cool with us. 'Cause we're her best friends," I jumped in,

"So we just wanted to tell you that." We start to walk to away from them.

"Hey," Shawn stopped us. "Maybe you are like me and Cory."

We continued to walk away when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to find Josh. His hands are stuffed deep into his pockets and his eyes are focusing on his shoes. The pink tint makes an appearance on his face.

"H-hey Dylan."

"Hey, Josh. What's up?"

"I-I... uh.... how are you?"

"I'm good. You?"

"Uh... pretty good. You know, now that I get to hang out with you." Now it was my turn to blush. I can hear the girls behind me holding back their squeals.

"Oh, that's... that's cool," I awkwardly said. We stood there, not knowing what to say until Maya jumped in.

"How could you possibly not like Riley," she yelled, waking up the two grown men on the couch.

"That's my cue," I told Josh, pointing over my shoulder to the commotion.

"What is she talking about?" Shawn groggily asked.

"Whenever you do come here, it's like you find some excuse not to talk to me and then you leave," Riley explained.

"I talk to you. I'm talking to you right now."

"When's my birthday? What's my favorite color?"

"Riley, that stuff doesn't matter."

"It does matter. Tell us what you know."

"Girls... Shawn knows Riley's birthday," Shawn stepped in.

"How do you know?"

"He knows."

"Dinner, everybody!" Topanga told everyone. The family sat down and quickly ate the meal. "Five minutes?! That dinner took two days to cook. You animals ate it in five minutes!"

"What's for dessert, mom?" Riley asked.

"Nothin'! I want you to sit there for two days and think about that dinner you just devoured, and then maybe I'll give you a cupcake."

"Well, I thought it was great, Topanga," Shawn told his friend.

"Thank you."

"I don't get a lot of home-cooked meals."

"How's the job going, Shawn?"

"Oh, you do something?" I asked,

"Yeah. I write for a site called hit the road." Go to a lot of different places and tell you if it's worth a weekend."

"We... we go on that site," my sister told him.

"Restless little spirits, huh?"

"No, we just think about..."

"-other places?"



"Yeah," We said in unison.

"You take the pictures too," Maya guessed.

"I do. How'd you guess that?"

"I draw pictures."



"I'm gonna say yeah" last, okay?"

"Very mature."


"Yeah," we mouthed.

"Okay, that's it. When's my birthday, Uncle Shawn?" Riley jumped in.

"He knows, Riley." Her father told her.

"You keep on saying that. Why won't he answer? What did I do?" Shawn stood up from the table and started to head for the door. Not before he turned back to us.

"You're coming or what?"


"December 8th," Shawn told us as we sat in a booth of the Greenwich Cafe.


"Your birthday?"

"That doesn't save you," Maya explained to him, "We know her birthday, but we don't abandon our friends to hit the road."

"You think that's fair?"

"We do."

"Then this is fair too. What time was she born? How much did she weigh? How tall was she?"


"6:00 in the morning, seven pounds, four ounces, 21 inches. I was there all night. I was the first person to hold you after your parents. You looked like this," Shawn scrunched his face up.

"She still does," I told him.

"Why do you remember it all so well?"

"It was the day I left New York City."

"City wasn't big enough for the both of you?" I asked.

"When people get married and they have kids, sometimes their old friends who didn't keep up start to feel a little out of place."

"Please don't make me the reason that you don't stick around," Riley pleaded.

"No, I'm the reason. It's on me. Your parents are the best people I've ever met in my life."

"Then you should really love Riley," my sister told him, "Because we love her. I mean... She's exactly like her parents."

"He does love me."


"He loves my parents and I come from them, so he loves me. He loves me so much that he can't even look at me.

"I'm right here."

"Look at me."
"I'm looking at you." Riley walked over his side of the booth and grabbed his face.

"Look at me..." he chuckled. "What?"
"You're Cory with Topanga's hair. You got lucky."

"Is it okay if I say something scary?"

"I hardly think a 13-year-old girl can say anything that would scare me."

"Every time you see me, does it remind you of what you don't have?"



"Get in there!" Riley yelled as we entered the house.

"Uh, Riley, you do not command a grown man," Cory explained to his daughter.


"Who, me?"

"Both of you."

"Go to my room."

"This would never happen on the Cory and Shawn show."

"What's going on?" Josh asked me.

"Oh, you know, trying to get two grown men to reconcile their feelings."

"Sounds like an everyday occurs," he laughed.

"Well, when you acquire the powers of the bay window you must be responsible with it," I joked, sharing a laugh.

"With great powers comes great responsibility."

"Exactly! The bay window is such a safe haven for us, we must use it's powers with care."

"Maybe...you could uh... s-show me sometime?"

"Maybe I will," I smiled, brushing some hair out of my face.

"Hi," Riley stepped in, "sorry to interrupt... this, but you're needed."

"Wait, what are you doing?" I asked as she dragged me to her room. We bursted into the room and walked over to the bay window. She let go of me and she grabbed her father.

"Wait, What are you doing?" He asked as his daughter pulled him off the window seat. Riley reached through the window and pulled Maya through.

"Wait, what are you doing?" My sister asked as she was forced onto the bay window along side me.

"Ask him about his parents," Riley told us.


"Look at them. They're us."

"Was this your idea?"

"What do you think?"

"I think you are the new king."

"Yeah. Well, I did learn from the best."

"Uh, Cory? What's going on?" Shawn asked his friend.

"Riley, what are you trying to do here?" I asked the brunette.

"You got this, buddy."

"You got this, buddy."

"Okay, fine. So, what about your parents?" Maya finally questioned.

"Okay, fine. Um... My Dad was in and out half the time."

"We got half a mom and I don't know my birth parents," I told him.

"Well, my mom took off when I was a kid."

"Our Dad has another family," Maya said.

"I would never let anybody grow up like that."

"You wouldn't?"




We sat around the living room exchanging gifts.

"So, listen, I have an assignment next weekend up in Columbia county, upstate New York," Shawn told us, "It's beautiful up there."

"We're gonna miss you, Shawn."

"Well, maybe not. 'Cause I was thinking... Maybe you might wanna come?"

"All of us?" Riley asked.

"I wouldn't have it any other way."

"You know..."

"Here it comes."

"I never go anywhere without my best friends."

"Yeah, that's not a bad way to grow up."

"So... Maybe you would like to invite Maya and Dylan?"

"Oh, you mean them?"

"Oh, what do you say, kid? You wanna come?"

"Yeah," I answered.

"You're invited too," Maya pointed to Josh.


"Oh, boy," Riley muttered.

"Riley, this is for you," Shawn said, handing the girl her gift.

"Your camera?"

"I got a few. But I figured with Maya being good at drawing pictures and Dylan with..."

"Singing," I informed.

"Singing, yes, maybe you'd be good at taking them. Yeah, now you guys can be inspired together. Yeah. Good old friends should never be apart too long. New friends either."






So... hi?

Sorry for not updating in forever.

1.) I had softball everyday so it was hard to find time to write
2.) I was using my school's computer to type, but since it's summer break I don't have it.
3.) I can't find the transcript of some of the episodes online so it's hard to write word for word.

Also, I do have a plan for Dylan and Josh. Don't worry. THIS IS STILL A FARKLE FANFIC!

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