Neo Flare

Oleh Marcus_Vice

122 12 2

In the year X784 the town of Magnolia was attacked, Devastating the city and the once great guild known as Fa... Lebih Banyak

Chapter 2: Arrival and Announcement

Chapter 1: New Beginnings

79 7 2
Oleh Marcus_Vice

Disclaimer: I don't own fairy tail or the songs, just the OCs, obviously.

AN: Yes you aren't dreaming, it's me, sorry for not updating my stories. I just had finals at school and I needed to study. I was also going through a bit of a hiatus for my stories, I just wasn't feeling inspired to write them. I'll try to update as much as I can (No promises). Anyway, heres the first chapter of my new story, and sorry again for not updating often.

Chapter 1

The New Beginning

Magnolia X790

March 1st

It was a lovely night in the city of Magnolia.

The town was occupied by only a few people, the shop owners were ready to close up until tomorrow, mothers were busy reading their kids bed time stories, everything seemed pretty normal.

However anyone who lived in Magnolia in the past 6 years would tell you how much the town had changed after the attack. The city has gotten bigger, there were more shops that sold magic items and other things, there were even arenas in some places that many mages would go to if they wanted to battle or show off their powers, and the architecture looked different and advanced as well.

However the change, that all the citizens had to agree was the biggest, was at the center of town.

For in it laid a large, castle-like building, painted in the colors of red and green, with the banner above it which read: Fairy Tail.

"Yo everyone we're back!" A voice that came from the structure's front door as it opens.

The voice came from a 12 year old boy. He was muscular for someone his age, mostly around his chest, abdominals, and his biceps. He had dark purple hair and blue eyes. The young boy also has numerous scars all over his body, except on his face. He was wearing a sleeveless skin-tight black hoodie with orange outlining, exposing his shoulders and arms. His arms were wrapped in orange bandages. He had on dark blue, loose fitting shorts that went a bit past his knees, exposing his leg muscles, and was held by a white sash. Around his neck was an orange chocker, while his feet were home to black sneakers with white outlining, as well as white socks. Lastly, on his right shoulder he sported the black Fairy Tail guild mark.

Next to the boy though, was a big wolf, about the size of a horse in fact. The beast has dark grey fur, piercing red eyes. The animal also bares a large scar on it's untouched left eye.

"Hey Romeo!" Some of the guild members said as most of them were either on jobs or doing something else.

"Romeo, Kuro, glad to see you two are back." Kinana states as the young boy sits at the bar of the new fairy tail guild hall.

The purple haired beauty certainly changed over the years. She had short purple hair and green eyes. Her outfit conceited of a light blue coat, thigh high light green high heels, and a light green dress that reached a bit below her knees and revealed an appropriate amount of her cleavage. (Basically how she looks in X792.)

Kinana has been with Romeo enough times to know that he must be hungry, as she then starts making something in the new kitchen section of the bar.

"So how was the job?"

"Incredibly boring," Romeo complained, "Don't we have any other jobs besides, petsitting, babysitting, plant watering, structure repairs, getting groceries, and house cleaning?"

Kinana looks at Romeo apologetically, "Sorry Romeo, but you know we only reformed two months ago. And due to the new rules we need to complete a certain number of these low tier jobs before were allowed to do tougher jobs."

"Yeah I know." Romeo groans, "Who's the guy that came up with that dumb rule anyway."

"That "guy" was Queen Hisui, remember?" Kinana asked while thinking about the ruler of her country.

After the assassination of Queen Hisui's father, Toma E. Fiore, Hisui had to descend to the throne much more quickly than originally intended. She had to deal with many new things as of her coronation, while also dealing with her father's death. Many of Fiore' citizens were worried about a little girl ruling over them, or the threat that some other country might declare war on them, after word got out about the king's demise. Needless to say that Queen Hisui surprised all and surpassed many expectations when, at just the age of 15, managed all of her new duties and make the Royal Army even stronger than it was before. Needless to say no one ever questioned if she was worthy of the throne again.

"Oh right," Romeo says, "I still can't believe she's queen, from what I heard of her she was just a 12 year old princess six years ago."

"Yup, and for an 18 year old Queen I think she's doing alright with running New Fiore." Kinana said as she serves the boy some cooked chicken, "Here you go Kuro," She says as she rubs his head and gives the wolf a steak.

Kuro barks happily before digging into his meal.

"By the way where is Max?" Romeo asked with food in his mouth.

"Don't talk with your mouth full Romeo." Kinana says in a mildly strict tone, making the boy swallow the food in his mouth, "But to answer your question, he's busy on a job with Laki." Kinana looks at Romeo, "Why do you wanna know?"

"Because despite what many people believe he's a good hand-hand combatant, and I want to test out some new fighting styles and new rainbow fire magic spells on him." Romeo answered before taking another bite out of his chicken.

"Speaking of Rainbow Fire, where's Totomaru?" the female asked.

"Out in the woods training with his swords I think." Romeo informs after swallowing his food.

"I still don't understand how you got him to join Fairy Tail, after all he doesn't exactly have good history with us." Kinana says remembering the day of the Phantom Lord/Fairy Tail war and how Natsu beat Totomaru.

"He was forced to by Grand Master Odin, after I graduated early." Romeo states.

"Oh." Kinana simply said. "Wait, why was he forced to join because of your academy's Grand Master?"

"Master Odin wanted to make sure I kept improving and learn more about my rainbow fire magic, styles, and techniques ." Romeo informs. "So he sent Totomaru with me to make sure I did."

"You still haven't learned everything?" Kinana asked clearly confused, "I thought you were a Rainbow fire Prodigy."

"I still haven't learned every flame, plus there are some secrets to the magic that Totomaru or even Grand Master Odin know about. And I can learn the spells and magic better than most mages, making them stronger and mastering them is the challenge." Romeo informs. "One time, I lost control of my pyrokinesis and I almost burnt down my dorm room."

"SERIOUSLY!?" Kinana yelled out in shock over what she just heard him say.

"Yup, most intense workout punishment of my life." The rainbow fire mage says remembering that cursed day, "Though to be honest my later years in the academy were much more harder."

"Speaking of which how was life at the Rainbow Strike Academy?"

"Oh it was amazing, I got to meet new people, learn more about my magic, visit new places, beat up a bunch of assholes." Romeo says happily remembering all those times when someone boasted about how they were superior to everyone else, hurt innocent people or people he cared about, he would always be there to teach them a lesson, painfully. Those were truly great time.

Kinana and even Kuro sweat drop at the boy as he was filled with utter joy remembering all those times he brought those bastards down.

"Speaking of magic, I heard that you used to be just an employee six years ago before learning your magic." Romeo says as he and Kuro look at the Purple haired female mage, "What is your magic anyway?"

As soon as he asked that Kinana's eyes took on a serpent like nature as her mouth also morphed a bit, opening up to reveal two long fangs and a long snake like tongue. Romeo's eyes go wide, especially as he feels something scaly wrap around his leg. Slowly looking down, both Romeo and Kuro look to find a large, purple scaled, snake like tail wrapped around him. Both wolf and boy look back at Kinana as she had a smile on her face.

"Serpent body magic, also poison magic."

"Woah," Romeo said as he calmed down after hearing her, "You almost scared me for a second." he stated.

"Sorry." Kinana states morphing back into her original form, "I haven't used that in a while." She looks down at Kuro, "Sorry I scared you boy."

Kuro lets out a bit of a grumble, but excepts her apology.

Kinana then remembered something,

"Oh yeah Romeo, I have a little present for you." Kinana reached between her bosoms and pulled out a flyer and hands it over to the boy.

"How do girls even hide stuff in there?" the slightly blushing rainbow fire mage asked himself before eyeing the flyer.

The Flyer had a picture of two young looking mages having a brawl, one kid had fire magic, the other earth magic. While above it in big words was:


Under the picture read a few smaller words.

"Any mage, age 10-15 may enter!"

"Competition begins in 2 months!"

"If you haven't entered, sign ups are in Crocus and last until the end of this month!"

"Competition will be held in the Domus Flau!"

"A junior magic competition?" Romeo asked as he and Kuro take a good look at the poster.

"Yup I got it when I went to the market place to stock up on the guild's food supply." Kinana said with a smile on her face, "I looked at it and instantly thought about you, I know how you've been bored recently since we don't have any high paying jobs yet, so until then this may give you a challenge."

"I Don't know about this." An unsure Romeo said.

"You know if you do win Queen Hisui might let us have tougher jobs earlier, and you might be able to fight a God-Slayer."

"Did you say God-Slayer!?" Romeo asked as practically the word in general caught his and Kuro's attention, as Kuro had his paws on the table along with his young master's hands.

"Yup, I heard a rumor around town that Lamia Scale recently had a God-Slayer join them, and she's about a year older than you." Kinana informs, "I even heard she might be participating. If you join up, you might get a chance to fight her."

That was all it took for Romeo and Kuro to dash back through the guild doors.

"Wow, he was a lot more excited for that then I thought." Kinana says to herself giggling.

"Why did you do that?" Alzack asked causing the Serpent body mage to look at the gunslinger. His apperance certainly changed, not to mention his attire from six years ago. Though the most noticeable thing about him was the metallic red eye he now had for his right eye, and his new metallic left arm, "Now I'm gonna have to explain to his father about why his son has been gone for eight hours."

"Oh relax," Kinana says to Alzack unfazed by his new appearance, as she's been told about his new robotic-like appendages two months ago after Fairy Tail reformed, "He'll be back, and besides you seen how happy it was making him."

Back To Romeo

The young Rainbow Fire Mage and Large wolf were dashing through the streets of Magnolia hoping to get to the train station, thankful most people were in their beds napping.

"Come on Kuro, the train that leaves to Crocus will be departing soon, and I don't know about you, but I wanna fight in this tournament"

Kuro nods his head as he and Romeo go faster, through the streets of Magnolia, kicking up dust storms.

The duo then make it to the station and head inside and go to the ticket master booth, "Two -pants- tickets -pants- to Crocus please."

The worn out boy requested, the man nods slowly before reaching for the tickets, "That will be 100 jewels,"

"No problem let me just-" Romeo reaches into his pocket and instantly remembers something, something very important that he needed in order to get on that train.


Which he had at home.

And forgot to bring with him.

"Well do you have the money or not?" asked the man in the booth as he was about to put away the tickets.

"Here you go, and another 50, I'm going to Crocus to." a voice that was smooth as honey said causing Romeo and Kuro to look who it was.

To their surprise, they see someone who they wouldn't think they'ed see, especially at this time of night. It was a girl, who looked to be about 19 years old. She had beautiful fair skin, dark blue hair, and pretty purple eyes that men would fall head over heels once they starred. Her long hair was designed in a pony tail while the outfit she was wearing consisted of dark blue dress over her ample chest and ends on her right thigh, leaving her left one exposed a bit. Her left arm was covered by a long silver sleeve that wasn't connected to her dress, while her right arm wasn't covered by anything. Her left leg was covered by a silver stocking, while her right one was exposed leaving everyone to see her blue tattoos, one of which was the fairy tail guild mark. And her feet were adored by black sandals with high platform soles.

However the most distinct thing anyone can notice about her is the large sheathe strapped to her back, as well as the large handle sticking out of it.

((Or if you still don't know what she looks like:

Her name was Reina Battson, one of the newest members who joined around a month ago.

"Ok thank you ma'am," The ticket master said as takes the money the girl was offering and brings boy, girl, and wolf the tickets.

"Thanks Reina." Romeo says to her sighing in relief as he was able to get to crocus, while Kuro barks happily.

Reina smiled as she ruffles both of their heads, "No problem."

Just then the train pulls up at the station.

"ALL ABORED FOR CROCUS!" The conductor said as the trains doors open up and a bunch of people at the station start getting on, including Romeo, Kuro, and Reina.

Romeo sits near the window as Reina sits next to him, along with Kuro who makes himself comfortable on the floor.

"So wait why do you need to get to Crocus?" Romeo asked the swordswoman as the train begins to depart.

Instead of answering with words the gorgeous lady pulls out her large sword which, to his shock, had numerous cracks on it along with a good portion of chunks on the blade were missing.


"Yeah, I went to Mt Hakobe and faced three Wyverns, I did managed to kill them, though my sword paid the price." She admits embarrassed as she sheathed the broken blade.

"You fought against three wyverns and won!?" Romeo asked her shocked at the info he just heard.

"Your surprised?"

"Well to be honest no, I have heard of your strength, even before I joined Fairy Tail." Romeo admits remembering when one of his classmates told him about a female sword mage that was as beautiful as a flower, but deadly as venom from a cobra.

Romeo even heard the tales about her.

One strike from her enormous sword was enough to bring large forests down, and if you think her swordsmanship was good, her magic was even better. Legal and Dark guilds alike went in search of her in order to recruit for their team, until she decided to join Fairy Tail. Her skill, experience, and power were so good she was given a nickname, a name that strikes fear into anyone who would dare be foolish enough to challenge her, and that name was...

"Zeva, queen of the swords." Romeo says.

"Come on, Romeo no need for that." She never told anyone, but she gets a bit embarrassed when people call her by that name, "Just call me Reina."


"I get embarrassed when people call me by that name, ok?" She admits to the young rainbow fire mage.

"But wait, why travel all the way to Crocus?" Romeo asked, "There are tons of blacksmiths in Magnolia, especially now."

"Because, this blade is special." Reina explains, "It's made out of a very special metal, and the only available source of this metal in New Fiore is in Crocus."

"How do you know this?"

"The sword was a gift from my father." Reina said as she remembers the day her dad gave her the large weapon.

"Woah, that was nice, where is he?" Romeo asked as he looks and noticed Reina adopted a foreign expression, as if she was thinking of days gone by,

"He's in a better place." Reina said to him as she looked down.

Romeo looks at her with regret as he might have brought up a touchy subject, he then pats her back to make her feel better.

"Reina, I'm... so sorry."

"To this day I still don't know why he retired in the Pergrande Kingdom." Reina says completely ignoring what Romeo just said.




"What?" Romeo asked as his mind thought he misheard her at that part.

"My father was a blacksmith, he retired in the Pergrande Kingdom 3 years ago." She explained like it was the most obvious thing ever. "I was just saying how I still didn't get why, he hates large crowds and that kingdom is huge!"

"But you said he was in a better place."

"Yeah, Pergrande Kingdom retirement home, near the beach."

"Ohhhhhhhh." Romeo said as he finally got what she was talking about.

Just then the boy was hit with a yawn, "Sleepy?" Reina asked him.

"Yeah a little bit," He admits as he lets out another yawn.

"Well we won't be there until morning, so why don't you sleep, Kuro looks pretty comfortable doing it." And sure enough Kuro was sleeping soundly on the floor, and from the looks of it, having a very pleasant dream.

The boy intern nods, "Sleeping would be nice." Romeo thinks as he rests his elbow on the window's edge and rests his cheek in his hand. He was about to go to sleep when he feels a hand on his head bring him to something that was soft and warm. Looking he saw that his head was on the lap of the queen of the swords herself.

Reina smiled down at him, "It's ok Romeo you can lay your head here, it is a really long ride anyway." She said.

Normally Romeo would left his head off and say no thanks, however her lap was so soft and he was tired that he decided it was best not to argue. He makes himself more comfortable and dozes off.

The swordswoman smiled as she ruffles the fire mage's surprisingly soft hair.

She then lays back and starts to sleep herself.

a few hours later

Romeo begins to move as he starts to wake up. His eyes open and he comes face to face with a lot of blue. His mind was confused until he remembered what happened a few minutes ago. He then flips his head so that it was facing up, and he came across the sight of Reina, who most likely woke up a few hours earlier, reading some on a blue colored A rectangular-shaped device.

"Hey Reina what are you reading?" Romeo asked as he slowly gets up and sits in the seat.

Reina looks at Romeo, "Oh Romeo, I didn't realize you were awake." she said

"Yeah, anyway what are you reading on your LPhone?" (LPhone= Lacrima Phone)

"It's a story called Right Claw."

"Right Claw?"

"Yeah it's a really great story." Reina added on, "You see Acnologia-"

"Acnologia." Romeo interrupted with a hint of fear in his voice, "The Dragon King, The Bringer of Destruction, The Harbinger of Armageddon, The Ender of Eras, The God of the Apocalypse, The Civilization Demolisher, The Soul Taker, is in this story?"

"Yes, it is fiction you know, also how do you know so much about Acnologia?" Reina asked as she was amazed about how many nicknames the boy came up with about the Dragon King.

"I read about him when I was at the Academy," He answers to her, "I also eavesdropped on a few conversation about him."

"Right, anyway Acnologia descends on a town called Mecoton, planning on destroying it as a warning to all who would dare defy him." Reina begins explaining, "However, an action from a seven year old boy makes him stop-"

"How does a seven year old boy stop the Dragon King?" Romeo asked interrupting again.

"I don't know, it's one of the many things thats so interesting about the story that I hasn't been explained yet. Now don't interrupt me again or I won't explain it to you" She said to him with force in her voice as Romeo nods. He really wanted to know more about this story. "As I was saying, because of this for some reason, Acnologia promised to spare Mecoton, if the seven year old boy worked for him and trained to become one of his Apocalypse Dragon-Slayers, or if he doesn't he would continue to destroy the town. The boy accepts it in order to protect his friends, family, and town."

"Wait, did you say SlayerS, with an "s" at the end?" Romeo asked a bit surprised.

"Yes." Reina answered nodding, "In this story Acnologia has four Apocalypse Dragon-Slayers working under him: The boy who is a First generation, Perses a sadistic psychopath Second Generation Dragon-Slayer, Harpcrates a rarely talking, extremely deadly Third Generation Dragon-Slayer, and an extremely powerful Fourth Generation Dragon-Slayer, though the fourth generation thing hasn't be confirmed yet on that last Slayer, or if Fourth Generations are even a thing in this story."

"Woah," was all Romeo could say, "Sounds like quite the group."

"Yeah, though the story only focuses on the First Generation Dragon-Slayer so the other slayers are shrouded in mystery, hell he hasn't even met the fourth Dragon-Slayer." Reina informs before she continued, "Anyway, as soon as he reached the age of 14 Acnologia allowed him to return to Magnolia and join the guild his father was currently guild master of, Pixie Tail."

"Pixie Tail, that's a weird name for guild." Romeo criticized, while also trying to hold in a chuckle at the silly name.

"Oh really, even weirder than ones named Fairy Tail, Quatro Cerberus, or Mermaid Heel?" Reina argued back, "When mermaids don't even have heels in the first place?"

"Fair enough." Romeo says agreeing with her.

"After joining up and reuniting with his father, it is later revealed that Acnologia has two mages that, while not Dragon-Slayers, are still among his most powerful vessels." Reina explained as she prepares to say in a dramatic voice, "And that the boy, along with the other three Dragon-Slayers, are the Four Cataclysm of the Apocalypse Dragon. And that all six of them are, as the story states, The Six Signs of Judgement Day."

Romeo looks at her with amazed expression.

She then looks at the boy with that same smile she had before, "Thats all I can tell you without spoiling it."

"Ok, now I gotta know, who's the author?"

"Chaos Phoenix, on this website."

Reina shows the young fire mage the site on her LPhone as Romeo finds the site and story and follows it.

And with that Romeo lays back into his seat some more, staring at the ceiling. He was pretty quiet for a moment before a thought crossed his mind, "Say, you said that the kid was taken away at the age of seven and only returned back at the age of 14 right?"

"Yes, why do you ask?"

"Does that mean when he became of age Acnologia gave him the "Talk?" " Romeo asked putting air quotes on the word talk.

That very question caused Reina's brain to temporally stop working as she didn't see it coming.

"Huh?" Reina asked as a small blush appeared on her face

"I'm just saying since he was taken away at such a young age." Romeo deduced with his cheeks a bit pink, "I mean, I know nothing about how Acnologia would operate his servants or how this "Chaos Phoenix" wrote the story, but I'm just saying that someone had to tell him about the birds and the bees right, who was it? "

"Thats a good question actually..." The female sword mage couldn't even disagree. Who did teach the boy about that, was it the psychopath Perses, maybe it was the quiet Harpcrates, the two non-slayers judgement days, someone else, or maybe the Dragon King himself?

Who knows.

At the middle of town in Crocus

a few hours later

With a guild like Saber Tooth, you'd think the people of Crocus would be used to weird stuff happening in their town. However the people at the station couldn't help but stare when a beautiful blue haired woman with a large sword and a 12 year old looking spiky dark purple haired boy, that was on top of a horse sized wolf started walking down the streets.

"Ok, so it's settled, we'll meet each other back at the station in 2 hours?" Reina asked as they stop walking.

"Yup, right boy?" Romeo asked Kuro as the large wolf barked in agreement.

And with that she leaves in another direction as Kuro, who has Romeo still riding him, starts spiriting to the Domus Flu.

"Woah Kuro, slow down, I want to get there fast, but I want to get there alive!" Romeo said as the large wolf was running at break neck speeds.

Kuro barks loudly at his young master.

"If I still had that Bandana I would argue back." Romeo said as the wolf suddenly stops, causing Romeo to launch right off and land hard on the ground as he tumbles into a stand.

"Ow..." Romeo looks up to see a stand with a banner above it that says Sign Ups, with a blue haired 20 year old looking woman inside. "May I help you?"

"Is this the sign ups for the Junior Magic Tournament?" Romeo asked as he gets up and looks at her.

"Actually yes it is," She said holding a clipboard that was currently holding papers. "Do you wish to sign up?"

"Yes please." Romeo said with joy at the thought of finally fighting.

"Ok." She then flips over the clipboard and points to various lines on it. "Just Put your name here, your age there, the magic(s) you wield above here, and sign this waiver, saying we aren't responsible for any severe injury and/or permeant damage that may occur to you during the tournament."

"Ok!" Romeo said as he signs the papers, "I can always just get Porlyusica to come and treat my injuries anyway."

"Good to know." The lady takes it back and looks it over, "And that will be all."

Romeo nods as he gets back on Kuro and the wolf slowly starts walking along the streets. Romeo looks around and takes in the sights. The town was huge and had many vendors and stands as Romeo walks through the market district. Many of the shops owners were raising prices just as a band of tourists come walking around. The sky was cloudless as everyone goes on with what they were doing. The Baker shops had just opened up, letting the Rainbow Fire Mage smell all the delicious goods that they had just made out of the oven. The flowers were all over the ground as the boy and wolf pass the park, seeing colors of red, blue, orange, green, and yellow. All in all, it was a great day in Crocus.

"Kuro, I'm bored again." Romeo said as that sign up took a lot shorter than he thought previously. Just then a thought crossed over his head, "Wanna go to the woods and relax for a little while?"

Kuro barks in agreement running fast as he head toward the woods near Crocus, with Romeo riding him like a horse.

A little while later Romeo rests his head on a tree he was sitting under in the middle of the woods with Kuro laying down next to him. While he did enjoy the craziness that was his guild, the thrill and rush of a battle, and the pay off of a hard days training, he also really enjoyed the calm, soothing atmosphere of nature.

"I sometimes forget how calmness feels, though when your in Fairy Tail thats to be expected, they're even crazier than Class 1-L back at Rainbow Strike." Romeo thinks to himself chuckling. Romeo begins to think back to his days at the Academy, all of the bullies he beat up, the friends he had made, the adventures he had, and then to the day he and his class finally had enough abuse from the higher up classrooms and finally fought back.

"It was a miracle we weren't expelled after that." Romeo says to himself smiling a bit, "Seriously though, when we get started man we ain't gonna stop."

And right after saying that Romeo's eyes go wide as he was hit with something.

It wasn't an object.

Not a magic attack.

Nor a punch to the face.

No he was struck by... inspiration.

"Hey thats not bad." Romeo says smiling with a snap of his fingers. The young boy then dives his hand into his pocket and pulls out a small book he had ever since he went to the Academy, along with a pen.

Cause you see, secretly, Romeo was someone who took the places he had been to, the people he met, the emotions he feels, and the experiences he had in his life and put them into words which made sentences that, when read, would produce such beauty and elegance from the mouth.

In Layman's term he was a song writer.

Romeo then skims through the many written pages in his book as he turns to a fresh clean page and pulls out the pen he keeps in said book.

Romeo puts the pen to his cheek, making it tap repeatedly in a thinking manner. Just then he gets an Idea and at the top of the page he begins to write.

Courtesy Call

Inspiration: Class 1-L

He then takes the time to write down the new lyrics that he had just come up with.

Hey-o, here comes the danger up in this club
When we get started man, we ain't gonna stop
We gonna turn it out, 'till it gets too hot
Everybody sing, hey-o
Tell 'em turn it up 'till they can't no more
Let's get this thing shakin' like a disco ball
This is your last warning, a courtesy call

Hey-o, here comes the danger up in this club
When we get started man, we ain't gonna stop
We gonna turn it out, 'till it gets too hot
Everybody sing, hey-o
Tell 'em turn it up 'till they can't no more
Let's get this thing shakin' like a disco ball
This is your last warning, a courtesy call

Romeo then stops writing as his brief moment of inspiration has just past and he was stuck.

Letting out a sigh he closes the book and puts both it and the pen back into his pocket, as he would finish it later.

Romeo's thoughts then drift back to his book, more precisely the songs that he wrote in it.

"I wonder if I'll ever get the courage to show people these songs?" Romeo asked himself as only Kuro knows, not even his friends at the Academy, Fairy Tail, and his own Father knew about them.

Kuro licks his Master's face as a way of saying yes. Romeo giggles as he pats Kuro's head, before laying back on the tree. "Thanks boy, but I don't think I'm ready to tell them just yet."

It was safe to say that Romeo was very insecure about his songs, he never really thought anyone would like them. Well Kuro did, but humans and animals think differently, so he still was unsure about. But that didn't stop the huge wolf from trying to get Romeo to sing it for the world, even though he never could make him do it. However, if the boy could look into the future, he would learn that his music would change his life forever, in more ways than one.

Back in Magnolia, in the Cemetery

After the attack on Magnolia six years ago the cemetery was much larger than it has ever been. Many of the remaining citizens tried to give the deceased a proper burial. The people that were around that time come here to remember the loved ones they once had, right before they were taken away from them.

It was for that very reason, that these two were here now, looking at several specific gravestones.

One was a muscular man, that had long brown hair and black eyes. His body was home to a dark brown sleeveless vest, blue shorts that went a bit past his knees, and brown sandals.

While the other was female. She had a voluptuous body and short lavender hair, brown eyes, and glasses. Her attire consisted off a light blue short coat that had pink sleeves coming out of it from the shirt she wore under it. She also sported a small skirt which was the same color as her coat and a hot pink bow on the top of her head. Lastly, on her feet were her purple sandals.

On the male's left bicep was the Fairy Tail's guild insignia in red, while the female had one in purple on her back, though it was covered so no one could see it.

These two were the mages Max Alors and Laki Olietta, the sand and wood mages of Fairy Tail.

The two were currently kneeling down in front of a few graves, in praying positions. The tombstones in front of them had the names: Reedus Jonah, Vijeeter Ecor, Nab Lasaro, Jet, Droy, as well as other that used to be apart of their guild. After about half an hour of wishing for the best for their friends that were no longer here the two of them stood up and looked up at the sky, the wind blowing a gentle breeze.

"How do you think they're all doing up there?" Max asked the wood-make mage in a low voice, "Do you think they're happy?"

Laki was quiet while thinking back to the days before the attack. "Yeah, Natsu and others are there to keep them company." Laki answered quietly.

Max adopts a sad smile upon remembering about the Tenrou Group and their deaths at the hands of the Dragon King. He then turns around back to the city of Magnolia and thinks about how much has changed since six years ago.

"It's kind of sad when you think about it," Max said in a sad voice, "First our friends at Tenrou, then the remaining ones we had six years ago."

"Then Fairy Tail." Laki says to her partner as he just nods as she remembered what they had to do six years ago.

A pat on her back makes the wood-make mage look at Max as they begin to walk on the path to the exit.

"It's alright," Max said reassuringly, "Our guild is back, we've all gotten stronger, and were gonna get Fairy Tail back on top."

"It will take a while." Laki complained as the duo exited the cemetery and entered the city.

"Yeah." Max states before a grin sprouts on his face, "But the thing about Fairy Tail is we never quit."

Laki smiled a bit before playfully hitting the sand mage's arm, "Ya big cheese."

"Hey, maybe cheesy but it's true." Max states smiling, "Now come on, we still have a lot more jobs to do before we can take on higher paying ones."

Laki smiled as she runs toward the guild hall with Max.

Along the way they chatted shortly and talked about how much the city has changed from before.

"T's amazing isn't it." Max states as the two mages stand right at the entrance of the Fairy Tail guild hall. "I'd never thought we'd be here standing in front of these doors again."

"Almost like an Illusion." Laki agreed, "Those Dark Legion bastards did a number on this place, and the town."

Six years ago the Dark Legion, a group of 12 dark guilds under the rule of one leader, attacked Magnolia destroying the once great city to rune and almost killing everyone, if it wasn't for the arrival of God Serena, the strongest mage in Ishgar. Everyone thought that Fairy Tail could handle them without a problem, but that theory proved wrong as the most of the guild's mages were seriously injured or killed, along with someone of Magnolia's citizens.

The day after the attack was the same day that Fairy Tail disbanded. But that was a story for another time, Fairy Tail was back, and this time it's gonna stick around longer.

AN: Wow this chapter was long. But anyway I hope it was good. And also I just want to explain a few things:

1. First things first, that conversation that Reina and Romeo had on the train about the story she was reading "Right Claw" is, yes, a reference to the great Author Chaosphoenix123's fanficition, "Right Claw of the Dragon King". A story that I greatly enjoy and highly recommend. I don't own it or the OCs in the story that I listed in that conversation (Perses and Harpcrates) that honor and hard work goes to Chaosphoenix. I just wanted to reference it since I like it so much.

2. If Romeo does seem OOC then your not wrong, it will be explained in next chapter, maybe. I still haven't decided if I should just skip ahead to when the Tenrou Group Shows up, or show you that battle Romeo and Chelia are gonna have in the tournament (Obviously they were gonna fight.)

3. The low level guild jobs. Fairy Tail didn't stick around for those Seven long years like they did in the Canon. In the year X784 Fairy tail disbanded and reformed in the year X790. Also do to the knew rules established by Queen Hisui herself (Who is the head of the government), a newly established guild, even ones that were disbanded and was reformed, must complete at least 300 of low level jobs before being allowed to take on higher paying ones.

4. Alzack's new eye and arm, along with the LPhone. Yes, they are robotic, and technology such as smartphones and robots does exist in the Fairy Tail canon, (Daphine's robotic dragon and Warren's invention Miniature Communication Lacrima).

5. I'll explain more about the Dark Legion and what happened 6 years ago more in the next chapter, maybe (No Promises).

6. While I will reference my other story, The Rainbow Fire Champion, in this story a few times they are completely different from each other. (Also I still haven't gotten a full class yet for that story, OC sheet is on Chapter 3.)

Courtesy Call- by Thousand Foot Krutch.

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