Souls (Cuphead)

By GayBaeShipping

4.7K 93 21

I'm sure you all know the story by now. They sold their souls to the Devil, they went out to do his dirty wor... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 (Forest Follies)
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 (Botanic Panic)
Chapter 7 (Ruse of an Ooze)
Chapter 8 (Clip Joint Calamity)
Chapter 9
Chapter 10: Threatenin' Zepplin'

Chapter 6

370 8 3
By GayBaeShipping

You work up a hell of a hunger whilst you're fighting. Besides, Mugman was in agony, and Cuphead's cracks were sore from the battle.

 Cuphead lugged him towards the Kettle house, and pulled Mugman inside. Elder Kettle didn't even need to be told. He never did. He knew things, things others didn't, and that was how he'd always been, ever since he was only a baby and had been saved from falling down the stairs by a quick-witted, all-knowing grandfather.

 But Elder Kettle didn't know that he would sneak out, straight to Die House.

 Die House wasn't Dice's home. His home was in Inkwell Hell, ways off from the casino. He lived in a large, expensive bungalow, and had never moved from it since he was 20. 

 But for some reason it seemed too big. It needed someone else. And he could help but think that his home and his heart needed a certain cup...but he couldn't. If the Devil found out...

 Dice sighed, and risked a glance outside, hands on the folds of his jacket. It was hot inside Die House, with no fans or air con, so he was boiling in his heavy, warm suit. But it was a common rule never to take off the heavy garments while working.

 But no one was here. Where they?

 He shrugged it off, and hung it on a chair, feeling the warm air hit his skin from beneath the undershirt.

 He flopped onto the loveseat that seemed too empty. And it would be perfect for a certain cup...

 He shook his head. He could not be having these thoughts! It was a betrayal to his boss, and his line of work. But he couldn't deny how much he wanted that little cup. He had to guess he was 20, and that was good for him, because he was 23 and had only ever fallen for much, much older or younger men and women.

 They were always the kind he liked. The species where that had an object for a head, with that gorgeous combination of high cheekbones and a strong jawbone. The kind with soft, gentle, understanding eyes. The kind with thin, kissable lips. The kind that has a face that can hide even the toughest emotions, but would let emotions show to the right person.

 Cuphead was that kind of person. And he was the most handsome, and beautiful guy he had ever seen. He was beautiful from his legs to his eyes, from his lips to his hips. Dice had never felt such a spark when he saw a cute guy or girl. And when he winked at Cuphead at the casino (multiple times), it was nothing more than a whim. But...why was he suddenly so hungry? So flirtatious? So...lustful?

 He was brutally knocked from his thoughts by a knock at the door. He jumped and threw his jacket back on, thinking it was the Devil. He was doomed if the Devil caught him without the jacket on, even outside of work.

 He yanked the door open. Cuphead stood there, flustered, and Dice instantly felt his heart speed up. Upon second glance, he wasn't flustered, but rather panting. He had probably run the whole way.

 "Hey, Dice," he said, panting. "Are you...busy?"

 Dice looked down and released that he hadn't buttoned up his jacket properly, and his shirt was slightly see-through. Definitely off-putting for hot, gay, single men.

 He pulled it closed, and smiled. "Not at all," he said. "What do you need?"

 "Oh, um..." he trailed off, hugging himself.

 "Come in," Dice said, pulling the door open.

 This time Cuphead really did get flustered. He blushed beetroot red and stumbled inside, wringing his hands together. As soon as the door closed, he started talking. "Whilst we were fighting, Mugman got hurt, by Vegetoid Onion tears, and it's burning him almost like acid, and it looks really bad and I don't know how to stop it, but I figured since you're into trained magic cards, you might know what to do and - "

 Dice grabbed Cuphead's hand, making him blush harder. "I have a solution," he said.

 He guided Cuphead down a flight of stairs hidden behind a potted plant. They walked into a large antechamber filled with fluorescent blue lights, shining down on bottles, books, boxes and stands. He walked over to a shelf with shining blue-white bottles on it, and picked on up labelled 'Vegetoid, Onion'.

 He blew dust off it, and peered at it. Cuphead stood awkwardly nearby, steering oddly clear of the shelves. Dice brought the bottle over to him, and put it in his hands, in the process putting his hands on top of Cuphead's.

 "It's a potion," he said. "A cup of onion juice, a pinch of star dust, a dash of plant mulch, and a few tears from our little destruct-or."

 Cuphead smiled. "Thank you," he said.

 "Now I'm worried about your cracks," Dice said. "They look painful."

 "They heal quickly," Cuphead said, brushing at one of the bigger ones. "Unless they're too deep. Then they don't heal at all."

 "Can I at least look at them?" he asked.

 Cuphead shrugged, and Dice gently looked them over, occasionally brushing them with his fingertips. It seemed fine, but he still grabbed a lotion, rubbing it over them and they instantly disappeared. "Wow," he said, looking at the smooth skin. "Thank you."

 "Come back soon," he said, and meant it.

 Cuphead blushed, and nodded.

 As soon as he was gone, Dice finally uncovered the bulge in his trousers. His trousers were so tight now.

 How long was he going to be lusting over this guy before he finally took him to bed. How long before he would hear this man moan at his touch, leave bite marks on his collarbone and shoulders, to know he was pushing him over the edge, and further...

 He growled to himself. When he took his hand, what he'd really wanted to do was kiss him.

 He wanted this guy so bad.

 What was he going to do to get it?

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