The Soul of a Bird Never Flie...

بواسطة FKNichols17

225K 13.7K 2K

"Our universe grants every soul a twin - a reflection of themselves - the kindred spirit. And no matter where... المزيد

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six

Chapter Thirty-Three

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بواسطة FKNichols17

~Friday 21st September 2018~

Not long after Dove and Eryll hadn't gotten into a relationship, the boy realised his favourite place to be was in his boyfriend's arms. He felt so safe, so secure, when curled up against Eryll's side, embraced in his arms. He liked the warmth that radiated from Eryll's chest, liked to listen to the slow beat of his heart, lulled to sleep quickly anytime he listened intently. It was peaceful, welcoming even; and Dove couldn't have asked for anything better.

That particular morning was no different. Dove awoke in a good mood, snuggled up with his back to Eryll's chest, one of the man's arms draped over his waist, his fingertips drawing absently lines over the boy's bare stomach. Dove didn't move for a moment, wanting to savour the feeling of being so close to Eryll, their bodies moulded together perfectly as if they had been sculpted to fit one another.

"Watcha looking at?" Dove murmured drowsily, squinting at Eryll's phone that the man was scrolling through. Dove gave up trying to read whatever was on Eryll's phone, instead pressing himself back against him, resting his head on the man's bicep, pressing a few kisses to the smooth muscle.

"I'm trying to decide which applicant to have as my PA," Dove adored Eryll's early morning voice. It was low, and gruff, and gravely, dripping with fatigue, sending shivers down Dove's spine with every word.

"Can I see?" Eryll moved his phone closer to Dove, allowing the boy to scroll through the two applicant's information. Jasper Lawlynne and Trent Iryss, both nice looking guys from their pictures, in fact, more than nice looking. They were gorgeous, like models, and immediately Dove felt anxiety knotting his stomach.

"Um, I don't know, either of them," Dove muttered, hoping Eryll would take his dismissive nature as boredom, not anything else. Of course, he didn't, Eryll was far too smart to have not picked up on the change in Dove's demeanour.

"What is it?" Dove remained silent, staring across the room, his eyes flickering over the three slumber husbands strewn over pillows and blankets in a mess of tangled limbs, "Dove, talk to me, please," Dove sighed, rolling onto his back, noting the concern in Eryll's eyes.

"Can't you have ugly employees?" Eryll chuckled quietly, pressing a long kiss to Dove's lips, one that was tender and sweet, more compassionate than lustrous.

"I have eyes only for you, kitten, don't ever think I could ever see anyone the way I see you. You're my soulmate, why would I give up what we have for a quick fuck with someone who wouldn't even begin to compare to you?" Dove felt his cheeks flush, a small smile curving his lips.

"Stop," he whispered, covering his face, only feeling the blush increase the longer he gazed up at Eryll.

"I'm serious, kitten, I love you and only you. I'm not employing some boy as a cover for me to have a mistress," Dove couldn't suppress his smile as Eryll peeled his hands from his face, peppering kisses gingerly over the boy's skin.

"OK, OK, I believe you," Dove giggled, cupping Eryll's cheeks, forcing the man to still, "I love you too," he whispered, still eliciting that bewitching grin on his lover's face every time he said those three words.

"I should hope so," Eryll glanced over at the pile of the three husband's sleeping peacefully, undisturbed by their conversation, "how about we go for a shower before they wake up?"

"Can we have a bath instead? I'm still a little sore from last night," Dove regretted his admission when Eryll's brows furrowed into a frown, "good sore, bear, nothing too bad, don't worry," Dove assured, thankfully convincing Eryll enough for him to drop the topic. The two ventured into the bathroom, with Dove trying his best not to wince, or at least not when Eryll was looking.

"Don't think I can't see you doing that," Dove shifted uncomfortably on the bathroom counter, lifting his eyes to see Eryll wasn't even facing him.

"Doing what?" Dove feigned innocence, despite knowing Eryll wasn't that gullible.

"You're in pain, kitten, more than you're letting on," Eryll turned, perching on the edge of the bath whilst it filled with water, "where?" Dove blushed, averting his eyes back to the floor, hearing that quiet growl rumble from Eryll, "I fucking told Aamon to be gentle with you," Dove chewed on his bottom lip, brushing his fingers over the bruises Aamon had left on his hips.

"It's fine, Eryll, honestly," Dove didn't regret the previous night, it was eye-opening. Dove had never thought he would even have the confidence to have a threesome, let alone do anything with four other people. Dove liked the marks that had been left on his body, he didn't even mind the uncomfortable ache, it was like a tangible sensation there to prove that the night before hadn't been some vivid dream.

"I don't like you in pain, kitten," Eryll turned off the water, getting into the bath first. Dove joined him, settling between his lover's legs, resting his head on Eryll's chest.

"Do you want to come to my father's house with me next week?" Dove's eyes widened, a bemused frown contorting his features at Eryll's sudden question.


"I arranged it a few months ago, you don't have to come, I just thought you might want to meet my family since I met yours," Eryll sounded forlorn, not a tone Dove liked to hear.

"No, I-I'd love to, really. I just wasn't expecting you to say that. I... I wasn't sure whether you had any family. You never talk about them and there's no pictures of them up so I just assumed."

"I've always just preferred not to mention them. My father left my mother for another man, he's happy now, but I know my mother still loves him. It's somewhat awkward so I only see them every few years. My mother, she isn't a pleasant person to be around, not toward me anyway," Dove frowned, shifting so he laid against the other side of the bath facing Eryll, drawing his knees up to his chest, concern in his expression, "she never hurt me, not physically. She favours my sisters, always has. I heard my father and her arguing about it once when I was young, she never wanted a son. I think now I just remind her of my father and that hurts her even more," Eryll shrugged plainly, not looking at all perturbed by the situation he was explaining.

"She sounds delightful," Dove muttered under his breath, hearing a brief chuckle from Eryll.

"Viv feels the same way, he can't stand her. I suppose I have to, she's blood. It's not like I can cut ties with her."

"How many sisters do you have?" Dove hoped adjusting the topic might prevent the atmosphere from dipping any lower. He didn't want to think about Eryll having been neglected as a child, it made his heart hurt.

"Two, Kasdeya and Prosperine."

"Younger or older?"

"Younger. Kasdeya is twelve thousand nine hundred and seventy-six. Prosperine is twelve thousand and thirty-four," Dove couldn't imagine not being close with his family, or only seeing his mother every few years. He hoped Eryll didn't expect him to distance himself from his family once he was turned. He wasn't sure he could do that. It was an unlikely scenario anyway, Eryll knew how much Dove valued his family, he wouldn't ask that of the boy. It would be too cruel.

"Do you see them often?" Eryll shook his head, checking his phone briefly when it vibrated on the countertop next to the bath.

"Kasdeya is irritating, she likes to be mother's favourite, and if mother says they're not to see me then they don't. Prosperine is more bearable but she follows Kas too much, she's a sheep, simply wants mother's approval. I used to be like that, until I realised that she will always love Kas the most, she isn't worth it really. I hope Prosper realises that soon," suddenly, Dove wasn't sure whether he really did want to meet Eryll's family, although he had yet to mention anything bad about his father, hopefully he was a different case entirely.

"Have you taken other reincarnations to meet them?" Eryll smiled, although it looked to hold an iota of guilt, which made Dove narrow his eyes.

"They don't know about you, about what Viv and I did the night Ollie died. I'm not sure how they'll take it."

"So have you been lying to them all these years? About all the other reincarnations you've been with?"

"I just never mentioned them. I would avoid seeing my family if I was with a reincarnation or I would make some excuse so one didn't find out about the other."

"Why take me then? Why am I so special?" Eryll's smile became distant and he glanced down to that battered silver ring he always wore.

"You made me promise, remember? You're the last, kitten. I feel my parents should meet my last chance."

"Will the PA live here?" Dove asked, perched at the breakfast bar watching Eryll whilst he cooked.

"Yes, he'll stay in your old room," Dove frowned, still not sold on the idea, "unless that would be a problem for you," Dove lifted his eyes, finding Eryll to be looking at him with suspicious eyes.

"No, no, not at all," Dove smiled, albeit a little forced, "as long as history doesn't repeat itself," Eryll chuckled, returning to whatever he was cooking, leaving Dove to frown down at his hands, listening to the thousand worries that flickered through his mind. His mood was somewhat brightened when he heard Nyx's playful growls, looking down to see her tugging on his sweatpant. He leant down to pick her up, with the intention of sitting her on his lap, only to be stopped by Eryll's abrupt comment.

"Pick her up and I swear to God, Dove, you will be eating out of a bowl on the floor for a week," Dove knew the threat wasn't an empty one, but even so, it still sent shockwaves to his cock, awakening his arousal. Shameful really. He really would have to find out how Eryll knew what he was going to do even when he wasn't facing him, whatever it was gave him far too much power.

"Did you feed her?" Dove asked, rising from his seat and then picking her up, scratching behind her ears whilst she licked his face.

"She isn't my dog, Dove, I believe your exact words were-"

"OK, OK, I get it," Dove walked past his chuckling boyfriend, collecting the food for Nyx and pouring it onto her bowl, placing her on the floor so she could eat, "where does Viv live?" Dove asked, returning to his seat after collecting the mug of tea Eryll had made for him.

"Here mostly, but he owns a few apartments around here and there, why?"

"I just wondered where he went when he wasn't here. I barely ever see him anymore, I liked having Sammael around."

"Witches don't sleep as much as you or I. They only need around three or four hours, so Viv never needed to have his own permanent residence. All the things he needs are here, in the room at the end of the hall. He's probably here more than you notice."

"Am I allowed in that room now? Now that I know everything?" Eryll nodded with a small smile, plating the breakfast he had made and putting it in front of Dove.

"Of course, kitten, this is your home too, you're allowed wherever you want," Dove ate a little of his breakfast, not feeling all that hungry but knowing Eryll would only pester him if he didn't.

"What's in that room anyway?" Eryll sat on the counter opposite, eating his own breakfast with a little more enthusiasm than Dove could muster.

"Witch stuff. It's where he makes his potions and things like that. I'll show you a bit later if you want, he's probably in there now, if he's not still with Preston," Dove tilted his head to the side a little, having never heard the name, "a possible candidate to be my PA, Viv likes to fuck the help, he likes to fuck anyone really."

"Don't sound so forlorn, Tesoro," Dove didn't even flinch at Aamon's low voice behind him, nor did he react with anything other than a blush when the man sat next to him, resting a hand on his ass, "Viv will find someone to tame that wild soul of his someday, we can't survive without a companion, he'll figure that out soon enough," Dove giggled when Aamon stole a piece of his toast, flashing the boy one of his perfect smiles and a quick wink.

"I can make you something to eat if you would like," Eryll chimed in, not sounding irritated in the slightest. It was odd to have a married man flirt so openly with one whilst your boyfriend just watched.

"It's fine, Dove doesn't mind sharing, do you?" Dove shook his head, a subdued smile on his lips, "speaking of sharing, we have to repeat last night, I haven't had that much fun in centuries. I know my boys enjoyed it too, they usually are such jealous little things, it's nice to see them learning I am theirs forever, but only yours for a night," Dove's blush darkened when Aamon pressed a tender kiss to the shell of his ear.

"It's up to Eryll," Dove whispered, not wanting to make any commitment without his lover's expressed permission.

"Well, then I'll likely get my way, " Aamon said with a chuckle, "Eryll is very easily convinced when you know the tactics that work," Dove stood to put his empty plate in the sink, abruptly wrapped up in Eryll's arms, giggling as kisses were peppered over his abused skin. As Eryll's lips reached his, the giggles turned to quiet mewls, with Dove relinquishing all control to his lover. Eryll nibbled on Dove's lips, before coaxing his tongue past the seam of the boy's mouth, dominating the kiss as he always did, leaving the latter in a dazed state of near breathlessness.

"Love you," Eryll murmured against Dove's lips, causing that nice fuzzy feeling to swell within the boy.

"Love you too," Dove whispered, smiling when Eryll's arms encircled his waist, resting his head on the man's chest whilst they embraced.

"Headache, Amante," Dove looked up to see Belial and Baphomet draped over Aamon at the kitchen counter, both looking worse for wear. Belial's hair was stuck out at odd angles, his eyes closed as he leant against Aamon's shoulder, whereas Baphomet seemed to be more alert, pouting at his elder husband.

"That's lack of sleep, doll, you should have just gone to sleep when I told you to then you wouldn't feel this way," Aamon, although he didn't sound very concerned, held adoration and guilt in his eyes whilst he looked at Baphomet.

"I know," Baphomet lamented, "I'm sorry, Amante."

"Don't apologise, doll," Aamon pressed a tender kiss to Baphomet's lips, "both of you go lay on the couch, try and get some more sleep, I'll be with you in a moment," Baphomet had to practically carry Belial to the living room area, both of them flopping down on the couch, tangled together in a mess of limbs, exactly how they had slept. Aamon rose from his seat, shaking his head with a playful roll of his eyes.

"I love them to pieces but, my God, are they demanding."

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