The New Kid (Sander Sides Sto...

By ghostneeds0sleep

2.4K 127 25

-Completed- Book 1 Roman was known for his talent. He was an amazing singer and Football player. Everyone kne... More

Chapter 1 - The New Kid
Chapter 2 - Lunch and Ice Cream
Chapter 4 - The Fight
Chapter 5 - The Fort
Chapter 6 - The Walk
Chapter 7 - Dreams
Chapter 8 - Skinny Love
Chapter 9 - Food
Chapter 10 - I'm cold
Chapter 11 - The store
Chapter 12 - Moving
Chapter 13 - They are just Dreams
Chapter 14 - Ice cream
Chapter 15 - Pasta
Chapter 16 - Breakfast
Chapter 17 - The vister
Chapter 18 - Road trip
Chapter 19 - Road Trip 2
Chapter 20 - Yellow Bud Cafe
Chapter 21 - Drugged and afraid
Chapter 22 - Driving and Pizza
Chapter 23 - John
Chapter 24 - Some things are just not meant be said
Chapter 25 - Mary Moores
Chapter 26 - We need to talk
Chapter 27 - The festival
Chapter 28 - You did what!
Chapter 29 - Its a new day for a new chapter
Chapter 30 - The Note
Chapter 31 - I am not as think as you drunk I am.
Chapter 32 - Hang overs suck
Chapter 33 - Movies
Chapter 34 - Christmas Day

Chapter 3 - Truth or Dare

145 4 0
By ghostneeds0sleep

T/W - Death, panic attack, police, language

"Virgil truth or dare." Max says
"I dare you to, prank call McDonald's.
"Hello please leave a message after the beep." Virgil says into the phone. "Hello may I have a large cheese pizza."
"Oh sorry sir this is McDonald's we don't have pizza here."
"Did you just assume my gender. Ouch. But can I have hot ham & cheese."
They hang up and everyone starts laughing.
"Okay okay, um Roman truth or dare."
"If you were a girl who would you date out of all of us."
"I don't know, probably you Virgil."
"Okay." He says while he blushes.
"Seth truth or dare." Roman asks
"I dare you to, do Max's hair."
"Okay, Jack. Truth or Dare."
"Would you rather be gay or transgender."
"Um... Gay."
"Bill truth or dare."
"I dare you to, call your crush and ask her out."
"Okay. Hey Emma, um I was wondering, do you want to go to the movies Friday night with me? Yes it will only be me. Okay see you then."
"Go Bill!!!" Max, Seth, and Jordan all screamed.
"Okay Jordan truth or Dare."
"Do you have a crush."
"Bro that was like a preschool question." Max says.
"Yo Virgil, Truth or dare."
"Um Idk Jordan, I think I will go with... Dare."
"I dare you to... Sit on Romans lap for the rest of the game."
"Um okay." He sits on Romans lap.
"Are you okay with this Roman."
"I am fine with it."
"Max truth or dare."
"If you could fuck anyone from school who would you fuck."
"My math teacher."
"Seth Truth or Dare."
"Is it truth you are cousins with Patton?"
"Yeah, he is so childlike."
"Hey he isn't that bad. He seems really nice." Virgil snapped.
"I guess." Seth stated.
"Roman my man, truth or dare."
"I dare you to-"
Virgil gets a phone call. He gets up off of Romans lap and answers the call
"Hello. Who is this?
It's the police, your mom had a heart attack. You need to get to the hospital as soon as possible.
"Okay I will. Thank you for calling."
Ends call
"Guys I have to go."
"Is everything okay Virgil?" Roman asked
"My mom, she is in the hospital."
"Do you need a ride. My house is on the way to the hospital, we can get my car."
"No I think I wanna go alone. Bye."
Virgil walks to the hospital.
"Hello I am Virgil. I am looking for Mrs. Moore."
"Yes come this way." A lady told him.
"Doc, this is Mary's son."
"Thank you. Virgil right?"
"Your mom well she, she didn't make it."
Virgil walks into her room. He sits next to her and holder her hand.
"Mom I love you. I am sorry I didn't come home sooner. I was with some friends. I can't believe this happend. This is all my fault. Mom, tell dad I love him." Virgil starts to cry.

He walks out of the hospital and trys to make his way home. Everything starts spinning, he stops at an alley. He sits against the house. Everything is still spinning. He starts shaking. He realizes he is having an anxiety attack. He sits there for what seems like hours thinking about how this is all his fault. First day of school and he has no parents.
2 hours later.
He feel an arm wrap around him.
"Everything is okay. Come on lets go to my place."
The person picks Virgil up bridal style and puts him in the back seat of a truck.
"Thank you."
"You need some rest Virge."
He realizes it was Roman then falls a sleep.
Roman picks Virgil bridal style to take him into his house. He puts Virgil on Romans bed. Virgil grabs Romans arm.
"Thank you." Virgil says to Roman.
Roman smiles and makes a bed on his floor for him.

Next day.
"Where am I?" Virgil questions
"Virgil you are at my house."
"Thank you for taking care of me. Where are you?"
Roman sits up off the floor.
"Oh Roman you didn't have to give me the bed, I could have sleeped on the couch or floor."
"Virgil, it is okay. I was fine on the floor."
"Omg we have school today!!! We are going to be late."
"Virgil the school knows about your parents. They also know that I am taking care of you right now. And when someone dies in a family you don't have to go to school. They understand."
"But I just had my first day yesterday. I need to go to school."
"No you don't, Virgil everyone will be asking you what happend. I don't think you want to go."
"I am going. I just need some cloths."
"Here where this."
Roman gives Virgil a shirt red hoodie."
Virgil takes his shirt off. And puts Romans hoodie on.
"Okay lets go to school."
"Its 5 in the morning Roman."
"Yeah we are going on a run."
"Oh okay."

On the run
"You know, I didn't tell my mom I love her before we left for the run."
"Roman, do you always tell her you love her."
"Yeah, don't you?"
"No I never told my parents I love them."
"Oh, um... Are you okay?"
"I'm fine. Don't worry about me."
"Hey want to get ice cream before school."
"Hello can we get 2 cookies and creams."
"Here you go."
They take the ice cream.
"In my old town, we didn't have an ice cream shop."
"Oh, I have always loved it here. I love the ice cream shop."
"Yeah I love it too. We only had, if even, 200 people in town, we didn't have much."
"Oh I see. Um well to a better life."
"Yeah to a better life."
They eat there ice cream and go to school.
No one talks to Virgil. But everyone is looking at him.
"Virgil!" Patton yelled
"Hi Patton."
"I can't believe your here."
"What do you mean. Of course I am here."
"Well didn't your mom die last night."
"Omg is that Romans hoodie."
"Yeah um he is taking care of me. I guess."
"Aww that is so sweet of him."
Logan comes up to Patton.
"Hi Patton, Hi Virgil."
"Hi Logan " they both say
"Hey Virgil I heard about your mo-"
"Its okay, I don't want to talk about it."
"Are you sure." Patton asks
"Yeah I don't want to think about that right now. I just want to make friends."
"Okay. Hey is that Romans Hoodie Virgil?" Logan asks
"Yeah he is helping me through this."
"Aww so cute." Logan whispers to Patton.
"I should get to class. Bye guys." Virgil says to them as he waves goodbye.
He runs into Roman.
"Oh hi Virgil."
"Hey Roman."
"How are you holding."
"Im fine."
"Good. I am always here if you need me."
"I know. But remember you can't fall in love with me." Virgil says while smiling.
"That won't be a problem." Roman thinks...
He is so cute when he smiles.
"Well Roman I got to get to class now. Goodbye."
"Bye Virge."

The teacher gets a phone call.
"Virgil you are needed in the office."
Virgil walks to the office.
"Hello you needed me?"
"Virgil the police are here to talk to you about your mother." A nice lady told him
"Oh okay"
He walks into the principles office and sits down in front of the police.
"Hello Virgil, I am here to talk to you about your moms death."
"Oh okay"
"You are not in trouble."
"I I know."
"Virgil I understand your father died a year ago. Now your mother has died. We want to know if there are any other family memberd you have alive."
"Um I know my mothers parents died in a car crash when my mom was 20."
"Yes your father's dad was never found and your grandma. Do you know anything of her?"
"She died 5 years ago. From old age."
"I am sorry. You are 17 years old. You have no family alive. Since you are 17. We can let you live by yourself. But we wanted to see if we could take you to any family."
"I see."
"So your mother, she died from a heart attack."
"She was stressed with my dad death. And the new town and job."
"I see. Well we need to arange a funeral. At this funeral we will have a will reading."
"Okay. How shall we pay for the funeral."
"The school is paying for half of it."
"We will talk again, I need to get going. Thank you for you time."
"Thank you."
"You may go to lunch now."

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