Snake In The Grass (Sander si...

De lifeisshitthanks

61.8K 2.5K 1K

Virgil is a dark side. Hated by Roman, ignored by Logan and Patton...well Patton loves everyone. Him and the... Mais

(1) The Dark Side💜
(2)The light side❤️
(4) Lettimg him in. 💜
(5) He's one of us now.❤️
(6) Im here for you❤️
(7) A visit from an old friend💜
(8) Accepting Anxiety❤️
(9) Once a Snake💜
(10) The Unofficial Breakup💛
(11) what now?💜
(12) Can I Maybe Take You On A Date?❤️
(13) Purple Haired Boy💜
(14)It wasnt my fault you fucked up💛
(15) A plan 💛
(16) Somethings up with Patton
(17)Staring Into His Autumn Eyes💜
(18)The End 🖤
(19) No one Teaches you how to cope with heartbreak.💛
(20) Is it to much to ask for a happy moment?💜
(21) Nervous❤️
(22) Where would we be without Patton?❤️
(23) A FairyTale Ending❤️
(24) You didnt think he meant it, Right?💜
(25) Whats Going On
(26) A family reunion.❤️
(27)A snake in the grass💜
(28) Thats What Best Friends Are For💙
(29) Brotherly Love💚
(30) Lets Make A Deal❤️
(31)We'll Be okay💛
(Im sorry again) not an update but please read
(32) Hold a White Flag High💙
(33) The Letter💛
(34) A Truce?💜
(35) Welcome To The Light Side💛
(36) Still Family💜
Another update
Another important update

(3)Letting Him Go💛

3K 126 52
De lifeisshitthanks

(Deceits Pov)

Deceit looked as Virgil packed the rest of his stuff. He couldn't really believe he was going through with the plan. Virgil that is. As soon as he found out he screamed and yelled and threw a fuss. Deceit for once in his life felt horrible. As much as he'd hate to admit it he loved Virgil. He'd never shown just how much he really did love the shy and paranoid side of Thomas. Not only was he different in ways like that form the dark side but he had many talents.
Even though he was not Thomas creativity or imagination he wrote an awful lot. Perhaps that was cause he was part of an emotion. He was also an amazing artist.
One night they were laying in Deceits bed. Virgil was sketching away in a black hardback notes pad. Deceit would never forget that night. He leaned over and placed a head on Virgil's shoulder. Virgil jumped back in surprise and shut the book shut.
"Please Virg" Deceit Bad begged. He was the only one who knew Virgil's real name. Well him and Remus. It was kinda hard to hide it when you live with the guy.
Virgil had sighed and lay back into Deceit. His heart was racing like mental. The boys head lay on his chest as he scrolled through the book. Drawing after drawing of dark coloured drawings. But the occasional burst of colour. The one Deceit had loved the most though was the picture of the rose. Surrounding the Rose was dark and misty clouds and rain drops. All dull and gloomy , but, right in the middle of the page. A rose. A bright red Lucius rose in full bloom. It was a scarlet red. The colour of a burning love as Virgil had once said to him while they lay side by side on the sofa before.
Deciet looked at the paper. Truly looked. His fingers traced over the page . It looked so real. "How on earth did you manage to get it to look like that." Deceit said barley a whisper. "I don't know" Virgil replied his voice at an equal tone. "I just sort of did it". Deceit has decided to take the risk. "Does the Rose mean anything"? He said. He said it so softly he wasn't sure if Virgil could hear. After a few moments of silence and just before he was about to repeat himself Virgil answered. "Yes".
The two boys looked at eachother their faces only inches apart. They looked into each others eyes for only moments before Deceits eyes trailed down to Virgil's lips.And within moments the gap between them closed. It wasn't like they had described in books or shitty poems Virgil had read. It was just a simple kiss nothing more. After a Moment the two pulled apart. Without saying anything Virgil lay his head on Deceits chest. Deceit had no idea what to do. So he awkwardly put an arm around Virgil.
It wasn't perfect. It wasn't like Deceit had thought it would be but it was something. And he was happy with that.

Deceit replayed that moment again and again in his head now. Virgil sighed. "Thanks for the help Deceit", he said putting the bag over his shoulder. Deceit snapped out of his thoughts. "Oh sorry" he said. He said it harshly. He cursed under his breath as soon as he said it. Why was he acting like a total prick to his boyfriend just a few minutes before he was meant to leave. Who knows how long until he would see him again. He looked at Virgil who looked annoyed. He was wearing his black hoodie he had worn in the vidoes with Thomas and a pair of black jeans. His eyeliner still messy under his eyes.
They stood there for a minute neither not really knowing what to do or what to say. That's when Deceit spread out his arms. Virgil began to tear up as he ran into his arms. His head buried into his chest. "I'll miss you De". He heard him mumble and he could hear his voice cracking from emotion. Deceit said nothing. I mean what was there to say. "Me to"? He was the one sending him off. "I love you"? No it was to much for so soon into whatever he had going on with Virgil.
"Don't fuck it up" was all he managed to say. Removing his arms from around The boy. He couldn't help it. It wasn't in his nature to be soft and nice. He looked at Virgil who seemed even more upset then before if that was possible. Virgil looked at him one last time and brushed past him out of his old cramped room. Deceit cursed at himself for being such a fool. He walked out of the room to see Remus Chewing on his deodorant stick. He looked over at Virgil gave him a nod and said. "Just make sure they don't all hate you so much to the point they inject bleach into you while your sleeping." And Gave the biggest most terrifying grin possible.  And sauntered off back to his own room.

Deceit rolled his eyes and laughed. As much as the Duke got on his nerves he couldn't help but laugh at that comment. And by laugh he really did laugh. And that only made Virgil look down in disappointment.
"Cmon you know he didn't really mean it". He said trying to sound light hearted. Virgil looked at him in annoyance. "Sure he said" and with that threw his bag over his left shoulder. "Goodbye I guess" Virgil said his voice small.
Deceit didn't know what had come over him but he felt his heart sink a little. Who knew what could happen. In the next few weeks. Maybe even months. What if it was years?
No it couldn't be years. He didn't think he'd be able to last a few weeks without having Virgil around let alone a few years. He'd gotten used to his little habits,  Staying up till all hours of the morning and then Not waking up till noon . Sometimes he'd woken up in the middle of the night and would hear My Chemical Romance or fall out boy playing from the other side of the wall. Them times he'd leave Virgil alone not wanting him to think he was actually looking out for him only unless the muisc continues then he would go in and tell him to shut  up or find him passed the floor from the lack of sleep. Them nights be would sigh and pick the sleeping boy up and place him back on his bed tucked under the covers. He left his stuff on the floor knowing he hated people touching them.
That's another little thing about Virgil. He'd leave all his stuff everywhere. Mostly odd pens and pencils or erasers and pencil pearers. He'd leave socks or an odd hoodie lying on a chair or something like that. He'd forgot to put the cereal box back in the cubits and it drove him mad but he didn't care. It meant Virgil was awake and there.

But now as Deceit looked into Virgil's Big brown eyes. He knew he was saying goodbye.
And although it broke his heart he knew That nothing would ever be the same again.

(Word count 1234 words not including au) Hope yous enjoyed the chapter! Just a little more insight on Virgil and Deceits relationship and a bit more in dept into Deceits feelings for Virgil.
In the next chapter Virgil will finally be entering the good sides part of the mind palace. Hope you enjoyed this chapter! ~

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