More Than What Meets The Eye

By Some_Guy125

8.3K 175 69

*Im not sure what direction im taking this story in but here's my plan so far*: During her time at UA, Jirou... More

My Backstory
His Soft Heart
He Gets It

What Happened Last Night?

1.6K 36 19
By Some_Guy125


I wake up, there's something heavy on my chest, it has itself wrapped around me. What the hell? My chin was resting on what felt like a head with soft hair, my palms were also wrapped around what felt like its waist. What the f*ck is going on?!

I rub my eyes and slowly open them. My vision doesn't seem to get less blurry, I looked down, All I could make out of what I saw was purple with white streaks brushing up against my chin, wait. This is a goddamn person whAT TH-
SH*T my stomach is killing me
Im gonna throw up
I feel hungover as hell

I look over to what I assume is the bedside table, I still can't see sh*t, I spot a dozen of bottles on the table and fallen on the floor. What is that?
I grab one and squint at it really hard
BEER?! Wh-
I feel a piercing pain in my stomach, somethings coming up
I desperately try to delicately climb out of the unfamiliar bed without disrupting whatever was on me, I couldn't care less right now, im in a sh*t ton of pain

I stumble to whatever resembled a garbage can and fall to my knees in front of it, I hover my head on the garbage can and throw up what felt like lava or f*cking "Breaking Bad" lookin *ss corrosive acid into it.

I sat next to the garbage can once I was done until the room stopped spinning and I could see more than 2 feet ahead of me. Then it hit me. "Wait. What or who the hell was that goddamn thing?" I struggled to get up and walk back towards the bed

I notice im still in my uniform and my shirt is wrinkled and f*cked up. Was I assaulted cause thats what it f*cking looks like! I moved closer its...




She must not remember either, she's knocked out, plus, the less we know the better. I need to get out of here as soon as possible Goddamnit! Her shady *ss better not wake up, I still gotta get my sh*t together! Mentally and Physically! I looked around the room for anything I owned, I didn't spot anything so I threw the garbage can out off the balcony and bolted out the door.
I'm not dealing with this right now. I have enough to deal with since Mr Aizawa decided to make us compete against each other for the third time this week. I probably didn't even get to train last night! I just have to make sure not a single soul sees me leaving Ears's dorm and sprinting to mine
I made it to my dorm and slammed it shut. Still panting, I slipped into a fresh new uniform, put on my socks and shoes and tried to style my hair and make myself somewhat f*cking presentable. I couldn't find my red tie but I honestly cannot care less, I glanced over at my watch, I had barely enough time to walk to UA in time. I ran down the stairs and to the kitchen where Sh*tty Hair makes me coffee and waits for me to arrive every morning no matter how many times I tell him not to but today he decided to use none of the 2 and a half braincells he has and wait for me in the lounge with 5 bloody minutes left to get to class!

"What the hell Sh*tty hair?! Why are you still here? Were barely gonna make it to class!" I shouted making my way down the stairs

"As long as im your friend i'll wait for you. Besides, with any luck well make it to class without getting a lecture from Mr Aizawa" He said with that dumb smile of his while scratching the back of his neck

"I swear, you refuse to consider common sense and logic when you make most of your decisisons!" I snarled at him

"Most?! Aww BakuBro! Thats one of the nicest things you've ever said to me" He said punching my shoulder with an even bigger smile on his face

"SHUT THE HELL UP DUMBASS WE HAVE TO GET OUR ASSES TO CLASS BEFORE MR AIZAWA NOTICES WERE GONE" I yelled at him clearly frustrated before running out the door

"Alright! Alright! Lets go!" He said before following me and soon catching up to me holding both of our coffees with his backpack draped over one shoulder as we ran our way through the lively streets of Japan.


I wake up to the sound of Bakugou yelling from where i assume is the UA dorms kitchen. Is there no way to escape that bastard and his constant shouting?! I n-


My stomach is killing me and my I have a painful headache. How long did I stay up last night? I better have painkillers left in my drawer, I just have t-


I thought the pain couldn't get worse but lo and behold I fell off my damn bed, why the hell was I sleeping so close to the edge?! I feel like im gonna collapse, I could lay on the floor forever but I have to get going. God knows how late I am to school but I couldn't care less what Mr Aizawa would say if i was late to class, I just hope I don't die of stress and pain on my way there. I get up onto my feet and stumble towards my closet, I notice im still in my wrinkled uniform and the bottles of beer sitting on my desk and laying all across the floor

Ohhh, thats why I feel like sh*t and look like a hurricane hit me

I swallowed a painkiller then put a fresh uniform on along with my socks and shoes, I combed my hair, brushed my teeth, and the rest of my morning routine before I checked the time, I have less than 5 minutes to get to class,
What is that?
I noticed a red tie on the ground, its not mine, It might be Kaminari's since we study together a lot but he had plans last night and I was in the music room. I drink untill I pass out a lot and I usually regain my memory a while after I wake up, I guess I just have to wait before anything makes sense. I sprint downstairs and to UA through a shortcut I found before, I don't use it much but im not sure how much longer I can run with such little energy and high pain.



I come into class with barely a minute to spare, I walked in, still panting to my desk and to try and catch my breath between Kaminari and Baku-
Wait, why is he looking at me like that? Its like a mix between confusion and anger, is this death glare about last night? It will have to wait, class is starting

"Good morning students" he said lazily while unzipping his iconic yellow sleeping bag. "As I mentioned yesterday, Today you all will be demonstrating your skills, knowledge and what you have learned throughout the year by performing in a one on one battle against one of your classmates. All Might, Present Mic, and I as well as the rest of your classmates will be watching your actions."
Sh*t I forgot all about the battle!
I can't do this!
I don't have the energy!
Why did it have to be today?!


"That's all for today class, I will meet you all on the training grounds after lunch, do not be late. Class dismissed."
Mr Aizawa announced before everyone shot up out of their chairs to grab their bento boxes and find their friends. I struggled to get up and grab my bento box before I heard a familiar voice coming from behind me

"Good Morning Kyoka-chan!" Yaomomo exclaimed excitedly grabbing me by the shoulders as usual, I turned to her and greeted her back saying

"Morning Yaomomo, we better catch up to the other girls, cmon" I said grabbing her hand starting to walk towards the door

The rest of the guys followed right behind us chatting

"Alright! So are you excited for the battle? Im so pumped!" She said in a joyful tone

I carried my bento box by wrapping my earphone jacks around it and stuck my hands in my pockets saying
"Well, not quite. I woke up in so much pain and I don't remember what I did last night. Im exhausted"

"Get well soon Kyoka, waking up tired and in pain as well as a blurry memory of the night before are all symptoms of being hungover." She said trying to connect all the dots. She continued saying "Wait, Kyoka, did you drink last night?" She asked quietly knowing I wouldn't want the guys to hear

"What? No! and quit looking at me with that mother glare." I snapped at her. "...Okay yeah I had a drink or two but in my defense..."

She looked at me with 1 raised eyebrow awaiting my answer

"I got nothing, but I didn't smoke this time. I know 'smoking is only half the problem and I should aim a little higher' but come on" I said quoting her

"Kyo, we talked about this, im worried about you" she saaid in a concerned tone

"I know but you shouldn't be, besides this time I didn't have the urge to pullout my dagger or load my gun" I said

"What?! I thought you got rid of those!"

"We were attacked by villans twice Yaomomo, I would be a fool to throw those away" I said somehow reassuringly

"Fine you can keep them but im watching you, don't do anything stupid" she said firmly

We made it to the cafeteria and took a seat with Mina and the rest of the BakuSquad opposite of where the rest of the girls and guys sat

"Dont worry, im not as much of a dumb*ss as I used to be"

"Im not convinced" she said with a smirk

"Shut the f*ck up! Thats coming from you of all people" I said setting down my bento box and beggining to eat

"Morning girls!" Mina exclaimed

"Morning!" Yaomomo and i said in sync, less enthusiasm on my side though

"I'm so excited for the battle! Ive been training all night!" Kirishima said excitedly bumping his fists together

"Hell yeah! Can't wait" Sero replied in an energized tone

"This is gonna be fun! Good luck out there guys! youre gonna need it" Yaomomo said with a smirk, we both started laughing and I gave her a fistbump

"It's been a while since we battled 1 on 1! May the best hero win!" Kaminari said cheering everyone on

"First out of all of us gets bragging rights all month!" I yelled raising my fist the air

"Ooh! And 6 thing from the market, each 1 paid by 1 of us" Mina added giving me a high five

"Tch! Winning the best hero out of all of you will be easy, its not like you're any competition" Bakugou snarled confidently

"We'll see about that, Short Fuse!" I replied to Bakugou's overly-confident assumption


Wait. Short Fuse? I feel like Ive heard that before... I don't remember anyone ftom the squad call me that. Damn deja vu always f*cks me up! She aint getting away with that!


Bakugou shot me a dirty (completely platonic, by "dirty" I mean "rude" ya nasty) look with a smirk and yelled "Your weak *ss wont be much of a challenge to me! Same goes to all you idiots! You hear me!"

"Calm down bakuBro, we still have to eat and stack up on protien for the battle! Gotta stay Manly Bro!" Kirishima said grabbing Bakugou by his shoulder

"I apologize in advance, I tend to lose my damn temper when I fail" Kaminari said with a smile scratching the back of his neck

"No problem man, ive gotten used to it every time we play Super Smashbros or MarioKart" Sero said with a guilty smile

"Shut up Cellophane! Those are like the only 2 games you have in your dorm" Kaminari yelled raising his middle finger to Sero


"Oh Boy, its time for the battle!" Mina exclaimed

Kirishima then said: "What are we waiting for? Le-

"LoVe mE LiKe YoU dO!!" Everyone but Bakugou and Kirishima started singing to tease them

"I swear you always pull this sh*t with me!" Kirishima said laughing

"And the looks on your faces are worth it every time!" Kaminari said still laughing

"Whatever dunce face! Lets just go already!" Bakugou yelled walking towards the exit, I could have sworn I saw a smile on his face

Ive been hanging out with the BakuSquad for a couple weeks now and its been the best weeks of my life, not a very high bar considering my past but it was fun as hell nontheless. I can't wait to get to know them better, especially Bakugou. For now all i have to worry about is that goddamn battle. Here goes nothing.

Hey guys its me back again with yet another chapter written at 4 AM YEET, sorry to cut it off again when its getting good but I havent posted a chapter in a while and I figured I might as well post something, hope you Enjoyed 👌
To Be Continued
Very Soon

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