His Little Fae

By AidaBekar

1.8M 52.4K 13.1K

He wanted a Queen, she had no need for a King. He wanted his mate, she wanted adventure. He wanted her close... More

Coming soon
Unwanted Encounter
Prison Discussions
The King's Orders
Bad Decisions
Attempted Ambush
Upsetting Him
Foreign Lands
Terrifying Truths
Last Moments
Thank You
Small Signs
A Spiral of Tears
A Chance
Another Encounter
Unsupervised Adventures
Strange Visions
Your Mate is a Billionaire
(Not) Thinking Rationally
Fates Intertwined
Unconcealed Ardor
New Relations
Drunken Haze
Luna della mia Vita
Kitchen Escapades
Euphoric Illusions
Fiery Animosity
Mild Vexation
Incandescent Flames
Sorrowful Mourning (I)
Midnight Discussions (I)
Midnight Discussions (II)
Dead of Night (I)
Dead of Night (II)
Saccharine Showers
Buried Enmity (I)
Buried Enmity (II)
Come Home
Lying by Omission
City of Lights (I)
City of Lights (II)
Calm Before the Storm
Monody (I)
Monody (II)
Monody (III)
Laconic Heartache
Arduous Distractions
Ephemeral Nights (I)
Ephemeral Nights (II)
Melancholic Bloodlust (I)
Melancholic Bloodlust (II)
A Fae's Epiphany (I)
A Fae's Epiphany (II)
Faerie Hunting (I)
Faerie Hunting (II)
Seeds of Doubt (I)
Seeds of Doubt (II)
Fresh Marks
Seraphic Truths (I)
Seraphic Truths (II)
Doorways (I)
Doorways (II)
Doorways (III)
Empty Threats (I)
Empty Threats (II)
Loyalty (I)
Loyalty (II)
Drawing Near (I)
Drawing Near (II)
First Blood

Moonlight Exploits

19.7K 556 127
By AidaBekar

I never knew you could have moonlight in your hands,

Till the night I held you.


I turned on my side, attempting to block out the familiar voice that was urging me to wake up.

"Alexandria, wake up," the voice urged, and I swatted in his direction.

"Let me sleep Alexius," I groaned, my eyes still closed.

I heard him sigh, "I mean it, Alexandria. This is serious. Wake up."

Perhaps it was the slight crack in his voice towards the end, or the way his hand kept coming up to gently shake me awake, but I somehow knew that something truly was wrong. That something unbelievably horrible had occurred, and the last thing I should be doing right now was sleeping.

So I got up...

And the nightmare began.

Rubbing the tiredness out of my eyes, I met my older brothers gaze, my brows dipping in confusion. "What is it, Alex?"

"We have to go," he said, frantically running a hand through his hair, an action he always did when he was nervous. "I need to get you down to the cellars..."

Throwing my legs off the side of the bed, I wrapped an arm around myself, my heart beating erratically in my chest. "Alexius, what's going on?"

"Nothing," he shook his head and flashed me a forced smile, his pearly white teeth never showing. "I'm sure this is all just a misunderstanding. But let's get you down there just to be safe."

I nodded, not fully believing his words as I slipped my small hand into his own, and followed him out of his bedroom. I noticed how his grip slightly tightened on my hand, how his head was covered in a layer of sweat, and his eyes were filled with a strange determination.

He was practically dragging me along with him, his stride much longer than mine.

What was he rushing for?

I suddenly paused as the deep feral sound of several animalistic growls reached my ears. I was already sure they belonged to a wolves. A few very large wolves.

Alexius turned to look at me, his eyes narrowing expectantly, "Alexandria, we don't have tim-"

"Not that way," I cut him off, my voice sounding much more authoritative than one would expect from an eight year old. I shoved away the fear that shook my body, and pointed down another hall.

I didn't know what was going on. I didn't know which intruders had managed to get into my home. But I knew my senses, and I knew what I had just heard.

Alexius always listened to me when it came to my hearing. He was a full fae. He lacked the heightened senses of a werewolf. But I didn't.

I watched as he nodded in understanding before proceeding to pull me down another hallway, his hand never letting go of my own as I helplessly stumbled behind him. "Alexius, where are mom and dad?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

His jaw clenched, eyes flaring with something akin to helplessness. "Somewhere safe."

"Are you sure?"

My question landed on deaf ears as a loud growl filled the hall we were in, and we both whirled around only to meet the gaze of a tall man with an intimidating set of cat like green eyes.

Alexius inhaled a shaky breath behind me as my body froze with fear. The way the wolfs lips quirked up into a predatory grin made my blood run cold.

The stranger took a step forward, his long legs carrying him towards us. He looked like he could strangle us both with one hand. The only man I'd met who was that tall was father...

Before I could react, I felt Alexius' hands grip my shoulder as he shoved me into the door to our right which conveniently happened to be the armory.

I heard the mans heavy footsteps suddenly increase whilst Alexius pushed the door closed, and locked it.

I couldn't help the tears that filled my eyes at the position we were in. "Alexius, what's happening? What does he want?"

He disregarded my questioning, instead reaching up to tightly grip my shoulders, "Do you trust me, Alexandria?"

My eyes watered even more as my eyes searched his own. "What are you talking abou-"

The banging on the door cut me off mid sentence, and I immediately jumped at the sound, tears still streaming down my now flushed cheeks.

"Alexandria, do you trust me?" My half brother repeated, and after a few moments I found myself nodding.

Of course I trusted him...

"Good." He nodded, before turning around and reaching for one of the many bows that hung on the walls. He threw it at me, and I immediately caught it, my eyes following his movements as he grabbed a quiver filled with arrows, and handed it to me. I immediately slung it over my shoulder.

"I think it's time you put all our training to use," he murmured, his hand reaching for a sheathed sword that he quickly weighed in his hand.

He turned back to me, his eyes glowing. "Alexandria, listen to me," he began, his green eyes meeting my own, "You're one of the best fighters I've ever seen, and you're only eight," he told me, his hand reassuringly rubbing my arm.

Leaning forward, he brushed some of my hair out of my face. "When that door opens, I need you to fire as many arrows as you can at whoever is standing there. Distract them. Can you do that for me?"

"Y-you want me to shoot somebody?" I asked, my eyes widening in terror, a wave of unease washing over me.

His eyes locked with my own, "You can do this, princess. You're the strongest person I know."

I couldn't even acknowledge the complement.

My body still shook with fear, and I couldn't help the soul crushing anxiety that washed over my small frame.

Alexius immediately noticed my distress, his eyes softening ever so slightly as he stared down at me. "Do you remember what I always tell you to do whenever you feel out of control?" he asked softly, those slightly intimidating green eyes holding my gaze, "Remember what I remind you to tell yourself."

Blinking away the new wave of tears, I listened to his comforting words, allowing the sound of his voice to shove away all my negative feelings.

"Stop shaking," he murmured, repeating the same words he'd said to me hundreds of times before tonight. Whenever I was frightened or anxious.

"Don't cry," Alexius continued, his grip on me tightening ever so slightly as I swallowed the lump in my throat.

He gently stroked my hair, eyes gentle,"Breathe."

I searched his eyes for a few moments, my mind replaying his words until I felt my heart slow to a more normal pace. I slowly nodded my head, not wanting to let him down.

"We can see mom and dad after this," he told me softly, and I gave him another silent nod, watching as his eyes filled with a clear sadness at the situation, before he pulled away.

The banging on the door had only increased, and I inhaled deeply as Alexius stood to the side immediately next to the entrance, his hand resting on the hilt of the sword he'd picked up earlier.

He gave me an encouraging nod, and I briefly closed my eyes, attempting to clear my mind and calm my once again erratically beating heart.

Relax Alexandria.

Everything's alright.

Pulling two arrows out of my quiver, I quickly nocked them both, my hands no longer shaking as I regained a little control.

Stop shaking.

Don't cry.


My eyes snapped open as the door finally gave out and fell to the ground. The first and last thing that man saw was a little girl with long tangled brown hair, and a fire in her eyes aiming two silver coated arrows at him.

I immediately released. My fingers not hesitating for even a moment.

One of the arrows dug into his thigh, whilst the other grazed his lower belly and dug into the wall to his right, opposite of where my brother stood.

"You little bitch," I heard him growl, and I crinkled my nose at his language.

Father told me that was a bad word.

Just as he began taking threatening steps towards me, the hilt of my brothers sword made contact with his forehead, and my eyes slightly widened as Alexius hit him a few more times for good measure.

I winced as he crumbled to the ground, his eyes slipping closed, and blood seeping out of the wounds we had caused.

Alexius gestured for me to join him outside the room, and I immediately stepped over the limp body, before rushing to his side.

"Keep another arrow ready," he ordered, his eyes surveying the hall, "We might be needing them again."

I nodded, my eyes following his movements as he pulled the arrow I had fired earlier out from the wall, before reaching for the other. I frowned whilst he wiped the man's blood on the shirt of the stranger, before depositing the bow in my quiver.

"Let's go," he said, both his hands holding onto his sword, his eyes flickering back and forth.

It was the middle of the night, and yet we were both alert.

This never happens...

I followed after him, guarding his back, another arrow trapped securely between my index and middle finger.

This castle was my home, and yet these halls seemed almost unfamiliar. I could feel the presence of strangers here, and I didn't like it.

I didn't like this at all.

What were these people doing here?

What did they want?

I couldn't help the low growl that slipped past my lips at the sight of another one of those men. He was bigger than the other one, and smelled nothing like the people I grew up with.

He smelled like an animal.

Alexius immediately pushed me behind him at the sight of the man, and I hid behind his slightly larger form, another arrow still ready to be released.

Where were the guards? They were usually everywhere.

Alexius and I were running into enemy after enemy, and the castle almost seemed to be... empty.

What were these men doing here? Why do they smell so unfamiliar? What's happening?

"Alexandria," Alexius grit out, his eyes briefly straying from the man to meet my own, "Don't hesitate with those arrows."

I nodded in understanding, and raised my arms, my hands pulling the string back. Alexius suddenly charged forward, his hands skillfully swinging at the strange man.

He was always like this.

Only twelve years old, and yet he could fight better than most of my fathers men.

It wasn't fair.

I watched their fight with disbelieving eyes. I couldn't believe this was actually happening. That my brother was fighting for his life in our own home.

I suddenly turned around, and immediately let out a small gasp as I felt another presence behind me. A part of me praying it was someone familiar. One of my fathers advisors, or just a regular warrior, anyone, so long as they were an ally; however it seemed the moon goddess had closed her eyes on our people for tonight.


Holding my bow up, I narrowed my eyes as the new wolf who'd just appeared let out a dry laugh at my actions. I pulled the arrow back, and aimed for his leg, hoping that it'd hold him off until Alexius finished with the other man.

Releasing the arrow, my eyes twinkled as it flew through the air and dug into his leg, just as I'd planned, however my heart stopped as he proceeded to shoot me a dangerous grin, his own eyes sparkling with both anger and amusement.

My bottom lip trembled whilst he reached down and pulled the arrow out, his body not even recoiling once from the pain.

I turned to glance back at Alex and found him still busy with the other male. His mind still unaware of the fact that we were cornered.

My traitorous little body began shaking again as the man took his sweet time to attack. He watched me intently, the feral glint in his eyes never once fading.

I instinctively reached for another arrow, my hand wrapped tightly around my bow.

"Woah woah woah," he began, his hazel eyes carrying a warning, "Those actually hurt, little girl."

I pulled the arrow back against the tight string regardless.

"Who are you?" I hated the way my voice cracked towards the end.

"Oh," he shrugged, his eyes closing for a mere second, "just a visitor."

"Get out."

He chuckled at my words, his eyes still glowing with anger, amusement, sadness, and...


In a second he was on me, his body disappearing before my eyes and then reappearing inches away from me. I carelessly released the arrow, the perfectly forged rod zipping over the man's shoulder and slightly grazing the skin there.

I felt his large hand clamp down painfully on my wrist, the bow falling out of my hands. He immediately turned me around, and produced a knife which he held at my throat.

"Yield, boy."

His words made my brother pause.

Alexius was just seconds away from ending the other intruder, but the moment he caught sight of me and the other man, he stiffened.

"I said, yield."

He pressed the knife closer to my neck for emphasis, and I felt the smallest drop of blood trail down my skin.

Alexius immediately dropped the sword in his hand, and kicked it a few feet away as though to prove his surrender. His hands shot up over his head, and his eyes narrowed on the man holding me. "Stop hurting her."

"Oh, you two are in for a lot more," he simply said, and my eyes widened as the man Alexius was inches away from defeating came forward and grabbed my brothers arms, holding them behind his back. He was all bruised and bloodied.

The stranger holding me let out a low laugh at the sight of him. "You gonna tell the Alpha you got beat up by a twelve year old?"

"Shut up," he grumbled, gesturing for Alexius to walk. "You got injured too."

The mans grip on me tightened to a painful degree."Fuckin royals," he practically snarled.

"Stop cursing around her!" Alexius snapped, writhing in the man's grip.

"That should be the least of your worries, little bastard."

The man pushed me forward, forcing me to walk. He didn't even bother holding me the way his comrade was holding Alexius. He knew I wouldn't run and leave my brother behind, and even if I did, I wouldn't get far.

He knew how weak I was.

"Where are you taking us?" I asked quietly, my voice barely above a whisper.

"Why, to a family reunion of course."

The moment those words left his mouth, my eyes met Alexius' and his immediately slipped shut as though he were wishing this was all just a dream.

They had mom and dad.

They had the King and Queen.

Put simply, they had our kingdom.


I awoke to the frustrating sound of a ringtone that I knew for a fact did not belong to my phone.

I wasn't surprised by the dream. They no longer surprised me the same way they did the first two times. I had slowly begun to normalize them. Unfortunately, I still couldn't calm my erratically beating heart as my eyes snapped open.

The dream I'd just had was from the very same night as my family's death. It was almost cruel of the moon goddess to be sending me these visions whilst I laid in the arms of the son of the person responsible.

Speaking of which...

Rubbing the tiredness out of my eyes, I slowly sat up and observed my surroundings, my brows dipping in confusion as I took in the familiar forest, and the lake just a few meters away. The sun had nearly disappeared beyond the horizon, proving to me that it was no longer mid day.

I suppose somewhere along the lines, I had slipped into Livius' arms, his suit jacket resting over my shoulders as he hugged me impossibly closer to his warm body.

I let out a quiet squeak as I blinked down at his sleeping form.

I'd forgotten to wake him up, and instead managed to oversleep with him.

He was going to kill me.

Turning my gaze towards his ringing phone, I immediately picked it up and glanced down at the caller ID.

It was his Beta.

Checking the time, I realized we'd slept for nearly four hours. It only made sense that the pack would worry.

Answering the call, I pressed the phone to my ear, "Hey Jayden."

There was a brief pause on the other end. "Did you murder the king or something?"

I chuckled at his words, my hand gently running through Livius' silky black hair, "Why would you think that?"

"He's not answering his mind link," he told me, and I didn't miss the underlying worry in his voice.

I frowned, "Does it shut off when you sleep?"

"He's sleeping?" Jayden asked incredulously, and I nodded before realizing he didn't see me.

"Yea, I pushed him to take a nap, and ended up falling asleep too," I mumbled sheepishly, my cheeks heating up.

"You made him miss the pack dinner," he reprimanded.

I pouted. "It was an accident!"

I heard him chuckle at my clear frustration. "Alright well, Maria is mad that you haven't eaten, so you better be prepared when you get back."

I sighed. "I might just run away."

"You can try."

I let out a low laugh at his words. I rarely got the chance to talk to him anymore. It feels like just yesterday I had met him and Livius in that hotel room.

"Now that I think about it," I mused, adjusting the phone between my ear and shoulder so I could slip a blueberry into my mouth, "You never thanked me for saving you from those vampires."

He scoffed, "Need I remind you that you were trying to run away just a few hours prior to that."

"A simple thank you would've been enough."

"God, you were such a hassle," he sighed, voice brimming with nostalgia.

"Was I?" I asked, cocking my head to the side, "I only ran away once."

"You burned four of our warriors."

"They broke into my house," I shrugged.

"You put a sleeping spell on our King."

I plopped another blueberry into my mouth, my gaze flickering to my sleeping mate, "I had to get out somehow."

"You erased my memory."

I choked on the fruit in my mouth the moment his words reached my ear. Oh yeah...

I did do that.

I could practically feel him furrowing his brows in realization. "Now that I think about it, you never told me what you erased."

Coughing nervously, I decided that I wasn't in the mood to explain the past at the moment. "Oh, would you look at that, Jayden. Livius is waking up."

I heard him beginning to argue, his mind already well aware that I was lying. I cut him off before he could say anything. "I'll see you back at the castle. Bye."

Quickly ending the call, I threw the phone to the side only to jump as I felt an arm slide around my waist.

It seems I was right about one thing.

"You're awake?" I murmured questioningly, as I blinked at my mate. He fully sat up beside me, his hair a complete mess, and tired blue eyes slowly cracking open.

"How can I not be with my packs incessant mind linking?" he replied, his voice gruff as he rubbed at his eyes.

I pursed my lips, "I thought they couldn't reach you when you were sleeping."

"They can't," he told me, "but when it's that many worried voices, it just starts to seep into my dreams."

I frowned up at him as a thought ran through my mind, "You're not mad at me, are you?"

He arched a brow in confusion, "Why would I be?"

"I-i fell asleep and made you miss dinner," I mumbled, shyly playing with my fingers.

He chuckled the sound deep and reassuring, "It's fine, my love, it was an accident."

My mates eyes glowed dangerously in the dim area, "Or was it?"

"No, no, I swear it was an accident!" My hands immediately shot up defensively and he let out another laugh as I scowled.

He really did enjoy putting me on the spot.

Glaring up at him, I took in the way his lips quirked up in amusement at my reaction.

I let out a huff, and turned away, my mind recalling the exact location of my hairbrush as I tapped onto my magic. In seconds the item was in my grasp, and I was running it through my messy brown locks.

I knew I'd regret not braiding them.

"You really need to stop using your magic so frivolously," Livius said, voice laced with amusement.

"Why not?" I asked, briefly glancing back up at him, "It's not like I can run out."

"True," he murmured, shrugging his shoulders as he extended a hand towards me, "Here, let me."

I blinked down at it for a few moments in confusion, but my traitorous body immediately handed him the hair brush it held. I said nothing as he settled behind me, his large hands running through my silky locks, and the brush following behind them.

"Have you ever taken a nap that long?" I asked, my soft voice filling the air after a few moments of comfortable silence.

"No, never," he responded, his hands gentle as they split my hair into four sections.

"You never take a break, do you?" I said whilst staring down at my lap.

"There's too much that needs to be done," he told me, "You're in university, aren't you?"

I nodded as he continued, "Do you ever just stop working?"

I chuckled, "Yes, I am right now."

"That's because you're on break."

I didn't respond to that. I knew he was right. I was almost always busy with work during the year, and I could rarely ever just pause to take a breath. I took my education seriously. University was something I wouldn't be able to do if my family was still alive, and to this day it still wasn't something I needed. Yet it still mattered to me.

"What are you studying?" Livius asked, his warm voice filled with curiosity.

I didn't hesitate before answering. "Law."

"Hmm, my little mate wants to be a lawyer," he mused, impressed by my admission, "I can imagine it."

I turned to him as he threw the long braid over my shoulder and returned to sit beside me, "You can?"

"Of course," he nodded, his brows furrowing at my question, "Who wouldn't?"

I pouted, "Mrs. Valentina doesn't think it suits me."

"It doesn't." I shot him a scalding look, and he chuckled, "But that doesn't mean you won't be good at it, baby. You've got a sharp tongue, and an even sharper mind. You'll probably scare the judges into agreeing with you and your lucky client."

I giggled at his words, a part of me happy that at least he supported me on this one.

"You know," he leaned down, his eyes level with my own, "I've made plenty of generous donations to some very prestigious law schools," Livius mused.

His hand gently cupped my cheek, his thumb gliding over the tender skin. "I can get you into Harvard," he stated, and I paused at his words, my eyes searching his own as my bottom lip slipped between my teeth.

I leaned forward, my soft skin pressing against his hard muscles as my hand rested on his shoulder. Sliding it down his chest, I loosened his silver tie, my face just inches from his own.

"I can get myself into Harvard."

He let out another laugh at my words, eyes twinkling with mirth at my statement, and I smiled to myself. "Trust me, my love. I don't doubt that for a second."

Running a hand through his hair, he somehow managed to make himself a thousand times more captivating. I shoved those thoughts away as I leaned against him, my head resting near his neck.

"Would it be alright though?" I murmured softly, as his strong arms wrapped around me.

"Why wouldn't it be?"

"Isn't it a Luna's job to take care of the pack?" I murmured, nervously playing with the ends of my hair, "And being the Luna Queen probably makes it ten times harder. Would it really be okay for me to just go back to the United States for another three years or so?"

He only hugged me closer, "A queen does what she pleases," was his simple response.

"Besides," he added after a few moments, "You're the Luna Queen. You're basically the Luna of every wolf out there, and there are plenty of packs in North America. It'll be like a mini tour."

I nuzzled into his chest, my eyes slipping closed as I inhaled his alluring scent. "It's going to be hard being away from you," I whispered, my lips pulling up as his arms tightened around me.

"You better let Damien know he's going back to University," he said instead, voice teasing.

My eyes snapped open, and I blinked up at him in confusion. "Would he have to come with me?"

Livius scoffed as though my question was absolutely ridiculous. "Like I'd ever send you anywhere alone."

I pursed my lips, my thoughts drifting to Damien and his internal conflicts. I doubt he'd enjoy following me to the United States. He'd end up even closer to his mate, whom he happened to be doing everything in his power to avoid.

"I doubt he'd enjoy having to deal with me every single day," I chuckled, pulling back to fully look at my mate.

He stared down at me, something akin to jealousy swirling in his intimidating blue eyes. "I doubt that," Livius retorted, "As much as I hate to admit it, he knows you, my love."

My brows shot up, "What do you mean by 'he knows me?'"

"I mean he knows who you are. How you act."

I bit my bottom lip, my eyes never leaving his own. "And who am I?"

My mate paused, his lips pulling up into a small smirk, as he gently shifted me in his arms so that he could fully look at me. "You're a softie."

"Am I really?" I asked, my eyes flashing dangerously.

He let out a low laugh, the sound urging me to relax even deeper into his chest. "You may deny it, my queen, but you do have a tender heart."

Livius thought on it for a moment more, before continuing. "You're someone who puts up a tough front, and pushes people to cut off someone toxic from their lives, when in reality you could never bring yourself to do it. You forgive easily, mon ange."

Cocking my head, I met his gaze again, "You're saying this to the person who threw four of your wolves into a prison cell, and erased your Beta's memories?"

He arched a brow, "That goes down as self defense."

I giggled, "Nah, I was just having fun."

"Were you really?"

I gave him a simple shrug in response, before cuddling deeper into his chest.

He was right. I was a softie. Well, to an extent. I always looked for things to love about a person, and I suppose that was my weakness. That was what always got me hurt. But after Zac it became so much easier to rebuild my walls, and hide behind my power, but lately it's become too much of a hassle to keep them up.

I just hope I don't regret letting them down.

I let out a disappointed sigh as Livius sat up, and he chuckled, "Now look who doesn't want to leave."

Pulling back, I stared at the stunning reflection of the full moon on the lake, before allowing my gaze to drift up towards the sky. The moon was gorgeous, and it almost felt as though if I reached out, I could touch it.

"It's times like these that I wish I had my wings," I mumbled aloud, my voice low and quiet, but I knew Livius heard me.

His eyes immediately softened as I pulled out of his warm embrace, and also sat up beside him, my eyes glued to the moon. "Imagine being able to fly wherever you want," I continued dreamily.

I briefly remembered watching the older kids at the palace flash out their pale white feathers and fly overhead, Alexius being one of them.

He had been lucky enough to gain his epiphany at an extremely early age, while I was a late bloomer. It just wasn't fair. Just because I was half wolf doesn't mean I have to lose my wings.

I still remembered the happiness that lit up his face that day. The way his new silver locks shimmered beneath the sunlight, and his golden eyes flickered with joy. He used to look like the male version of me, except he had dirty blonde hair, but besides that we were nearly identical. We shared the same slightly tan skin, and chocolate brown eyes, but after he shifted, he just looked like another Fae.

I felt left out.

"Do you think there's a reason you can't shift?"

Livius' voice snapped me out of my somber thoughts, and I immediately turned back to him, my mind processing his question before I shook my head. "I shifted into a wolf at the right age, so Mrs. Valentina and I assumed that my fae side was simply dormant, but that doesn't explain why I can use magic."

"Your mother tells me it happens in a moment of heightened emotions," he mused, "So, let's have someone make you mad."

I snorted. "What if I accidentally kill them?"

"Then their sacrifice will be appreciated."

I laughed at his words, my lips pulling up into a gleeful smile as he got up, and dusted off his dress shirt, before extending a hand to me.

Grinning up at him, I slipped my hand into his and allowed him to pull me up, only to stumble forward as I felt the familiar prickling sensation on my foot. I immediately let out a string of curses, which Livius was too concerned to reprimand me for.

"My foots asleep," I practically whined, causing him to let out another low chuckle, whilst I hesitantly pressed down on my heel only for the sensation to increase.

I turned back to him, hope flickering in my eyes while a substantial amount of blood rushed to my cheeks, thankfully I was too tan for it to show, but something told me he'd still notice. "Carry me?" I asked nervously.

He paused, seemingly taken aback by my question and I instinctively got ready to pull away, only for him to tighten his hold on me, "I thought I'd never hear you ask that again."

I furrowed my brows. "When was the last time?"

He gave me a smile that made stupid butterflies erupt in my stomach. God, why'd he have such an affect on me?

"When you were drunk."

I dropped my head at his words, and let out a dejected sigh. I still recalled nothing from last night, and he refused to fill me in. For all I know, Livius and I could've secretly mated last night.

"If it makes you happy, there's another characteristic that you inherited from the Fae's," he began, voice teasing, "You also can't handle too much alcohol."

I huffed, and pulled away from him. Mean Livius was back, and I wasn't in the mood. "Not all wolves can avoid getting drunk, Livius."

He shot me an incredulous look. "Our immune systems are stronger than any other supernaturals and you know it. You're just too stubborn to admit it."

I scowled as he turned around and leaned in front of me, choosing to offer me that ride I had asked for. The slight pain in my foot had faded, but I wasn't exactly in the mood to walk anyway. Besides, who would pass up on this opportunity anyway?

Slipping onto his back, I slowly wrapped my arms around his neck while his hands slid under my legs to ensure that I didn't fall.

His eyes lingered on the heeled boots I wore, and I groaned. I know where this conversation is going.

I really can't go a day without someone coming for my height, can I?

"I'm not going to say anything," he chuckled, and I smiled contentedly.

Thank the goddess.

"But may I ask," he spoke again, causing my smile to fall, "How tall are you? Luca thinks your four-eleven."

Never mind, fuck her.

I slapped the back of his head, a part of me hoping his stupid wolf, Luca, felt it.

Four fuckin eleven?

Are you shitting me?

"I'm five-one," I pouted, my head resting on his shoulder, "So stop being mean."

"Two inches off. What a huge difference."

I hit his head again.

He winced this time, and although I couldn't see his face, I could practically feel his scowl, "Baby, I'm starting to regret carrying you. It gives you too many opportunities to hurt me."

"Don't make jokes about my height and you'll be fine," I told him, the end of my words muffled by a yawn. I immediately pulled back the sleeve of his suit jacket, so I could wipe the water that had gathered in my eyes.

"I see you've claimed my suit," Livius said, voice laced with amusement.

"It's comfortable."

"You got cold, didn't you?"

"I did not."

"Yes, you did."

"No, I didn't."

"Keep arguing with me, my love, I'm still right."

I glared holes into the crook of his neck, before allowing my gaze to flicker ahead where I could already make out the lights of the castle.

"Let's go get you that soup, yeah?" my mate asked, and I pouted again.

"I thought you were joking about that," I mumbled, my voice muffled by his shirt.

He barked out a laugh, "I don't joke when it comes to your health, ma reine, you should know that."


I was getting tired again, even though we'd just slept. I'd been getting plenty of sleep lately, I suppose a little too much, but training with Damien was getting harder and harder as he progressed. That wolf learned too fast for his own good, and I was getting lazy. At some point, I might just send him to the gym, and ditch him to hang out in Livius' office instead.

I couldn't help the quiet whine I let out as Livius set me back on my feet only for him to scoop me up again, this time his arms being placed underneath my knees, and around my lower back. I smiled when he tucked my head into his broad chest, his scent hitting me harder than before.

"Don't think that you can get out of eating that soup just because you've fallen asleep," I heard him say, but I was too tired to retort, my eyes already shut. The only response he got was a muffled groan.

He really did worry too much.

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