electricity & webs | p. parker

By MendesDaddario

18.9K 308 300

just two teenage superheroes trying to deal with their feelings. More



1.1K 34 58
By MendesDaddario

| word count: 3.5 K |


Y/n was mad at Peter. What right did he have to ask her these personal questions like if she didn't struggle with her own feelings? He didn't have the right to just get mad at her like that. She did nothing to have Peter yell at her like that. She wasn't just going to let it happen and forget about it.

Once the bell went off, she ran out without grabbing anything from her locker. The only way she was going to be able to get rid of this feeling was fighting.

Y/n went to a hidden alley and changed. She was off to fight bad guys.

♫that's my girl♫

"I'll pretend ever face I hit is, Peter."


"Hand over the money!" The robber yelled pointing a gun to the banker. Y/n blasted the door open. The robber started shooting at Y/n and she reflected the shots with her electrokinesis. She went up right up to him and kicked him in the face. She went in for another kick in the stomach and he grabbed her foot. He twisted her foot throwing her on the ground face down. The robber pointed his gun at her and she swiftly turned over on her back and light blue electricity came running out of her fingers. It shocked him and he was on the ground. Y/n got up and saw seven other men with guns ready to attack.

Y/n laughed, "Let's have fun."

She ran towards the first two men coming her way. She caught some air and jumped right in between the men blowing them away with an electrical force. The next three came with big guns. They shot at her once, she was thrown across the room and hit the wall.

"Ow..." Y/n mumbled. She quickly got up and throw some electric power balls at them. They had some crazy guns. They continued to shoot at her as she dodged them. Y/n ran fast at them and then slid down on the ground and shocked the men's feet. She got up and looked at the other two. These were some big boys.

She went to punch one of them in the chest and it made no mark, she held her fist making faces of pain. The big guy laughed and his friend pushed Y/n on the ground.

"Did you guys forget I have electricity in my palms." Y/n asked the two as they peered down at her on the ground. She held her palms up at the two men's face and blasted her blue powers up.

"I think I might have fried their faces..." Y/n commented as she got up. She looked around at the mess she made, she smiled. This felt good.

The banker thanked her and Y/n asked if everyone was okay. The police broke the remaining glass doors and walked in. She had to run now.

"Hands up!" The policemen shouted. She turned around swiftly and ran for the back door. She heard some shots go off as she broke through the glass back door.

Y/n shook off the glass and looked right and left. She was in an alley.

"Okay, next ass-kicking event."


Peter walked into the apartment to hear the TV news on. He ignored it at first. He placed his bag on the couch and went into the kitchen to grab a snack.

"Elex has struck again. She took down seven robbers who were about to steal one million dollars. The banker reported he was threatened with a gun to put one million dollars in the briefcase. Then he said he heard a blast and soon after the men were out. Is Elex is a friend or foe? Let's see what the people think." Peter ran into the living room to see the TV. Y/n was displayed on the news.

He was still a bit angry after their conversation. He knew he stepped over the line, but he couldn't stand her anymore not seeing the signs that he liked her. He sighed.

"I guess I don't have to do no more spider duty tonight then." Peter remarked.


Y/n was on her way to school. She could see MJ leaning on the wall looking at her phone. MJ noticed Y/n and turned off her phone, "So I saw Elex had a little fun last night."

"Yeah, I did. Mainly because I got mad at Peter." Y/n replied. MJ nodded, she was curious to why they got into a fight.

"What did you guys argue about?" MJ asked. She continued to make eye contact with Y/n.

"He was asking me if I liked Brad in a pushy way and he didn't like it when I told him I'm wasn't sure." Y/n said without any emotion, almost annoyed.

Ned arrived and waved at the two girls.

"Saw you really kicked some butt last night," Ned told Y/n. Y/n nodded, "I certainly did. Girl power." Y/n turned over to MJ and fist-bumped her.

"You guys don't have a cool handshake like me and Peter do." Ned reaffirmed.

"We don't waste our time on that if we already know we rule," MJ commented. Y/n laughed and Ned just stood there with a small funny frown.

"You could totally join in on our fist bump if it makes you feel better." Y/n added. Ned grinned wide and nodded. They all did a three-way fist bump.

"Hey Y/n!!!" Brad called from his group of friends. They weren't that far away from Ned, MJ, and Y/n. Y/n turned around to see Brad cheekily smiling with his hands in his pockets. Brad came over to Y/n.

"Hey, cutieeee!" Brad exclaimed as he once again put his arm around Y/n's shoulder.

"Hey," Y/n nodded and smiled small.

"So you know how great we are doing, dating and stuff. We should be boyfriend and girlfriend." Brad stated rather than asked. Y/n felt uncomfortable.

"You would be my little basketball cheerleader. I think you would look great in a cheerleader outfit." Brad emphasized the word great which made Y/n way more uncomfortable.

"Oh, and not to mention my parents are leaving these weekend so I have the house all to myself..." Brad looked down at Y/n and smirked.

"Me and you. You don't have to hang out with these..." Brad whispered in her ears, "Losers."

Y/n pulled away from Brad. "Look, first of all, don't call my friends losers. Second of all, why don't you put on a cheerleader outfit and look great." Y/n empathized the word great just as Brad did.

"Wow, honey. Okay, you don't have to wear the outfit, but you come over to my place." Y/n kicked him in the nuts and Brad bent over hovering his pelvis in pain.

"Wow, Y/n," Ned commented. MJ wasn't sure if she should bud in.

"Oh okay..." Brad groaned, "So is that a yes?" Brad looked up at Y/n. Y/n was furious at this point.

♫the less I know the better♫

"You and me at my parent's house," Brad spoke. Brad was pushed back and almost fell down. Peter stood right in front of Brad with an angry expression.

"Leave her alone." Peter stated. Ned was taken away on how threateningly Peter spoke to Brad.

"What are you going to do about it, kid." Brad grunted, "Penis Parker." Brad sneered at Peter.

"Just leave her alone, Brad." Peter demanded. Brad let out a chuckle, "What? What are you going to do about it, wimp."

"I'm going to hurt you if you don't leave." Peter asserted.

"Peter..." Y/n murmured. Peter turned over at her. Y/n nodded sideways trying to tell Peter to discontinue what was going to happen.

"Yeah? You really think so...? You think you can take a punch at me?" Brad teased. Ned thought about jumping in and stopping Pete, but he wasn't so up for a black eye.

"Yeah, are you sure you don't want to leave before we start?" Peter added. Brad took a step back and laughed, "Wait, are you for real?" Peter nodded.

"Okay then, I won't pay for your hospital bills." Brad threw his backpack on the ground and got his fist in position. "Let's go!" Brad yelled. People were staring now, all waiting to see Peter get beat up.

"Come at me!" Brad shouted jogging back and forth. Peter couldn't believe he was going to do this. People were cheering for Brad and Peter looked at them. Laughing at him.

Peter's spidey senses went off and he swiftly moved his head before Brad's fist could make contact with his face. The crowd was surprised, Peter Parker just dodged a punch.

Brad was frustrated, Peter should have been out with one punch. Brad got back to his position and eyed Peter who was now back to his spot with his fist out. Brad grunted, "Parker-"

Brad fell back on his behind. Gasps went throughout the crowd.

"You guys were taking so long, I had to do it myself." Y/n spoke. Peter turned over to Y/n and murmured, "Y/n?! What the heck? I had it!"

Brad covered his eye with his hand, embarrassed that a girl just punched him in the face and pushed him on the ground.

"Brad, please. Leave me alone. Thank you." Y/n walked away with that. MJ caught up with her.

"That was incredible. Honestly." MJ admitted. Y/n smiled, "Girl power!"


Right after Y/n had went to the principal's office, it was lunchtime.

"So did you get in trouble?" Ned asked Y/n. Y/n looked down at her tray with inedible food, "Nope, self defense. And maybe a little bit of a warning."

"That's cool!" Ned exclaimed. Eyes were on the group of friends. Talk about Peter being too wimpy to fight a girl had to take over and Y/n being a complete bitch.

Y/n looked over at Peter who sat right in front of her.

"You good?" Y/n inquired Peter. He looked up at her annoyed.

"No, I'm not good. I just humiliated in front of the whole school because of you." Peter admitted. His tone was cold. MJ and Ned didn't like where this was headed.

"Well, I'm sorry. I was just sticking up for myself. But thank you, Peter." Y/n added. Peter rolled his eyes, "Why wouldn't you just let me stand up for you? Do you feel it makes you look bad? Do you not even like me?"

"Peter, of course, I like you. You're my friend." Those words stung Peter, "It's just I wasn't going to let you expose your strength like that. They would get suspicious."

"It's not always about our powers or abilities, it's about us. I guess you just don't want there to be an us?" Peter got up and left the cafeteria.

Y/n thought about what he said, an us?


♫all my friends♫

For the next week, Peter and Y/n avoided each other at all cost. Y/n would meet up with MJ and Ned in the morning and was nowhere to be found during lunch. Peter never showed up in the morning and was present during lunch. In the classes Peter and Y/n shared, they completely acted like strangers.

Ned and MJ didn't like what was happening, they had to do something about it. Right before Math, MJ and Ned talked.

"What if we somehow trick them into going to the same place and forcing them to open up," Ned suggested. MJ liked the idea.

"Like where?" MJ asked.

"How about the carnival?" Ned insisted.

"We could put them on the Ferris wheel and then find the power off button to shut down the whole place," MJ noted. Ned nodded his head, "Good idea, but Y/n is basically electricity in human form."

"Well, rubber, glass, and cloth are poor conductors of electricity. What if we glue some gloves on her hands." MJ stated.

"Yeah! We can do that to Y/n and I'll make sure Peter doesn't bring his suit." Ned offered, "Also, when?"

"Tonight. It's Friday. Tell Peter you want to go the carnival with him at eight and I'll bring along Y/n."

The bell rang and the two went to their seats with the plan for tonight.


"C' mon Peter. We have to go! It's essential for bros night!" Ned bugged Peter. Ned was sitting on Peter's bed as Peter stood right in front of him.

"But why? I don't feel like going anywhere right now, Ned." Peter replied. Ned sighed, "Okay, I guess I'll leave then." Ned slowly got up and put his sad frown on. Peter felt guilty, he hadn't really hung out with Ned all week.

"Al-Alright, Ned..." Peter gave in. Ned jumped up in excitement, "Yes!"

Ned went to go hug Peter.

"Also, don't bring your spidey suit," Ned mentioned.

"Why?" Peter asked.

"Um because they check your bags and jackets." Ned lied. Peter thought about it for a second, but ignored it and nodded, "Alright then. Let's go."

Ned texted MJ.

Ned: Peter mission has been accomplished.


"Your favorite band is going to play at the carnival that's why I want you to go with me." MJ lied. Y/n gasped, "Wait, for real!? Okay, now I'll go, let me go grab my coat!"

MJ was surprised about how easy it was to get Y/n to go the carnival. Just mention her favorite band.

While Y/n went to her room to grab her coat, MJ pulled the gloves and sticky glue out of her bag. She squirted some glue into each of the gloves and placed them on the table without completely closing them.

"Oh and here are some gloves, just extras. It's going to be cold." MJ shouted to Y/n. Y/n came out of her room with a black trench coat.

"I'll help you put on the gloves since you had a crazy day in ceramics." Y/n offered her hands to MJ. MJ couldn't believe how simple this was. MJ slipped Y/n's first hand into the glove. Y/n's hand felt weird, but before she could say anything MJ slipped the other glove on. Y/n knew what she had just done.

"MJ! Why did you glue my hands to the gloves!?" Y/n exclaimed. Y/n tried to pull them off, but MJ had used something super sticky.

"The rides are super crazy you're going to need to glue your gloves." MJ grabbed Y/n's arm and pulled her out onto their way to the carnival.

MJ pulled out her phone.

MJ: finished. I'll meet you there.


"Dude, just wait here. I need to take a breather." Ned told Peter. They both were standing right beside the Ferris wheel. Ned was waiting on the message that MJ would send when she was in the proximity of ten feet.

MJ stopped Y/n right by the popcorn stand.

"I'm going to put a blind mask on you. Don't ask why. It's going to be a surprise." MJ said to Y/n. Y/n was hesitant at first until she gave in after MJ said she would buy her favorite carnival treat.

"Give me your hand." MJ was happy at the thought that Y/n trusted her a lot. This was crazy, letting your friend guide you in the crowds of a carnival with a blindfold and glued gloves on your hands. Crazy.

MJ sent Ned the message.


"Yo, Peter. Let's go on the Ferris wheel!" Ned suggested to Peter. Peter laughed, "Dude what, we're like seventeen now."

"Just-just, c' mon. One last time as seventeen-year-olds, think about it. In one year we'll be adults. That's kind of scary." Ned spoke. Peter hadn't realized he was on the edge of adolescence.

"Alright, our last time."

Ned offered Peter to go in first. The Ferris wheel cart was covered on the side so Peter wasn't able to see MJ bring Y/n blindfolded. MJ gave Y/n's hand to Ned.

"Um, Michelle?" Y/n called out.

"Trust me!" MJ replied. Ned directed Y/n to the cart Peter was in. Peter was confused when he saw a blindfolded girl sitting right next to him.

"Uh, Ned?" Peter called out. Ned told the guy to lock the cart and let it transition upward.

"Ned?!" Peter shouted. Y/n figured out who it was. She was angry now. She couldn't believe MJ would do this to her. Y/n pulled off the blindfold and turned around to see Peter Parker sitting next to her on the Ferris wheel.

"Oh heck no..." Y/n murmured. The cart went up higher. She wasn't going to ride with Peter on the Ferris wheel. No way.

"I'm getting off once he goes around to check our carts before the ride starts." Y/n stated coldly. Peter agreed.

MJ and Ned were down on the ground making their way to the power station behind the merry-go-round.

"I can't believe nobody is guarding the power switch of the entire carnival. It's hilarious." MJ commented. Ned opened the small box that read "ELECTRICITY" and pressed the handle down. Some girls screamed and all the music went off. The whole carnival was out.

"Wait, we need to destroy this so they can't turn in on. Y/n and Peter have a lot of talking to do." MJ insisted. Ned felt his pockets and pulled out a sharp key. MJ nodded sideways, "That's not going to work."

The two looked around quickly. "How about this?" Ned held up an ax that he found in a toolbox next to the electrical appliance. MJ nodded and started to cut the wires in the electrical box. Once she cut a few wires, she dropped the ax and they both ran.

"Let's hope we don't go to jail for that!" Ned shouted as they ran. MJ laughed.


The power was out and the Ferris wheel had already stopped. Y/n and Peter were at the top.

♫with or without you♫

"Well, this is awkward," Peter said out into the cold air.

"Awful." Y/n added, "But not as awful as these gloves that MJ glued to my hands."

A laugh escaped from Peter. Y/n rolled her eyes and let out a little chuckle.

"Look, I'm sorry-"

"No, I go first." Y/n interrupted Peter, "I was rude to interrupt your little fight battle with Brad, but I was trying to protect you. I didn't know it would end up like this."

Peter rested his hand on Y/n's lap and let a small smile shine at her.

"Thanks, but I feel I'm more at fault here. I'm always telling you that you are always so guarded about your feelings. I shouldn't have said that to you. And I did get a bit jealous when you and Brad went on a date. Not that I like you or anything- I mean I like you obviously- but I mean not like like like you. Uh..." Peter removed his hand from Y/n's lap and turned the other way.

"I love how awkward you are, Peter. You always make me laugh no matter what." Y/n admitted. Peter turned back to her.

"I need to tell you something," Peter stated. Y/n nodded.

"The reason why I got mad at you when we both met by the water fountain was because you were unsure of Brad and I wanted to know if you really liked him."

Peter tried to continue making eye contact, his throat became dry and he started to stutter, "All those questions I asked about you and him and all the times I got mad at you because you were unsure was mainly because..."

Peter stopped. Y/n furrowed her eyes in confusion.

Peter nervously played around with his hand. He gulped and closed his eyes.

"Was mainly because-"

Peter went straight for Y/n's lips. He didn't bother to finish his sentence because he knew was going to stutter even worse. The only way he could really show was by kissing her.

He pulled back from the small kiss. He didn't know how Y/n was going to act, he hoped she wouldn't take it bad.

He leaned a little more back to see Y/n's reaction. Her eyes were still shut, she started laughing.

"I like you too, Parker." She went in for another kiss. She put her gloved hands around Peter's head. She went in with a few pecks and Peter went along with it. Now they were kissing. Feelings went throughout their bodies. First real kisses.

Y/n leaned her forehead on Peter's. She smiled as she looked into his chocolate brown eyes.

"It took you this long to say it." Y/n giggled. Peter blushed, "Because it took you this long to let me say it."

Y/n rested her head on Peter's shoulder. They both gazed up at the stars on the top of the Ferris wheel.

"This was Ned's and MJ's plan, wasn't it?" Y/n asked. Peter chuckled, "I bet it was."

The breeze softly howled in the pitch dark sky with small little twinkles and a big bright crescent moon that shone on the streets and buildings. The sounds of cars honking and Queen citizens yelling followed throughout the cold air. The aroma left smells of buttery toasted popcorn and sweet vanilla raspberry cotton candy. And all that matter at that moment was that Peter was here present with Y/n. That's all he could ever want at the moment. This.

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