electricity & webs | p. parker

By MendesDaddario

18.9K 308 300

just two teenage superheroes trying to deal with their feelings. More



1.4K 38 92
By MendesDaddario

| word count: 3.5 K | 



♫ no going back♫ 

Peter: Meet me at Mr. Delmar's shop

Ned: alright

Peter arrived super early to Mr. Delmar's shop this morning. He wanted to tell Ned something away from the girls.

"Hey, Mr. Delmar!" Peter greeted. Peter walked in and grabbed a few snacks and made his way up to the counter.

"Hey, Mr. Parker, how's it going this morning?" Mr. Delmar asked. Peter grabbed his wallet and looked up and grinned, "I have a plan to tell the girl I like I like her."

Mr. Delmar let out a chuckle and grinned, "Young love, it was so awkward when I was younger. Don't get too caught up in love, kid. Sometimes the women just want to boss you around all the time."

"That sounds like personal experience?" Peter laughed. Mr. Delmar gave him a look. Peter cut the laughing, "Sorry."

"No, you're good, kid. Just don't get too sad when she says she's into the popular dude." Mr. Delmar said. Peter nodded, "In this case, I don't think so." Peter said his farewells and waved to Mr. Delmar.

Peter walked out of the shop to see Ned waiting for him in front.

"Oh, hey Peter, I didn't know if you were already here or still on your way." Ned smiled. Peter nodded as they both did their handshake.

"Okay, so I have a plan!" Peter exclaimed. Ned knew this might not go as planned, "Are you sure it's going to work?"

"No, it's going to work. I didn't sleep trying to think of a way." Peter admitted. Ned nodded in disappointment.

"I mean, first we should like find out if she's even into you, or like guys, you know?" Ned added.

"I'm going to take her outside during lunch and offer her a picnic date thing and then I'm going to tell her my feelings." Peter ignored Ned's comment.

"Well, only if you feel confident Peter, I'll help you out. Oh hey! MJ and I should record the whole thing! Maybe we could hide somewhere, that way we can show you guys in five years the first time you told Y/n how you felt." Ned exclaimed. Peter nodded his head in excitement, "Yes! Perfect."


Ned and MJ were in Math. Ned whispered over at MJ who sat two seats away from him on his right.

"Pss... Pss..."

MJ looked over in confusion and mouthed Why.

"Come here..." Ned whispered. MJ nodded no. Ned sighed and got up. The teacher was looking for assignments for the day. Ned went over to MJ and acted as if he was trying to get something else. MJ turned over to him.

"Where were you and Peter this morning?" MJ whispered.

"We were talking about the plan," Ned stated. He grabbed his pencil and acted as if he was sharpening it. MJ was not surprised about how bad Ned was at acting.

"What plan?"

"Peter is going to tell Y/n how he feels about her. He really likes her." Ned admitted.

"Good thing she likes him or else that would have ended out terrible..." MJ whispered. Ned's eyes went big, "She likes him!?"

MJ shushed Ned's loud "She likes him?!" statement.

"Okay, meet me at my locker at the beginning of lunch." Ned made his way back to his seat with his unsharpened pencil. MJ sighed in relieved because this could of went really bad if Y/n and Peter didn't like each other.



"Hey, Y/n...!" Peter came running towards Y/n. She had barely got out of her class since the bell just went off.

"Peter?" She questioned. Peter stopped right in front of her and caught his breath. She laughed at him, "Spidey can't even run properly."

Peter lightly pushed Y/n's arm. He then stood up straight and grabbed her hand, "Come with me. I have to show you something."

Y/n was nervous since she was holding Peter's hand and she didn't know what it meant. And of course, Peter was absolutely nervous without a doubt. He hoped she would react well to what he was going to tell her.

Peter stopped them both when they reached under the bleachers. There sat a blanket with some snacks on the ground. Y/n looked up at Peter blushing and smiling with his thumb up.

"Oh gosh, Parker. You're so awkward." Y/n giggled. They both sat and started to open the treats.

Over by the shed, Ned and MJ were trying to film the two's first date. MJ thought this idea was terrible, maybe the whole thing itself.

"He probably should just tell her under the moonlight or something better than under football field bleachers. Not so romantic." MJ commented. Ned was squatting trying to get two in love kiddos in the frame.

"It's going to go fine, I trust Peter," Ned added. MJ nodded knowing this was going to go bad.

♫ friend of nothing♫ 

Peter was happy she made it here with him. The two were sat a couple inches apart, not too close, but not too far. Y/n didn't know what was going on, but she was enjoying it.

"So, what about MJ and Ned?" Y/n asked. Peter looked over at Y/n and put his treat down, "Um... They ditched us."

Y/n was confused, "But didn't we just ditch them?" Both of the heroes laughed.

"I just wanted to spend some ti-time with you, you know... As friends." Peter slapped himself mentally at the dumb comment he made.

"Yeah, of course. Anytime, Parker-friend." Y/n laughed. Peter really wished he hadn't said that.

"You seem tense, Peter. Loosen up." Y/n lightly shocked Peter. He jumped a little from his spot.

"Ow... That was not so nice, Elex..." Peter grinned as he rubbed his arm.

"Anytime, Peter." Y/n teased. Do it now, Peter thought.

"So um, anyway. I wanted to tell you something." Peter could feel his nerves start to act up again.

"Yeah, go ahead. I also want to tell you something about tonight's duty. Don't think I will be able to make it. I'll tell you more after you say what you are going to say." Y/n added.

Peter felt the whole world stop and he could hear his loud heart thumping in the quiet presence of Y/n. He felt as he couldn't even swallow, he knew he was red at this point.

"I, um, I really li-"

"Yo Y/n! Peter! What's up!" The one and only Brad had just walked in and interrupted Peter, "Oh wow, I love those! I used to eat those a lot as a kid!" Brad sat down right in between Peter and Y/n, basically squishing Peter out of the frame.

Y/n felt kind of invaded. She looked up at Brad and gave a small smile.

"Now this is a cute date. Hey, speaking of dates... Y/n want to go on one?" Brad looked down Y/n and smiled. She liked Peter, but what if he didn't like her back. I mean, how bad could going on a date with Brad be? He wasn't all that bad. She recently started opening up to Brad ever since they became biology partners.

"Um... Sure?" Y/n answered. Peter started to feel sick to his stomach. He couldn't believe Brad just walked in on his "date" with Y/n and then asked her out instead of Peter asking her.

Ned put down the camera and shut it off. MJ knew something was going to happen like this.

"But she likes Peter right?" Ned asked as he quickly flipped over to MJ.

"Yeah, but she also kind of liked Brad," MJ mumbled. Ned opened his mouth, "Oh no... The force is not with Peter anymore..."

MJ and Ned walked over to Peter's date with Y/n and unexpected guest.

"Hey, Peter... How's lunch going?" Ned awkwardly said. Peter looked up at Ned and nodded in disappointment.

"Good actually, just got a date!" Brad exclaimed. Ned thought, But I didn't ask you...

"Also, when are you free?" Brad asked Y/n. Y/n didn't like being put on the spot.

"Uh... Not tonight." Y/n replied. Peter slowly got up and avoided contact with Y/n.

"Alright, Friday night. Me and you, I'll pick you up." Brad smiled. Y/n looked up at Peter, he didn't even try to look at her.

"Peter, hey, what were you going to say before?" Y/n questioned. Peter quickly turned around and tried to make little eye contact, "Um, nothing, just I like the new arcade me and Ned went to a couple days ago."

"Oh, okay." Y/n watched as Peter left without saying anything.


Peter put his buds in his ear and was off. He didn't try to contact anyone after school, he quickly rushed out of the building to home with no stops.

"Hey, Peter! How was your day? Any spidey action? Crazy school projects?" Aunt May asked as Peter walked into the apartment. He pulled out one of the buds.

"It was good," He nodded without making eye contact with May. May knew something was wrong.

"Do you want to get some take-out or maybe burgers? New York's best pizza?" Aunt May questioned Peter trying to get him to talk. Peter stopped.

"You know what, some good ass pizza sounds great right now," Peter smiled. May laughed and went to go hug Peter.

"Alright, little man. Also, go wash your mouth for that!" May teased. Peter went red and his voice high, "Little man...?"

"You will always be my little man, my seventeen-year-old man!" May released Peter from the tight hug. Peter sighed and smiled, "Always, May."


Peter and Aunt May had just gotten back from lunch in New York City. A buzz went off in Peter's front jean pocket.

Y/n: Peter! Meet me at the top of Queens College at 7

Peter hesitated as he looked at the message. He really didn't want to see her after all that went down at lunch today, it was embarrassing and he never wanted to feel like that again.

Peter: Okay.

Peter quickly changed and told May he was off for some spidey action.

"Okay, drink lots of water during your duty, Peter! Hydration!" May exclaimed as Peter closed his door. With that, Peter was out the window and on his way to see Y/n.

The sun was on its way to set. The breeze was relaxing. And the view was astonishing.

Cars honked and people yelled, Peter laughed, Queens.

He was close enough to Queens College that he could make out a small figure sitting on top of the monument clock. Y/n could also see him coming. She really felt Peter was distant lately, she wanted to spend some time with him because she actually really missed him.

"Hey, Pete!" Y/n exclaimed and waved. Peter landed on the monument and sat next to her. He lifted his mask up halfway.

"What's up?" Peter asked trying to be casual, but he was actually nervous.

♫the sound♫

"I just wanted to spend some time with my crime buddy..." Y/n nudged herself at Peter's shoulder. Peter let out a chuckle and smiled, "I guess so... crime buddy!"

"Okay, well let's go around the city tonight and search for bad guys?" Y/n considered. Peter nodded.

"The first one to the Dunkin donuts in Queens wins, the loser has to buy donuts," Peter shouted as he left off swinging. Y/n caught up flying next to him. The sun was still shining in the sky and the sound of traffic went through the streets.

Y/n smiled as she felt the breeze go through her hair, she was next to her best friend and all that matter was what fun they were going to have tonight.


"Peter! It doesn't work that way! You don't just become a millionaire overnight!" Y/n exclaimed as she nudged Peter's shoulder with her hand. They sat on the edge of the roof building. They had just finished a couple of missions. Which included saving three cats from a tree, helping the electrical man to get the electricity to run again, and helped put out an apartment building fire.

Peter grinned and nodded, "You don't know what I'm capable of. I'm spiderman, s-sweetie..." Y/n laughed, "You're so cute when you stutter! I love it!"

Peter blushed. She called me cute?! "Wait, you really think I'm cute?" Peter blurted with his big eyes. Y/n got a bit nervous, "Um, I mean yeah? You're cute, but so am I. And so is Ned and MJ." Peter felt a little bumped.

"But yeah, I think you're cute and funny..." Y/n added. Peter blushed.

"And so are you, Y-Y/n... Actually, ever since I met you I-I thought you were r-really beautiful..." Peter stuttered. His heart racing 90 MPH at this moment.

Y/n grinned and looked up at the night sky. Peter sighed and looked down at the city streets from the tall building next to the Dunkin donuts they had just been at.

"Wow thanks, nobody has ever really said that to me. Other than my parents just saying it because I'm their daughter." Y/n added. She looked over at Peter and he looked over at her.

"I really mean it," Peter assured. Y/n beamed a contagious smile at him, he was now smiling too. Time felt as if it was stopped.

He gazed at her. Her eyes sparkled as she smiled. She was staring straight towards the buildings that covered the sun practically already set. The sky was a soft dark blue and stars barely peaked out. Peter thought to himself that he never wanted to forget this moment. He continued gazing at her. She was beautiful. Period.

Should I go for it, Peter thought, I should get brave and just kiss her. It's at the moment. Just do it.

Peter started to slowly lean in as he and Y/n kept eye contact the whole time. Y/n started to catch on, is he leaning in? No, it's probably just me.

♫let the sun in♫

Y/n turned her head the other way and Peter had already closed his eyes. He leaned closer and closer until he realized there was nothing to hold him and he fell down on Y/n's lap. Y/n jumped at Peter's intrusion. Peter quickly sat up straight.

"Sorry! I thought I saw something down in the streets and I lost balanced!" Peter blurted. Y/n awkwardly laughed. Peter's face was red. Did that just really happen? I'm so embarrassed!!!

"What do you want to do when you're older? Like college stuff?" Y/n asked interrupting Peter's inner thoughts.

Peter hadn't thought about this at all yet. He'd assumed an engineer when he was younger, but now that he was here, he actually didn't know what.

"I actually don't know for once," Peter answered. Y/n looked over at him and nodded, "Me too, my dad says I should go to med school and my mom says I should be an engineer, but what do I want to be. I don't know."

"I mean we're kids. We shouldn't have to be pressured to know what we will be doing for the rest of our lives. We just started living, you know..." Peter stated. Y/n still looked at him, he really is a good friend.

"You're right, let's not worry about it. What do you want to do now?" Y/n asked Peter. Peter gazed up at the stars in the now dark sky, "Stay right here with me tonight."

Y/n was a bit awe-struck, did he just ask me to stay with him, like not just in a normal way? Like the way they do in romantic movies?

"Lay by me," Peter suggested as he laid down on the roof of the building. Y/n let out a small smile.

"I'd love to."


Y/n walked up to her friends who already seemed to be waiting for her. She yawned from staying up late last night and just talking about funny stuff on the roof with Peter.

"Hey, Y/n!" Ned cheered and smiled. Y/n smiled back. MJ gave a small wave and Y/n returned it. Peter was standing next to MJ in front of Ned. She let out a small smirk and Peter chuckled.

"So, last night was crazy. You know how we are FOS right?" Ned spoke, "Well I found a whole blog dedicated to FOS which is a random blog called 'I Know Spiderman' where people try to admit that their spider man's friend and I was crackling at the posts!"

"Show us," MJ said. Ned pulled out his phone and showed his friends some screenshots. They all leaned in.

"I meet Spiderman in the bathroom, he handed me some toilet paper. Nearly saved my life and now we are best buds." Peter read from the phone. The friends all laughed.

"I don't ever think I helped someone in the bathroom like that..." Peter confusedly added. Ned showed us others.

"He saved me from three cars hitting me while I was walking on the street to work. We chilled out after and he bought me a coffee. I have his number now. We send memes to each other. Cool dude!" MJ readout, "Well that's concerning..."

"Yeah, so that's what I did last night. Pretty hilarious, right?" Ned said.

"Right..." MJ mumbled.

"So what did you guys do last night?" Ned asked. Y/n looked up over at Peter and smirked. Peter grinned back and quietly laughed. MJ furrowed her brows at what was happening between the two.

"Um... I just read." MJ added ignoring the two.

"Cool." Ned nodded his head in contentment. Y/n yawned and Peter followed.

"Well, some people didn't get sleep last night..." Ned added. Y/n looked at Ned, "What...? I had a long night."

"Well, what did you do last night? Y/n? Peter?" MJ questioned trying to get the two to spill it. Peter's palm started sweating and his voice cracked, "We just hung out."

"Without us, man!? That's cold!" Ned commented. MJ was still suspicious, but she would rather ask Y/n later.



Y/n got a note passed to her in English. She opened it up and read it.

Can't wait for tonight <3 - Brad

Oh, shoot! She had forgotten about the date with Brad. She wasn't even sure if she still wanted to go on it.

She looked up and saw Brad cheekily smiling at her. She couldn't say no to that? I mean it's just one date and it'll be over. She had no intention to start anything with Brad... Or so she thought.



"Dude, I hate their sloppy joes..." Ned said as the rest of his friends sat down.

"Yeah, they're just as mysterious as Mrs. Johnson," MJ commented.

"She honestly is so weird and I get the creepy spidey senses from her." Peter shivered.

"You mean your Peter tingle?" Y/n added. Everyone but Peter laughed.

"Oh c' mon! Did Aunt May tell you?!" Peter exclaimed with a frown.

"No, Happy did." Y/n replied. Peter gasped, "How dare he? And since when did you start talking to Happy?"

"Since that one time I dropped by and your Aunt was on a 'date' with him." Y/n answered. MJ choked on her drink.

"No, she wasn't! That would be kind of weird..." Peter tried to forget what Y/n had just said.

"Hey, Y/n!" Brad Davis walked up to Y/n. He gestured to Y/n if he could sit right next to her. Peter's mood dropped.

Now Brad was sitting next to Y/n across from him.

"You excited for our date tonight?" Brad reminded Y/n. How Peter wished she could forget it.

"Uh, yeah. I'll send you my address." Y/n confirmed. Brad smiled and said great.

"How you guys doing?" Brad asked Y/n's friends on the table. MJ nodded, "Thriving." They laughed at her sarcasm.

"I'm just trying to think of a way to sue the cafeteria for serving us this inedible food. Hey, Peter, you know anybody?" Ned turned over to Peter. Peter felt the pressure to make sure he showed Brad that he also had funny jokes.

"Yeah, maybe I could ask Bruce Banner to help us come up with something," Peter realized what had just said and started to stutter, "Not that I know him because that would be weird if I did..."

Brad had a confused expression on his face.

"Yeah, that would be weird, Peter. You actually know Bruce Banner AKA Hulk, that would be crazy! Only spiderman would know him." Ned blurted. Peter nudged Ned. Ned turned away in embarrassment, Darn it...

"Okay..." Brad held out the word slowly, "Well I'm off, see you later, Y/n. Bye MJ, Ned, and... Peter."

Peter's elbows were on the desk as he held up his forehead with his hands. That was stupid.


"You sure you don't want to help me get ready?" Y/n asked MJ as they were walking home. MJ rolled her eyes, "I'm not really that kind of girl."

"I know you aren't, but that's not why I want you to come. I want you to come because you are my best friend." MJ was a bit touched, she didn't expect Y/n to feel that way about her.

"Alright... but only for a little bit!" MJ gave in. Y/n cheered and kept walking alongside MJ.

thanks for reading my story! <3 

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