Percy, Jason and Nico meet th...

By bluemily11235813

143K 3.4K 2.4K

The Big Three kids introduce Earth's mightiest heroes to mythology, a happy story in which no one is dead and... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1: Christmas Shopping
Chapter 2: Fight!
Chapter 4: Interrogation + Irritation pt.2
Chapter 5: Interrogation + Irritation pt.3
Chapter 6: Questions and Actually No Answers, Just More Questions
Chapter 7: Wait What!?!
Chapter 8: Show-offs
Chapter 9: Gods
Chapter 10: The End, Probably

Chapter 3: Interrogation + Irritation

13.3K 344 283
By bluemily11235813

The mission had originally been assigned to keep the assassins busy. Yes Perseus Jackson was potentially a threat, but not even Fury had really expected it to be true. He was hoping to have Natasha and Clint stalk him for a day or two, amuse themselves playing good cop bad cop with some low level teenage terrorist recruit, and turn him over to the authorities just in time for Stark's Christmas party. Keep the Tower relatively prank-free in the lull after school got out and everyone stayed with their families.

But when a SHIELD plane landed on the roof carrying not just Perseus but two other boys, also dropped off an unconscious Clint and Natasha, things got serious. No one should have been able to do that, even if the spies were outnumbered. They had found two of Clint's tranq arrows embedded in trees around the small clearing, and one of Clint's tranq arrows embedded in Clint. Natasha, when she woke, had bruises forming on her face and was understandably enraged at the teen who she reported had beaten her single-handedly.

The rest of the Avengers, who were staying at the Tower for the holidays, got curious about the teens after they beat up Natasha.  Thor was on Asgard, but Tony and Cap suited up to help with the interrogations, since things had gotten much more serious and the Avengers were now involved. When they arrived, Tony had asked Jarvis to do a facial scan on the two unknown boys, but the only things associated with them were occasional traffic photos of them as teens showing up in random places, much like Perseus, but they didn't have an identity attached. Percy Jackson may have been an anomaly, disappearing for months on end and turning up somewhere else, then going back to school as if nothing had happened, but the other two were the opposite-no identity that they could find, appearing in places for a couple of days then going back off the grid.

As Perseus Jackson stirred, Fury studied him.  Black hair, tan skin, probably around six feet tall. His medical record was strange, as he never went to the hospital and he hadn't been to a yearly checkup since age eleven. When his eyes opened, they were sea green.  He looked around the room for a minute, taking in his surroundings.  Cap walked in.  Fury walked a little bit further down to see Natasha trying to intimidate the blond boy, makeup covering her bruises, since she knew Perseus would not be intimidated by her after he had thoroughly beaten her.  The teen was calm, studying Natasha with no fear in his eyes.  Tony Stark was talking to the younger emo boy, hoping that he would be more star-struck by seeing a celebrity.  The boy was just staying quiet, occasionally laughing at something Stark said, and irritating Stark; he didn't like being laughed at.  They were all wearing power-dampening handcuffs, since they potentially had powers, but seemed unaffected by the loss of them if they did.  Overall-this entire mission was a mess so far.


Cap walked into Perseus's interrogation room, hoping for recognition.  He had watched Tony, and the youngest kid didn't know who Iron Man was. Unfortunately, he got a little more recognition than he wanted.  When he sat down and fixed the kid with his best glare, the kid laughed. He LAUGHED!  Who does that?

The teen must have noticed my confusion, and said, "Look man, you know those videos you did for schools about, like, honor and truthfulness and all that? See, here's the thing.  I went to public school, and I got in trouble.  A lot. So I watched those videos. A lot.  And now I'm immune to it.  You can't affect me anymore."

"Wait," Cap asked, still baffled by this kid's immediate disregard of him, "What? What are you immune to?"

"The eyebrows of disappointment."

Steve decided to just leave that alone for now and get back on topic. "So, um, Perseus?"


"So, Percy, I'm going to get straight to it.  What group or groups are you affiliated with?"

"Just my camp, and they're not a threat."

"Sorry, but I'm gonna need more info than that.  What type of things does your camp do, and why?"

"Sorry, but I can't tell you that, but we are working to protect people."


"Not a kid," Percy interrupted, anger touching his voice.

"Well Percy, currently your record has evidence to suggest terrorism, as well as superhuman modification, possibly by terrorist groups.  Your friends are ghosts who are refusing to give us their names, which implies similar things on them.  You won't answer our questions about your group, but I'm guessing they're the ones who gave you that combat training.  Frankly this is starting to sound a lot like where Black Widow, the woman you fought earlier, was trained; and that place was run by HYDRA."  He looked confused when I said that, so I clarified.  "The evil organization run by Nazis, that I tried to defeat in WWII."

"Look kid,"

"Not. A. Kid." He accompanied his threatening tone with a glare that was one of the scariest things Steve had even seen, and he fought aliens and Nazis for a living.  If this kid and Natasha had a stare down, he would be unsure of the outcome, his glare was that good.

"All I'm saying is, your record looks really bad, so if you won't give us information, we are going to have to assume that you're working for terrorists and put you in jail.  We can't just trust you on this one, k-I mean, Percy."

"Look man, I can't tell you about my camp, but maybe I can show you some stuff, if you let me talk to my friends. I don't know though. It's complicated. Just let me talk to my friends first."

"I'll ask," Cap said, before standing up and leaving.

"Oh, and if you really were in WWII, you should talk to the emo boy. He'd love you."

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