Save Me

Oleh bukimi

19.1K 603 1K

❝there were signs, but they just didn't notice.❞ [ completed. ] Lebih Banyak

i. cuts
ii. bruises
iii. hunger
iv. hate
v. hurt
vii. doubts
viii. love

vi. happiness

1.6K 60 87
Oleh bukimi






There was a knock, and a nurse entered with food in her hands. Lesley gave the nurse a thankful smile, and she watched as the woman placed the tray of food on the overbed table. Meanwhile, Harley just stared at the television, not sparing the nurse a single glance. He was currently watching a show that seemed to catch his interest, though, his face was indifferent the whole time.

When the nurse left, Lesley moved the overbed table so that it was over Harley's bed. Harley shifted into a sitting position to eat, and Lesley couldn't help but notice how he was struggling to move his hand with the drip attached.

"Do you want me to feed you instead?" Lesley asked.

Harley was momentarily surprised by her question, but then he quickly shook his head. He lowered his gaze and mumbled, "No, it's fine."

Lesley wanted to offer to feed him again, especially since she caught Harley's hand trembling a little as he held the spoon, but she didn't want to make him uncomfortable. She bit her lip from asking, but she spoke anyway when she spotted faint scars on his fingers. "Harley, what happened to your hand?"

Harley placed his spoon down as he chewed the food in his mouth. He lifted his free hand, and he looked unfazed when he saw the scars on his hand. "It's nothing. Mother just got angry last time."

Lesley couldn't help but feel guilty upon Harley's statement. She was the reason why her brother had to face it. Gently, she took his hand, and she felt her brother trying to pull it away. Though, he ended up letting her hold it. Her voice was soft when she asked, "What did she do to you?"

"Lesley," Harley said, turning his head to the side to look at her, "You don't have to kno–"

"Please," Lesley said. She looked at her brother with her face full of concern. "I need to know what she did to you. I don't want the same thing happening again."

Harley didn't say anything for a while. He averted his gaze, and his eyes seemed to unfocus. But then, he snapped out of his stupor. "She just threw some plates on the floor and asked me to pick them up with my hands."

In an instant, Lesley could feel her eyes watering, and she immediately threw her arms around her brother. It was hard to know that Harley was being treated badly by Mother, but it was harder to know all the things she had really done to him. So this was what he had to endure at home while she was free? This was what he had to go through for all these years? How could she leave him alone like that?

"Lesley," Harley said, letting out a sigh. She sniffed and only tightened her embrace around him. She could then feel him awkwardly patting her back. "Lesley, it's fine–"

"No, it's not," she said, her voice wavering. Tears started streaming down her cheeks as she pulled away. Looking at her brother, she couldn't help but recollect some memories. Her childhood may be terrible, but his childhood was hell. And he was only eleven. "What else did she do to you?"

Harley looked away. "You don't have to know."

"I need to," Lesley answered, wiping her face with the sleeve of her shirt. Her expression was solemn when she looked at her brother. "I need to make up for everything she has done to you. I know it won't be enough, but I have to."

Harley looked like he was contemplating something. His voice was quiet when he said, "She starts hitting me whenever she has news about Father. She sometimes doesn't let me eat for about a day. She locks me in the basement for hours when she can't stand seeing my face. And she loves to grab my hair most of the time before dragging me around the house. There's more, but that's all I can remember."

Lesley's eyes widened in horror, and she covered her mouth when she gasped. Why was her mother so cruel to him? Yes, Harley does look like their father, but it wasn't like he was the one who did all the things to her. "When did all of this started?"

"Probably a week after you left," Harley said, poking his food with his spoon.

That meant, he was six when Mother started hurting him.

He was only six.

"I left you like that for five years," Lesley said, her voice in a whisper. Her vision started to blur, and she clenched her hands in order to hold back the tears. "What kind of sister am I for leaving you?"

"Lesley, it's not your fault," Harley said, looking at her with a frown. "You were suffering too. You can't just–"

"I could've handled it!" Lesley snapped, making her brother flinch. "What I faced was nothing compared to yours. I left, thinking, I am going to be free. I should've known that my freedom has a price to pay, and I did just that by leaving you with her!"

"Lesley, please calm–"

"What the hell is wrong with me?!" Lesley shouted, running a hand through her hair. She took in a deep breath, and her brows furrowed when she noticed Harley starting to quiver. "Harley?"

Harley's eyes widened in fear, and she watched as he moved a little further away from her.

She frowned, and she decided to inspect herself in case there was something scaring him. Finding none, she called for her brother again, "Harley, what's wrong?"

He seemed to return to his senses, and he quickly shook his head. "I– it's nothing."

"Harley?" She placed a hand over his shoulder, and he winced at the gesture. Something was definitely wrong. "Please tell me what's wrong."

For a moment, he didn't say anything. His mouth opened and closed, a sign that he was hesitating. His voice was barely audible when he said, "Lesley, you... you look like Mother when she's angry."

Lesley stiffened at her brother's statement, and she wanted to slap herself for scaring her brother like that. She should know better than to remind him of Mother. Did he think she would hurt him when she's angry?

Forcing herself to soften her features, Lesley made an attempt to give her brother a smile. The smile on her face was strained at first, but then, it felt natural. "Is this better?"

Harley stared at her face for a while before nodding his head. "Yeah."

"Good." Lesley said, pulling at her own cheeks so that her smile would remain on her face. But then, she frowned. "Harley, I'm sorry. You know I will never hurt you, right?"

"I know," Harley said quietly, and he averted his gaze. "But you look so much like her, it's just–"

"I understand," she said, placing a hand over his shoulder. "But please tell me if I'm doing something wrong. I don't want to see you hurt ever again."

And I want to see you happy.

- ♛ -

Harith and Nana entered Harley's room, and the both of them were relieved when they found the mage on the bed this time. Harley looked like he had calmed down from his earlier state, and they were both surprised to find him drawing something on a book. When they got closer, they realised that Harley was actually colouring a picture—with crayons.

When did he get so interested in colouring?

Thinking that the mage might still not be in his right mind, Harith cleared his throat and said, "Hey, Harley. Are you feeling better now?"

Harley paused for a moment before looking up to face him. His eyes then flickered to look at Nana, before he focused back with his colouring. "I guess."

Harith and Nana shifted uncomfortably at the awkward silence. The only sound they could hear was from the crayons Harley was using against the paper. The two of them exchanged glances, and Nana made a gesture for him to say something again. Harith opened his mouth to ask if Harley was really okay, but the words were stuck in his throat. What if he accidentally triggered Harley if he kept asking whether he was fine?

Noticing that he wasn't making a move, Nana slapped her forehead. She took a step forward and glanced at the book Harley was colouring. Her voice was filled with forced enthusiasm when she said, "Wow, that's so pretty!"

"Not really," Harley mumbled, dropping his crayon. Harith and Nana both got ready in case Harley decided to jump out of the window or something. However, the mage just let out a sigh before leaning back against his bed. "How old does Lesley think I am? Five?"

"Lesley?" Harith asked, his brows furrowing. "Your sister?"

Harley nodded and picked up his crayon again. He started scribbling on the book. "She didn't want me to get bored while she's gone, so she bought me this colouring book and crayons. I appreciate her effort, but this is kind of insulting."

Harith bit his lip from talking. Harley looked way younger than his age due to his height, so anyone wouldn't mind seeing him colouring on a colouring book. Though, it would raise questions to those who actually know him because, usually, the mage would spend his free time reading books. But, knowing what Harley had been through, it was only natural for Lesley to treat him like a child. His childhood was pretty terrible, so she probably wanted him to experience being a kid again.

As if he wasn't still a kid.

"Wait," Nana said, breaking the silence. She looked at Harley thoughtfully. "If you had a sister all along, then why didn't she do anything when you were—you know?"

Harley stopped between his colouring, and Harith noticed how the mage seemed to grip his crayon. He immediately sent a glower to Nana for her to stop asking, but then, Harley responded, "She left because she couldn't handle my mother too. She never returned after that."

"O-Oh, I see."

Harith could see Nana contemplating, and he knew that she was probably thinking the same thing; why didn't Lesley bring Harley with her if they were both getting hurt? She was about to open her mouth, but Harith gave her a slight pinch, stopping her. He knew that it was something to question about, but now was really not the right time.

"Unlike me, my mother didn't hurt her," Harley said, as if he had read their minds. He placed his crayon down and stared at the coloured page. "But Mother did a lot of things that stressed her out. I wasn't hurt during that time, so Lesley would've never thought that this would happen if she had left. She was too young during that time to think about the consequences though. So, here I am."

Harith frowned. "Harley–"

"I don't blame her that she wanted to leave," Harley said, propping his chin in his hand. "I mean, I would've done it too. If only I knew what she was really going through, I wouldn't have hated her for leaving for five years."

"Five years?!" Nana exclaimed, her eyes widening. "That means you were only six back then!"

Harley averted his gaze. "Yeah."

"No wonder you almost–" Harith knew what Nana was about to say, and he nudged her arm before she could finish her sentence. He felt like strangling her right now. Must she really mention about it?!

But Harley knew what she was trying to imply, and he just nodded his head. He then looked at Harith, and Harith couldn't help but grimace at the sudden stare. Harley's voice was low when he said, "Thanks for stopping me back there."

Harith gave a small nod of his head. He didn't support Harley's decision to end his life, but he understood why he had wanted to do it. It was a wonder how the mage could bear with it for five years without telling anyone. "I just hope you're feeling better now."

Harley looked at him with an indifferent expression. "I guess you can say that I am. As long as I don't try to jump out of a window, that means I'm fine, right?"

Harith looked away. He knew that Harley wasn't exactly okay, but he just wanted to know if the mage was still suicidal. He watched as Harley started choosing another crayon before colouring a different page. He threw a glance at Nana, and the cat elf merely gave him a shrug. Focusing back onto Harley, he noticed how the mage was colouring messily all over the page. The lines were getting thicker and thicker, and it didn't take long before Harley suddenly threw the crayon across the room.

"Harley?" Harith called, and his eyes widened when he found the Mage Genius breathing heavily. "Harley, what's–"

But Harley wasn't listening to him, and he watched as the mage proceeded with throwing the whole box of crayons. The crayons scattered on the floor, and Nana quickly bent down to pick them up. Meanwhile, Harith stopped Harley from wanting to throw his book next, and he hastily placed the book aside.

"Harley, what's wrong?" Harith asked. Harley didn't answer and started gripping his own hair. "Harley–"

"I've waited for five years for someone to come and help me," Harley said, his voice in a whisper. His eyes glistened under the ceiling light as he slowly looked at him. "I forced myself to live for that long, because I thought it would one day stop."

Harith's face softened. "Harley, I..."

"It didn't," Harley continued, and his arm became limp by his side. "But the day I wanted to die? Oh, all of a sudden, everything changes. Should I have tried committing suicide earlier so that it stopped years ago?"

Harith didn't know what to say. He should've known that Harley wasn't in a healthy state of mind at the moment. It wasn't helping that he had to keep it all to himself for all these years. "Harley, I'm sorry I didn't find out sooner."

"I'm not blaming you," Harley mumbled as he lowered his head. All of a sudden, he chuckled mirthlessly. "I'm just so tired of living, you know?"

It was silent for a while, and Harith was at a loss for words. Nana stood up with the box of crayons in her hands, and Harith noticed how her ears were slightly drooped. She moved to stand next to Harley's bed, and she handed the crayons back to the mage. "Here."

Harley stared at it for a while before accepting it. His face was remorseful when he realised that some of the crayons were snapped in half. "I'm sorry."

"Harley," Nana said, her voice soft. "We just want to let you know that we're here for you."

Harley could only manage a small nod of his head.

- ♛ -

Harley was silent as he sat next to Lesley in the car. He watched as cars drove by, but his mind was actually distracted about something else. Earlier, the doctor had discharged him and allowed him to go home. Lesley had told him that she would be taking him into custody, since their father doesn't even care about taking care of him, and he wondered whether he was fine with that. He knew that Lesley had proven to him that she means no harm, but he couldn't help but feel wary. If Lesley is ever angry about somehing, would she turn like Mother?

His eyes then landed onto the box of crayons and colouring book he was holding, and he couldn't help but feel guilty. Lesley had bought these for him, yet he had thrown them on the floor. He didn't mean to, but he felt like that was the only thing he could do to release his frustrations.

"I'm sorry if you don't like those," Lesley said, giving him an apologetic smile. "I should've remembered that you're eleven. I'm sure you would prefer–"

"No!" Harley exclaimed, his eyes widening, and he realised that he was raising his voice. Quickly, he regained his composure. "I mean—no, I actually liked these. But I'm sorry I threw them. I just–"

"It's okay, Harley," Lesley said softly. She then focused back onto the wheel. "Your friends, Harith and Nana, told me you were a little stressed out back then. I'm sure all of this must've been difficult for you."

"Yeah, but that doesn't give me the right to throw what you bought for me," Harley muttered.

"Harley, if it helps you release your frustrations, then just do it." Harley whipped his head at his sister's direction, and he couldn't believe that she was saying it with sincerity. Was she really not mad about it? She gave him a reassuring smile. "I want you to be happy, Harley. So just do whatever you want."

Harley clutched the items at his chest and bobbed his head. He could feel the tears prickling at his eyes, but he blinked them away.

All of this just seemed to be too good to be true.

They arrived at Lesley's house, and Harley stared at the apartment in awe. Just by looking at it, he could tell that this wasn't some cheap apartment. Lesley helped him by carrying his luggage, and he made sure to stick near her in case he might get lost.

When they stopped at the fifth floor, Harley knew that this must be where Lesley had been living. She led him to one of the doors, and he waited until she unlocks it. When she opened the door, he was surprised to find the apartment bigger than he thought.

"So this is where I live," Lesley said, entering the house. She gestured for him to enter when he just stood there. "There's no one here but us, Harley."

Harley took in a deep breath and entered the house. It was weird to be sitting in a different environment. The apartment was definitely smaller than their mansion, but it was probably bigger than normal apartments. He looked around, trying to take in his surroundings, and he found himself being mesmerised by the kitchen. He outstretched his hand, planning to touch the marble island, but he instantly pulled away when he remembered that this wasn't really his home.

Lesley must've noticed his hesitation, because she was suddenly standing in front of him. He flinched when she placed both hands over his shoulders, and his brows furrowed when she knelt down onto one knee. "Harley, this is our home now. You can do anything you want—and I mean anything. All I ask is for you to not hurt yourself, whether it'd be physically or emotionally. Okay?"

Harley fidgeted a little. "I can really do anything I want?"

"Yes," Lesley said, giving him a warm-hearted smile. She gave his shoulders a slight squeeze. "If you're hungry, just open the fridge or ask me for some food. If you want me to buy something, all you need to do is to just ask. I want you to be happy here, Harley."

It was hard to believe, but he nodded his head anyway. Even though Lesley sounded genuine, but Harley still had doubts. How long would this last before things go back to normal? Would Lesley start hurting him if he started to annoy her? He inwardly shook his head. He shouldn't think about all of those. Right now, he would take whatever he could.

"Now," Lesley said, breaking the silence. "What would you like to eat? You must be starving now."

Since Lesley was mentioning it, only now Harley registered the low growl coming from his stomach. He actually had been craving for some pasta, but was that something too much to ask for? It was good enough that he hadn't been hit yet, so he shouldn't push his luck. Maybe asking for something simple would be better. "Can I have a sandwich?"

"A sandwich?" Lesley asked, frowning. That wasn't a good sign. It had only been a few minutes, and he had already angered her. He watched as she bent on one knee again, and he recoiled when she placed a hand over his shoulder. Bracing himself for a smack, hit, slap or something, he squeezed his eyes shut. However, none of those came, and he was surprised when Lesley said, "Harley, are you sure you want a sandwich for lunch? I don't mind making that, if that's what you want, but I prefer if you could choose something heavier to eat. You told me that Mother often doesn't let you eat, right?"

Harley stared at his sister's face in disbelief. She was really letting him choose what to eat? He almost felt happy at the thought, but then he remembered Mother doing the same thing too. He remembered that she asked him to eat whatever he wanted, only to beat him up after that.

"Harley?" Lesley called, snapping him out of his thoughts. She looked at him worriedly. "Are you okay? You don't have to make a decision now if you don't want to. I can make some sandwiches while you decide a main meal."

Harley forced himself to relax. He could do this, he inwardly told himself. He had endured five years of getting beaten up, so it wouldn't be any different if Lesley does the same to him. So, he risked saying, "Can I have some pasta?"

He was relieved when Lesley smiled. "Would you like anything specific?"

Harley couldn't think of any particular pasta dishes. He just wanted something related to it, so he shook his head.

"All right. I'll cook you some bolognese," Lesley said, sending him a wink. She stood up and grabbed for her apron, which she hung on the wall near the kitchen. "You can explore the house if you want. Your room is the one with the blue walls. After we eat, then we'll start unpacking your stuff."

His face lightened up at the idea of looking around, and he nodded his head.

- ♛ -

Lesley couldn't help but frown as she cooked. She didn't say this out loud, but she noticed how Harley would flinch whenever she touches him, and Lesley figured that it was because he thought that she was going to hurt him. She knew that it would take a while for Harley to adjust, since he had endured the abuse for five years, but she wished that he would stop fearing everything as soon as possible. He used to be so cheerful and adventurous, so it saddened her that he ended up being so quiet and easily frightened.

She was going to change that.

She turned the stove off and wiped her hands against her apron. She turned around, and she smiled when she found her brother watching TV at the living room. "Harley, lunch is ready."

She started wiping the kitchen counters, and she heard her brother's footsteps padding across the tiled flooring. There was the sound of water, followed by the sound of glass. She was about to tell him that she'll be the one getting his plate, when she heard glass shattering on the floor.

She threw the cloth she was using on the counter, and she rushed towords her brother. The colour of his face was quickly draining as he stared at the scattered glass, and Lesley had to stop him from trying to pick them up when he bent down.

"Harley, don't! I'll–" But her brother violently flinched when she placed a hand onto him, and she could see his whole body trembling in fear. "Hey, it's okay–"

"I'm sorry," Harley said, his voice barely above a whisper. He looked at her teary-eyed, and he proceeded with trying to pick up the glass again. "I'll–"

"Harley, it's okay," Lesley said, holding his hand before he could even touch the glass. She gave his hand a slight squeeze as she looked at him. "It's okay, all right? Let me handle this."


"It's okay." Lesley gave him a small smile before tugging at him for him to stand up. "How about you sit at the dining table first? Let me get you some spaghetti so that you can eat while I clean this up. I don't want you to step on the glass."

Harley looked at her face a while, his eyes seemingly searching for any traces of deception. However, when he realised that she meant what she had said, only then he bobbed his head before sitting at the dining table. Lesley couldn't help but clench her fist as she stared at the glass on the floor. She knew what Mother had done to him, but must she really reduced her brother into this?

After getting her brother a plate of spaghetti, she started cleaning the mess in her kitchen. She used a vacuum to suck all the glass, and she made sure that there were none of it left. The last thing she wanted to happen was for her brother to get hurt. She grabbed herself some spaghetti, and she was surprised to find her brother's plate empty when she sat at the table.

She noticed how her brother just stared at the plate in front of him, his eyes unfocused. He was startled when she asked, "Harley? Do you want some more?"

He was reluctant when he said, "Can I?"

"Of course you can," Lesley said, standing up. She took his plate and started scooping out some pasta. "Just tell me if you want some more. I want that stomach of yours to be full."

As she poured the tomato sauce onto the pasta, she could feel her eyes starting to water. It didn't take long before she could feel her cheeks becoming damp, and she cried as silently as she could to avoid her brother from noticing.

Why was Mother so cruel to him?

- ♛ -

"Are you ready to sleep?"

Harley was startled when he heard his sister's voice, and he instantly spun around to face her. She must've noticed that she scared him, because she quickly gave him an apologetic smile. He had just finished changing into a set of comfortable clothes, and he was now drying his hair. He tensed a little when Lesley motioned towards him, and he gave her a questionable look when she gently took the towel from him.

With a smile, Lesley started drying his hair. She was tender as she rubbed the towel against his head, and he found himself leaning closer towards her ministrations. He couldn't remember the last time he was treated like this. Mother had never bothered about him unless she wants to hurt him, so he never had anyone drying his hair like this before.

The feeling felt nice.

Lesley pulled the towel away, and she gave a soft blow at his hair. She lightly brushed some of the strands that stuck out, and he was surprised to find that her touches doesn't hurt at all when she untangled some of his hair. "All done."

He placed a hand over his head, and he gave his sister a small grin when it was all dried. "Thank you."

"No problem," Lesley said, hanging the towel onto the rack. She then motioned towards the bed and pulled the covers. She gave his mattress a few pats. "Come, Harley."

He climbed onto his bed, and she pulled the covers over his body. She bent down to brush his hair, and she gave a light kiss on his forehead. Harley could feel his heart fluttering in his chest at the gesture. For years, he had never gotten a goodnight kiss from his mother. She would always drag him to bed and slam the door behind her. So, it was weird that things were different now.

"Goodnight, Harley," Lesley said, her voice in a whisper. Her eyes lingered onto him for a while, and she stood up when she was ready to leave. "Just call me when you need anything."

He didn't want her to leave. What if she left and she was gone the next day? What if he returned back to Mother? He knew that it was foolish of him to think like that, but, before he could stop himself, he had already called her, "Lesley?"

She instantly stopped and turned around. "Yes?"

"I..." He wanted her to stay, but what if he was only troubling her? He quickly shook his head. "Nevermind. Goodnight."

But Lesley wasn't making a move to leave. Instead, she went over to his bed again, and he could feel her calculating eyes onto him. All of a sudden, he felt like hiding himself. What was wrong with him? Why does he always want to push his luck? What if Lesley hates him for–

"Harley," Lesley said, interrupting his thoughts. She knelt onto the ground and placed her arms over his bed. "Do you want me to sleep with you tonight?"

Harley was a little surprised that she knew what he wanted, and he felt guilty that he might be bothering her. He gave a small shake of his head. "No, it's okay. I don't want to trouble–"

In a flash, Lesley sat next to him, and she made a gesture for him to move to the side a little. She laid next to him, and his face flushed a little when he found her face only inches away from his. There was that same, warm smile she had on her face, and it would calm him every time he sees it. She seemed to gaze at him for a while, and he winced when she started stroking his hair.

Lesley must've sensed his movements, because she immediately pulled her hand away. Harley instantly felt remorseful. He couldn't help himself sometimes. There were too many times where Mother would brush his hair, only to yank it after that. It would hurt his scalp so much, and he would always lose a few strands because of that. If there was one thing he feared, it would always be the time where Mother extends her arm at his head. He could endure getting hit, but getting his hair pulled was almost too much to bear.

"I'm sorry," Lesley said, frowning. She averted her gaze, and her voice was low when she said, "I don't know what kind of gestures you are uncomfortable with, so please tell me when I'm making you uncomfortable."

"No, it's not that..." Harley looked at her hand longingly, and he wished that she was stroking his hair again. If only he would stop assuming that Lesley was like Mother, this wouldn't be happening. "I... It's just..." He looked down, and he suddenly found his hands interesting. "I... I like it when you do that. But Mother always... you know..."

Lesley's face softened, and he tensed when she placed a hand over his head. But, the moment she started brushing his hair, he immediately relaxed. "Harley, I'm really sorry for leaving you. If I hadn't, maybe you wouldn't have ended up like this."

"It's okay. I already told you that it's not your fault that you wanted to leave," he said quietly. He then looked up to meet her in the eyes. "C-Can you do this often?"

"Of course," she said, smiling at him. Her hand then moved to caress his cheek. "Now, you should go to sleep. You need all the rest you can get."

He gave a small bob of his head, and he closed his eyes. "Goodnight, Lesley."

"Goodnight, Harley."

- ♛ -

He slowly opened his eyes, only to find rays of light entering through his window. He squinted his eyes when the light shone into his eyes, and he buried his face under his blanket to block out the light.

Wait, what time is it?

He jolted into a sitting position, and he tilted his head to the side to look at his alarm clock. His eyes widened in horror when he realised that he had overslept, and he jumped out of bed to get ready for school. He ran towards the door before swinging it open. If Mother found out that he was late, she would–

He bumped into someone, and he immediately landed on the floor. He rubbed his backside since it hurt a little, and he was surprised when he found Lesley standing at the doorway.

"Harley, are you okay?!" Lesley exclaimed, bending down to inspect him. When she noticed that he was all right, she helped him stand up again. "Don't run like that. You're only going to hurt yourself. Why were you running in the first place?"

"S-School," he managed to breathe out. His heart was beating so fast, it felt like it might just pop out of his chest. It soon occured to his mind that Mother wasn't here, but still, that didn't mean he should be skipping school. "I'm late–"

"Oh no you don't," Lesley said, pointing at his arm. He realised that she was actually pointing at the bruises on his skin, and he made an attempt to hide it from her view. "Until you're healed, only then you're going to school. I am not allowing you to go to school after what you've been through."

"But I have an exam next–"

"Harley," Lesley said firmly. She placed both hands over his shoulders before bending down to look at him eye-level. "I think you should be more worried about yourself first. Do you really think I'm letting you go to school after what you almost did?"

He knew what she meant. It must be about him being suicidal. But his exams! "But exams are next we–"

"I don't care." Lesley had her eyes narrowed, and Harley couldn't help but avert his gaze at her stare. "Harley, do you really think I care with what results you get? I don't care about those. All I want you is to be okay. We can focus about your academics later, but, for now, I want you to prioritise with your health first."

"But–!" Harley bit his lip when Lesley glowered at him, and he could feel his hands clenching into fists at his sides. He didn't realise that his body was shaking, and, the next thing he knew, he had snapped at her, "You don't understand! Academics is the only thing I'm good at! At least I can prove to Mother that I–"

It didn't take long for the words to register in his mind, and he instantly realised his error. Mother wasn't here right now. He didn't have to prove that he was a smart student. The one standing in front of him wasn't Mother, but Lesley. Within seconds, he could see his sister's expression turning grim, and he knew that he was really going to get it this time.

His knees felt weak all of a sudden, and he could barely take a step back. His voice was barely audible when he said, "I–"

Instead of the expected punishment, Harley was shocked when he found his sister's arms wrapped around his body. He tensed under her hold, and he could feel his sister tightening her embrace. Her voice was in a whisper when she said, "I'm sorry."

When she pulled away, Harley was horrified to find tears streaming down his sister's face. Why was she crying? What did he do to her? "L-Lesley, I didn't mean to–"

But her shoulders quivered, and she covered her face as she continued to sob. None of them said anything for a while. The only thing Harley could do was watch as his sister took a few deep breaths, before she broke the silence, "I let Mother make you think you're only worth it because of your intelligence." Slowly, she turned her head to face him, and he could see her eyes glimmerimg with unshed tears. "Harley, you're so much more than just that. You're gifted, Harley. But, because Mother kept hurting you whenever you try to show her your capabilities, you end up being too afraid to show it."

Harley didn't know what to say. No, to be honest, he didn't understand. He was never good in anything else under than education. So what was she trying to say?

"I know it's hard for you to understand it now, but soon, you'll know what I mean." Lesley averted her gaze, and she wiped some of the tears with her thumb. "I'm sorry for being insensitive just now. I should've considered your feelings when I didn't want you to go to school. I just wanted you to heal."

"It's okay," Harley responded, his voice quiet. "I know it's too early for me to go to school, but I'm just worried about my exams."

Lesley didn't say anything for a while. She seemed to be thinking about something, before she spoke, "Do you still want to go to school? I can send you there, but only after you eat breakfast."

Harley wanted to study for his exams, but he realised that he didn't really have the energy to go to school. His mind and body was still exhausted, and all he wanted to do was have a nice long sleep. But, would skipping school be okay? He had never skipped school before.

"If you stay at home, you can still study—after you have enough rest, of course. I can try to help you with some subjects. After that, if you're in the mood, maybe we can go somewhere you like?" Lesley offered.

The idea sounded wonderful, but he was still uncertain. "Lesley, are you really sure you're okay with me not going to school?"

"I meant what I said, Harley," Lesley said, her face turning sober. She tilted her head downwards in order to look at him in the eye. "I want you to live a happy life from now on. So, whatever you want, I'll try my best to give it to you."

He pondered in silence for a while. Lesley was right, he could always study at home. Besides, he actually didn't have the mood to meet his classmates yet. Now that everyone knew what had happened to him, things were definitely going to be different. He didn't have to insult anyone anymore, and he didn't have to worry about anyone finding out. Though, he knew that everyone would still hate him the same way. Because what he did was done, and there was no way for him to take all of his words back.

"Then, I guess I just want to stay at home," Harley finally decided.

Lesley grinned excitedly at his decision, and she grabbed his hand to lead him to the kitchen. He was surprised to find the table full with food. There were scrambled eggs, sandwiches and bacon. "Since you're staying at home, we can have some nice sibling bonding."

A small smile made its way to his lips.

He would love that.



note: omg im so sorry for the late update! i wanted to squeeze the ending into one chapter, but then the chapter reached more than 8,000 words, and im still not done with it yet. so i had to split the chapter into two, so this is not the last chapter. the last chapter already has 2,000 words, so it shouldn't take long for me to complete it.

i feel like my brain is going to explode with the amount of words i wrote, which is the reason why i had to split this chapter. i mean, my record was 12,000 words in one chapter, but that means it would take a month for me to update, and i don't want you guys to wait for that long. this chapter alone already gave me a headache to edit lol

anyway, i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! again, im sorry for taking so long. hopefully, the next chapter will be the last, because after this im going to take a short break :")

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