276 24 0

After breaking up with Jimin, Honey left his side and decided to live on with her life, together with her fri... More

You Are My Everything


9 1 0

A Friend like V

I sent the message before closing my phone, resting my head on the chair out of fatigue. The bbq had been fun and I had drank a little too much.

"Mummyyy!" I heard a tiny, yet powerful, voice say before my son jumped on me, causing me to giggle out of happiness.

"You are one heavyweight." I say ruffling his hair as he grinned at me, his eyes disappearing in his chubby cheeks.

"Mummy... Uwncle Javson said he has a big surprise fwor my biwrthday."

"Did he now..."

"When can we go see them so I can see my pwresents."

"Sweet P...we have a lot of time before your before- and I'm sure they will give it to you on the day. Don't try to trick them into giving it to you early, you sly fox!" I explain, tickling him causing for his giggles to echo through our home.

He leaned his head on my lap, and slowly began closing his eyes, as I massaged his scalp with my fingers eventually coaxing him to sleep.


"If you ever need anything, let us know." Jimin mother, says softly rubbing my shoulders.

"Thank you. I know this is a big secret to keep. But you know how hard he has worked to get here. I...we can't be the reason he loses everything he has worked so hard for." I beg her.

"Maybe. But I honestly don't think he needs to choose dear. It's your choice, one day, I hope you can give him his choice too." She asks with a sad smile.

The guilt ate at me as they left for their short visit. I rubbed my big belly, calming myself with my unborn child.

Was this the right choice?


I picked up my baby in my arms, carrying him to his astronaut themed room, tucking him tightly to sleep before planting a soft kiss on his forehead.

He was just like his father when he was asleep.

Matter of fact, he was the same awake too.

Was I never going to tell Jimin about his son?

Did it make me a bad person?

How many times have I asked myself that question?

I looked back at my little angel before turning off the lights and shutting the door, wishing very much that things could be different.


"I need 500 white roses and fast." I commanded as I tapped at my computer screen.

"I've tried all our contacts-"

"Try harder. What about friends of friends! Those roses are the main point of her theme." I explain to my team.

We were having a nightmare of planning this high profile wedding that was in just under 2 weeks.

"I'll get on it."

"Thank you. That's all for today's meeting- enjoy your day." I say standing to head to my office.

"Ermm...Honey." I heard my name called out by Sam.


"Someone is here to see you." She said with a smug look

I eyed my was too early for Jimin. And we're supposed to meet downstairs, not in my office.

"Who is it?" I ask intrigued as I stepped into my office.

"Taehyung Oppa." She says with a weird expression on her face.

"Oh. Ok. Bring him in." I asked surprised.

I wonder what he wanted...

I placed my laptop down my desk when I felt a hand ruffle my head.

"Look who's the classy boss." He says with a smile.

"Oppa? What are you doing here?!?" I say with a smile, moving in to accept his bear hug.

"I came to spy on you...and also discuss details for hyungs surprise party." He says sitting on the chair opposite my desk.

"Well I appreciate the check up."

"It's been ages. And I felt like you were distant at the bbq."

"No I wasn't." I argue.

"Yes you were. You've been distant since you met Jimin it awkward?" He asks.

I leaned against my chair looking at him.

"Everyone loves talking to me about Jimin."

Taehyung laughed, leaning his head in his hands.

"Seriously. What happened? Honestly, I'm as lost as he is. You were fine one day and then you just...left."

"Was I fine, Oppa?" I asked with raised eyebrows.

"You wasn't?" He asks confused.

I shook my head sadly before sitting up and pulling up the planning I have so far for Seokjin Oppa party.

"I wasn't. But I am fine now- until everyone keeps asking me about him." I tell him.

He crossed his arms, looking at me intently.


"Do you still have feelings for him?"

I stared blankly back at him thinking about the question. When Sam asked me, it was easy to say no, but I was finding it rather hard to do with Taehyung.

"I...honestly don't know."

"If he asked you to work on it again. Would you?"

"No." I answered surely.

"Why not...if you might have feelings for him."

"Just because I do doesn't mean I have to act on it." I answer. Besides, he would find out about JP.

"He misses you a lot. We all do." He adds.

I smile sadly before turning away from his eyes.

"So what about the new guy your seeing?"

"New Guy?"

"Yeah the one you were on the phone with..."

"Ohhh, Oppa he isn't a new guy..." I say with a giggle.

"So...we know him?"

"What?! No. I mean I don't have anyone." I say hands up like a criminal. "Why are you asking me so many questions?Aren't we suppose to be planning a party?"

"But, I told you. I'm here to spy." He reminded.

I laugh.

My door knocks and my assistant peeks in.

"Honey. You have someone saying they have an appointment with you at 11..."

"Yes yes!"

I looked at my watch. Jimin was suppose to be here and meet me down stairs.

"Ermmm...sorry." I say to Taehyung.

"Look at you who is busy."

"Not really I'm meeting with-"


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