I Ain't Scared of Living (KIR...

By phantom_lares

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Kirishima always wanted to help people at a young age. He couldn't get a job before, so he resulted to using... More



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By phantom_lares

   Kirishima didn't get much news from Midoriya or Bakugou since the small celebration party, but he was so busy with the many questions coming in that he didn't have too much time to think about it. He honestly wasn't cheered up with all the questions coming, because it meant people still had problems, and a world without those would be his ideal world. Forget world peace, world peace wouldn't make everyone's life better. Having no problems would solve everything for everyone. Although he knows he has limited capability, and that solving all the world's saddening or angering problems isn't realistic for him to do alone, he still has hopes. 

   After publishing his second video for the week, he sighed rubbing his eyes. It wasn't even that late. He woke up at ten, and it was currently seven in the evening. He had no reason to want to nap, which is why he continued looking through his emails. He refreshed them after answering some reoccurring questions, then his eyes widened slightly at a new reply.

   "Isn't that..?" His mouth dropped open, and his eyebrows furrowed as he read the email. "Fuck," he muttered, taking a piece of paper, and a pen, immediately scribbling down on it.

   'Don't put this on a video,' was the first line, and Kirishima wasn't too surprised. He has received some emails with that detail, and he had no problem answering them. It's just, he never received a follow-up question that was more serious than the first question. If he could, he would prevent any follow-up questions. He just hoped he would never get a question like that. It made his heart ache for all the reasons anyone could come up with. He felt sympathy, he was disappointed in himself for being unable to answer, and the pain of having to answering again is just something that shouldn't have to be experienced.

   'I tried the last answer, and I thought it had worked up well. It had a small gather up with my two parents and my friends, and the whole day was perfectly fine. Most of them stayed over because they lived far, so it was like a sleepover in all different rooms. The morning was the worst though. My father fainted as we were getting breakfast, and my mother was too shocked to do anything after she caught him before he fell. We got in a fight, and he woke up in a middle of it. My mom left, and she hasn't been responding to any of my, my father's, my friend's texts, and my father has been refusing to talk to me. Our relationships are too fucking fragile, and I don't fucking know what to do.'

   Kirishima sighed, knowing that he can't answer the same as last time. Obviously it worked for the short-term, but in the long-term, it clearly failed. Tapping his pen against his paper, he thought of a few ideas. 'Maybe he shouldn't just have him and his mom in the mess...' he thought, immediately cringing at the thoughts some people might have. 'If his father has some friends to talk with, they could cheer him up enough to talk to his son, and after that they can have the mom come back...? Seems like something realistic,' he nodded to himself, briefly writing down his ideas. 'While his father is with his friends, the son could try and fix things between the mom and him, like visit her or something...'

   Setting up his camera, knowing that it works from his previous works of the day, and immediately went into it, not bothering to practice a little bit. He hated being so in control of someone's life at that point, but he had to answer. Leaving someone in that situation would make him feel guilty for the rest of his life. Maybe not to that extent, but Kirishima doesn't want to explore that.

   "Hey, sorry, I didn't answer you with text," he started smoothly, chuckling lightly. "I'm sorry to hear that I wasn't that much help in the end, and I hope your father is alright. Also, I think that worrying about your mother is a bit unnecessary for now. I suggest letting her get to her own thoughts, and focus on getting your father to talk to you again, since it seems like you two were once very close. I can't stand knowing that distance is growing between you two," he sighed, letting a small smile as if to reassure whoever is going to be watching this video. "I was thinking that maybe you should imagine yourself in his shoes. I thought about it a little bit, and from what you've told me, things aren't very social for him," he chuckled. "Maybe he sees friends once in a while, but maybe he doesn't. I would feel very lonely if I only spent time with an unstable family after being let out of the hospital or not, even if I love that family a lot. I think that friends are important, and everyone has friends, so whoever they are, if they can, they should try to see him. He would probably be more willing to talk to them, because maybe he hasn't talked to them for a long while."

   He took a small breath, regaining composure from drifting off topic inside his mind. He didn't stay silent for too long though. He glanced at his very brief script for a second.

   "I know that if your father is in a fatal situation, there isn't much time to wait for him to feel better, but I think that if doctors allowed him to leave the hospital, even if it was a short time, means that he still has enough time before he cannot be stable anymore," he stated, hoping he wasn't too far from the truth. "This means that he can warm up to you again, and that while he's thinking about you, you could talk to your mom, after knowing that things are going well with your dad and his friends. If she doesn't answer, you can directly go to her. She can't be living somewhere you don't know, can she?" he chuckled lightly. "Ask her what happened, try to pry answers. It would be a good idea to have her know what you want. She can't want to cut ties with both of you if she is still willing to be with him. If she is sad, make her feel better with hope, even if you don't feel any. Your father might not survive, but his memory always will, so with that in mind, he'll be alive within the both of you, so don't worry about death. Just make him have a happy ending, that would make all of you happy, even if you grieve later on," he smiled lightly, even sadly. You can't fight death, so making the dying person happier would make it a little less painful. "There isn't much I can help with, but with this small plan, and the ideas from my last video, I think things could last a little longer. If not, even if it hurts me to know things aren't turning well, you know who to ask," he smiled lightly, reaching for the camera. "I hope everything turns out well," he whispered, before cutting the video. 

   He didn't move for a moment, wondering if he said enough, if he helped enough, if he had to edit some things out. He wasn't planning to, and usually he doesn't really have too much to edit out, just sneezes, yawns, long blanks, and a few swears if he messed up somewhere. He also adds some very faint calm background music to his video to make it more interesting. Transferring the video to his computer, he quickly added to a response email, and within minutes of finishing the recording, he already sent it out. Things happened fast, and he didn't have the thought of even checking if it was a video suitable for viewing. When the email was successfully sent, he gave himself a shrug. He tried.

   The following week went smoothly. He didn't have to upload more videos since the emails have calmed down, and even though he didn't received an answer to his most recently answered email, he didn't let that weigh down on his shoulders. He was relaxed.

   Until he received a text message from Uraraka. It was just a 'hello' for now, but she hadn't messaged him since, so he knew somewhere deep down she had something to tell him.

Unknown Number: hello! how are you? (this is ochako btw)

Kirishima: oH! Hey! (i thought you were never gonna message me lol) i'm good, and you?

Uraraka: XDD I'm good too! I wanted to ask you something, and you have every right to reject if you don't want to.

   He chuckled to himself, already knowing that he had to expect a question. He quickly answered back.

Kirishima: what's up? (i probs wont tbh)

Uraraka: okie! Todoroki and I wanted to record a video for the conspiracy theories we had last time, and since you were part of it, we were thinking you could join us! We'll be recording a few videos I think lol

Kirishima: how could I refuse that? :DD of course I'll join! I finished recording my videos for this week, so I have plenty of time xDD when is this for then?

Uraraka: today!

   He spit out whatever imaginary drink he was drinking, gasping at the message he just received.

Kirishima: TODAY?!

Uraraka: yep! Todoroki lives a bit farther, so I recommend getting a taxi here xDD or you could take the train I guess, but its a long way lol

Kirishima: what?! What time should I meet you guys?

Uraraka: idk. as soon as you can lol (here's his address btw)

   Kirishima scribbled the address into his MAPs app, and sighed at how far he lived. Plus, it is a famous rich sector, so it is in a more reserved area.

Uraraka: im not there yet, so relax lol. I should arrive there in fifteen or thirty minutes lol

Kirishima: you live close no?

Uraraka: yeah, but I gotta get ready xDD see you soon!

Kirishima: yep! I hope to see you there ;D

   Right as he sent that message, he went to the bathroom, making sure his hair was styled, and that his outfit wasn't too bad to be shown in video. Plain grey shirt, jeans, and trainers should be fine. He checked for his wallet, his phone, his keys, then left the house, walking so fast he was almost running to the station.

   Thankfully, it was a weekend, so travel wasn't too dense. He found himself a seat on the train, and planned to stay seated until his stop, which was quite far away. He used his phone to distract himself, but he found himself listening mostly to people's conversations. They had interesting things to say, even if he didn't understand all the contexts.

   After almost falling asleep a few times, he made it to his stop, and quickly made his way out of the station, looking at his phone for directions. It was only ten minutes walking, so he didn't need to take any bus to his destination. He sped walked, and soon enough, he was in front of a large apartment building. 

   He took one look at the door, then glanced around with the most awkward smile he had in store. There was a handle, but it was locked. 

Kirishima: how do I enter the building?

   He didn't have Todoroki's number, so he couldn't ask him directly. Hopefully Uraraka was already there, and she could let him in. Thankfully, she did in a very short amount of time.

   He had just noticed a panel with many names, he couldn't see Todoroki's with a simple look, and just sighed at himself for not noticing, but he's glad Uraraka came to his rescue with a bright smile.

   "Hey! I'm glad you could make it so fast," she grinned. "We all live pretty so close, so you are basically the last one," she smiled.

   "All? I thought it was only you and Todoroki who were gonna be there," he said, making sure the door doesn't slam loudly. He soon followed her to the elevator, and she looked at him with a chuckle while they waited.

   "Yeah, well, I invited Bakugou too, who needs his video to be recorded too," she chuckled lightly.

   "Huh? No. You're not serious," stated Kirishima, truly feeling the disbelief.

   "Yes. I am," she nodded.

   "Why didn't you tell me?" he asked, pouting as he entered the elevator after letting an old couple walk off it first. "You missed out the important details I should have known about," he said.

   "Important?" she asked, wiggling her eyebrows lightly, pressing the second to last highest floor, to which Kirishima kinda looked widely at. The building was more than fifty floors high! "Maybe, but I forgot until I had already arrived, so I thought, whatever, you're still coming," she chuckled.

   "I guess..." he shrugged lightly. "And I don't think that about him. I just admire him a lot, so I would like some time to prepare myself before making a fool of myself," he sighed.

   "He won't care," she grinned. "He doesn't care after an extent, and you've passed that extent. Lucky you, since he didn't let Mina get away with stuff until recently," she smiled, leaving the elevator, Kirishima close behind.

   "Have you known Mina for a long while?" he asked.

   "Not really," she shrugged. "I've been a fan for a long time though," she grinned. "Met her once, but I doubt she remembers seeing me then," she chuckled.

   "Mina was never good at remembering things, especially if they are short memories," he said, a light smile on his lips as he spoke. 

   "Maybe," she smiled. "Ah, here's his apartment," she said, pointing at a single door. The door in the hallway was only surrounded by another on the opposite wall, but other than that nothing else was there.

   "He's rich?" asked Kirishima.

   "What do you expect? He's got the most followers between all of us," she sighed.

   "You don't have a channel-"

   "Shh! I can dream," she laughed lightly, knocking on the door. 

   The door was immediately opened, and they were greeted by shouting, and a small 'hi' from Todoroki, who reached out to shake Kirishima's hand briefly. He said something after, but Kirishima didn't listen, his attention brought onto something else.

   His eyes grew wide, his jaw dropped to the ground, and his back arched forward, taking in the sight of the huge luxurious apartment. Some things were Japanese style, but a lot of it was modern. Everything was sparkling clean, and the huge window was opened to a balcony, which seemed to reveal such an amazing view.

   On his right, he could see a few rooms with the label 'bathroom' or 'bedroom' and one of them with 'closet' which he could only guess had things like a vacuum cleaner, and a shoe rack. On his left was an open kitchen, only separated from the living room with a bar counter. The kitchen was huge, it had two oven it would seem, and it had so many cupboards he could imagine that a few were empty. 

   He was only knocked out of his daze with Todoroki blocking his view, to which he immediately stood straight, and apologized lightly.

   "It's okay," he nodded lightly, then pointing at the floor under them. "You can change into any slippers you want, but don't walk around with your outdoor shoes, please," he said, walking further into the apartment, that has suddenly become much quieter, since there was no yelling anymore. "Bakugou is in the bathroom, by the way-"

   "They don't need to fucking know!"

   Kirishima chuckled lightly, slipping his feet into the pale red slippers, and then beginning to explore the apartment with his eyes. 

   "I can give you a small tour, if you'd like," offered Todoroki, noticing Kirishima's inner curiosity. Uraraka couldn't help but let out a giggle at the way Kirishima immediately replied 'yes' shouting even louder than Bakugou.

   He pointed briefly at rooms around, and he showed Kirishima the office room he uses to record his videos and play games, and his room where he only sleeps and sometimes does selfies in to show off a figurine or a poster. Soon, Kirishima had some sort of map of the apartment visualized, but he couldn't get the fact that Todoroki was living in such a luxurious apartment. He shouldn't be surprised, but considering all the very traditional Japanese things he liked, Kirishima would have imagined he lived in a traditional house, not a apartment skyscraper.

   As soon as Bakugou was out of the bathroom, and Kirishima had greeted him shortly, they got to work for the videos. 

   "So, Todoroki and I were thinking that we could record our theory video first, and if Kirishima wants to join in physically he can, but he would be there behind the camera if he doesn't want to," she stated. "Next, Bakugou was thinking of recording his video here, since Todoroki's kitchen is huge, and the video would involve all of us, if we agree to it. Obviously, it'll be a cooking video, but since it isn't a tutorial, we don't have to actually be very accurate," she chuckled. "Anything you guys want to add?" she asked.

   "I-" Kirishima glanced briefly at Bakugou, then back at Uraraka. "I can't cook."

   "Well, not everyone can," she chuckled. "I can't do much either, so as long as what he plans isn't too hard, we should be fine, I think."

   "Hah? I ain't going fucking easy on any of you. Especially you Icy Hot! I'll fucking destroy you!"

   "But you'll go to prison-"

   "I'll fucking embarrass you in front of all of your fans!" 

   "I think they won't mind-"

   "Fuck you!"

   "Right now isn't the time-"

   "Just shut the fuck up!"

   Kirishima couldn't help but laugh lightly at the two's argument, while Uraraka was just laughing loudly, holding her stomach.

   "Those two," she sighed, smiling brightly. "They never change," she shook her head, her smile too happy for her to want to break apart their verbal fight.

   "It's kind of impressing, I think," chuckled Kirishima. "I never saw someone look so relaxed when having an argument with such a hot-headed person like Bakugou," he said.

   "Yep! They've been like that since high school, so it doesn't really worry me anymore," she grinned. "Wanna see the equipment we have for our video? It's in Todo's office," she smiled, leading the way. "Do you want to be part of the vid?"

   "Not really," he chuckled. "I'd rather be in the background noise, to be honest, because it is your series, so I shouldn't really be making myself a guest just for one episode, plus, I forgot most of our theories," he said.

   "Ah, don't worry about it," she grinned. "Plus, if you are background noise, funny comments are all welcomed! Bakugou usually critiques us, or insults us, so your comments would be much nicer than the ones we get currently," she smiled lightly. "Should we set up everything?" she asked.

   "I already have everything in place, even some snacks in case Kirishima and Bakugou get a bit bored," stated Todoroki, his arm extended in Bakugou's direction to keep him at arm's length. "You can get in your positions, and I'll be there in a second."

   True to his words, two minutes later, they were completely silent, and Bakugou's finger was lingering on the record button of the camera, waiting for Todoroki's signal to begin the video. Kirishima had to bite his lips shut to keep quiet, in case he was going to unnecessarily comment.

   Todoroki gave a small nod, and the video began recording. Bakugou slumped back into his seat with a thump, and Uraraka put up on a bright smile.

   "Hello everyone, and welcome back to an episode of Conspiracy Theories with Uravity. This is episode twenty seven, and if you are new to this series, then you can find all the other episodes on a playlist on my channel," he said, pointing down stiffly as if to show the description. "Today, I am with Uraraka Ochako, Uravity-"

   "And like always, here I am! Hello everyone!" she grinned like she usually does, clapping her hands once enthusiastically. "This episode was came up with the help of Red Riots, a Youtuber that should be known much more than he is now," she chuckled. "We'll be linking his channel to the description, along with his Twitter account! Please give his videos a look!" she smiled sweetly.

   "He is standing behind the camera right now, but we'll have him join in eventually," chuckled Todoroki, amused lightly at Kirishima clear stage fright for a second. Bakugou even huffed out a small laugh.

   "Let's start!" exclaimed Uraraka, and they finally moved on to the point of the video.

   Kirishima couldn't help but gape lightly as they spoke, a few scenes needing to be edited out, but after half an hour, they had their discussion finished with Todoroki's uneasy conclusion, and Uraraka showing a brighter conclusion. Their conspiracy videos have the most views compared to all of Todoroki's other series, and they are always so interesting to watch. A lot of Todoroki's fans only watch that series, and even though it is a bit saddening, it is a good thing that there are some deep thinkers within his fans.

   A few times Kirishima said a funny comment, and Bakugou's voiced boomed in the microphone when he was pointing out a clear mistake they hadn't noticed. The video ended calmly, and Kirishima felt completely ready to embarrass himself in front of all of Bakugou's fans, and his new friends. 

   "Who's ready for a cooking battle?" asked Uraraka, linking her arm around Bakugou's, clearly excited, even if she knows she won't do amazing.

   "I'm not," chuckled Kirishima. He thought about it for a second, then smiled lightly. "Maybe a little bit," he added after.

   "We'll have a short break, and then we could continue with our video filming," stated Todoroki, heading in his office again, and staying there for a while. 

   Kirishima decided to have a bathroom break, but during the short steps he had to take to get there, Bakugou's eyes were fixed on him with a very blank stare, and Kirishima had absolutely no idea what was going through his mind. They didn't talk much, even if they were sitting next to each other for almost an hour. It was a bit awkward, but he wished it wasn't.

   As soon as he left the bathroom, Bakugou grabbed him arm, and made him sit down on one of the couches, sitting next to each other with about a meter between them.

   "Uh." Kirishima didn't have the time to react, but when he did, he didn't expect himself to be so calm. "Are you okay-"

   "Thank you, again," mumbled the blond, looking away. "Sorry I made you feel bad, too," he added, his voice even quieter.

   "Huh? Is this about earlier when it was really awkward?" he asked, earning a confused glance. "Don't worry about it-"

   "Hah? No, this is about you answering my question at the beginning of this week-" He cut himself short, his lips pressing tightly against each other.

   "Huh? I did?"

   Bakugou sent him a wide stare, his eyebrows furrowed, his hand shaking slightly. "What?" he asked, clearly confused again.

   "What?" asked Kirishima back, himself very confused. "I helped you twice?"

   "Yeah," he nodded. "With the situation with my family..." he said hesitantly, biting the inside of his cheek.

   "Ah...... oh! You're the one who asked about when your dad was sick?" asked Kirishima, things clicking together in his mind.


   "Huh. I would have never realized," he chuckled lightly. A small blank happened, then his eyes widened with realization. "Holy shit! That's what happened the morning after the small party!" he exclaimed, his eyes wide with horror. "I was hoping nothing bad happened," he pouted lightly, looking away.

   "Yeah, well, stuff are fragile right now... My father will probably survive about six months now, and it's too short. I don't want to fucking think it is that close," he growled quietly.

   "I... I don't think you should worry too much," smiled Kirishima lightly. "Has he-"

   "Yeah. Deku's mom is hanging out with him, and even a few colleagues he was close with. I got in a call with my mom, and it didn't end well," he said, his lip pursed forward in a pout. "You better not fucking tell anyone, Shitty Hair," he growled loudly.

   "Don't worry! I won't," he smiled, giving him a small thumb up. "You know, if we exchange numbers, you can contact me directly, or give me a call, you know?" he asked, his smile widening lightly as Bakugou stared at him with wider eyes.

   Bakugou paused for a while he thought for a while. "Okay," he nodded, his voice quietening the more he spoke. "Give me your phone," he ordered, holding his hand out, and immediately a phone landed in his palm. He unlocked it with no problem, and a new contact was added. Texting himself quickly so he'd get Kirishima's number, he soon gave it back.

   "Thanks," chuckled the redhead, putting his phone back in his pocket. "I hope everything turns out well," he murmured.

   "Yeah, if you can fucking cook," grinned Bakugou, standing up. He smoothly changed the subject. "Go in the kitchen, I'll get the others."

   Kirishima watched him leave to the office, then made his way to the kitchen, knowing what will be coming for him. He stood against one of the islands, and put on an awkward smile, knowing he will probably explode something. This isn't chemistry class, but cooking is the same concept for him. 

   "Alright fuckers, today we are doing a fucking cooking show," declared Bakugou right after he turned on his camera, as soon as everything was in place. "I'm the judge, and you are the contestants," he stated.

   "Huh? What!" exclaimed Kirishima, clearly shocked. "Dude! I can't do stuff like this-"

   "Deal with it. Anything you want to say, Round-face?" he asked. "Half and half?" he questioned, clearly targeting them.

   "I'm fine-"

   "What's the prompt?"

   "Nothing for now, get a job," he growled.

   "I can't cook!"

   "Shut up, Shitty Hair! Anyway! You will all be cooking one dish, and I will judging it on presentation, taste, and creativity," he explained. "You must make something within one hour."

   "What's the prompt?" asked Uraraka again, already getting out some utensils. 

   "You must include this ingredient in your dish, and make it the main focus," he said, holding up a carrot. "Make it the most interesting part of the dish. And make it fast too, I'll be giving more points to efficiency as well."

   "Does it have to be dessert?" asked Todoroki, raising his hand slightly.

   "It has to be something edible, half and half bastard," he muttered loudly.

   "Uh, I'm just wondering, but does it have to be very healthy?" asked Kirishima, still a bit unsure of what he will cook.

   "I said edible."

   "What are the ingredients we can use?"

   "Anything you can find in this damn kitchen," he said. "I'll start the timing in three."

   Everyone got into a ready to sprint stance, and Kirishima just stood normally, clearly knowing he will fail. He just hopes something in this kitchen is instant.


   Uraraka glanced at the fridge, and the cupboard, her eyes fixated on the flour through the glass display.


   Todoroki looked over at the vegetables he had in an open cupboard, and checking from afar if he had enough.


   Kirishima took a carrot, a knife, a pan, and then opened the fridge to see if anything was instant. He saw one steak, and he then decided he'll try his best, so he took it to test.

   He could see that Todoroki already started frying some vegetables, and Uraraka already had a batter in a bowl. He look around, searching for a stove to use. He had a steak in hand, a few carrots, and some sort of sauce granules he was lucky enough to find somewhere. Lighting the stove, he quickly placed the pan on it, and put some olive oil on it, making sure it covered every part of the pan, but that there wasn't too much on it. He then placed the steak on it, and returned back to his island with the carrots, and a cutting board he found on the way. He cut the carrots into slices, trying to make them even, and then looked around for a microwaveable dish. He would do the sauce last so it would still be hot while he pours it on the steak and carrots.

   "Forty minutes left!"

   Kirishima yelped at the time running fast, and checked the steak, it looked fine for now. He turned it over, and placed the carrots slices in the oil mixed with meat juices. He doesn't know if it'll end up cooked well, but he tried his best. He watches Bakugou's videos a lot, so he knows what he's doing, maybe not if he's doing it well.

   He took a plate, a knife and fork, and then waited until the meat sizzled. 

   Uraraka's batter was already in the oven, and she seemed to be making some kind of icing with carrot zest, and some icing coloring. She was going creative. Kirishima could only hope his wouldn't be too bad.

   Glancing at Todoroki's, he was quite amazed. Todoroki had many vegetables on a plate, some cooked, some not, and he seemed to be making some sort of sauce. When Kirishima saw that the granules he was using was the same as his, he was a bit more relaxed. He couldn't see any meat though, so he was a bit confused, but that's just him. He got back into focus when a camera blocked his field of view.

   "Are you even trying?" asked Bakugou, his usual snarl on.

   "You gotta wait for stuff  to cook!" he grinned, trying his best to look confident.

   "You gotta also check if your thing is even cooking," he stated.

   "Huh? But it is- Wait!" Kirishima quickly got to his feet, and checked over his pan. It was cooking. "You tricked me!" he exclaimed, crying out a fake shout.

   Bakugou grinned maliciously, and went on to bother Todoroki.

   "It is cooking, and well if I say so myself," pouted Kirishima, checking the steak and carrots again.

   Time passed, and Todoroki was first to finish. Surprisingly, he receives quite a high score out of ten. His dish was vegeterian, and he used carrot peelings to make some sort of design across the plate, adorning the rest of the plate with other types of vegetables. It all looked very greasy, but it looked very delicious. He received a seven out of eight, mostly because he didn't explore flavours and how they could match up perfectly with other types of food. Oh well, Kirishima would happily eat that dish if presented to him. 

   He was up next, and honestly, he did try his best on the presentation, especially to make the steak look glorified, but also have the steak glorify the carrots. He put the steak in the middle, and on it he placed about five small slices, while on the side he placed all the others as a circle. It was a pretty dish to look at, and the sauce made of granules made it look much nicer. That doesn't mean it tasted good though. He received a five out of ten, which is quite a high score for his quite amateur dish. Bakugou commented on the fact that it had no overall taste, and that the steak was dry. Advice he gave was that maybe he should use onions to flavor everything, and that he could use some herbs or spices to make everything taste more complicated, yet much more pleasing to the mouth. He said that most of his point came for the presentation, and Kirishima was glad about that.

   Next up was Uraraka who had made a basic yogurt cake, and put the carrot in the icing. That got her quite a low score of six out of ten, which is higher than Kirishima because of the nice taste it had, but low because of the zero-effort presentation, and the originality. She did great though, so Kirishima was glad about that.

   The video ended on a happy note, and Bakugou wasn't too displeased about the results. They all got to taste each other's dishes, and they shared the carrot cake evenly between them four. It was fun, and Kirishima enjoyed his day a lot, even if it was a bit rushed at first.

   He can't get the fact that Bakugou is the one with such severe family problems, and such a heartbreaking situation with his father, around his head, and even though he calmed down about learning that, he's still a bit on edge. At least Bakugou seemed to have relaxed immensely. He was very tense during Todoroki's video, and maybe it's the fact they got to talk and clear things between them that everything is so much better. Kirishima hopes that he can still be friends with Bakugou, and that he isn't just seen as a counselor by him. He really wants to be friends with him, for now at least.

   They were currently relaxing in Todoroki's living room, talking about anything and everything, just having fun by being themselves. It was getting late, so Kirishima would have to go soon, but he'd do anything just to extend the time of fun he's had today. He would love to collaborate with them again, but he mostly just wants to hang out with them, and have fun as everyone should.

   Bakugou was shouting like usual, Todoroki was ironic like usual, Uraraka was bubbly like usual, and Kirishima was happy like usual. If only he could stop time now, and everything would be alright, if for just a small minute. Deep down though, he knows time must move on. Eventually he got home, and things went back to the normal routine. 

   Hopefully, the following week would be alright.


heyo! sorry its a bit late (i had to go to the airport, to pick one of my friends up lol) but its here! ;DD

I finished school this tuesday, so I should be more productive, hopefully xDD 
I'm planning about 11 chapters (i think) and I would like to have finished near the end of August, so I can finally start on Show Me The Ordinary's sequel(which many of you have been waiting)!! ;DD

thank you all for reading, I really do hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Until next time~!! ;DD

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