One Piece Girls X Male reader...


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You died and were given a second chance with a strange group of individuals how will you survive in this stra... More



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(One week and five days before the straw hats reunite.)

Y/n's P.o.v
It was early in the day the birds were singing the sun was shining and we were....leaving?.
Wait....WHAT!!!, Yeah apparently it's been almost two years, almost two years of spending many hours of Haki training at the hands of Rayleigh, plus some physical training by alucard "TRAINING" espically for me suggested by him to make me extend my stamina but now here we are getting ready to leave in a small ship given to us by Rayleigh.
"I'm fucking done!"I yawned as we were heading towards the ship, I heard a chuckle and turned to look at shisui who now who has matured and wore different clothes.

heck! we all did me & judeau are twenty years old now while shisui is twenty one Johnathan is twenty three meliodes said that he's three thousand! and two! years old! Yeah apparently he's a demon and ban couldn't remember how old he is since he's immortal, gintoki is 21, and alucard is well.... alucard.
"you're still exhausted seriously!"judeau teased cutting my line of thought.
"yeah even now I couldn't get used to sleeping in that cave"i stated he only smiled at me, while we were staying in that cave each one of us slept on a blanket and a pillow, that was on the ground.
"yeah those fucking mosquitoes didn't allow me they kept annoying me God! I'm exhausted!"I shouted as Rayleigh only chuckled then came to a stop I looked to the front to see a ship not a big ship but it wasn't a small one to put it simply it was A MEH kind of ship.
"so this is where I leave you to go your way you were all an interesting group to train"rayleigh said with an amused tone.
"thank you Mr.Rayleigh for everything"johnathan thanked as Rayleigh nodded.
"well never forget what you did for us"i said as he gained a smile.
"of course but I only directed you how to use Haki now it's your job do the rest all of you were really the weirdest group of individuals I have meet till now"he said with a small smile on his face I would be lying if I said I didn't want to cry but if I did Judeau! wouldn't drop it till my death as we rode the ship and started sailing of we rode off seeing Rayleigh wave to us before the island disappeard into the distance.

Rayleigh's p.o.v

As I looked at my former students now leaving with the small boat I left for them I only wonderd what the future held for them and especially one of them he reminded me of luffy maybe his fate will be different and maybe he will be........

Y/n p.o.v

"Fucking! LOST!"I shouted at the top of my lungs we've been sailing for two days and we're already lost, yeah the funny thing is we had a map and compass, but we didn't know where the fuck we were in the first place.
"I told you we should've taken a left turn"Gintoki said while cleaning his nose.
"No! we were supposed to take a right turn"ban argued back the both of them were going at it for half an hour and it was getting on my nerves, six of us were on deck yes six meliodes was sleeping in his bedroom while alucard took a nap in his coffin.
"Hey Johnathan do you know where we are"I asked as he only shook his head.
"Fuck! Why didn't we ask Rayleigh for direction's in the first place?!"i asked while putting my hands on the back of my head, I heard a chuckle before I turned to Mister Smug as fuck himself.

"why the fuck are you smiling blondie?"i said as he spoke up.

"easy...seeing you this angry is really funny"he said as I groaned and I then noticed something behind him I ran to the railing where judeau was sitting he was surprised a bit by my action he almost fell but regained his balance.
"hey Y/n what's wrong you scared me"judeau sighed the others looked at out direction and I immediately yelled from the top of my lungs from happiness.
"Look everyone it's an island!"I shouted everyone's eyes widend as they looked to where i was pointing.
"uhhhh...Y/n that's Judeau you're pointing at"ban said while raising a brow.
"guys I think he's already hallucinating"gintoki whisperd to ban and Johnathan of course they thought I was crazy, because Judeau was standing in front of me of course I could just move to the side and point towards the island........buuuuuuuuut.
"Ow! Hey!"Judeau exclaimed as I pulled him from the shoulder making him fall to the ground.
"there it's an island see!"I stated as everyone's eyes widen while shisui looked at us from his post.
"hey what happened!"he shouted all our eyebrows twitched, the Fucker was sleeping on his turn to be the look out.

when we arrived at the island it was filled with miles and miles of sand, we decided we would all leave since the ship isn't gonna do us any good anymore it was damaged since we fought a lot of sea kings on the way here.

We finally arrived at what we were told was the capital of this island, we decided to spilt up into groups of two it was me and Judeau, melodies and gintoki, alucard and Johnathan, and finally ban and shisui, we all agreed to meet up next to the palace gate in an hour.
Me and Judeau walked in silence which was really.... Rare considering he-"
"hey Y/n what do you think we should do"he spoke up.
"what do you mean?"I asked as we continued walking.
"I mean we have no ship no supplies no Cash and we're stranded here in this place"he said.
"we'll figure something out judeau it's not like we're gonna be stuck here"i said with a smile on my face but I was still worried on the inside, Judeau only chuckled before he spoke up again.
"you're right!"Judeau stated, as we continued walking in silence I bumped into someone.
"I'm sorry!"a soft voice apologized I looked up to see a blue haired beauty.

I kept staring until she spoke up again.
"are you okay?!"she asked with concern in her voice I was snapped immediately out of my trance, I blushed as I finally realized what I was doing.
"Ye-yeah! I-im okay"i said as she nodded before running away at the opposite direction.
"Wow she looks like she's in a hurry?"judeau stated, I only nodded as he then turned to me with the all to familiar smug face.
"tell me do you like her?"he said with the smile still on his face.
"Wh-wha-what a-are you talking about??"i said with the blush still on my face he then started laughing while holding his stomach.
"hah Y/n you're more red than an apple"he said his laughter died down when we noticed Two muscly men running in a hurry.

Man 1: where do you think she went?.

Man 2: she couldn't have gotten that far.

Man 1: you had one job don't let her escape she's our only way to get rich quickly.

The second guy growled as they ran in the direction the blue haired girl went in, me & judeau looked at eachother before nodding.

Shisui's p.o.v
Me and ban kept looking for someone around the market for food we only had a small amount of this worlds currency beli's I believe it's called, as we continued to look for things we bumped into alucard and johnathan.
"hey there did you find any supplies"johnathan asked I only shook my head while keeping a smile.
"nope! what about you two did you get any luck"i asked Johnathan shook his head, suddenly I felt as if something bumped into me and ban we both looked at the person or should I say creature it was a large duck it had orange feathers and wore some hats and goggles odd it looked at us for a moment as the four of us kept blank expressions until.

"Hoooolllyyyyyy shiiiit!, it's a giant Duck!!!" ban shouted almost making my ears bleed.
"guess we solved the food problem"alucard stated which made the duck start to sweat before it started running again.
"catch! it!...don't let it escape that's our DINNER!"i Said as we all ran after the duck.

Vivi's p.o.v
I kept running from those who tried kidnapping me they snatched me during the celebration in the capital but thankfully I was capable of escaping and bumped into two strangers one of them had a blond hair tied in a small ponytail while the other had H/c hair and E/c eyes when I looked at him I felt a strange warmth in my chest I shook my head to forget about it I have more pressing matters I need to find someone from the palace to ask for help I kept running until I bumped into someone I fell down and looked at the person only for my eyes to widen in fear it was one of the two men.
"Why hello there your highness!"he said obviously mocking me.
"why are you doing this!"I snapped at him he only laughed at me.
"why isn't it obvious you're a literal goldmine"he said as I started to back up until a hand suddenly was put in my shoulder I turned around to see the other man grinning at me with his yellow teeth.
"hey there princess"he said in a malicious voice as he gripped my shoulder making me groan in pain.
"say why don't I and my body have fun with you, since you made us chase you for a long time and we're very exhausted"he laughed as he held my wrists, I left my peacock whips at the palace, so I was weaponless I closed my eyes and held back the tears that were at the corner of my eye but I won't cry my time with luff and the others taught me that crying won't solve anything.
"Well aren't you two a fine pair of ugly bastards"I heard a voice say as the man that held me turned around I looked to see the two strangers from before standing at the entrance of the alleyway.
"heh they're just two kids and I was worried there for a second"the one that held me said.
"get out of here you little shits! this is none of your business!"the one that held me shouted.
"I'm afraid we can't do that...since you're currently holding that innocent lady a hostage"the blond one said as he held on of his sword in his left hand while holding two knifes in his right one.
"hmph! We gave you two a chance to leave now you're both going to DIE!"The other man shouted as he ran at the two strangers with his sword in his hand he lifted it in the air before bringing it down I looked in horror as I heard a blood curdling scream.
"Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!"the man shouted falling on the ground without his weapon or his hand, the blond stranger sighed.
"Man why can't you listen to us and let the girl go"he sighed with his eyes closed while shaking his head.
"Damn you brats!"the one that held me brought out his knife as he put his sword to my throat, "take one step closer and the girl gets it"he hissed as the two strangers looked at each other with a blank expression on their faces then the H/c made a sword appear on his left hand from thin air I was amazed by this perhaps he's another.....devil fruit user.
"what are you doing I told you if you come any closer the girl gets it!"the man bellowed as he brought the knife closer to my throat.
"You see that would be intimidating if you weren't one of the two cowards that kidnapped a defencless girl"he said with a smirk as he took the sword from its sheath and made a cutting motion in the air before sheathing it.
"haha what's wrong kid you were talking all big a second ago, did you get sca-"the man that held me didn't finish as he let me go I didn't know until turned to see him on the ground with a big slash on his torso, I then heard a pair of footsteps walking in my direction, I turned around to see the Two strangers who saved the one with H/c opens his mouth to speak up.
"excuse me....Miss are you okay"he asked.
"yes thank you....but why did you help me"i asked as he they looked at eachother for a moment before looking back at me.
"well you were in trouble and we just couldn't leave you with these to assholes"the H/c one said.
"plus we couldn't leave because this guy was charmed by your beauty"the blonde one said smugly which made me blush wait! Why am I blushing I barley know these people, I regained my composure before opening my mouth to speak up but we were interrupted by the sound of quacking I was all to familiar with.
"Hey! Catch that duck!"I heard someone shout as I looked at the entrance of the alleyway to see Kuro running towards me while looking terrified.
"Kuro!"I shouted the two strangers were taken a back by this but only raised brow at my action, Kiri noticed me and ran to me in his fear running over the H/c stranger who wasn't looking.
"damn where did it go?"a voice asked.
"It's over here in this alleyway!"a man wearing a very tight red outfit said before he jumped from the roof of a nearby building.
"Ban!"the blonde one asked the all red wearing man now known as ban.
"Judeau"ban exclaimed with wide eyes, "what are you doing here?".
Just then three different people enterd the alleyway.

(minus the headband)

"Whew good job ban that thing can run a lot"the one with a blade strapped to his back said he then noticed the blonde and the other H/c stranger on the ground who was crushed because of the ban guy jumping from the building and falling on him.
"Juneau! What are you doing here?"he asked,"and why is ban standing on top of an
unconscious Y/n?".
"wait I'm standing on top of who?"The ban guy said as he finally noticed that he was standing on top of his friend I think.
He looked at the stranger whose name I believe is Y/n before shouting very very loudly.

"OHhhhhhhhh! Myyyyyy! Goooooodddddd! Y/n what happend to you!!!!"he shouted did he not realize that it was him who did it.
"anyways..."the man who wore the blade to his back started, "where's that duck?"he said with a grin on his face.
as Karuu started sweating a lot.
"why don't we take you and cook you"he said as I was angerd by this.
"what No! You're not going to cook karuu!"I said with anger in my voice.
"why not?"ban said.
"Because he's my friend"i said as they all looked at each other before he spoke up again.
"in that case I'm sorry for the misunderstanding m.lady"the muscley blue haired man said while bowing he and the man wearing the orange sunglasses were the least strange one's in the group.
"i-im sorry if I sounded rude if you're hungry then let me invite you to dinner in the palace"i said.
"that would be wonderful"the one with the blade to his back replied.
"but what about meliodes and gintoki?"the blue haired man asked.
"I don't think you have to worry about me"a voice said as someone else dropped down from a building.

(he has his sacred Treasure)

"melodies how did you find us, and where's Gin?"judeau I believe his name was asked the blonde midget.
"ohhh I don't know me and him were wandering around then a group of dancers passed by and he followed them to the palace"the midget responded.
"then I believe we accept your offer Mrs?"the one with the blade strapped to his back started.
"My name is Vivi, Nefertari Vivi"i introduced myself with a smile.

And here we go first chick in the harem appears so what did you think about the story.

Random reader: ehhhh the comedy was trash

Random reader 2: you didn't focus well on some characters and where the Fuck did melodies come from.

Random reader 3: blah this story is Fucking garbage and where the fuck! Is my pocu no Pico book!.

Author: ah yes thank you for the support and as always peace out!.

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