Dally x reader

By flyingmonsters

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Y/n moved into the area. She was a greaser and lived in the area just trying to live a normal life for the mo... More



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By flyingmonsters

I wake up, shit my head. I turn to my side and see empty sheets. I look at the pj bottoms I had on. I sat up and looked around my surroundings.

I'm in y/n's room.

I looked at the gray painted walls. She had a bookshelf in the corner with frames. I walked up to them and say pictures of her and some guy with her. Must be a friend or something. Maybe even family. There was also pictures of dogs and her with a group of people. Family.

I looked and saw the many little stuff animals she had on the bookshelf. They were all placed there with care. I didn't touch them I'm sure they were important to her.

I saw the framed movie posters she had in her room. And then saw a Beatles poster and I smiled. She had a small vanity in the other corner of her room. Her makeup out and about. It looked like it was hardly touched.

I opened the door to leave but stopped when I heard my name.

Johnny and y/n were talking about me.

"Do you like Dal?" Johnny said. I froze. What the hell is he doing. I felt blush rise to my cheeks. But I also pressed my ear to the door wanting to hear y/n's answer. I felt my hands begin to sweat.

Will she say she likes me? She likes soda she's gonna dating him.

"I don't know what you're talking about." She says and I sigh.

What else was I expecting. She would never fall for a jerk like me. Maybe if I wasn't such a dick I could have a better chance.

"So you do?" Johnny says. Johnny what are you saying.

"Okay maybe a little. After he stopped with dumb pick up lines and we talked. Yeah I like him a bit" she says. I blush.

She likes me. She likes me.

I couldn't help but smile. I headed toward the bathroom and get dressed changing back to my pants and brushing my hair. Just in general trying to look my best. I do y/n the favor and make her bed seeing I was the one who woke up last. It looked like shit but it was better than leaving it in done.

I headed out and saw Johnny sitting alone at the table. I sighed, she must of gone to work. I walked up to the table and mess with Johnny's hair.

I take a slice of pizza and take a bite.

"Hey Dal" Johnny says.

"You sleep well Johnny?" I say.

"Yeah, I've haven't had nightmares or anythin" Johnny says.

I smiled, seems like being in y/n's house made him feel safer. He would always have raging nightmares. I'm happy that y/n seemed to care for him so much. No she really did care for Johnny. She was like a mother for him.

"Should we get groceries for her?" I ask.

Johnny looks at me surprised.

"You wanna do that?" He says. I nod looking around and heading to her kitchen to get a Coke.

"She does all this nice stuff for us we should do something nice." I say going back sitting with Johnny.

"Nice? You're not Dal." He chuckled. I mess his hair.

"Watch it, I can be nice." I say.

He nods " you're not nice to anyone Dal. So why do you wanna be nice to y/n?" He says smiling.

Cause I like her.

"Cause she saved you from those socs. And let's you and me sleep in her home" I say avoiding telling Johnny the real reason.

"Yeah, but I think you like her Dal" Johnny says.

I scratch the back of my head. I don't say anything and Johnny smiles.

"You do" he says with a smirk.

"Yeah I do. I thought she was pretty since the first day a met her Johnny." I said.

"So you've like her for a while. Why haven't you asked her out?" Johnny says.

"Well cause I messed up the first time. Scared her to death almost." I said hitting my forehead. I still felt rather guilty about that. I usually got smacked in the face or got what I wanted when I did that trick to a girl. But it blew up in my face.

"Plus she's on a date with soda. And soda seems to like her. If y/n likes him I can't do anything about it." I say.

"Well she likes you." He said taking a drink out of his coke.

"I know I heard you two. But I just can't ask her. Especially not now Johnny." I say.

"Why? You always ask girls out no problem." He says.

"It's different this time. She's different Johnny" I say sighing taking a sip of my coke.

"You really like her Dal. I've never seen you act this way for a girl before." He says.

What if she finds a better guy. What if she cheats on me like my ex. What if she gets scared of me.

"What happens when I get thrown in jail again? She is gonna leave me and hook up with another guy." I said.

Johnny nods " y/n wouldn't do that Dal. She's not that type of girl. Ask her out Dal. You need someone like her." He says.

I sigh.

I'm gonna ask her out.

"I'll do it" I say.

Johnny smiles and we get up and clean around the house. We didn't want to leave a mess for y/n. She was letting us stay in her home and all.

"Okay well I'm gonna go get the record for
y/n. You coming? I also gotta get her just groceries." I said.

I looked around her kitchen taking mental notes of what she was running low of.

Milk. Bread. Eggs. And maybe some other snacks.

"Okay let's go" Johnny says putting on his jacket.

"Let's go Johnny boy" I say messing up his hair. We head out and lock the door. I walk down the street and head towards the record store. We look around and we do find the new rolling stones album. I look and see a Beatles section. Y/n had some of there records and a poster. She must like them. I look around and grab one of the records I know she doesn't have. I pay for them and me and Johnny head out.

I give them to Johnny to hold and we head to the grocery store and buy them. We bought chips and cookies. Other little snacks.

"What do you wanna eat Johnny?" I ask.

"Hmm. Not sure." Johnny says looking around waiting for me to pay for the groceries.

"Dallas Winston. Wouldnt think to see you here." The cashier says. I sigh.

"Well believe it" I said taking out my wallet. I had done some work selling some things to people. I couldn't tell y/n or any of the boys about it.

"He's getting groceries for his girl friend" Johnny mocks.

"Oh, you got another chick to dumb in a few weeks." He mocks.

"Shut it." I say. I gave him a death glare and he looks at me scared. I just paid for my shit and left. We walked back to y/n's home and put away the groceries.

"Where do I put these?" Johnny asks. Holding the two vinyls up. I point at the table and he places them there. I put away the milk in the fridge and the eggs as well. Then I put all the snacks in the cupboards. I sighed and decided to get something to eat for everyone.

"Do you want a burger?" I ask.

"Yeah sure you going?" Johnny asks.

"Yeah but I gotta do something first so stay here for now. Turn on the TV or something. Call pony I'm sure y/n has his phone number or sumthing." I say

I head out and head towards the more rough area of town. I had to do my job. A friend of mine always gave me drugs to sell. I got a pretty good amount of money after selling everything. And I was able to sell pretty much everything he gave me. I didn't like doing it but I did always get a shit ton of money. Plus I don't pay rent so I have a lot. I've been saving up to leave this place. To take Johnny with me or something. Somewhere that we wouldn't give anyone trouble and no one would give us trouble.

Maybe y/n would like to join.

I shook the thought of my head. Why am I thinking about such nonsense.

After selling everything my friend gave me I got paid. 500. Not bad at all. I put it in my wallet and head out.

I walk back to y/n's home but stop by a hamburger place. The sun was setting.

Maybe y/n is back from her date with soda. I wonder how it went.

I stop in my tracks when I see y/n with soda. They were sitting at one of the benches by the restaurant. Talking. They didn't see me so I hid. Not trying to be seen by them. I over heard there conversation.

"I had fun." Y/n says smiling.

"Me too y/n" soda says with a chuckle.

The conversation turned quiet for a second but soda started talking.

"Hey, y/n can I tell you something?" Soda says.

"Yeah what's up soda?" Y/n says.

"You're a lovely girl. But I would like it fe we could just be friends." Soda said.

Wait what.

I heard y/n chuckle. "Heh, friendzoned once again. It's fine soda, being honest with you yeah I rather be friends with you" she says.

They smile and hug.

"I'll see you around soda, you still wanna come to see the race next week. We can tell pony and Johnny to go" y/n says.

Soda smiles and nods leaving her. She sighs and heads toward the burger place. I walk in and tap her shoulder. She turns and smiles in seeing me.

"Well well well, I know you were on a date?" I smirk.

"Yeah we are just friends now." She says looking at the menu.

"You okay? You looked like you liked him" I say.

"Oh no, being honest with you I like someone else. But I'm happy being friends with soda." She says.

"Hey you want anything?" She asks looking up at me.

"I'll order what do you want?" I say.

"It's fine really" she says nodding her head no.

She's so cute.

"It's fine I'm getting for Johnny and a extra I'm sure ponyboy is with him too" I say.

She sighs but smiles.

"I'll just take a regular cheese burger." She says. I order four cheese burger combos and we grab the things and leave.

She heads towards her motorcycle. She opened the seat revealing a extra helmet. She took it out and but the food in the storage space. She got on her bike and gave me the helmet.

She's so hot on that bike.

Dally don't think that. You will scare her.

"Hop on" she says putting on her helmet. I put mine on and hop on. I held onto her but by the shoulders. I felt like it would be inappropriate for me. Especially me to grab her by the waist. Even if I really wanted to.

We made it home and saw the lights on we knocked at the front door and sure enough Johnny and pony were on the couch. They smiled when they saw us.

"Well time to eat boys" y/n says heading toward the kitchen. Placing the food on the table. We all sat down and I went to the living room grabbing the vinyls. Hiding them behind my back. Y/n sat down in her chair and eyed me.

I walked toward her and handed her the new rolling Stone record. She smiled brightly.

"You actually got in no way!" She smiled wide. Her eyes shimmered. It was really cute. A light blush on her cheeks.

"I also got you this" I had her the Beatles record and she smiled even wider.

"No way! I've been looking for one of these!" She hugged the record toward her chest. She sat up and hugged my neck. I stumbled back a bit surprised. Blushing.

Me. Dally Winston got surprised by a girl. And is blushin over a girl.

I like this girl a lot.

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