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By bornemystery

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Not an update.
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11.2K 333 229
By bornemystery


Ever since Davina helped me, we've been in contact with one another. I told her some stuff about the teacher, which I had a crush on — who is engaged.

Davina was very understanding and gave me some advice on how to lose feelings for the woman. Not because she wants me to, but I want too.

I admire her a lot.

My house arrest was over after a month, my laptop is still confiscated but my phone no longer has to be handed in. My mum was no longer taking me into school, I can finally go by myself.

Me and Miss Rivet started to get on along very well, but this only resulted in me liking her more.

Davina was right when she said my feelings would deepen overtime, I noticed sometimes that Vanessa would already be staring at me. I only smiled at her whenever I caught her, but she would look away half the time.

William was telling me that Nala had a hard time to commit in relationships, even telling me that she was quite the player.

I could tell something had changed in Vanessa's mood sometimes, it made me wonder whether it was personal or about her relationship.

We talked on occasion, mainly when we would bumped into each other in the hallways and after class, asking how my day was going.

I'm glad we started on a clean slate, everything was going well so far — too well.

I am currently sat in Vanessas lesson, but I couldn't focus one bit. My attention was on her and only her, my hand holding up my head and my mouth slightly open, staring at her.

Today she wore a pant suit, her selves rolled up and her heels adding extra height, her long legs fit the pants perfectly, the blazer hung on the chair. Writing something on the board, her fingers guiding the pen to write what she was saying. Her writing is so neat.

I know this woman is flawed, everyone is, but I couldn't find anything. She is flawless.

All of a sudden, the bell rang, my attention being moved away from her and to everyone else as I watched them move around and pick up their stuff.

"Alright everyone! Have a lovely weekend, make sure to hand in the assignment for next Friday!"

What assignment? Hell, I had been so distracted I don't even remember what we are currently doing. I'll get Blair to explain it, I thought.

"Mariel, a word please."

She had finally stopped using my full name, she would on use it if I was in trouble, which is very rare now.

"Yes miss?" I said, walking up to her with my stuff in hand.

She placed the whiteboard pen on the desk and looked at me, her blues meeting mine, my body shivered slightly.

"Do you need any help with the assignment?" She asked, smirking.


"No, why.."

"You were staring at me, and I can tell you haven't listened to a word I said all lesson. You aren't very discreet." She stated, walking around her desk and leaning her butt on it.

She is right in front of me, I could smell her strong perfume. Hugo boss, nice. Breaking eye contact, I shamelessly stared at her chest, a few buttons opened.

"You are quite the bold one Mariel," She snickered, leaning up from her desk and stalking towards me. Vanessa towered over me, she was at least 2 inches taller with the heels.

She had some mischievous look in her eye, her lips dangerously close to my ear as she leaned down.

My heart was pounding in my rib cage, threatening to spill out and burst.

"I like them bold."

My breath hitched, she chuckled before pulling away and dismissed me, I quickly scattered out of there and thought about what had just happened.

Although it wasn't a big thing, it clicked something in me.


Tonight my family was hosting a dinner party, mainly to talk about business. Everyone but Ashley, Kelly and Marco were ordered to go, it wasn't an option.

Obviously, I had to invite my two best friends to survive tonight. According to my father, Davina is supposed to be there with two of her kids.

I hadn't seen Davina since she nursed my drunk self, I am in debt to her greatly.

I looked in the mirror and touched the green dress, a slit down the middle of my leg, a small tattoo slightly peaking out. I definitely had to cover that shit up. My hands roaming over the straps, pulling them up a bit more, then tracing the tattoo.

I got it straight after being let go from house arrest, letting a friend practice on me and use it for his portfolio, I'm just going to hide it until it's my birthday.

Which is in 1 week!

My big 18 was something I was starting to look forward too, 13 year old me would've thought I'd be dead by now, and it's a miracle I'm not.

I let my hair run down freely, my hand combing through it before roughing it up a little.

I wanted to go for a natural look tonight, but decided to go a bit full out. Lashes, brows, winged eyeliner, bold lip colour and highlighter with some concealer under my eyes.

I could never find my right shade of foundation, so didn't bother.

Brandon and Kestell walked through the door, both looking handsome and beautiful.

Kestell wore an aqua tight dress, stopping at her thighs, standing tall with her heels, and Brandon wore a smart black and white suit with a few buttons undone.

We all looked amazing.

"I'm nervous." Brandon admitted, his arms crossing against his chest, frowning.

"Why?" I asked softly, looking back in the mirror and straightening my dress out.

Kestell held onto my arm and stared back at herself, smiling slightly and sighing with content. Her hair was pinned up in a slick ponytail, exposing her neck — which was displayed with a gold necklace.

"I don't know, to be honest," He chuckled, looking at himself in the long mirror as well. "but can I just say, we all look so fucking good."

"Agreed." Kestell smirked.

I laughed and turned dow the music, picking up a necklace and tying it around my neck, along with a watch and silver sterling bracelet. Perfect.

I sighed and grabbed my phone, "Are there any people downstairs?" I asked, looking at them.

"Maybe around twenty people so far," Kestell estimated, looking at Brandon for clarification, which he nodded. "How many people are supposed to be coming around?" Kestell asked.

"Sixty, give or take."

Brandon grinned, "Well then, let's get this party started!" He cheered.

Smiling, I opened my bedroom door and walked out with them walking behind me, our heels clicking against the floor.

I could hear people chatting amongst each other, I looked over the bannister and saw a few more people walk in. A body guard at every corner of the room, watching around in case of any danger.

Heidi and Harry, my parents were at the door greeting our guest whom came in, I saw my brother Charles, his arm draped over a woman's shoulder. William in a corner, drinking his glass of champagne within seconds, before getting another. We both hated these type of parties.

"Pray for me." I huffed, making my way downstairs, walking towards my parents.

My mum immediately spotted me and gasped when her eyes met my outfit, a proud smile stretched her face. "Oh sweetheart! You look beautiful!" My mother complimented, taking my hands into hers and making me twirl around. Chuckling, I gave her a long hug. When she forgave me I cried into her arms, I missed her embrace so much.

"Davina is over there with her eldest, go say hi!" She gushed, pushing me in the direction, I giggled before walking over there.

"Davina!" I called our, instantly getting her attention. She smiled as she saw me, pulling me into her arms lovingly and letting out a long sigh.

"Ugh I cant believe it's been 3 months since I last saw you, child," She exclaimed, her wealthy perfume attacking my nose buds.

"I know," I pulled away, smiling up at her, "it's been a hectic few months."

"I can imagine," she sorrowfully said, she turned to the man beside her and gasped. "I'm sorry I forgot to introduce you two! This is my son, Ben! Ben, this is Mariel, Harry's daughter."

He nodded and took my hand, kissing it before giving me a smirk. In my head, I was punching him in the face. But looking at his features, made him look awfully familiar, as if I had met him before?

"Keep it in your pants boy, she's 17." Davina scolded, slapping the boy across the back of the head, causing a yelp to leave his lips.

"Jesus, mum!" He muttered, "no need to get abusive!"

"I'll show you abusive in a minute young man." She threatened, resulting in him rolling his eyes and looking at me, apologetically.

"I'm sorry about my weird behaviour, I thought you were 21.. Is it okay if we pretend to meet again and forget this ever happened?" He chuckled nervously, scratching the back of his neck.

I laughed at the man's nervousness. I could tell he really meant it, and although I wanted to say no, I fought against it. "Of course, I'm Mariel." I introduced, holding out my arm in front of him.

He smiled. "I'm Ben," he took my hand and shook it firmly, before letting it go and looking around the room. "can I just say, this house is beautiful. Did your parents build it?"

"Yes! It was a project they started when I was 7, it had been finished within 2 years. It's had some extensions and adjustments since, but nearly everything is still the same as it was a few years back!" I spoke passionately.

This house was a big achievement for my parents, my father being an architecture and my mum being an interior design —at the time — they had the same image of their dream home, and blended some individual ones.

We talked for a few minutes before my brothers pulled him away from a chat, most likely about his plans for the company.

My parents came over to me and we all talked about business, further plans for expanding the company.

"I do apologise on behalf of my daughter, she was originally supposed to be here but she had some problems at home to sort out." Davina apologised, my dad chuckled and shook his head.

"I understand, trouble in paradise?"

"You could say that," she said, laughing along with him. "between you and me, her fiancé is crazy."

My parents and Davina found that line very humorous as they started laughing, a little too hard. I walked away from the crazy people and went up to Kestell, who was sipping on her champagne.

"I forgot how much I fucking hate it here," she grumbled, glaring at all the rich people we were surrounded by.

Her parents laughing along with some of my dads partners. This party was basically others trying to suck up to others and gain connections incase of something going wrong.

Respect to everyone for having their priorities straight though.

Everyone here are either friends, mutuals or have known each other for years and years.

I heard a clink of a glass, my parents directing everyone into the dining hall, which was and extension of the house, specifically made for dinner party's like this with at least seventy people.

My parents sat at the head of the table, opposite each other, I sat next to my mum, with Kestell then Brandon next to me. Charles was sat up top with dad, and William was on the opposite side of me, along with Davina, and few other men and women.

Throughout the dinner, I noticed William winking and sending smirks to, my very own friends. I couldn't tell whether he was trying to make it obvious or not, but it was pissing me off.

William is bisexual like myself, and I could not tell whether he was flirting with Kestell or Brandon.

"William, stop flirting with my friends before I stab you with this fork." I warned, glaring at him.

"Mariel, behave! He's not doing anything."

"Ew." Kestell cringed.

"I'm not that bad Kestell." He teased, grinning at her.

She snorted, choking on her food a little. "You're worse than STD's themselves." She scoffed, rolling her eyes and carrying on eating.

"Oh please," He laughed. "You have no sense of humour."

"You're humour is bland as f—."

"That's enough you too! I don't want to hear another word." Mum whisper-yelled, her face turning red slightly.

I went back to eating, ignoring my brothers weird, pervy behaviour.

As the night went on, people started to leave and everyone tonight had a fun evening, as far as I can tell. People were complimenting the food, service and entertainment.

Another successful dinner party.


Breathlessly, my hand met with the wall as I tried to catch my breath back. I decided to push myself a little bit further for this run, my body had obviously reached its limit this time.

"Are you okay?" That familiar voice asked, making my stomach flutter.

"Y-yes.. just a little out of breath," I chuckled, looking up to the woman and noticing she had a brown paper bag with a brown coffee cup.  A gracious smile tugging at her lips when our eyes met each other.

"You are quite the runner, Mariel. How long have you into it?" She asked curiously, her hand moving the coffee to her lips and taking a sip, keeping her eyes on me.

I thought about the question for a moment. "Since I was 11 years old, it's a great escape." I said, I felt shy with the amount of eye contact we shared over the last few months.

"Impressive. Would you like some water?" She offered, her hand reaching into her bag and bringing one out.

She is still smiling at me, I smiled back and took the bottle, thanking her quietly before devouring the whole bottle.

She chuckled, the noise heating up my ears. How could a laugh sound so beautiful. I stared at her, watching her slowly compose herself again before taking another sip from her coffee.

"You are something else Mariel."

"Because I drank a whole bottle of water?"

"In the time frame of 10 seconds."

I gasped, my hand hitting my semi-exposed chest, "Miss Rivet! Are you making fun of me for drinking water?" I scoffed, acting hurt.

"Yes, yes I am."

She licked her lips, her eyes leaving mine for a moment before coming back. I couldn't help but giggle, I can't believe we are being civil now.

Three months ago we were at each other's throat, and hated each other for some apparent reason, but now we are practically friends.

"How's William and his little boyfriend doing?" She asked, chuckling to herself.

Boyfriend? My face fell slightly and I stared at her, puzzled. "William has a boyfriend?"

Her chuckling stopped almost immediately, I'm guessing she suddenly realised what she had just said to her best friends sister. "I- Oh my God! I- I wasn't supposed to say anything!" She stuttered hurriedly, as much as I wanted to grill her, some more teasing wouldn't hurt, right?

"I'm going to tell William."

"No! You can't Mariel! He will most likely kill me if he found out I told you." She sighed, her hand rubbing over her face, she looked so worried.

I felt my chest tug slightly, her eyes stayed on mine and for the first time in a while, I could tell what she was thinking. She is anxious and scared.

"Relax Vanessa, I won't say anything! I'll let him tell me in his own time," I reassured, noticing her relax. "it was fun teasing you though." I winked.

This time, she smiled and shook her head, her arms folding across her chest. "You're a little shit, y'know that right?" She spat, the playfulness in her voice present.

"I don't come out of peoples bottom, Vanessa." I shrugged innocently.

"You know that is not what I meant."

"Whatever," I murmured, fighting the urge to smile. "It's been a lovely talk Vanessa, but I've got to carry on with my run. See you at school?"

"See you at school Mariel, I've enjoyed talking to you," She admitted.

I could tell my cheeks were even more red right now and a large smile not leaving my lips.

She waved goodbye and walked away, going our separate ways, I turned around and carried on with my run.

I think I'm starting to like her.


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