We, the Dreamers: A RWBY x Wa...

By After_Hours_Writer

170K 2.3K 4.5K

In the furthest depths of the void, a new solar system was discovered. A system of planets, unknown to any fo... More

Chapter One: I Mean You no Harm
Chapter Two: An Invitation
Chapter Three: The Ride There
Chapter Four: Meeting the Ice Queen
Chapter Five: Initiation Preparation
Chapter Six: Partners
Chapter Seven: Stress
Chapter Eight: New Roommates
Chapter Nine: The First Day
Chapter Ten: Sparring
Chapter Eleven: Lesson Learned
Chapter Twelve: Conspiracy
Chapter Thirteen: Revelation
Chapter Fourteen: Jaunedice
Chapter Fifteen: Jealousy
Author's Note: Quite A Dilemma
Chapter Seventeen: Rememberence
Chapter Eighteen: Tending Wounds
Chapter Nineteen: The Stray
Chapter Twenty: Chaos
Chapter Twenty-One: The Beach
Chapter Twenty-Two: Board Games & Investigation
Chapter Twenty-Three: Quality Time
Chapter Twenty-Four: Distress Call
Chapter Twenty-Five: Intimacy
Chapter Twenty-Six: The Orokin's Ball
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Tiny Kubrow
Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Hunt
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Search and Destroy
Chapter Thirty: Vytal Festival
Chapter Thirty-One: A "Gift" From the Void
Chapter Thirty-Two: A Gruesome Finale
Chapter Thirty-Three: The Dreamer's Greatest Nightmare
Chapter Thirty-Four: The Inevitable
Volume II Preview: Defy our Destiny
Volume II / Chapter One: Natah
Volume II / Chapter Two: Prison Break
Volume II / Chapter Three: Coming Home
Volume II / Chapter Four: Reclamation of Vale
Volume II / Chapter Five: War on the Grineer
Volume II / Chapter Six: Patch
Volume II / Chapter Seven: Formalities
Volume II / Chapter Eight: Stolen Army
Volume II / Chapter Nine: Hostage
Volume II / Chapter Ten: Love United
Volume II / Chapter Eleven: The Calm Before The Storm
Volume II / Chapter Twelve: The Storm After The Calm

Chapter Sixteen: Forever Falls

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By After_Hours_Writer

"Hey Jauney boy! It's your buddy Cardin! I know you're probably busy with that Dust project I gave you, buuuut I'm gonna need you to go out and get me a bag of Rapier Wasps. And make sure they've got some really, really big stingers! It's important, so don't screw this up!"

Two Days Later...
Forever Falls...

Ryoma: This is a rather marvelous place to be.

Hiking into the bustling red forest of Forever Fall from Beacon Academy, three teams: RWBY, JNPR, and CRDL, followed a small dirt trail alongside Miss Goodwitch as she gave them their assignment.

Ryoma: Like a valley of bright cherry blossoms, it's something I thought I'd never see.

Glynda: Yes, the forest of Forever Fall is indeed beautiful. But we are not here to sight-see.

Ryoma: Unfortunately...

He said as he carried 4 empty jars and a tap.

Glynda: Professor Peach has asked all of you to collect samples from the trees deep inside this forest, and I'm here to make sure none of you die while doing so.

Ryoma: What was that last part, again?

Glynda: Each of you is to gather one jar's worth of red sap. However, this forest is full of the creatures of Grimm, so be sure to stay by your teammates.

Ryoma: Oh.

Glynda: We will rendezvous back here at 4 o'clock. Have fun!

Ryoma: Will do.

Hearing snickering from the team behind him, Ryoma began to turn his head towards them till Yang spoke, shifting course.

Yang: C'mon, Ryoma!

Ryoma: Wait, what?

Yang: Hurry up, slow poke!

Ryoma: Wait up!

Noticing the team dispersing the scene, Ryoma followed, though slowly, waddling as fast as he could with everything he was carrying.

An Hour Later...

As the members of teams RWBY and JNPR worked alongside one another to gather tree sap in a confined area, Jaune, alongside team CRDL, separated themselves away from the group, taking a spot that oversee the entire area. As Cardin and the rest of team CRDL rested themselves along the large rocks that resided in the area, Jaune gathered six jar's worth of sap. His body, exhausted and dizzy from all the work, planted itself into the dirt upon returning.

Cardin: Hey, great work, Jauney boy!


Cardin: Now that wasn't too hard, was it?

Jaune: I think I'm allergic to this stuff...

Cardin: Greeeeat, great, great, great. So, Jaune, I bet you're asking yourself, 'Why did my buddy Cardin ask me to collect six jars of tree sap when there's only five of us?'

Jaune: That is one of the many questions I have asked myself today, yes.

Sitting up from his spot, Cardin began to move.

Cardin: Well, come with me, and you'll find out.

After a few minutes of walking, the group perched themselves atop the peak of a small hill, looking down on everyone as they continued gathering their sap. Everyone with the exception of Ryoma, who watched Nora devour a jar of tree sap in a mix of fascination and worry.

Ryoma: It must be really sweet and delectable, but...

Ryoma: ...is it safe to eat that much?

Jaune: Cardin, w-what's going on?

Cardin: Payback.

Realizing what was going on, Jaune's eyes widened as the group stared down at an unsuspecting Ryoma.

Jaune: Ryoma? Wh-what are you-?

Cardin: That's the bastard. Putrid scum... Thinks he's so perfect, like some kind of hero.

Pulling out a box marked with a W on the sides, Cardin spoke to his team.

Cardin: Last night, old Jaune here managed to round up an entire box of Rapier Wasps, and now, we're gonna put 'em to work. Now, according to one of the essays you wrote for me yesterday, these nasty things loooove sweets. I'm thinking it's time to teach him a thing or two.

Positioning themselves, a member of team CRDL shoved a filled jar of sap into Jaune's grasp.

Cardin: And you're gonna do it.

Jaune: Do what?

Cardin: What do you think? Hit him with the sap!

Hesitant to aim, Jaune began shaking nervously, his mind flooding with the possible consequences for his actions, immediate and in time; Physically and socially. As he did this, Cardin leaned in towards him, whispering in his ear.

Cardin: Or you can just stand there and imagine your crush getting it on with that freak.

Jaune: Oh God!

Cardin: Her lavish body on top of his...

Jaune: Stop!

Cardin: And her thighs wrapped around his-.

Jaune: Enough, Cardin!

Cardin: Hit him with the sap! Otherwise, everyone will feel the wasps sting, and you'll be on the first airship out of Beacon.

A bit more stern, Jaune aimed the jar of sap at Ryoma, taking a few deep breaths before coming to grips with himself. Ultimately, he steels himself for what he's about to do.

Jaune: No.

Cardin: Huh? Care to repeat th-?

Jaune: I said... NO!

Throwing the jar of sap instead at Cardin's chest, Jaune hit it dead square in the center; The gooey liquid dripping down into the armor and onto his skin. Instead of showing any anger, Cardin began chuckling menacingly with a smirk as he approached Jaune. His knuckles cracking as he got ready for a beating.

Cardin: Oh, you've really done it now.

Russell: Uhh...Cardin!?

Sky: What the-!?

Russell: We have a problem!

Interrupted by his teammates, Cardin turned his head in irritation.

Cardin: What's so important that it's-!?

What he, and the rest of the group would soon see, would be a patch of thick black smoke, created by no flame. Within, a red outline of an adult human man would glow, dimming with every step that it took towards them.

Team CRDL: !?


As the being within stepped out of the smoke, the smoke itself began to dissipate, leaving behind it a black and red Warframe with Sentient armor. A greatsword in its hands.

Cardin: What. The. Actual. Fu-?

Stalker: Your souls...Tainted...by Tenno hands.



Teams RWBY and JNPR: !?

Ryoma: What was that?

Ruby: Did you guys hear that?

Blake: Yeah.

Russel: Help!

A few seconds after her response, two of the five that had separated from the group ran towards them in a state of panic, their auras drained and their body nearly collapsing in exhaustion.


Ryoma: What the-!?

Colliding into Yang, the young man's body went limp as she remained unfazed. Picking him up by his shirt,  she began to ask.

Yang: What's going on!?

Russel: M-Monster... red and black....

Ruby: Grimm?

Russel: No...not Grimm.

Ryoma: ?

Russel: Our souls... tainted.... by Tenno hands.

Ryoma: !

Everyone: !?

The group looked back at Ryoma as Russel spoke of the Stalker's words. His calm and collected expression now that of shock and disbelief.

Ryoma: It can't be...!

Ren: Ryoma?

Ryoma: Take them to Glynda...now.

Everyone: ?

Transferring his mind and body into his Warframe, he continued as he gripped the hilt of Tatsu.

Ruby: Wait, wha-?

Ryoma: Take them, and evacuate the area, now!

Seeing the Tenno's change of tone, the group began to scramble a bit to pick up the bodies of the two who've fled. While they did so, the Tenno took off sprinting into the forest where the two came from, using the trees to save time by bullet jumping.

After a few minutes, he stumbled upon an open area atop a small hill. There, Jaune Arc, Cardin Winchester, and the others all lied, their bodies filled with cuts, bruises, and broken bones as their battle had resulted in defeat. The Stalker, with one foot on Jaune's chest and the Sentient greatsword, War, raised above him, spoke to him.

Stalker: Your defeat was inevitable, tainted one.

Jaune: He.... I... still have no idea... what you're talking about...

Charging towards the Stalker, the Tenno pulled back his longsword, swinging his blade as he doved within range. Seeing the charge from the corner of his eyes, the Stalker stopped short of stabbing Jaune and twisted his blade, preventing an immediate death, but forcing him off of the boy's chest and onto the dirt. Vaulting himself backwards onto two feet, the Stalker stood ready as the Tenno spoke.

Ryoma: Sutōkā.

Stalker: Betrayer.

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