Eine Nacht die alles Veränder...

By Katha_003

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Katharina ist ein großer Shawn Mendes Fan und geht in Berlin auf sein Konzert. Sie weiß aber noch nicht, dass... More

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By Katha_003

Shawn's Povo

Nach dem Q&A sind wir drei wieder in mein Dressing Room gegangen und meine Mum mich über FaceTime angerufen hat bin ich ran gegangen.

FaceTime Anruf zwischen Shawn und Mum

S: ,,Hey mum, how are you?"

Mum: ,,Hey babe, I'm good how are you"

S: ,,I'm doing okay"

Mum: ,,Shawn I know you had an anxiety attack today"

S: ,,How do you know I had one"

Mum: ,,I  can see it in your eyes so what happened"

S: ,,It happened during the Q&A because I got my hair cut while doing the Q&A and Anna let the Fans decide how I should cut my hair and they didn't tell me what they decide for me so when Anna started to cut it she just the machine and I got anxious about it because she didn't use it all the time when she trimmed my hair so I was like she is going to cut it super short again like I had it in 2017 because I know that most of the Fans want my short hair back so my hands started to shake, I started to breath heavier and I started to cry"

Mum: ,,Was someone with you at the Q&A except for Jack"

S: ,,Yeah Katha and Hanna were there too"

Mum: ,,Who help you to get through it from the tow girls"

S: ,,Katha helped me to get through it because she noticed it"

Mum: ,,What did she do"

S: ,,She just hugged me and told me that every thing is okay and that I will keep my curls at the top"

Mum: ,,I'm happy to hear that but now show me your new hair cut"

S: ,,Ok here it is do you want an explanation to it"

Mum: ,,Yes I would love to"

S: ,,Ok let me get the girls to explained to you because I still don't know completely what they did"

S: ,,Katha, Hanna can you come to me for a second"

H/K: ,,Yeah what is"

S: ,,Can you explain to my mum and my what Anna did as my hair cut"

K: ,,Yeah I can explain it to you and your mum also hello Karen"

Mum: ,,Girls"

H: ,,Hey Karen"

K: ,,So the the Fans decide for Shawn's hair this look so Anna cut his sied's and back with the machine  shorter at the bottom and got a little longer at top and for the top hair she cut it shorter too but it's still long enough to see his curls"

Mum: ,,I like it Shawn but you don't look that happy about it"

S: ,,It just so new to me and it will take a long time till my curls are completely growing back on the sied's"

Mum: ,,Shawn I know you love your curly hair so don't worry about it because it will grow back"

S: ,,Thank you mum"

Mum: ,,Shawn I need to go and make dinner"

S: ,,Ok mum, I love you and tell dad and Aaliyah that I said hi and that I love them to"

Mum: ,,I will tell them and we love you too and rock the stage tonight"

S: ,,I will and bey mum"

Mum: ,,Bey Shawn"

FaceTime call ende

Hanna Povo

Nach dem Shawn aufgelegt hatte haben wir drei uns unterhalten.


H: ,,Shawn are you excited for tonight?"

S: ,,Yeah I'm so excited for it."

K: ,,Shawn do you get often anxiety attacks?"

S: ,,Yeah I did get them every day when I have a concert"

H: ,,What do you mean with that"

S: ,,Nothing I still get them every night"

K: ,,Shawn you need to get ready for your show"

S: ,,Ok"

K: ,,Shawn why did your manager text you to take your pill and what pill"

S: ,,I'm explaining you guys every thing after the show"

H: ,,Ok but now you need to go on stage"

Ende der Unterhaltung 

Nach dem Shawn weg gegangen ist hab ich mit Katha anfangen zu reden. 

Dialog zwischen Hanna, Katha und Manager (Andrew)

H: ,,Katha ich mach wir sorgen um Shawn"

K: ,,Ich mach mir auch sorgen um ihn wegen den Pillen die er vor der Show genommen hat"

H: ,,Ja lass uns doch einfach seinen Manager fragen"

K: ,,Ja lass uns ihn fragen weil ich mach mir richtig sorgen um ihn"

H: ,,Andrew can we ask you something about Shawn"

A: ,,Sur what is it"

K: ,,It's about Shawn we want to ask you why you textet him that he needs to take his pill"

A: ,,About that Shawn needs to tell you it not me because he don't want that his fans know it so he will tell you guys it after the show and pleas promise me that you don't force him to tell you it right after he gets off stage"

H/K: ,,Yeah we promise you that"

Dialog Endes

Nach dem Konzert

Shaw's Povo

Nach dem ich mich von meinen Fans verabschiedet habe bin ich sofort in den Backstage Bereich gerannt und hab mir ein Handtuch Genomen und den ganzen Schweiß auf meinem Gesicht gewischt und meine haare damit halb Wegs trocken gerubbelt. Als ich dann wieder bei mir im Dressing Room war und ich mich geduscht habe und anders zeug angezogen hatte hat es an der Tür geklopft.

Dialog zwischen Shawn, Hanna und Katha

S: ,,You can come in"

H/K: ,,Hey Shawn you where amazing tonight"

S: ,,Thank you but now take a seat because I have to tell you something"

H: ,,Shawn you don't have to tell us it if you don't want too"

S: I know but I want to tell you it because I don't want to keep it as a secret for me"

K: ,,Ok and take your time"

S: ,,So Andrew texted me to take my pills because I need to take medicine before I do a show because of my anxiety I have so I'm less nerves on stage thats why Andrew texted me to take it"

K: ,,Shawn how long are you taking the medicine"

S: ,,I take the medicine for 2 years I start it in Glasgow on my Illuminate World tour"

H: ,,So does that mean that all of the Lyrics from In My Blood are true"

S: ,,Yeah it does"

K: ,,So you meant with no medicine is strong enough that it dosen't help you always"

S: ,,Yeah that's true but can we talk another day about it"

H: ,,Yes of Cours we can talk about it another day and now let's get to sleep because you need to rest and you look really tired"

S: ,,Yeah I am really tired so let's go backt to the bus so we all can get enough sleep"

Im Bus angekommen haben wir uns umgezogen und Hanna hat dass extra Bett genommen und Katha und ich habe uns mein Bett geteilt.

H: ,,Good night guys"

K: ,,Good night Hanna and Shawn"

S: ,,Good night girls"

Dialog ende

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