Mystic Home

By cuteblueicecream

514 73 0

Alexandra an unwanted person in the human world has to involved into the enchanter's battle and fight in orde... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 "Lost In Odd"
Chapter 16 "The Rockery"
Chapter 17 "Training with Master Hector"
Chapter 18 "The Mountain of Harmony"
Chapter 19 "Unlucky Zane"
Chapter 20 "Under Attacked"
Chapter 21 "Search for Jimmy"
Chapter 22 "The Stranger"
Chapter 23 "Halloween"
Chapter 24 "Lost Again"
Chapter 25 "Mourn"
Chapter 26 "Explain it later"
Chapter 27 "Promise"
Chapter 28 "Sleep here"
Chapter 29 "Kid's Voice"
Chapter 30 "Run and Hide"
Chapter 31 "My Family"
Chapter 33 "The New Portal"
Chapter 34 "New Trainer"
Chapter 35 "Jamaicah's First Mission"
Chapter 36 "Doctors Helper"
Chapter 37 "Mickey Mouse"
Chapter 38 "Daniel"
Chapter 39 "A long day"
Chapter 40 "Friends"
Chapter 41 "Troubles"
Chapter 42 "William"
Chapter 43 "Sealed Mark"
Chapter 44 "Kiss"
Chapter 45 "Shadow World"
Chapter 46 "Caught"
Chapter 47 "Remembered"
Chapter 48 "Escaped"
Chapter 49 "Sent back"
Chapter 50 "Finale"

Chapter 32 "Friends"

7 1 0
By cuteblueicecream

Alexandra's POV

The sun is already gone when my tears are all dried out.

I should get back to my room.

I stood up.

Kenneth immediately stood up after me.

I started walking and Kenneth followed me.

I don't want to talk anything today so I let him do want he want. I'm tired.

As I reach at the entrance of me room, I saw my parents standing before the door.

"Alex..." They called as they saw me.

"Leave me alone!" I said immediately and went to my room. I locked the door so that they won't ever come in.

"Alex, please..."

"No! Leave me alone!" I said and run to the bed.

I don't want to see them.

Not now... Please...

I closed my eyes with the tears dripping again.

Who am I? Is it true that I am just nothing?


I woke up in the middle of the night.

I woke up because of a strange light.

From a far, the light looks like it is from a firefly. But when it flies near me, I notice that it is not. It is a small yellow light and I don't know what it is or what it is called.

I climb off my bed and went near to the light.

The light flew away from me and went through to the open door.

Strange, why is the door of my room is open?

I immediately went outside and followed the light.

Through the hallway, the light went to the library. And then it stopped to a certain place.

Got you! Now I can see the light nearer and clearer. What is this kind of light?

As I went closer to the light, an unusual spark suddenly appeared from behind the small floating light and it went bigger and bigger. And as it went bigger and bigger, it drags me closer and closer to its direction like a magnet...

What's going on?


"Finally, you received me." A middle aged man in his silver robe said.

"Who are you?" I ask.

"I am your guider." He said.

"My guider...?" I ask.

"I am always at your side to guide you. Be careful." He said and turned into a small light again.

The small light went towards me and it went faster and faster.



"Good morning..." –Max.

It was just a dream...

Weird, why do I have a weird dream like that just now?

I climb off the bed and went to the bathroom. After that, I went outside my room.


Max's POV

Where is she going?

Oh, well... I'll just sleep here. I love to sleep.

She won't mind me anyway.


Alexandra's POV


Eh?! Somebody called me?

I turn around.

"Paul! Chris!" I replied.

"So touching, I thought you forgot about us. Or even worse, you hate us." Chris said.

"No... Why would I?" I said.

"Because of what happened the other day?" –Chris.

"What have happened that day?" I asked. I seemed to forget about it.

"You mean you already forgave us? Thank you, Alex." –Chris.

"Huh...?" I said with a confused look. "Oh! I remembered! It's okay..." I said after I got my memory back.

Gee... Days in the human world is too slow compared to the Mystic World. While I was at the Mystic world, there are so many adventures that I encountered.

"Hooray! Alex, let's go?" Chris asked.

"Go where?" I ask. Have I been assign to another assignment in the Mystic World?

"To the class... We missed you." -Chris.

"You missed me?"

"Of course we are... Let's go?"

"Let's go..." I said.

We started walking.

"Alex, we heard that you went to the Mystic World. Is it true?" –Paul.

"Yes." I said.

"What is it like out there?" –Chris.

"Wait! You knew about it then?" I ask.

"Yes. We all know about that now including those enchanters." –Paul.

And we continued our chitchat until we got to where we are going.


"Alex...! You are back!" They said while group hugging.

"We are so sorry about-"

"It is okay. I know it was a misunderstanding." I said.

From that day until today I slowly understand about it.

That day, they didn't know about the situations and the existence of the enchanters. And also they don't know about the Mystic World. But they believed that something is odd happening in this mansion. They sometimes saw other enchanters doing their training in the training room. And they got terrified to see somebody doing powerful than humans. They see stuffs that an ordinary human can't do like teleporting, Psychokinesis, produces something light or smoke from the hands, and etc... And worse to that, they saw them wearing their black cloak which can bring more terrified to their eyes.

Anne, Paul, Chris... and the others got scared to them. That is why they are scared to enter the west wing.

That time when Jamaicah got run to the clinic. They thought that I was one of them and thought I was trying to kill humans.

But once Jamaicah said something to them, their minds were turned back at me.

I smiled.


"Chris, by the way, when did you got to know about these stuffs? About the enchanters, the Mystic World, and etc...?" I ask. I get to ask them when we are alone at last.

"Oh, that...? We just had been told yesterday after a group returned from the Mystic World. I think that was your group since Jamaicah keeps on calling your name." –Chris. "We also heard that time that you died in there but Mrs. Greg and the other trainers didn't know about it yet so we didn't know if it is true or not. But since Anne told us that you came back safely on the afternoon, we confirmed that it is not true. By the way, what happened to you in there?"

"Oh." I responded and nothing more.

"I never thought that enchanters were nice." –Paul.

"They are nice..." I said.

"Since when they you met them...?" –Paul.

"Hmm... I forgot when it was..." I replied.

"That's okay. I hope we could talk to them sometime." Chris said while grinning.

"Sure... I'll help you with that." I said and laughed a little.

"I wonder when we will be assigned to the Mystic World." –Chris.

"I'm sure not yet because you need to build up your muscles." I said.

"I have big muscles already." –Chris.

"Believe me. You need to gain more strength." I said.

"Oh, really...?"

"Are you underestimating the monsters and the bad enchanters of what they can do? They almost got killed me." I said.

"You're right. Maybe I should build up my muscles more today. And create the best potion to poison those monsters..." –Chris.

"That's right..." I said.

"I never thought that our class has its purpose..."–Chris. "Oh, Paul. What's wrong?"

"I just thought... If we will be killed in there, I won't get to know who my real parents are." –Paul.

His real parents... He's longing for his parents?

"Are you really serious about finding your real parents after the battle?" –Chris. The battle...? "But look! They abandoned you in the first place..." He said.

"I know there's a reason behind it. I'll ask what it is when I get back." –Paul.

"Well, I am not like you. Both of my parents died in a car accident and I have nowhere else go to after." –Chris.

Well, they are all orphans though.

"..." –Paul and I...

"Come on! Why are you serious with that...? You are not going to be killed in there. Look! After this battle ends, I'll help you look for your parents." –Chris.

"Nah... I just thought about it. But thinking about it makes me feel bad. Thanks anyway, Chris." –Paul.

"If you want to see your real parents while you are still alive then why not we take our first leave? Sir Greg told us that the enchanters never wanted to force our will. He told us that we can leave the mansion whenever we wanted if we don't want to help them for the sake of our lives." –Chris.

"Don't bother... I also wanted to help the enchanters as my return of gratitude to them. They keep me, gave me food, shelter, and got me out from the hell that I thought I will never going to get out from there. I am so thankful for them." –Paul.

I think the hell he meant by that is the cruelty of the world.

"Yeah... Me too... So I will do my best to help them." –Chris.

"Me too..." I said.


A familiar voice is calling my name?

I turn around but then someone suddenly took my wrist and dragged me.

Eh? It is Kenneth...? What is he doing here?


Paul's POV

Wearing a black cloak, he must be an enchanter.

But having a long and frizzy hair on the head, under the nose, and long beard, he looks like an addict.

But where is he taking Alexandra...?

"On second thought, they aren't good-looking after all." –Chris.

"Don't say that. He might hear you." I said.

"But what I said is true. That guy is ugly." He said.

"Whatever you say, we must not make them angry or else they will curse us in no time." I said. They are enchanters though.

"Don't worry..." He said.


Alexandra's POV

Where is he taking me to?

"Uhm... Did they designate me again?" I asked. What if he came for me to go on missions again...?

"No..." He replied.

No...? Oh! What was I thinking? Maybe Mrs. Lori won't dare to bother me anymore after the scene I made yesterday.

"Then where are you taking me?" I asked since he remained dragging me along the hallway.

"Kenneth...?" –Someone's voice. "Is that you...? Finally! It's been a while. And who is this?" He said.

I turn my head to see who's talking just now to Kenneth.

"Jeff...?" I said in a surprised tone. I am surprised to see him here. What is he doing here?

"Alexandra...?" Jeff said.

"You're back, suddenly?" Kenneth said.

"Yeah... We kind of commanded to get back here even though we aren't done yet of gathering them." Jeff said to Kenneth. Then Jeff gazed at my direction. "I am so surprised to see you here. I never thought that you are involved to this situation." He said to me.

"I am surprised to see you too." I said.

"Nick...!" Someone called.

"Yes... wait a minute!" Jeff yelled in replying someone who just called.

"Get back here!"

"Yes, I'll be there." Jeff shouted. "Sorry, Alexandra but I have to go. Duty's calling. By the way, my real name is Nicholas but you can call me Nick." He said and the gestured to get closer to me. "I'm looking forward to our first date." He said then waved at me. "See you later." Then he walked away.

What is he talking about?

"What did he said to you?" Kenneth asked in a cold voice.

"Eh...?" I slightly laugh too. "He said nonsense. It is nothing." I said.

"Let's go..." He said.

"Where are we going...?" I asked.

"Have you forgotten already? We haven't done training yet. You still have a lot to learn." He said.

That was kind of embarrassing? Why didn't I think of that? But I have to keep smiling.

"Oh. I forgot... Let's go then." I said and walked.


"Bamboos stick...?" I said to Kenneth after he gave me this as my weapon for this training.

"Yes..." He said.

"Mm... What do I need to do with it? How can I use it?" I asked.

"Simple. You just need to hit an object to turn its direction to somewhere you like and to avoid yourself from it." He said. "First, you'll start on avoiding objects that I will throw by using that stick." He said and prepared the object on his hands.

"I see..." I said.

"Then let's get started."

"Okay I'm ready..." I said and prepared the stick. I positioned it right in front of me.


We stopped and keep on being quite after we heard the growling sound.

"Have you eaten breakfast this morning?" Kenneth suddenly broke the silence.

"He-he... I think I did not." I said.

I just woke up this morning and found Paul and Chris in the hallway that I forgot to eat.


"You should not skip breakfast, Alex... You are already thin. Do you want to get sick?" –Kenneth. He said opposite to mine.

Here we are at the dining hall on the west wing.

There are so many delicious food preserved just for me and I can't help myself but to munch it all.

Hm... Delicious... Do you want some? Ha-ha...

"No..." I said in answering Kenneth with my mouth is full. "I just forgot about it."

"Don't talk when your mouth is full. Do you want to get choked?" He said.

"Of course not... Well, you asked me a question and I just replied it." I said.

"Never mind... Just help yourself then..." He said.

What is wrong with him?

Oh, well, never mind him... I'll just continue eating these delicious foods.

After a few minutes, the door suddenly slams open.

Then a group entered the dining hall.

"You guys are already here? I guess we are fated. Ha-ha..." Jeff said -I mean Nicholas said.

"What are you doing here?" Kenneth asked.

"Doing be so cold, Kenneth. Wait! Why are you guys are always together?" –Nicholas.

"It is none of your business." –Kenneth.

"It is my business too." Nicholas said to Kenneth eye to eye. Then Nicholas gazed at me.

Eh...? Why do I feel so tensed?

"He-he... It is not what you think, Nicholas. I am Kenneth's trainee." I said.

"Oh. So that is why..." –Nicholas... "Why didn't you tell me, Kenneth? Anyway, we are also very hungry. Can we join with your table?"

"No..." –Kenneth.

What is he doing?

"Of course you can..." I said to Nicholas and his group.

"That's great." Nicholas said. "Guys, let's sit here." He said to his friends.

Nicholas sat next to me and his friends sat to where they want but we are all on the same table.

"Whoa... I am so hungry..." One of Nicholas' friends said.

I never seen them before since I came here on this mansion.

"Me too... Where are our foods?" Another of Nicholas' friends said.

"Just wait." –Nicholas.

After Nicholas mumbled, the foods then appeared and floated into the air from the kitchen area and it went to the table.


"Now, let's eat!"



"Let's pray first!"

"What...? That's ridiculous!"

"Yeah... We don't need it!

"And besides, the human Gods are not our Gods."


"He's right."

"Yeah but we are stepping on the earth so we have to respect their Gods."

Wow! He is so religious.


"So lame..."


"Then hurry praying. I am hungry."

"Okay, then let us bow our heads..." He said and then he prayed. The others wait for him to finish.

As they are finish praying, they immediately munch their foods.

I can't eat more because of them.

"By the way, Alexandra, these are my friends. That's Michael, that's Pitter, and that is Daniel, Lance, and lastly that is CJ." He said while pointing at each one of them.

"Hello..." Nicholas' Friends said.

"They came from different places. And it is their first time in this mansion. We are all enchanters." –Nicholas.

"Ahh..." I said.

So Nicholas is an enchanter too.

"Guys..." Nicholas said to his friends. "Listen up! This is Kenneth." He said while pointing to Kenneth. "And this is Alexandra..." He said while pointing at me. "Treat her well because she is my girlfriend."



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