Sympathetic Deceit One Shots

By VerySpookyGuy

70.4K 2.2K 2.5K

Sympathetic!Deceit AU Loceit Anxceit Moceit Roceit Remceit DLAMP Sympathetic!Deceit centric one shots, mostly... More

Quick Introduction
Loceit (1)
Anxeit (1)
Roceit (1)
Sanders Sides Discord
Loceit (2) pt.1
Anxeit (2)
Loceit (3)
Deemus (1)
Loceit (2) pt. 3
Loceit (2) pt. 4
Roceit (2)
Um, hi?
Roceit (2) - Bonus

Loceit (2) pt.2

3K 128 153
By VerySpookyGuy

"I would notice if you were gone, I care"

Logan sat on the egde of his bed, staring at the 9 words on the paper in his hands. Who was it?

There was no name, initial, or even colour to point to who it could've been. With his thoughts back in their rightful place at the back of his mind, he started debating the identity of the sender. He knew that there was only four true possibilities. Virgil, Patton, Roman.... Or Deceit.

Their likely-hood in that order.

However, there was flaws in each of the possible identities.

If it was Virgil, who it seemed most likely to be due to his late night tendencies to wonder and talk to Logan if he was also awake, wouldn't have given a cookie. Logan didn't have much of a sweet tooth and Virgil knew this. Or maybe he didn't care enough to find something more suited to Logan and decided that a cookie would be enough....

If it was Patton, he wouldn't have just left the plate and mug, he would've come in and stayed with Logan until he stopped crying. Or maybe Logan wasn't important enough to waste time on.....

If it was Roman, well, why would it be Roman? He's likely to be dead asleep by this hour. And even if he was awake, Logan doubted he'd take time out of his night to do something nice for the Robot....

That left Deceit... But why would it be him? Logan had barely spoken to him, and even then, they hadn't exactly been friendly conversations. Plus why would he care about someone like Logan?

He carried on working out the pros and cons to each possibility, slowly drinking the hot chocolate which was soothing his dry throat. All the crying had left him with quite a headache too.

He slowly set the empty mug down on his bedside table and took a bite out of the cookie. It was nice, but he didn't eat anymore of it, it wasn't really his thing. Too much chocolate.

(A/n, there is no such thing as too much chocolate, chocolate is the best)

He clicked his fingers and his professional outfit was replaced by a much comfier baggy hoodie and underwear. He crawled into his bed, pulling the covers up to his ears as he sank into the pillows. It was likely that he wouldn't sleep, but he may as well be comfortable.


Deceit had knocked on the door and sank straight into his room. He didn't know why, but the thought of Logan knowing it was him, made the situation feel odd. Perhaps it was the thought that Logan wouldn't take it seriously if he knew who had left the gifts.

He walked over to his dresser and started to shed his clothes. Once he was left in only his underwear, he searched for his loose sweatpants. After looking all over the room, he found them under his bed. How they got there, he didn't know.

He lay back on top of the blankets and thought about what he had learnt tonight about a certain side.

Logan was.... Insecure? Feeling unworthy? Uncared for? Unloved maybe! He wondered if the others knew about it. Or if what Logan said was true, would they notice? Surely they would at some point, but would it be immediate? Ethan wasn't so sure they'd realise until they needed some logic.

The words repeated themselves in his mind, what's wrong with me? He wanted to run in and just tell Logan that there was nothing wrong. Nothing was wrong with him, how could he think that? But he couldn't. They weren't friends... Yet. Ethan started formulating plans to befriend Logan, starting small and working up.

As his eyes slipped shut he thought about how Logan was probably attempting to use logic to work out who the anonymous message was from. He smiled softly, as sleep took him gently.


Pattons knock on his door shook Logan out of a dreamless sleep. The first sleep he had all week. Considering that it was Friday, that was saying something. Another knock sounded a moment later when Patton received no indication that Logan was awake. He groaned, and shouted to Patton that he'd only be a few moments.

Pulling himself out of bed, he heard footsteps receding from his room. As usual, he stood in front of his mirror and just looked at himself for a moment. A moment which lasted a lifetime. A lifetime of looking, of criticism, of hatred. He turned away and clicked his fingers. His ever-unchanging look settled into place and his mask fell just as easily. On his way out of the door, Logan grabbed a book to keep himself occupied while waiting for the others. It was a rule, they weren't allowed to eat breakfast or dinner without the others there. Lunch was different since they all had such different activities throughout the day.

None of the others were in the kitchen, so Logan took it upon himself to brew some coffee and get settled in his seat at the table. He knew that if he was reading while the others walked in, they were less likely to attempt to talk to him. It sounded.... mean, but after all of the thoughts last night, his people battery was running low.

He had read a chapter when Patton walked in with a sleepy Virgil in tow, Roman following not too far behind. It was Friday, which meant pancakes. Not one of Logans favourites, but ever since he learnt that Patton woke early to make them every Friday, Logan are them without complaint, even giving compliments if he was in a good mood. Which he was not.

Although he didn't let the others see that.

Even though he wasn't allowed to read through the meal, it still made him feel more secure with the book on his lap. He thanked Patton once the others had finished, only eating one pancake out of the four he'd been given. When asked about it, he lied, saying that he'd been up late and had had a snack at around 1am.

He kicked himself when he saw Deceit in the hall once he'd dodged the rest of Pattons questions. It was just Logans luck. It wasn't even a big lie!

"Morning, Logic" Deceit smirked, holding the 'L' for longer than necessary.

"Good morning?"

"Yes, I suppose it is."

Deceit pushed his way passed Logan, walking towards his room again.

What was that?

He came back to his senses when Roman pushed passed him, exclaiming something along the lines of being in his way. Taking no notice, Logan walked to his room, silently contemplating what on earth that could've meant?


Leave some criticism, love, or thoughts in the comments

Part 3 will be up soon...


Hope you liked it 🖤

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