Ninjago: Generations- True Po...

By AwesomeSpecs21

4.6K 99 162

This is just a continuation of Ninjago Generations that goes over how the kids discovered their true potentia... More

Ryder's True Potential
Allison's True Potential
Amber's True Potiential
Lily's True Potential
Blake's True Potential
Ashley's True Potential
Alex's True Potential

Jax's True Potential

496 13 27
By AwesomeSpecs21

Jax's P.O.V.:

"Hey Mom, can I go take a walk around the neighborhood please?" I asked my mom as she was doing the dishes.

"Sure Jax, just take your phone with you and be back by dinner."
My mom said.

"Ok thanks." I said.

I walked off to the forest behind my house where I set up my secret ninja training course. I had built it myself and it was great because it was mine. Neither of my parents knew about it and the only one who knew was my twin sister Lily.

My parents didn't like me running away, so every time I would come out here I would tell them that I was going on a walk or to my cousins' house a block away. My parents didn't want me or my sister to become a ninjas because it was, quote on quote, "too dangerous" for us. I didn't care though, being a ninja sounded awesome to me, not to mention I was awesome at it!

My parents were both incredible inventors, and that's why I wanted to try my hand at inventing too. It's part of the reason I made the training course. I had a bag of old pillows hanging from a tree branch I used as a punching bag, a bunch of old tires on the ground to test my agility, and I had an old scarecrow as a training dummy. It wasn't state of the art by any means and it didn't compare to the one my friend Ryder had at his place, but it was mine and I was proud of it.

I played around on it a little and was in the middle of running through the tires on the ground when I tripped on the last tire.

"Figures you would be out here." I heard a voice come from behind me. It was my sister.

"What's it to you sis?" I said to Lily.

"You know Mom and Dad don't want us to become ninja." Lily reminded me.

"I know, but it just sounds like so much fun." I said as my sister helped me up.

There was a small scrape on my knee from hitting the tire, but it was no big deal. With how rambunctious I am, pain only bothered me when it was really serious. I broke my arm once when I was eight by falling out of a tree, so since then pain never bothered me. My mom says I get that from my Uncle Kai.

"How do you plan to explain that to Mom?" My sister pointed to the scrape on my knee.

"Easy I'll just tell her I tripped." I shrugged.

"But isn't that lying?"

"Not exactly, I mean I DID trip." I said.

"You know what I mean Jax." Lily rolled her eyes. "Now come on, Mom said it's time for dinner."

"Ok." I said.

I followed Lily back to the house and we set down for dinner.

"So Jax, how was your walk?" Lily asked, smirking at me.

Why does my sister make everything so difficult?! She always did this every time she knew I lied to my parents. Lily thought just because she was a mere 8 minutes older than me that she always knew best. Spoiler alert, she doesn't.

"My time outside was fine, thank you." I said.

Technically I wasn't lying, I was outside. She gave me a look and I smirked back.

"Ok, what are you not telling us?" My mom crossed her arms and looked at me. Getting a loophole like that past my dad was easy, but Mom could always tell.

"It's nothing Mom, I just tripped as I was walking and scraped my knee. Don't worry it's feeling ok now." I said.

"Are you sure you don't need me to look at it?" Mom asked.

"No thanks I'm fine." I said.

I finished my spaghetti and ran to my room. Lily and I had separate rooms since we were seven. I locked my door and snuck out the window that led into the backyard. Then I ran back to the training course and started to punch the bag. That was my way of letting my anger out, my uncle Kai taught me that.

Next thing I knew it had gotten dark so I started to head back, but then it started storming. The rain was so thick I couldn't see my house anymore. I couldn't tell what was left and what was right.

Nya's P.O.V.:

The storm outside was coming down pretty hard. Jay and I went to get Jax and Lily out of their rooms in case any trees fell on the house.

"Come on Lily, let's ride the storm out in the basement for a while." Jay said taking my daughter's hand and leading her to the basement.

"Come on Jax, let's go." I knocked on Jax's door, but there wasn't an answer. "Jax?" There still wasn't an answer. I tried to open his door but it was locked. I was starting to get worried. "Jaxon Fritz Walker you open this door right now!"

"Nya what's wrong?" Jay asked me.

"Jax's door is locked and he won't let me in." I said.

Jay tried knocking on the door and it Jax wasn't saying anything. Jay kicked the door down and I noticed he wasn't in his room and the window was wide open.

"I think he snuck out again." Jay said.

"What's going on?" Lily asked walking into the room.

"Lilian Maya, do you know where your brother is?!" I demanded.

"He made me promise not to tell you." She admitted.

"Lily, his life could be in danger!" Jay screamed.

"Fine, he built a ninja course in the woods behind the house and that's why he keeps running out all the time." Lily admitted.

"Lily why didn't you tell us?" Jay said.

"We'll deal with you later young lady, now where is this ninja training course?" I scolded.

Jax's P.O.V.:

I was underneath a tree just trying to stay dry. The lightning from the storm was coming down violently and it was like it was trying to kill me. I guess it was because that I most likely inherited my dad's lightning powers. I had almost given up when I saw someone running towards me. It looked like my dad.

"Over here Dad!" I screamed.

The figure turned to me, and it wasn't my dad, it was a little puppy. From what I could tell he didn't have a collar so I assumed he was a stray or maybe lost. He looked tired, hungry and he was limping. He didn't seem afraid or threatened by me at all.

"You're lost too little buddy?" I said to the pup.

The young dog looked at me and whimpered. He limped over and lied down next to me underneath the tree. He was keeping his right front paw off the ground as much he could.

"Come here buddy. It's ok." I said looking at his paw.

He had a big thorn wedged in his paw and it looked like it was hurting him. With one big tug I pulled it out and the pup jumped up and whimpered.

"Hey hey calm down boy, it's all ok now." I cooed as the pup calmed down.

He then started licking my face and wagging his tail and I laughed. Then my dad actually did show up and scared the pup so he hid behind me.

"Hey it's ok." I said to the pup. "Dad over here."

"Jax!" He ran over to me and pulled me close to him. "Are you ok?"

"I'm fine, I'm so sorry Dad I should've told you that I..."

"We'll talk about that later, now let's get you out of here."

"Wait but the doggy!" I yelled.

"What?" My dad asked.

The pup appeared behind us and let out a little bark. I looked at my dad with my puppy dog eyes. They never worked on my mother, but my dad usually fell for it.

"Pwease?" I begged.

"Fine, but just until the storm stops." Dad said.

"Deal." I said.

The wolf pup was following me and my dad out of the woods when lightning struck a tree and it almost fell on top of him. That was when I felt a surge of electricity welling up inside of me. I caught the tree just in time and I found myself flying up and pushing the tree the other way. Once I was sure my dad was safe I had exhausted myself and dropped to the ground until my father caught me.

"D-did I win?" I asked my dad.

"Yes son, you won." My dad smiled.

Then I passed out in his arms...

I felt the puppy licking my face and I woke up laughing. Then I turned around and saw my family. They did not look happy, especially my mom. She had one of those 'I'm glad you're alright but you're in big trouble' faces. A face I knew all too well.

"What happened?" I asked as I sat up, holding my head in pain. "Ow! Why do I have such a headache?"

"Easy Jax, you've been through a lot." My mom said. "Are you ok?"

"I'm alright Mom." I said. "I'm guessing by the look on your face I'm in trouble?"

"Oh big time." My mother scowled.

"I'm sorry." I frowned. "I shouldn't have lied to you guys."

"That's what I've been saying the whole time!" Lily yelled.

"Lily, go easy on your brother." My dad said to her. "He's had a long day."

"Fine." She agreed reluctantly.

"Son you should've told us about the ninja course and we would've been ok with it." My father said.

"Thanks Dad, but all it is now is a soggy mess." I sighed.

"I'll make you a deal." My dad bargained. "Promise to stop lying to me and your mom, and I'll build you your own ninja course in the backyard."

"Really?" I got excited. "Can I help you build it?"

"Of course you can." My dad smiled. "but only if you promise not to lie to us again."

"I promise." I said. "No more lies."

Both of my parents and Lily hugged me. I had unlocked my true potential.

We kept on looking for the dog's owner, but we had no luck. After two weeks, we assumed he was a stray and we adopted him. I gave him the name Bolt, to remember the occasion. He was a great addition to the family.

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