Kayla's Girl Guide For Guys

By Original_Trio

474 18 8

Kayla: Hai! Umm... Here's my advice book so, need advice come request questions!! More

Congrats! Sorta...
The 1 of 3C's
C # 2
Final and Most Important (To Me At Least) C!
Cuddling Tips? (Ft. Matt)
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These Feelings

126 3 1
By Original_Trio

Kayla: So, you're feeling weird in your head, stomach and you know... Around her. Well, my friend! You are experiencing you're first crush!! That's so cute! ^o^ Anyways! You've got 3 choices. 1) Confess your feelings to her. 2) Keep them inside. Or 3) Become a stalker! *laughs* I don't personality recommend becoming a stalker, but do whatever well, not whatever... Anyways! I hope this first tip was useful and I will see you! *waves and smiles*

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