The Pup Of The North [current...

By Jess11xx

25.4K 606 40

[in the process of being rewritten] Lord Eddard Stark and Lady Catelyn Stark hold the North for King Robert... More

01 [Execution]
02 [Mischief]


3.9K 101 5
By Jess11xx

There was a feast to be held at Winterfell. The feast was to celebrate the royal family visiting and King Robert's proposal. The king had asked Lord Stark when they were in the crypts. The conversation had consisted of talking about their times together as children and their offspring. King Robert had brought up the likeness that little Lyanna Stark had to her namesake and Lord Stark agreed that they were shockingly similar. Down to the sweet Stark child's stubborn spirit and the way that she believed she could change the way people were. The other news was that Prince Joffrey and Sansa Stark were to be betrothed. The concept was to unite both house Stark and Baratheon. The little dove couldn't wait to get her fairytale marriage but naive Sansa had no idea of Joffrey's true colours.

The sweet Stark child had chosen a special dress from her wardrobe. The dress was new and yet to be worn but Lyanna had insisted. The sweet Stark child had chosen the dress specifically for the red and gold Lannister colours. The dress had a golden sash at the middle for a belt, consisting of small embroidered wolves. The sigil for house Stark. The sash had been a present from Sansa Stark for her last name day and Sansa had embroidered small grey wolf sigils onto the golden material.

The feast had stated with the Stark family escorting a member of house Baratheon. It was an old custom but it was also to create some kind of show of unity. Ned Stark had escorted Lady Cersei inside, followed by King Robert escorting Lady Stark. The children of each house were then to escort each other into the large and bustling feast.

Robb had escorted Arya into the feast. The wild Stark had an expression of distaste on her face and everybody could tell she hated being presented like a lady. Sansa had a duty to escort Joffrey into the feast since she was his betrothed. Brandon had escorted Princess Myrcella into the feast with Prince Tommen escorting Lyanna.

Lyanna had held onto the prince's arm with the widest smile on her face, in awe that she was this close to a prince. Little Rickon Stark trailed behind them. The natural thing would have been for Rickon to be escorted by Tommen due to him being slightly older. Lord Stark had decided to pair Lyanna with Tommen instead, to avoid prejudice on a male child escorting another male child.

Lyanna had been forced to sit at the table with the ladies, much to her dismay. She'd begged her father to let her bring Eclipse to the feast and asked if they could sit with her brothers. The ladies always talked about embroidery and marriage. It definitely wasn't the sweet Stark child's scene. She much preferred to run around the courtyard playing with bow and arrows, or trying to copy Robb and Jon when they tried to teach her to ride.

Lord Stark had immediately declined and stuck with his reasoning that the wolves were already enough trouble. Ned didn't enjoy the thought of how much trouble they could cause with the royal family and he insisted that Lyanna sit at the ladies table. Lord Stark had gently explained to the child that she would grow up to be like the ladies and she must learn young.

Lyanna Stark had sulked her way over to the ladies table and had a mild sense of joy when she was sitting next to Arya. Lord Stark had decided to give the child some joy and just hoped he hadn't made a bad decision. They were trouble separately but together they were much worse. Lyanna was quickly learning Arya's mischievous ways. They could often be found tricking handmaidens into sweets or trying to ride their dire wolves through the forest.

The festivities bore on and the hall of Winterfell buzzed with noise. The hall filled with the sounds of drunken men cheering, the moans of hired whores and the quite discussions of lords and ladies over their meals. Lyanna had surprisingly found a friend in the young royal children. Brandon, Rickon, Lyanna and Arya Stark sat with the two young Baratheon-Lannister children. They were playing some game Lyanna had creatively made up and they all were happy enough.

"You're at a feast but you look like a bear in a trap." Benjen Stark approached his brother.
"The boy I beheaded, did you know him?" Eddard sighed.
"Course I did and he was tough Ned. He was a true ranger." Benjen Stark frowned.
"He was talking madness. He said the walkers slaughtered his friends." Lord Stark looked up towards his brother.

"They're still missing." Benjen confirmed.
"Wilding ambush?" Ned suggested. The white walkers were a made up fable to scare children. Surely they couldn't be real?
"Maybe." Benjamin gave a shrug in reply.
"Dire wolves south of the wall, talk of the walkers and my brother might be the next hand of the king. Winter is coming." Benjen scoffed with a small playful smirk.
"Winter is coming." Lord Stark replied with a sigh.

"Uncle Benjen." Robb grinned and walked up to the man. Lyanna Stark had pardoned herself from the royal children and was hot on Robb's heels.
"How are you?" Benjen asked as he clapped the eldest Stark on the back in their hug.
"Good." Robb smiled and moved out of the way. Lyanna wasn't exactly subtle with her approach and Robb could have heard her little feet pattering on the floor from any distance away.

"Benjamin!" Lyanna grinned and bustled past Robb, nearly tripping on her dress and falling into his legs. Robb steadied her with a smile.
"It's been a while Uncle." Robb smiled.
"That it has.. Hello little lady." Benjen kneeled down and wrapped her in a hug.
"I brought you a gift Lyanna." Benjen grinned at the little girl, that bounced happily where she stood.
The Stark chuckled and placed a crown weaved from sticks, leaves and small berries onto the top of her head. He wasn't the most creative man and by far the richest, but he knew the young wolf would appreciate it.

"It's very resilient, the trees by the wall adapt to survive in the harsh winters. The berries are from the few plants that can survive." Benjamin Stark educated his beaming niece but it was clear she didn't take much in.
"Thank you uncle Benjen!" Lyanna hugged his leg quickly and fell into a sloppy curtsy.

The young Stark picked up her dress with one hand, while her other held tightly onto the crown. She searched for the sight of the queen.
Lyanna narrowly dodged a man and crawled between a lady's legs before she saw Cersei sitting beside her mother. Lyanna fought the urge to kick off her shoes and run barefoot, it was always quicker but she had to remain a lady.

She quickly ran toward the high table and smoothed down her dress.
"Lady Stark." Cersei smiled at the sight of the little girl.
"Your grace." Lyanna quickly fell into a curtsy.
Catelyn had told her that she had to address Cersei and Robert as your grace.

"You're dress is of Lannister colours. It is quite lovely." Cersei said softly. She didn't usually like anybody apart from Jamie and her children. Lyanna had a likeness to Myrcella that she'd fell for. The brave lioness was surprised that she felt fond of the child. The Stark child was the spitting image of the women that her husband forever loved and even had her name.

"She chose the dress specially your grace. She pleaded me to let her wear it after she was taught about house Lannister in her lessons." Catelyn smiled politely.

"I'm sure Lord and Lady Stark will have to fight the houses away once you come of age. You may wear a real crown upon your head someday." Cersei laughed gently and smiled at the handmade crown tangled into her hair now.

"Thank you your grace. You're dress is lovely." Lyanna fell into a sloppy curtsy with a light blush across her young face. She was trying her best to maintain being a lady.
"Thank you but you must eat child. Now run along and join your sisters at the table little wolf." Cersei waved to the little girl and watched her run over to the other table, taking a seat next to Arya.

Lyanna huffed softly having to listen to Sansa talk about her "beloved" Prince Joffrey. She picked a cinnamon bun from the centre of the table over the actual foods. She was often being told off by her Septa or Lady Catelyn for her fussy eating habits, or for filling up on sweets and dessert things instead of meals.

Cersei sat at a high table overlooking the feast next to Lady Stark. The Lannister's face was still as stone, watching her husband mess around with some whore.
"Is this your first time in the North your grace?" Lady Stark smiled softly. Lady Catelyn fought the urge to try to comfort the brave lioness and hide the pitied look in her eyes.
"Yes. A lovely country." Cersei replied with a forced smile, her eyes on Sansa Stark at a table below.

"I'm sure it's very grim after Kings Landing. I remember how scared I was, when Ned first brought me up here for the first time." Lady Stark said. Cersei stared off into the distance with a small frown, barely listening to her words.

Sansa sat a table below with another lady beside her. A woman approached behind the two, telling the eldest female Stark that the queen wished to see her. Sansa stood and approached the high table with a nervous smile.

"Hello little dove, but you are a beauty just like your sister. How old are you?" Cersei smiled at the Stark.
"13 your grace." Sansa replied politely.
"You're tall. Still growing?" Cersei inquired leaning back against her chair.
"I think so your grace." Sansa replied with a small smile.
"Have you bled yet?" The queen asked bluntly, the young Stark's face fell and she glanced at her mother.
"No your grace." The red haired girl replied quietly.

"Your dress. Did you make it yourself?" Sansa beamed and nodded quickly, earning a smile back from Cersei.
"Such talent. You must make something for me." Cersei praised. The Stark girl nodded her head respectfully and walked back to her table.

"I hear we might share a grandchild someday." The Lannister smiled at Lady Stark.
"I hear the same." Catelyn forced a smile, biting back the complaints she had. Sansa was just turned 13 and she hadn't bled yet. She wasn't fit to marry yet but of course she couldn't speak out against the queen.

"Your daughter will do well in the capital. Such a beauty shouldn't stay hidden up here forever." Cersei replied looking over the feast.
Sansa approached her table again and took a seat next to her handmaiden, turning away with a blush at the Prince looking at her.
Joffrey broke into a smirk at the sight of the Stark girl. Sansa quickly turned away again and spoke excitedly to her friend.

Lyanna huffed softly and pushed the deserted half of the bun on her plate. Sansa had spoke about Joffrey all the time since they had arrived yesterday. The little wolf smirked mischievously and quickly flicked a spoon full of the food in Arya's bowl at the red haired Stark.

Arya grinned at her younger sister and flicked another fuller spoonful.
"Lyanna! Arya! Stop it!" Sansa complained loudly and the lady beside her quickly tried to wipe the food away with her handkerchief.

Robb Stark broke into laughter from the next table, a smirk gracing his lips. He did love his younger sisters mischievous ways. They were always entertaining. The eldest Stark sighed at the look he received from Catelyn and stood up.

Lyanna giggled loudly and was about to throw a bun at Sansa but Robb got there first.
"Time for bed you two." Robb picked the child up from her seat and set her on the floor. Arya was about to flick another spoonful of food before Robb picked her up.

The young wolf giggled to herself and took this opportunity to try to throw the bun. Robb glanced down at her with a laugh, stopping her in her tracks by picking her up and placing her on his hip.

Robb ushered the complaining Arya out of the banquet hall, holding a wiggling Lyanna tighter in his arms. The young wolf looked up towards the queen sat at her table. Lyanna tried to make sure she saw her sleepy smile, for the great lioness. That was at least before the doors closed and she was forced into her bed.

Vivian told her more stories and played with her brown locks. Lyanna eventually gave up fighting sleep and slept fitfully, for she had spoke to the queen again. She had even called her pretty! That was mainly what filled her dreams that night, including Eclipse of course.

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