Beast Behind the Mask

By Human-girl

876K 20.3K 4.6K

He's Ruthless. He's Dark. He's Dangerous. He's Possessive. He's the Alpha... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 5

54.6K 1.3K 272
By Human-girl

Hey everybody!

Sorry for updating so late! I was busy with exams. College is so hectic :(

Anyways, a big thankyou to everybody who like my story and encouraged me to continue. This is for you guys.



As soon as I entered the diner, I remembered that I completely forgot to tell Hunter about Eric. I stopped midstep and chewed my lips. He told me he was extremely possessive. But he was the one who made me forget to mention it to him. I blushed as I remembered our parting words.'s not like Eric and I were going to do anything, we will just be studying. I shrugged, I'm sure he won't mind. With that settled, I went to change into my uniform shirt and started work.

I counted the payment of my last costumer and closed the cashier. Finished at last! Today was an unusually busy day. Maybe because we had changed our menu a little and added quiet some deals that were tasty and cheap.

After I has changed back into my clothes, I waited for Eric. He was running late.I had decided to read my novel that I had in my locker to pass the time. I was so engrossed that I didn't feel the commotion around me until I heard gasps and whispers all over. Since I was sitting facing the door, I immediately saw the handsome man at the entrance of the diner upon looking up. He looked around until his eyes immediately connected with mine. I felt the familiar electricity going through my veins as my body hummed in awareness. I stood up smiling happy to see him. That is until Eric came bustling in past him and stood in front of me, panting and bent over with his hands on his knees.

"Hi..." Eric greeted me still breathing hard. Had he run all the way here..?

"So sorry for being late. I completely forgot about our date." He continued, now looking a little better.

He had a sheepish smile on his face. Then his words penetrated through my pity for him. Wait what? Did he just Uh oh. I looked up. Hunter looked about ready to explode. I was so gone. So gone. Maybe I should pretend I don't know Eric. Mmmhmm, make it look like he was some psychopath who went up to random girls begging to be tutored. Yeah right. First of all, there's no way in this world Hunter wouldn't not be able to tell if I'm lying, and second I couldn't do that to poor Eric. So I decided to face the music.

"Oh hey Eric. Why don't you sit here I'll be right back ok?" I didn't wait for his answer, just dashed towards Hunter, who just stood there looking at me with pitch black eyes.

"Hey Hunter...." I murmured. No response. His hard stare set in place.

I tried again, "So umm, I forgot to tell you this but that guy, his name is Eric, he just asked me to tutor him an-"

"And you didn't tell me." He growled.

"I...It's not like I didn't want to tell you, just that I didn't get the chance and then in the car...." I trailed off timidly.

"So let me get this straight" He said sardonically, "All the time yesterday, when we talked all night, you completely forgot to mention your 'date' to me and when you came in here you again completely 'forgot' to at least text me about this?"

When he put it like that... now I felt a little stupid.

"Hunter I'm sorry I did comp-"

"Let's go meet the boy." He interrupted and started walking forward compelling me to follow.

Eric was sitting with his back to us and his head down with his math books open.

Awww he was.....texting.

Hunter stood there looming over him. He didn't budge. Hunter cleared his throat. He looked up. His eyes grew wide and he jumped to stand up but his knee connected to the table with a loud thud. He yelped and since he couldn't stand up with Hunter's knee practically on the seat, he further scooted to the corner of the booth.

"Umm...hey?" Eric looked at Hunter and then at me. And then back at him. Now when he looked at me, fear was clear in his eyes.

He looked at me questioningly, "Ari...?"

I bit back a groan. Ari?! Ari?! why did he call me that. We didn't even know each other.

Hunter growled and then glared at me. I pretended I didn't notice as I deliberately looked down. Hmmm I never noticed how interesting the pattern on my sneakers was.

"Ummm..Okay so Hunter Eric here wants me to tutor him in Maths so would you..?"

He stared then said, ''You're coming with me."

Now it was my turn to stare. I couldn't comprehend. Did he want me to just up and leave Eric here. That would be very rude, not to mention immoral.


"So I see you're ready. Let's go."

With that he took me by the hand and dragged me out. I looked back to see Eric gazing in our direction with a dumbfounded expression on his face.

When we reached the car Hunter opened my door and I silently got in. Hunter sat on the driver's side and he started the car and the engine purred to life. But we didn't move. We sat silently for a few minutes. I was afraid to even breathe. Scared that anything might set him off.

"I told you that I would kill any man who looked at you the wrong way." Hunter said darkly.

"And I don't go back on my word." He finished as he looked at me. His eyes still black.

I took a deep breathe. Praying for strength to explain myself with his unnerving stare on my face.

"Hunter...." I started in a whisper, "I would..." I gulped, "I would never go behind your back do things with other boys, I...I like you. So Eric, he's just my student. I swear you can ask him that." I continued to explain timidly, "I...please don't think I'm that kind of girl..again."

I could feel tears in the back of my eyes. Why did it always seem like he was doubting my character? "I told you I'm not some ha-" a sob broke out as tears started to fall down my face, "I s-swear" I heaved, "If you want you can ask my manager. Sh-she knows-" I heaved, "I ju-just started talking to hi-"

I was cut off as Hunter hauled me from my chair and into his lap. I turned my head into his chest seeking comfort. My tears soaked his shirt. He tightened his arms around me.

"Stop crying." He growled. His lips touching my ears. That only made me cry harder. Why was I crying so hard? I didn't even know. Maybe it was because I never looked at a boy in sexual manner, let alone talk to one, I was always fantasizing, waiting for someone who would see me for me and not my size. Maybe it was all coming out now.

I put my arms around his neck and tightened them as I pressed my face in his hard chest.

"Stop fucking crying." He said in a guttural whisper.

I just shook my head. I shouldn't be feeling this hurt by him. We only knew each other for a couple of days. He shouldn't affect me that much. But he did. He influenced all my actions now. All my feelings were centered on him.

The car, even though it was a sports car, was spacious to fit in Hunter's big form. So I just stayed curled up on him as he started to drive.

I had quit sobbing and the last of my tears rolled slowly down my cheeks. I wiped them by rubbing my face in his chest. Never loosening the grip of my hands, entwined at the back of his neck. I listened to his heartbeat as it lulled me to sleep.

I opened my eyes to find my self in a rather large bed. Larger than a king-sized bed even. I looked beside me to see Hunter already awake and propped up on one hand, staring at me. I felt my cheeks heat up, but I didn't look away. I couldn't. He looked breath-taking. Maybe he didn't realize that, but his guard was down. His clear grey eyes were without inhibitions. It made me catch my breathe.

He silently picked up my hand and entwined his fingers with mine. I looked at our hands. His large and strong, mine soft and tiny. I tugged my fingers free and caressed my hand over his. I stroked his fingers then his palm. He took my wrist and turned my hand, then slowly brought my palm to his lips and kissed it. He then placed soft kisses on my knuckles.

I took my other hand and traced it under his eyes. They had turned darker. I traced his nose with the tip of my finger and then his lips.

He caressed my cheek and broke the silence.

"How are you feeling?"

I stared into his eyes, thinking about his question.

"I know you don't trust me." I whispered, still stroking his cheek, "and it is impossible to. Since you know me for such a short time. But...." I trailed off, losing my strength.

"Go on Kitten." He encouraged.

"I-but please can you try?" I finished as I laid my hand on his chest.

"Listen to me" he pulled me closer, "you are mine. Only mine. No one else can have you. Touch you. Or even think about you. Last night-" He cut himself off as an angry growl tore from his chest. I scooted closer to him.

"Last night" He continued, "I wanted to rip that boy into shreds. I know you are not a tramp. That you wouldn't go behind my back. But they're my instincts. They are who I am. And you will accept that."

He pulled me on top of him. I blushed bright red at our position. My whole body was pressed against the length of his. The tingles and the sensations were wrecking havoc on my nerves. I tried to get away but he just tightened his arms around me.

I pressed my face into his neck and breathed him in. He smelt like heaven. All masculine and earthy.

"I know how you are. Who you are." I murmured, "I..I just want you to know that I will never do anything to hurt your feelin-"

"My feelings?" he chuckled darkly, the sound sending pleasurable shivers down my spine, "No feelings Kitten. Just that you're mine. Don't ever forget that. And as for that boy, if you want to teach him it will only be twice a week and that excludes weekends. Am I understood?"

"Perfectly." I whispered. As I nuzzled his neck to seek comfort and try not to cry, but his words made it quiet hard.

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