Dating The Fame

By _Leahh

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Can Genesis deal with the slander from the media, obsessive stalkers, betrayal and the trust issues? All of t... More

Chapter 1: G Shit
Chapter 2: Drunken
Chapter 3: Making A Move
Chapter 4: Don't Mind
Chapter 5: All The Stars
Chapter 6: Cravings
Chapter 7: I Am Not
Chapter 8: The Kiss
Chapter 9: Gardening Tool
Chapter 10: Brother
Chapter 11: Mine
Chapter 12: Meeting the Fam
Chapter 13: Twitter Fingers
Chapter 14: NYC
Chapter 15: Intimacy
Chapter 16: Should've Told You
Chapter 17: Body II Body
Chapter 18: Blondie
My Heart
Chapter 19: Past
Chapter 20: Leaked
Chapter 21: Don't Look Back
Chapter 22: You Should Stay
Chapter 23: Different Now
Chapter 24: Serenity
Chapter 25: The Weekend
Chapter 26: The Awards
Chapter 27: Opportunites
Chapter 29: Desperado
Chapter 30: Tore Up
Chapter 31: Moving On
Chapter 32: Kick off
Chapter 33: Pride
Chapter 34: Monica
Chapter 35: Twenty-Three
Chapter 36: Twenty Three pt. 2
Chapter 37: Timing is Everything
Chapter 38: Mistake
Chapter 39: Chill Bill
Chapter 40: Substance
Chapter 41: Circle of Life
Chapter 42: Holiday
Chapter 43: VA

Chapter 28: Controlling

1.4K 73 45
By _Leahh

Can y'all compare how many girls to guys are in the photo(including background)? 💀 ridiculous.


What started as a small get together with a few friends in the pool turned into a massive pool party. Turns out a lot of celebrities where still in town from last night and was searching for something to do. It started with Chris getting a call from Shad who came over with his entourage and a dozen girls. Then Shad called Trey Songz then Trey Songz called Tyga and before I knew it, half naked girls and guys occupied the pool and back yard.

Chris seems to enjoy all the company though.

Sevyn and I occupied the lawn chairs along the pool as I found my self frowning on occasions. Chris was in the pool playing volleyball and it is literally girls swarming around him. Each time he tried to grab the ball and play, one of them would reach up and touch him. I definitely wasn't feeling this.

Every time one of them grab his attention, Serenity argument replays in my head. He's a sex symbol. Only a matter of time before the next foreign model come to catch his eye.

"So what's up with you, why are you mugging like that?" Sevyn giggles while sipping on her drink.

I shook my head. "Nothing, just a lot of people here that's all."

"Chris always manage to throw a massive party with out even trying. I can't say I'm surprised."

Honestly I just wasn't up for the environment. Serenity definitely rubbed me the wrong way and I couldn't shake off the feeling.

"I'm going to go inside."

I figured if I just go upstairs, take a shower and go to bed I'll feel better. Who knows how long this party could go on for and nobody would even notice I'm missing. It's enough girls around to distract anybody.

"Wait, hold up!" Sevyn called after me just as I reached the top of the stairs. "I can tell something is really bugging you and it's not the party. What is up, Genesis?"

I frown feeling a wave of emotions coming over me. It was like that feeling when you're on a verge of a break down but convince yourself otherwise until someone finally asks you what's wrong, and you want to burst into tears. It's either that or my cycle is coming.

I took Sevyn's hand and led her into me and Chris' bedroom, where I told her everything. From Roger coming up to me at the award show to Serenity last words to me before going to board her flight.

"Honestly, I'm scared Sevyn. I've been so naive that the thought of Chris and I breaking up never processed. I dropped everything for him, I lost my job, left my life and family I had back in Nevada and moved here." My eyes glossed but I blinked them away. "Now I'm here practically relying off of Chris. I don't know what to do with myself, I barely know what I'm doing now!"

"Oh, Genesis," Sevyn pouts as she rubs my back reassuringly. "You aren't naive. The reason why you never processed the two of you splitting up because the chances are like, slim to none." She chuckles.

I scoffed. "Yeah right."

"I'm being so serious. Chris went through a rough patch before meeting you. Then you came around and he's been happier than ever. I know the chances are slim because the two of you without each other would be miserable. You two need each other, you balance one another out."

"Chris will always be a huge star. No matter what, his life moves like lightening and I don't know how to keep up while also staying true to myself." I say while fiddling with my fingers.

"Okay, easy. What do you want?" She asks causing me to purse my lips.

Those four words were almost peculiar. I've spent most of my life going off what my parents want for me, what would look good on a application. Or how I can make the most important people in my life happy, I never really stopped and asked myself anything.

The last time I put myself and my wants first was when I was dealing with TJ. I used to be so worried about his feelings, our friendship and what he would think of me that I forced feelings for him. Then I met Chris and I felt flustered around him, and butterflies whenever we spoke. Those feelings grew so quickly, they felt realer than anything.

"I just want Chris, to support him and watch him thrive in his career. But I also want to be my own woman. Following Chris around and living his life I'm almost destined to get sucked up into the industry. I hate attention and trust–I am far from a role model."

I chuckled dryly as Sevyn snickered. I know it could seem too far fetched, but I wish things could be simple between us. I want to be able to post Chris or for him to post me without people comparing me to Rihanna or digging into my past, calling me a gold digging homie hopper. If I could anonymously date Chris with all normal couple perks, I would.

"Okay, so you don't want to be labeled as a celebrity got it. I also understand you wanting be your own woman, yes I love it. But do you really want to work a normal 9-5? There's no way you can work a office job and keep up with Chris lifestyle."

"I know," I pout while falling back onto the bed so that I was staring up at the ceiling.

"Don't start pouting yet, I may have a solution for you." Sevyn says while pulling on my arm til I was sitting back up. "I have a friend who's boss is looking for a second assistant. They're party planners but believe me when I say this women's work is amazing. She makes almost half a mil each event she plans. She's so set that she plans maybe three events than takes month long vacations."

"Wow, must be stressful." I raised my eyebrow.

Sevyn shrugs. "The planning maybe, but that's why she has two assistants. Honestly, I think you would love it." She grins. "Do you want the hook up or not?"

"I'm open to it, better than nothing." I assure while tightening the towel I had wrapped around my bikini. "Who's this friend?"

"I'll contact him, and we'll probably meet up with him tomorrow."

I nod as Sevyn stood up from the bed and made her way to the body length size mirror, adjusting her cream swimsuit cover. It was occasional screams and laughter could be heard from outside followed by splashing. The sun was just starting to set so I know it'll only be a matter of time before others start to leave.

"I'm going to head out, though. I think all that swimming is catching up to me, my damn caves are fatigue." She groans while stretching before turning to me and placing both hands on my shoulder. "It sounds to me that your best friend has stirred up some insecurities in your relationship. Talk to Chris, you know communication is the key."

"I don't want to bother him about a petty argument." I waved off.

"I think you would feel better if you talk to him about it. Also, I may be over stepping, but it sounds to me you need to talk to Chris more and your friend less." She raised her hands up in surrender, "Just my opinion. I'll call you."

She rubbed my arm one last time before leaving out the room and closing the door behind her. I sat on the edge of the bed chewing on my bottom lip. It could he true that Serenity has caused these insecurities but I don't want Chris to think I'm second guessing anything.

As the commotion downstairs began to die down, I decided to take a bubble bath in the meantime.

"Baby, where you at?"

I smiled while running my hands through the warm water. "In here!"

"Well don't you look sexy." He grinned as he bent down and pecked my lips while making a "muah" sound once he pulled away.

"You're happy." I raised my eyebrow. He chuckles and sits on the edge of the tub.

"I just got the best of news." He held up his phone. "Mike sent me the tour dates. We got three weeks and tickets go on sell tomorrow."

"Three weeks? Damn thats sudden."

Chris chuckles. "Well we've been planning for this every since I held those try outs. Its thirty-three dates too."

The smile on Chris face reached his eyes as he stared at the schedule on his phone. Moments like these made me realize how much Chris really loves what he does. I bit my lip as Chris stood up and made his way over to the toilet to pee.

"Everybody still here?" I asks.

"Nah, they started leaving out before I came up." He flushed. "Why'd you leave?"

"Oh, I think the sun was getting to me. I was tired and Sevyn wanted to tell me more about her trip." I said while unplugging the stopper.

Chris nods and passes me my towel from the counter as I stood up. I thanked him by kissing his cheek as he licked his lips.

"So I was thinking tomorrow you can look up some places you wanna take a look at," He says following behind me into the bedroom.

I knitted my eyebrows. "That sounds good to me. How did the guys take it?"

"They'll be aight." He shrugged.

"Okay, no details then." I crossed my arms over my chest as he went into the closet. "I wanted to talk to you about tomorrow anyway."


"So I was thinking about getting a job, y'know, to have something to do. And Sevyn actually has this friend—"

"Wait, what? What do you need a job for?"

I sigh. "Chris I appreciate you taking care of me, I really do. But I can't just be a dependent person. It's not who I am."

"Okay, so you can work for me, simple."

He shrugs as he walks over to the dresser next to me, pulling out fresh pair of boxers. Most likely preparing for a shower. I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"So that you can write my checks? That's not exactly any different."

"Yes it is." He shrugged. "Why now anyway? I just told you about me going on tour, thirty-three dates. That's two and a half months and you know how much it means to me to have you there with me."

"I know that." I scoff. "I just wanted to let you know that I started looking, that's all."

"Well stop looking."

He closed his drawer and stormed off to the bathroom, closing the door behind him. Shortly after the shower cut on. I kissed my teeth and began getting dress myself. I changed into one of his white t-shirts, and my black nike shorts.

I was going to sit around wait until he was out the shower because he may of thought this conversation was over but it's not. I flopped down on the bed and turned the TV on. I switched to The Game on BET, one of my favorites shows. I personally love Derwin and Melanie. In a way, I could sort of relate to them now. Melanie dropped out of medical school and moved away from her parents to support Derwin. Though they were happy, when they first broke up Melanie hopped from house to house. Desperate enough for some one to cover her tuition, that she slept with her "best friend".

Though I love their relationship. I refuse to end up like Melanie when something goes wrong.

The door finally swung open, after fifteen minutes, Chris walked out in his boxers and our eyes met. He sighed and scratched the back of his head as he made his way over to the bed.

"I ain't mean for it to come out like that. I don't want to sound like I'm.."

"Controlling." I finished.

"I'm sorry." He frowned as he laid next to me. "What I meant is, give it some time before you start to become a working woman."

"Chris." I sighed.

I know if we just keep putting it off, then soon it'll be too late. I need stability outside of Chris or I'm walking on glass during this entire relationship.

"Listen," He took my hands. "Six weeks is all I'm asking and if you still feel the same way by then, I'll pull some strings and help you."

"What?" I huffed.


I chewed on my bottom lip as Chris gave me puppy dog eyes. Giving in to his gaze, I nod causing a smile to wiggle up on his lips.

"Good, now can we sleep? I ain't want to try and go to sleep while your upset so you can choke me to death." He says as he cut the lights out.

"Shut up, I wasn't even mad like that."

"Shit, it's really no telling with you females. One minute you good, then the next you wake up at two a.m prepared to put a pillow over my head cause a song you heard eleven hours ago."

I laugh as he laid down just as I turned the TV off. I laid one my side and he wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer. Although I agreed on his terms, I am definitely still meeting Sevyn tomorrow.

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