Love Like This

By AlexisCook820

404K 12.7K 3.6K

A royal omega and a royal alpha, forced to wed and mate by their families. But maybe they get along? Maybe no... More

Authors Note/Warnings
chapitre un
chapitre deux
chapitre trois
chapitre quatre
chapitre cinq
chapitre six
chapitre sept
chapitre huit
chapitre neuf
chapitre dix
chapitre onze
chapitre douze
chapitre treize
chapitre quatorze
chapitre quinze
chapitre seize
chapitre dix-sept
chapitre dix-huit
chapitre dix-neuf
chapitre vingt
chapitre vingt-et-un
chapitre vingt-deux
chapitre vignt-trois
chapitre vignt-quatre
chapitre vingt-cinq
chapitre vignt-six
chapitre vignt-sept
chapitre vignt-huit
♥ sequel ♥
I need y'alls opinion...


10.7K 147 4
By AlexisCook820

Okay so I kinda feel bad, but I will not be posting today. I had a family based day and I never came around to it, so I am truly sorry. But I will be posting a chapter tomorrow to even it up, soooo I'm sorry for the ones that were waiting on this chapter ifff y'all were even waiting😂! Buuuuut I might(keyword might) publish two chapters tomorrow to make up for today, but only if y'all want it! So comment if you do or if ya don't!

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